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Example 6 with Versionable

use of org.olat.core.util.vfs.version.Versionable in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class FileCopyController method fileAlreadyExists.

private void fileAlreadyExists(UserRequest ureq) {
    renamedFilename = proposedRenamedFilename(existingVFSItem);
    boolean locked = vfsLockManager.isLockedForMe(existingVFSItem, getIdentity(), ureq.getUserSession().getRoles());
    if (locked) {
        // the file is locked and cannot be overwritten
        lockedFileDialog = DialogBoxUIFactory.createGenericDialog(ureq, getWindowControl(), translate("ul.lockedFile.title"), translate("ul.lockedFile.text", new String[] { existingVFSItem.getName(), renamedFilename }), asList(translate("ul.overwrite.threeoptions.rename", renamedFilename), translate("ul.overwrite.threeoptions.cancel")));
    } else if (existingVFSItem instanceof Versionable && ((Versionable) existingVFSItem).getVersions().isVersioned()) {
        Versionable versionable = (Versionable) existingVFSItem;
        Versions versions = versionable.getVersions();
        String relPath = null;
        if (existingVFSItem instanceof OlatRootFileImpl) {
            relPath = ((OlatRootFileImpl) existingVFSItem).getRelPath();
        int maxNumOfRevisions = FolderConfig.versionsAllowed(relPath);
        if (maxNumOfRevisions == 0) {
            // it's possible if someone change the configuration
            // let calling method decide what to do.
            overwriteDialog = DialogBoxUIFactory.createGenericDialog(ureq, getWindowControl(), translate("ul.overwrite.threeoptions.title"), translate("ul.overwrite.threeoptions.text", new String[] { existingVFSItem.getName(), renamedFilename }), asList(translate("ul.overwrite.threeoptions.overwrite"), translate("ul.overwrite.threeoptions.rename", renamedFilename), translate("ul.overwrite.threeoptions.cancel")));
        } else if (versions.getRevisions().isEmpty() || maxNumOfRevisions < 0 || maxNumOfRevisions > versions.getRevisions().size()) {
            // let calling method decide what to do.
            overwriteDialog = DialogBoxUIFactory.createGenericDialog(ureq, getWindowControl(), translate("ul.overwrite.threeoptions.title"), translate("ul.versionoroverwrite", new String[] { existingVFSItem.getName(), renamedFilename }), asList(translate("ul.overwrite.threeoptions.newVersion"), translate("ul.overwrite.threeoptions.rename", renamedFilename), translate("ul.overwrite.threeoptions.cancel")));
        } else {
            String title = translate("ul.tooManyRevisions.title", new String[] { Integer.toString(maxNumOfRevisions), Integer.toString(versions.getRevisions().size()) });
            String description = translate("ul.tooManyRevisions.description", new String[] { Integer.toString(maxNumOfRevisions), Integer.toString(versions.getRevisions().size()) });
            revisionListCtr = new RevisionListController(ureq, getWindowControl(), versionable, null, description, false);
            revisionListDialogBox = new CloseableModalController(getWindowControl(), translate("delete"), revisionListCtr.getInitialComponent(), true, title);
    } else {
        // let calling method decide what to do.
        // for this, we put a list with "existing name" and "new name"
        overwriteDialog = DialogBoxUIFactory.createGenericDialog(ureq, getWindowControl(), translate("ul.overwrite.threeoptions.title"), translate("ul.overwrite.threeoptions.text", new String[] { existingVFSItem.getName(), renamedFilename }), asList(translate("ul.overwrite.threeoptions.overwrite"), translate("ul.overwrite.threeoptions.rename", renamedFilename), translate("ul.overwrite.threeoptions.cancel")));
Also used : Versionable(org.olat.core.util.vfs.version.Versionable) Versions(org.olat.core.util.vfs.version.Versions) CloseableModalController(org.olat.core.gui.control.generic.closablewrapper.CloseableModalController) OlatRootFileImpl(org.olat.core.commons.modules.bc.vfs.OlatRootFileImpl) RevisionListController(org.olat.core.commons.modules.bc.version.RevisionListController)

Example 7 with Versionable

use of org.olat.core.util.vfs.version.Versionable in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class VFSResourceRoot method write.

