use of org.olat.ims.cp.ui.CPPackageConfig in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class CPCourseNode method updateModuleConfigDefaults.
* Update the module configuration to have all mandatory configuration flags
* set to usefull default values
* @param isNewNode true: an initial configuration is set; false: upgrading
* from previous node configuration version, set default to maintain
* previous behaviour
public void updateModuleConfigDefaults(boolean isNewNode) {
ModuleConfiguration config = getModuleConfiguration();
if (isNewNode) {
// use defaults for new course building blocks
config.setBooleanEntry(NodeEditController.CONFIG_STARTPAGE, Boolean.FALSE.booleanValue());
config.setBooleanEntry(NodeEditController.CONFIG_COMPONENT_MENU, Boolean.TRUE.booleanValue());
// how to render files (include jquery etc)
DeliveryOptions nodeDeliveryOptions = DeliveryOptions.defaultWithGlossary();
config.set(CPEditController.CONFIG_DELIVERYOPTIONS, nodeDeliveryOptions);
} else {
if (config.getConfigurationVersion() < 2) {
// update new configuration options using default values for existing
// nodes
config.setBooleanEntry(NodeEditController.CONFIG_STARTPAGE, Boolean.TRUE.booleanValue());
Boolean componentMenu = config.getBooleanEntry(NodeEditController.CONFIG_COMPONENT_MENU);
if (componentMenu == null) {
config.setBooleanEntry(NodeEditController.CONFIG_COMPONENT_MENU, Boolean.TRUE.booleanValue());
if (config.getConfigurationVersion() < 3) {
config.set(NodeEditController.CONFIG_CONTENT_ENCODING, NodeEditController.CONFIG_CONTENT_ENCODING_AUTO);
config.set(NodeEditController.CONFIG_JS_ENCODING, NodeEditController.CONFIG_JS_ENCODING_AUTO);
// save it as version 6
if (config.getConfigurationVersion() < 7) {
String contentEncoding = (String) config.get(NodeEditController.CONFIG_CONTENT_ENCODING);
if (contentEncoding != null && contentEncoding.equals("auto")) {
// new style for auto
contentEncoding = null;
String jsEncoding = (String) config.get(NodeEditController.CONFIG_JS_ENCODING);
if (jsEncoding != null && jsEncoding.equals("auto")) {
// new style for auto
jsEncoding = null;
CPPackageConfig reConfig = null;
DeliveryOptions nodeDeliveryOptions = (DeliveryOptions) config.get(CPEditController.CONFIG_DELIVERYOPTIONS);
if (nodeDeliveryOptions == null) {
// Update missing delivery options now, inherit from repo by default
nodeDeliveryOptions = DeliveryOptions.defaultWithGlossary();
RepositoryEntry re = getReferencedRepositoryEntry();
// Check if delivery options are set for repo entry, if not create default
if (re != null) {
reConfig = CPManager.getInstance().getCPPackageConfig(re.getOlatResource());
if (reConfig == null) {
reConfig = new CPPackageConfig();
DeliveryOptions repoDeliveryOptions = reConfig.getDeliveryOptions();
if (repoDeliveryOptions == null) {
// migrate existing config back to repo entry using the default as a base
repoDeliveryOptions = DeliveryOptions.defaultWithGlossary();
CPManager.getInstance().setCPPackageConfig(re.getOlatResource(), reConfig);
} else {
// see if we have any different settings than the repo. if so, don't use inherit mode
if (contentEncoding != repoDeliveryOptions.getContentEncoding() || jsEncoding != repoDeliveryOptions.getJavascriptEncoding()) {
// remove old config parameters
// replace with new delivery options
config.set(CPEditController.CONFIG_DELIVERYOPTIONS, nodeDeliveryOptions);
// else node is up-to-date - nothing to do
if (config.getConfigurationVersion() != CURRENTVERSION) {
OLog logger = Tracing.createLoggerFor(CPCourseNode.class);
logger.error("CP course node version not updated to lastest version::" + CURRENTVERSION + ", was::" + config.getConfigurationVersion() + ". Check the code, programming error.");
use of org.olat.ims.cp.ui.CPPackageConfig in project openolat by klemens.
the class CompMenuForm method event.
