use of org.olat.course.condition.interpreter.ConditionExpression in project openolat by klemens.
the class AbstractAccessableCourseNode method getConditionExpressions.
* @see org.olat.course.nodes.GenericCourseNode#getConditionExpression()
public List<ConditionExpression> getConditionExpressions() {
ArrayList<ConditionExpression> retVal;
List<ConditionExpression> parentsConditions = super.getConditionExpressions();
if (parentsConditions.size() > 0) {
retVal = new ArrayList<>(parentsConditions);
} else {
retVal = new ArrayList<>();
String coS = getPreConditionAccess().getConditionExpression();
if (coS != null && !coS.equals("")) {
// an active condition is defined
ConditionExpression ce = new ConditionExpression(getPreConditionAccess().getConditionId());
return retVal;
use of org.olat.course.condition.interpreter.ConditionExpression in project openolat by klemens.
the class GenericCourseNode method isConfigValidWithTranslator.
* @param userCourseEnv
* @param translatorStr
* @return
// for StatusDescription.WARNING
protected List<StatusDescription> isConfigValidWithTranslator(CourseEditorEnv cev, String translatorStr, List<ConditionExpression> condExprs) {
List<StatusDescription> condExprsStatusDescs = new ArrayList<>();
// check valid configuration without course environment
StatusDescription first = isConfigValid();
// check valid configuration within the course environment
if (cev == null) {
// course environment not configured!??
return condExprsStatusDescs;
* there is course editor environment, we can check further. Iterate over
* all conditions of this course node, validate the condition expression and
* transform the condition error message into a status description
for (int i = 0; i < condExprs.size(); i++) {
ConditionExpression ce = condExprs.get(i);
ConditionErrorMessage[] cems = cev.validateConditionExpression(ce);
if (cems != null && cems.length > 0) {
for (int j = 0; j < cems.length; j++) {
StatusDescription sd = new StatusDescription(StatusDescription.WARNING, cems[j].errorKey, cems[j].solutionMsgKey, cems[j].errorKeyParams, translatorStr);
return condExprsStatusDescs;
use of org.olat.course.condition.interpreter.ConditionExpression in project openolat by klemens.
the class GenericCourseNode method getConditionExpressions.
* @see org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode#getConditionExpressions()
public List<ConditionExpression> getConditionExpressions() {
ArrayList<ConditionExpression> retVal = new ArrayList<ConditionExpression>();
String coS = getPreConditionVisibility().getConditionExpression();
if (coS != null && !coS.equals("")) {
// an active condition is defined
ConditionExpression ce = new ConditionExpression(getPreConditionVisibility().getConditionId());
return retVal;
use of org.olat.course.condition.interpreter.ConditionExpression in project openolat by klemens.
the class EditScoreCalculationExpertForm method validateFormLogic.
public boolean validateFormLogic(UserRequest ureq) {
String scoreExp = tscoreexpr.getValue().trim();
if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(scoreExp)) {
CourseEditorEnv cev = euce.getCourseEditorEnv();
ConditionExpression ce = new ConditionExpression("score", scoreExp);
ConditionErrorMessage[] cerrmsgs = cev.validateConditionExpression(ce);
if (cerrmsgs != null && cerrmsgs.length > 0) {
setKeys(ureq, tscoreexpr, cerrmsgs);
return false;
testElemWithNoResource = getInvalidNodeDescriptions(ce);
String passedExp = tpassedexpr.getValue().trim();
if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(passedExp)) {
CourseEditorEnv cev = euce.getCourseEditorEnv();
ConditionExpression ce = new ConditionExpression("passed", passedExp);
ConditionErrorMessage[] cerrmsgs = cev.validateConditionExpression(ce);
if (cerrmsgs != null && cerrmsgs.length > 0) {
setKeys(ureq, tpassedexpr, cerrmsgs);
return false;
// reset HINTS
tscoreexpr.setExampleKey("rules.example", EXAMPLE_SCORE);
tpassedexpr.setExampleKey("rules.example", EXAMPLE_PASSED);
return true;