use of org.olat.course.export.CourseEnvironmentMapper in project openolat by klemens.
the class KeyAndNameConverterTest method convertAreaKeyToKey.
public void convertAreaKeyToKey() {
CourseEnvironmentMapper envMapper = new CourseEnvironmentMapper();
BGArea newArea = new MockArea(567l, "Area 1");
BGAreaReference areaRef = new BGAreaReference(newArea, 345l, "Area 1");
String convertedExp = convertExpressionKeyToKey("inLearningArea(\"345\")", envMapper);
Assert.assertEquals("inLearningArea(\"567\")", convertedExp);
use of org.olat.course.export.CourseEnvironmentMapper in project openolat by klemens.
the class KeyAndNameConverterTest method convertAreaNameToKey.
public void convertAreaNameToKey() {
CourseEnvironmentMapper envMapper = new CourseEnvironmentMapper();
BGArea newArea = new MockArea(567l, "Area 1");
BGAreaReference areaRef = new BGAreaReference(newArea, 345l, "Area 1");
String convertedExp = convertExpressionNameToKey("inLearningArea(\"Area 1\")", envMapper);
Assert.assertEquals("inLearningArea(\"567\")", convertedExp);
use of org.olat.course.export.CourseEnvironmentMapper in project openolat by klemens.
the class NodeExportVisitor method exportToFilesystem.
* @see org.olat.course.ICourse#exportToFilesystem(
* <p>
* See OLAT-5368: Course Export can take longer than say 2min.
* <p>
public void exportToFilesystem(OLATResource originalCourseResource, File exportDirectory, boolean runtimeDatas, boolean backwardsCompatible) {
long s = System.currentTimeMillis();"exportToFilesystem: exporting course " + this + " to " + exportDirectory + "...");
File fCourseBase = getCourseBaseContainer().getBasefile();
// make the folder structure
File fExportedDataDir = new File(exportDirectory, EXPORTED_DATA_FOLDERNAME);
// export course config
FileUtils.copyFileToDir(new File(fCourseBase, CourseConfigManager.COURSECONFIG_XML), exportDirectory, "course export courseconfig");
// export business groups
CourseEnvironmentMapper envMapper = getCourseEnvironment().getCourseGroupManager().getBusinessGroupEnvironment();
if (backwardsCompatible) {
// prevents duplicate names
getCourseEnvironment().getCourseGroupManager().exportCourseBusinessGroups(fExportedDataDir, envMapper, runtimeDatas, backwardsCompatible);
if (backwardsCompatible) {
XStream xstream = CourseXStreamAliases.getReadCourseXStream();
Structure exportedStructure = (Structure) XStreamHelper.readObject(xstream, new File(fCourseBase, RUNSTRUCTURE_XML));
visit(new NodePostExportVisitor(envMapper, backwardsCompatible), exportedStructure.getRootNode());
XStreamHelper.writeObject(xstream, new File(exportDirectory, RUNSTRUCTURE_XML), exportedStructure);
CourseEditorTreeModel exportedEditorModel = (CourseEditorTreeModel) XStreamHelper.readObject(xstream, new File(fCourseBase, EDITORTREEMODEL_XML));
visit(new NodePostExportVisitor(envMapper, backwardsCompatible), exportedEditorModel.getRootNode());
XStreamHelper.writeObject(xstream, new File(exportDirectory, EDITORTREEMODEL_XML), exportedEditorModel);
} else {
// export editor structure
FileUtils.copyFileToDir(new File(fCourseBase, EDITORTREEMODEL_XML), exportDirectory, "course export exitortreemodel");
// export run structure
FileUtils.copyFileToDir(new File(fCourseBase, RUNSTRUCTURE_XML), exportDirectory, "course export runstructure");
// export layout and media folder
FileUtils.copyDirToDir(new File(fCourseBase, "layout"), exportDirectory, "course export layout folder");
FileUtils.copyDirToDir(new File(fCourseBase, "media"), exportDirectory, "course export media folder");
// export course folder
FileUtils.copyDirToDir(getIsolatedCourseBaseFolder(), exportDirectory, "course export folder");
// export any node data"exportToFilesystem: exporting course " + this + ": exporting all nodes...");
Visitor visitor = new NodeExportVisitor(fExportedDataDir, this);
TreeVisitor tv = new TreeVisitor(visitor, getEditorTreeModel().getRootNode(), true);
tv.visitAll();"exportToFilesystem: exporting course " + this + ": exporting all nodes...done.");
// OLAT-5368: do intermediate commit to avoid transaction timeout
// discussion intermediatecommit vs increased transaction timeout:
// pro intermediatecommit: not much
// pro increased transaction timeout: would fix OLAT-5368 but only move the problem
// @TODO OLAT-2597: real solution is a long-running background-task concept...
