use of org.olat.course.editor.CourseEditorEnv in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class ConditionConfigExpertForm method validateFormLogic.
public boolean validateFormLogic(UserRequest ureq) {
if (tprecond.isEmpty()) {
// the precondition
return true;
* not empty, nowOLAT - Demo Course_1264602504362 test precondition syntax and for existing soft references
CourseEditorEnv cev = euce.getCourseEditorEnv();
ConditionExpression ce = new ConditionExpression(conditionId, tprecond.getValue());
ConditionErrorMessage[] cerrmsg = cev.validateConditionExpression(ce);
* display any error detected in the condition expression testing.
if (cerrmsg != null && cerrmsg.length > 0) {
// the error messOLAT - Demo Course_1264602504362age
tprecond.setErrorKey(cerrmsg[0].errorKey, cerrmsg[0].errorKeyParams);
if (cerrmsg[0].solutionMsgKey != null && !"".equals(cerrmsg[0].solutionMsgKey)) {
// and a hint or example to clarify the error message
tprecond.setExampleKey(cerrmsg[0].solutionMsgKey, cerrmsg[0].errorKeyParams);
return false;
// reset HINTS
tprecond.setExampleKey("xx", new String[] { "" });
return true;
use of org.olat.course.editor.CourseEditorEnv in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class IsCourseCoachFunction method call.
* @see com.neemsoft.jmep.FunctionCB#call(java.lang.Object[])
public Object call(Object[] inStack) {
* expression check only if cev != null
CourseEditorEnv cev = getUserCourseEnv().getCourseEditorEnv();
if (cev != null) {
// return a valid value to continue with condition evaluation test
return defaultValue();
boolean isCourseCoach;
if (inStack != null && inStack.length > 0 && inStack[0] instanceof String && inStack[0])) {
// administrator of any course
isCourseCoach = getUserCourseEnv().isCoachOfAnyCourse();
} else {
isCourseCoach = getUserCourseEnv().isCoach();
if (log.isDebug()) {
Identity ident = getUserCourseEnv().getIdentityEnvironment().getIdentity();
log.debug("identity " + ident.getName() + ", coursecoach:" + isCourseCoach + ", in course " + getUserCourseEnv().getCourseEnvironment().getCourseResourceableId());
return isCourseCoach ? ConditionInterpreter.INT_TRUE : ConditionInterpreter.INT_FALSE;
use of org.olat.course.editor.CourseEditorEnv in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class GetAttemptsFunction method call.
* @see com.neemsoft.jmep.FunctionCB#call(java.lang.Object[])
public Object call(Object[] inStack) {
* argument check
if (inStack.length > 1) {
return handleException(new ArgumentParseException(ArgumentParseException.NEEDS_FEWER_ARGUMENTS, name, "", "error.fewerargs", "solution.provideone.nodereference"));
} else if (inStack.length < 1) {
return handleException(new ArgumentParseException(ArgumentParseException.NEEDS_MORE_ARGUMENTS, name, "", "error.moreargs", "solution.provideone.nodereference"));
* argument type check
if (!(inStack[0] instanceof String))
return handleException(new ArgumentParseException(ArgumentParseException.WRONG_ARGUMENT_FORMAT, name, "", "error.argtype.coursnodeidexpeted", "solution.example.node.infunction"));
String nodeId = (String) inStack[0];
* check reference integrity
CourseEditorEnv cev = getUserCourseEnv().getCourseEditorEnv();
if (cev != null) {
if (!cev.existsNode(nodeId)) {
return handleException(new ArgumentParseException(ArgumentParseException.REFERENCE_NOT_FOUND, name, nodeId, "error.notfound.coursenodeid", "solution.copypastenodeid"));
// Allow self-referencing but do not allow dependencies to parents as they create cycles.
if (!nodeId.equals(cev.getCurrentCourseNodeId())) {
cev.addSoftReference("courseNodeId", nodeId, false);
// return a valid value to continue with condition evaluation test
return defaultValue();
* the real function evaluation which is used during run time
CourseNode node = getUserCourseEnv().getCourseEnvironment().getRunStructure().getNode(nodeId);
AssessmentManager am = getUserCourseEnv().getCourseEnvironment().getAssessmentManager();
Identity identity = getUserCourseEnv().getIdentityEnvironment().getIdentity();
return am.getNodeAttempts(node, identity);
use of org.olat.course.editor.CourseEditorEnv in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class GetCourseEndDateFunction method call.
* @see com.neemsoft.jmep.FunctionCB#call(java.lang.Object[])
public Object call(Object[] inStack) {
CourseEditorEnv cev = getUserCourseEnv().getCourseEditorEnv();
if (cev != null) {
return defaultValue();
RepositoryEntryLifecycle lifecycle = getUserCourseEnv().getLifecycle();
if (lifecycle != null && lifecycle.getValidTo() != null) {
Double end = Double.valueOf(lifecycle.getValidTo().getTime());
return end;
} else {
// what to do in case of no date available??? -> return date in the future
return new Double(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
use of org.olat.course.editor.CourseEditorEnv in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class GetUserPropertyFunction method call.
* @see org.olat.course.condition.interpreter.AbstractFunction#call(java.lang.Object[])
public Object call(Object[] inStack) {
* argument check
if (inStack.length > 1) {
return handleException(new ArgumentParseException(ArgumentParseException.NEEDS_FEWER_ARGUMENTS, name, "", "error.fewerargs", "solution.providetwo.attrvalue"));
} else if (inStack.length < 1) {
return handleException(new ArgumentParseException(ArgumentParseException.NEEDS_MORE_ARGUMENTS, name, "", "error.moreargs", "solution.providetwo.attrvalue"));
* argument type check
if (!(inStack[0] instanceof String)) {
return handleException(new ArgumentParseException(ArgumentParseException.WRONG_ARGUMENT_FORMAT, name, "", "error.argtype.attributename", ""));
CourseEditorEnv cev = getUserCourseEnv().getCourseEditorEnv();
if (cev != null) {
// return emtyp string to continue with condition evaluation test
return defaultValue();
Identity ident = getUserCourseEnv().getIdentityEnvironment().getIdentity();
if (ident == null) {
return defaultValue();
User user = ident.getUser();
String propertyName = (String) inStack[0];
// always use default locale
String propertyValue = user.getProperty(propertyName, null);
// case that we just ignore it.
return (propertyValue == null ? defaultValue() : propertyValue);