public boolean write(String path, InputStream is, boolean overwrite, WebResource movedFrom) throws QuotaExceededException {
    VFSLeaf childLeaf;
    VFSItem file = resolveFile(path);
    if (file instanceof VFSLeaf) {
        if (overwrite) {
            // overwrite the file
            childLeaf = (VFSLeaf) file;
            // versioning
            if (childLeaf instanceof Versionable && ((Versionable) childLeaf).getVersions().isVersioned()) {
                if (childLeaf.getSize() == 0) {
                    VersionsManager.getInstance().createVersionsFor(childLeaf, true);
                } else {
                    VersionsManager.getInstance().addToRevisions((Versionable) childLeaf, identity, "");
        } else {
            return false;
    } else if (file instanceof VFSContainer) {
        return false;
    } else {
        // create a new file
        int lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/');
        if (lastSlash == -1)
            return false;
        String parentPath = path.substring(0, lastSlash);
        VFSItem parentItem = resolveFile(parentPath);
        if (parentItem instanceof VFSContainer) {
            VFSContainer folder = (VFSContainer) parentItem;
            String name = path.substring(lastSlash + 1);
            childLeaf = folder.createChildLeaf(name);
        } else {
            return false;
    if (childLeaf == null) {
        return false;
    try {
        copyVFS(childLeaf, is);
    } catch (QuotaExceededException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("", e);
        return false;
    VFSContainer inheritingCont = VFSManager.findInheritingSecurityCallbackContainer(childLeaf.getParentContainer());
    if (inheritingCont != null) {
        VFSSecurityCallback callback = inheritingCont.getLocalSecurityCallback();
        if (callback != null && callback.getSubscriptionContext() != null) {
            SubscriptionContext subContext = callback.getSubscriptionContext();
            NotificationsManager.getInstance().markPublisherNews(subContext, null, true);
    if (childLeaf instanceof MetaTagged && identity != null) {
        MetaInfo infos = ((MetaTagged) childLeaf).getMetaInfo();
        if (infos != null && !infos.hasAuthorIdentity()) {
            addLicense(infos, identity);
        // infos.write(); the clearThumbnails call write()
    if (movedFrom instanceof VFSResource) {
        VFSResource vfsResource = (VFSResource) movedFrom;
        if (vfsResource.getItem() instanceof Versionable && ((Versionable) vfsResource.getItem()).getVersions().isVersioned()) {
            VFSLeaf currentVersion = (VFSLeaf) vfsResource.getItem();
            VersionsManager.getInstance().move(currentVersion, childLeaf, identity);
    return true;
Also used : Versionable(org.olat.core.util.vfs.version.Versionable) VFSLeaf(org.olat.core.util.vfs.VFSLeaf) QuotaExceededException(org.olat.core.util.vfs.QuotaExceededException) VFSContainer(org.olat.core.util.vfs.VFSContainer) MetaTagged(org.olat.core.commons.modules.bc.meta.tagged.MetaTagged) MetaInfo(org.olat.core.commons.modules.bc.meta.MetaInfo) VFSItem(org.olat.core.util.vfs.VFSItem) SubscriptionContext( VFSSecurityCallback(org.olat.core.util.vfs.callbacks.VFSSecurityCallback) IOException( QuotaExceededException(org.olat.core.util.vfs.QuotaExceededException)

Example 8 with Versionable

use of org.olat.core.util.vfs.version.Versionable in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class LocalFolderImpl method copyFrom.

 * Internal copy from, preventing quota checks on subfolders.
 * @param source
 * @param checkQuota
 * @return
private VFSStatus copyFrom(VFSItem source, boolean checkQuota) {
    if (source.canCopy() != VFSConstants.YES)
        throw new RuntimeException("cannot copy from");
    String sourcename = source.getName();
    File basefile = getBasefile();
    // check if there is already an item with the same name...
    if (resolve(sourcename) != null)
        return VFSConstants.ERROR_NAME_ALREDY_USED;
    // add either file bla.txt or folder blu as a child of this folder
    if (source instanceof VFSContainer) {
        // copy recursively
        VFSContainer sourcecontainer = (VFSContainer) source;
        // check if this is a containing container...
        if (VFSManager.isSelfOrParent(sourcecontainer, this))
            return VFSConstants.ERROR_OVERLAPPING;
        // "copy" the container means creating a folder with that name
        // and let the children copy
        // create the folder
        File outdir = new File(basefile, sourcename);
        LocalFolderImpl rootcopyfolder = new LocalFolderImpl(outdir, this);
        List<VFSItem> children = sourcecontainer.getItems();
        for (VFSItem chd : children) {
            VFSStatus status = rootcopyfolder.copyFrom(chd, false);
            if (status != VFSConstants.SUCCESS)
                return status;
    } else if (source instanceof VFSLeaf) {
        // copy single item
        VFSLeaf s = (VFSLeaf) source;
        // check quota
        if (checkQuota) {
            long quotaLeft = VFSManager.getQuotaLeftKB(this);
            if (quotaLeft != Quota.UNLIMITED && quotaLeft < (s.getSize() / 1024))
                return VFSConstants.ERROR_QUOTA_EXCEEDED;
        try {
            FileUtils.bcopy(s.getInputStream(), new File(basefile, sourcename), "VFScopyFrom");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return VFSConstants.ERROR_FAILED;
        if (s instanceof Versionable && ((Versionable) s).getVersions().isVersioned()) {
            ((Versionable) s).getVersions().move(this);
    } else
        throw new RuntimeException("neither a leaf nor a container!");
    return VFSConstants.SUCCESS;
Also used : Versionable(org.olat.core.util.vfs.version.Versionable) File( AssertException(org.olat.core.logging.AssertException)