// export shared folder
CourseConfig config = getCourseConfig();
if (config.hasCustomSharedFolder()) {"exportToFilesystem: exporting course " + this + ": shared folder...");
if (!SharedFolderManager.getInstance().exportSharedFolder(config.getSharedFolderSoftkey(), fExportedDataDir)) {
// export failed, delete reference to shared folder in the course config"exportToFilesystem: exporting course " + this + ": export of shared folder failed.");
CourseConfigManagerImpl.getInstance().saveConfigTo(this, config);
}"exportToFilesystem: exporting course " + this + ": shared folder...done.");
// OLAT-5368: do intermediate commit to avoid transaction timeout
// discussion intermediatecommit vs increased transaction timeout:
// pro intermediatecommit: not much
// pro increased transaction timeout: would fix OLAT-5368 but only move the problem
// @TODO OLAT-2597: real solution is a long-running background-task concept...
// export glossary
if (config.hasGlossary()) {"exportToFilesystem: exporting course " + this + ": glossary...");
if (!GlossaryManager.getInstance().exportGlossary(config.getGlossarySoftKey(), fExportedDataDir)) {
// export failed, delete reference to glossary in the course config"exportToFilesystem: exporting course " + this + ": export of glossary failed.");
CourseConfigManagerImpl.getInstance().saveConfigTo(this, config);
}"exportToFilesystem: exporting course " + this + ": glossary...done.");
// OLAT-5368: do intermediate commit to avoid transaction timeout
// discussion intermediatecommit vs increased transaction timeout:
// pro intermediatecommit: not much
// pro increased transaction timeout: would fix OLAT-5368 but only move the problem
// @TODO OLAT-2597: real solution is a long-running background-task concept...
DBFactory.getInstance().intermediateCommit();"exportToFilesystem: exporting course " + this + ": configuration and repo data...");
// export configuration file
FileUtils.copyFileToDir(new File(fCourseBase, CourseConfigManager.COURSECONFIG_XML), exportDirectory, "course export configuration and repo info");
// export repo metadata
RepositoryManager rm = RepositoryManager.getInstance();
RepositoryEntry myRE = rm.lookupRepositoryEntry(this, true);
RepositoryEntryImportExport importExport = new RepositoryEntryImportExport(myRE, fExportedDataDir);
// OLAT-5368: do intermediate commit to avoid transaction timeout
// discussion intermediatecommit vs increased transaction timeout:
// pro intermediatecommit: not much
// pro increased transaction timeout: would fix OLAT-5368 but only move the problem
// @TODO OLAT-2597: real solution is a long-running background-task concept...
// export reminders
CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(ReminderService.class).exportReminders(myRE, fExportedDataDir);"exportToFilesystem: exporting course " + this + " to " + exportDirectory + " done.");"finished export course '" + getCourseTitle() + "' in t=" + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - s));
use of org.olat.course.export.CourseEnvironmentMapper in project openolat by klemens.
the class PersistingCourseGroupManager method importCourseBusinessGroups.
* @see org.olat.course.groupsandrights.CourseGroupManager#importCourseBusinessGroups(
public CourseEnvironmentMapper importCourseBusinessGroups(File fImportDirectory) {
CourseEnvironmentMapper envMapper = new CourseEnvironmentMapper();
OLATResource resource = getCourseResource();
RepositoryEntry courseRe = RepositoryManager.getInstance().lookupRepositoryEntry(resource, true);
File fGroupXML1 = new File(fImportDirectory, LEARNINGGROUPEXPORT_XML);
if (fGroupXML1.exists()) {
BusinessGroupEnvironment env = businessGroupService.importGroups(courseRe, fGroupXML1);
File fGroupXML2 = new File(fImportDirectory, RIGHTGROUPEXPORT_XML);
if (fGroupXML2.exists()) {
BusinessGroupEnvironment env = businessGroupService.importGroups(courseRe, fGroupXML2);
return envMapper;
use of org.olat.course.export.CourseEnvironmentMapper in project openolat by klemens.
the class PersistingCourseGroupManager method getBusinessGroupEnvironment.
* This operation load all business groups and areas. Use with caution, costly!
* @param resource
* @param fGroupExportXML
* @return
public CourseEnvironmentMapper getBusinessGroupEnvironment() {
CourseEnvironmentMapper env = new CourseEnvironmentMapper();
List<BusinessGroup> groups = businessGroupService.findBusinessGroups(null, getCourseEntry(), 0, -1);
for (BusinessGroup group : groups) {
env.getGroups().add(new BusinessGroupReference(group));
List<BGArea> areas = areaManager.findBGAreasInContext(getCourseResource());
for (BGArea area : areas) {
env.getAreas().add(new BGAreaReference(area));
return env;