use of in project openolat by klemens.
the class LeafIndexer method doIndexVFSLeafByMySelf.
protected void doIndexVFSLeafByMySelf(SearchResourceContext leafResourceContext, VFSLeaf leaf, OlatFullIndexer indexWriter, String filePath) throws InterruptedException {
if (isLogDebugEnabled())
logDebug("Analyse VFSLeaf=" + leaf.getName());
try {
FileDocumentFactory documentFactory = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(FileDocumentFactory.class);
if (documentFactory.isFileSupported(leaf)) {
String myFilePath = "";
if (filePath.endsWith("/")) {
myFilePath = filePath + leaf.getName();
} else {
myFilePath = filePath + "/" + leaf.getName();
Document document = documentFactory.createDocument(leafResourceContext, leaf);
} else {
if (isLogDebugEnabled())
logDebug("Documenttype not supported. file=" + leaf.getName());
} catch (DocumentAccessException e) {
if (isLogDebugEnabled())
logDebug("Can not access document." + e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException ioEx) {
logWarn("IOException: Can not index leaf=" + leaf.getName(), ioEx);
} catch (InterruptedException iex) {
throw new InterruptedException(iex.getMessage());
} catch (Exception ex) {
logWarn("Exception: Can not index leaf=" + leaf.getName(), ex);