* @see org.olat.core.gui.control.DefaultController#event(org.olat.core.gui.UserRequest,
* org.olat.core.gui.control.Controller, org.olat.core.gui.control.Event)
public void event(UserRequest urequest, Controller source, Event event) {
if (source == searchController) {
if (event == ReferencableEntriesSearchController.EVENT_REPOSITORY_ENTRY_SELECTED) {
// search controller done
// -> close closeable modal controller
RepositoryEntry re = searchController.getSelectedEntry();
if (re != null) {
setCPReference(re, config);
cpConfigurationVc.contextPut("showPreviewButton", Boolean.TRUE);
String displayname = StringHelper.escapeHtml(re.getDisplayname());
previewLink = LinkFactory.createCustomLink("command.preview", "command.preview", displayname, Link.NONTRANSLATED, cpConfigurationVc, this);
// remove existing edit link, add new one if user is allowed to edit this CP
if (editLink != null) {
editLink = null;
if (isEditable(urequest.getIdentity(), urequest.getUserSession().getRoles(), re)) {
editLink = LinkFactory.createButtonSmall("edit", cpConfigurationVc, this);
// fire event so the updated config is saved by the editormaincontroller
fireEvent(urequest, NodeEditController.NODECONFIG_CHANGED_EVENT);
CPPackageConfig cpConfig = CPManager.getInstance().getCPPackageConfig(re.getOlatResource());
if (cpConfig != null && cpConfig.getDeliveryOptions() != null) {
// else cancelled repo search
} else if (source == accessibilityCondContr) {
if (event == Event.CHANGED_EVENT) {
Condition cond = accessibilityCondContr.getCondition();
fireEvent(urequest, NodeEditController.NODECONFIG_CHANGED_EVENT);
} else if (source == cpMenuForm) {
if (event == Event.DONE_EVENT) {
config.setBooleanEntry(NodeEditController.CONFIG_COMPONENT_MENU, cpMenuForm.isCpMenu());
fireEvent(urequest, NodeEditController.NODECONFIG_CHANGED_EVENT);
} else if (source == deliveryOptionsCtrl) {
if (event == Event.DONE_EVENT || event == Event.CHANGED_EVENT) {
config.set(CPEditController.CONFIG_DELIVERYOPTIONS, deliveryOptionsCtrl.getDeliveryOptions());
fireEvent(urequest, NodeEditController.NODECONFIG_CHANGED_EVENT);
use of org.olat.ims.cp.ui.CPPackageConfig in project openolat by klemens.
the class CPManagerImpl method createNewCP.
* @see org.olat.ims.cp.CPManager#createNewCP(
public ContentPackage createNewCP(OLATResourceable ores, String initalPageTitle) {
// copy template cp to new repo-location
if (copyTemplCP(ores)) {
File cpRoot = FileResourceManager.getInstance().unzipFileResource(ores);
logDebug("createNewCP: cpRoot=" + cpRoot);
logDebug("createNewCP: cpRoot.getAbsolutePath()=" + cpRoot.getAbsolutePath());
LocalFolderImpl vfsWrapper = new LocalFolderImpl(cpRoot);
ContentPackage cp = load(vfsWrapper, ores);
// Modify the copy of the template to get a unique identifier
CPOrganization orga = setUniqueOrgaIdentifier(cp);
setOrgaTitleToRepoEntryTitle(ores, orga);
// Also set the translated title of the inital page.
// set the default settings for file delivery
DeliveryOptions defOptions = DeliveryOptions.defaultWithGlossary();
CPPackageConfig config = new CPPackageConfig();
setCPPackageConfig(ores, config);
return cp;
} else {
logError("CP couldn't be created. Error when copying template. Ores: " + ores.getResourceableId(), null);
throw new OLATRuntimeException("ERROR while creating new empty cp. an error occured while trying to copy template CP", null);
use of org.olat.ims.cp.ui.CPPackageConfig in project openolat by klemens.
the class CPManagerImpl method getCPPackageConfig.
public CPPackageConfig getCPPackageConfig(OLATResourceable ores) {
FileResourceManager frm = FileResourceManager.getInstance();
File reFolder = frm.getFileResourceRoot(ores);
File configXml = new File(reFolder, PACKAGE_CONFIG_FILE_NAME);
CPPackageConfig config;
if (configXml.exists()) {
config = (CPPackageConfig) configXstream.fromXML(configXml);
} else {
// set default config
config = new CPPackageConfig();
setCPPackageConfig(ores, config);
return config;