Example 9 with Versionable

use of org.olat.core.util.vfs.version.Versionable in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class HTMLEditorController method doSaveData.

 * Event implementation for savedata
 * @param ureq
public boolean doSaveData() {
    // No XSS checks, are done in the HTML editor - users can upload illegal
    // stuff, JS needs to be enabled for users
    String content = htmlElement.getRawValue();
    // If preface was null -> append own head and save it in utf-8. Preface
    // is the header that was in the file when we opened the file
    StringBuilder fileContent = new StringBuilder();
    if (preface == null) {
        // In new documents, create empty title to be W3C conform. Title
        // is mandatory element in meta element.
        // use utf-8 by default for new files
        charSet = UTF_8;
    } else {
        // existing preface, just reinsert so we don't lose stuff the user put
        // in there
    int fileSize = fileContent.toString().getBytes().length;
    if (fileSize >= FolderConfig.getMaxEditSizeLimit()) {
        String msg = translate("file.too.large.server", new String[] { (fileSize / 1000) + "", (FolderConfig.getMaxEditSizeLimit() / 1000) + "" });
        return false;
    // save the file
    if (versionsEnabled && fileLeaf instanceof Versionable && ((Versionable) fileLeaf).getVersions().isVersioned()) {
        InputStream inStream = FileUtils.getInputStream(fileContent.toString(), charSet);
        ((Versionable) fileLeaf).getVersions().addVersion(getIdentity(), "", inStream);
    } else {, fileContent.toString(), charSet);
    // Update last modified date in view
    long lm = fileLeaf.getLastModified();
    metadataVC.contextPut("lastModified", Formatter.getInstance(getLocale()).formatDateAndTime(new Date(lm)));
    // Set new content as default value in element
    return true;
Also used : Versionable(org.olat.core.util.vfs.version.Versionable) InputStream( Date(java.util.Date)

Example 10 with Versionable

use of org.olat.core.util.vfs.version.Versionable in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.

the class TextForm method event.

protected void event(UserRequest ureq, Controller source, Event event) {
    if (source == tf && event == Event.DONE_EVENT) {
        if (!readOnly) {
            if ((!newFile) && vfsfile instanceof Versionable && ((Versionable) vfsfile).getVersions().isVersioned()) {
                InputStream inStream = FileUtils.getInputStream(tf.getTextValue(), encoding);
                ((Versionable) vfsfile).getVersions().addVersion(ureq.getIdentity(), "", inStream);
            } else {
      , tf.getTextValue(), encoding);
        fireEvent(ureq, Event.DONE_EVENT);
Also used : Versionable(org.olat.core.util.vfs.version.Versionable) InputStream(


Versionable (org.olat.core.util.vfs.version.Versionable)40 VFSLeaf (org.olat.core.util.vfs.VFSLeaf)20 MetaInfo (org.olat.core.commons.modules.bc.meta.MetaInfo)12 MetaTagged (org.olat.core.commons.modules.bc.meta.tagged.MetaTagged)12 VFSContainer (org.olat.core.util.vfs.VFSContainer)12 VFSItem (org.olat.core.util.vfs.VFSItem)12 Versions (org.olat.core.util.vfs.version.Versions)10 IOException ( BufferedOutputStream ( InputStream ( OutputStream ( RevisionListController (org.olat.core.commons.modules.bc.version.RevisionListController)6 AssertException (org.olat.core.logging.AssertException)6 File ( FileOutputStream ( Date (java.util.Date)4 ZipInputStream ( ZipOutputStream ( OlatRootFileImpl (org.olat.core.commons.modules.bc.vfs.OlatRootFileImpl)4 SubscriptionContext (