use of org.olat.user.restapi.UserVO in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class AssessmentTest method qti12CourseWithAssessment.
* An author upload a test, create a course with a test course
* element, publish the course, assign the course to a student.
* The student come to pass the test, logout after passing it.
* The author check if the test of the student is passed in the
* assessment tool.
* @param authorLoginPage
* @throws IOException
* @throws URISyntaxException
public void qti12CourseWithAssessment(@InitialPage LoginPage authorLoginPage, @Drone @User WebDriver ryomouBrowser) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
UserVO author = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createAuthor();
authorLoginPage.loginAs(author.getLogin(), author.getPassword());
UserVO ryomou = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createRandomUser("Ryomou");
// upload a test
String qtiTestTitle = "QTI-Test-1.2-" + UUID.randomUUID();
URL qtiTestUrl = JunitTestHelper.class.getResource("file_resources/");
File qtiTestFile = new File(qtiTestUrl.toURI());
navBar.openAuthoringEnvironment().uploadResource(qtiTestTitle, qtiTestFile);
// create a course
String courseTitle = "Course-With-QTI-Test-1.2-" + UUID.randomUUID();
// create a course element of type CP with the CP that we create above
String testNodeTitle = "Test-QTI-1.2";
CourseEditorPageFragment courseEditor = CoursePageFragment.getCourse(browser).edit();
// publish the course
// open the course and see the test start page
CoursePageFragment courseRuntime = courseEditor.clickToolbarBack();
// check that the title of the start page of test is correct
WebElement testH2 = browser.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.o_course_run h2"));
Assert.assertEquals(testNodeTitle, testH2.getText().trim());
// add Ryomou as a course member
courseRuntime.members().addMember().searchMember(ryomou, true).nextUsers().nextOverview().nextPermissions().finish();
// Ryomou open the course
LoginPage ryomouLoginPage = LoginPage.getLoginPage(ryomouBrowser, deploymentUrl);
ryomouLoginPage.loginAs(ryomou.getLogin(), ryomou.getPassword()).resume();
// open the course
NavigationPage ryomouNavBar = new NavigationPage(ryomouBrowser);
// go to the test
CoursePageFragment ryomouTestCourse = new CoursePageFragment(ryomouBrowser);
// start the test
QTI12Page testPage = QTI12Page.getQTI12Page(ryomouBrowser);
testPage.start().selectItem("Single choice").answerSingleChoice("Correct answer").saveAnswer().selectItem("Multiple choice").answerMultipleChoice("Correct answer", "The answer is correct").saveAnswer().selectItem("Kprim").answerKPrim(true, false, true, false).saveAnswer().selectItem("Fill-in").answerFillin("not").saveAnswer();
// check results page
By resultsBy ="o_qti_results");
OOGraphene.waitElement(resultsBy, ryomouBrowser);
WebElement resultsEl = ryomouBrowser.findElement(resultsBy);
// close the test
// all answers are correct -> passed
WebElement passedEl = ryomouBrowser.findElement(By.cssSelector("tr.o_state.o_passed"));
// log out
UserToolsPage roymouUserTools = new UserToolsPage(ryomouBrowser);
// author take the lead and check the assessment tool
// open the assessment tool
AssessmentToolPage assessmentTool = new CoursePageFragment(browser).assessmentTool();
use of org.olat.user.restapi.UserVO in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class AssessmentTest method scormCourseWithAssessment.
* An author upload a SCORM resource, create a course and use the
* SCORM within. It publish the course, add a participant to the
* course. The participant log in, select the course above, run
* the SCORM and finish it.<br>
* At the end, the author go to the assessment tool and chec that
* the participant has successfully passed the test.
* @param authorLoginPage
* @param ryomouBrowser
* @throws IOException
* @throws URISyntaxException
public void scormCourseWithAssessment(@InitialPage LoginPage authorLoginPage, @Drone @User WebDriver ryomouBrowser) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
UserVO author = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createAuthor();
authorLoginPage.loginAs(author.getLogin(), author.getPassword());
UserVO ryomou = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createRandomUser("Ryomou");
// upload a test
String scormTitle = "SCORM - " + UUID.randomUUID();
URL scormUrl = JunitTestHelper.class.getResource("file_resources/");
File scormFile = new File(scormUrl.toURI());
navBar.openAuthoringEnvironment().uploadResource(scormTitle, scormFile);
// create a course
String courseTitle = "Course-With-SCORM-" + UUID.randomUUID();
// create a course element of type Scorm with the scorm that we create above
String scormNodeTitle = "SCORM";
CourseEditorPageFragment courseEditor = CoursePageFragment.getCourse(browser).edit();
// publish the course
CoursePageFragment courseRuntime = new CoursePageFragment(browser);
// add Ryomou as a course member
courseRuntime.members().addMember().searchMember(ryomou, true).nextUsers().nextOverview().nextPermissions().finish();
// Ryomou open the course
LoginPage ryomouLoginPage = LoginPage.getLoginPage(ryomouBrowser, deploymentUrl);
ryomouLoginPage.loginAs(ryomou.getLogin(), ryomou.getPassword()).resume();
// open the course
NavigationPage ryomouNavBar = new NavigationPage(ryomouBrowser);
// open the course and see the test start page
CoursePageFragment ryomouCourse = new CoursePageFragment(ryomouBrowser);
By scormH2By = By.cssSelector("div.o_course_run h2");
WebElement scormH2 = ryomouBrowser.findElement(scormH2By);
Assert.assertEquals(scormNodeTitle, scormH2.getText().trim());
// scorm
ScormPage scorm = ScormPage.getScormPage(ryomouBrowser);
WebElement scormH2Back = ryomouBrowser.findElement(scormH2By);
Assert.assertEquals(scormNodeTitle, scormH2Back.getText().trim());
// log out
UserToolsPage roymouUserTools = new UserToolsPage(ryomouBrowser);
// author take the lead and check the assessment tool
// open the assessment tool
AssessmentToolPage assessmentTool = new CoursePageFragment(browser).assessmentTool();
use of org.olat.user.restapi.UserVO in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class AssessmentTest method certificatesManuallyGenerated.
* An author create a course, publish it and add a participant.
* It set the certificate, create one for the participant.<br>
* The participant logs in and look at its wonderful certificate.
* @param authorLoginPage
* @param reiBrowser
* @throws IOException
* @throws URISyntaxException
public void certificatesManuallyGenerated(@InitialPage LoginPage authorLoginPage, @Drone @User WebDriver reiBrowser) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
UserVO author = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createAuthor();
authorLoginPage.loginAs(author.getLogin(), author.getPassword());
UserVO rei = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createRandomUser("Rei");
// create a course
String courseTitle = "Course-With-Certificates-" + UUID.randomUUID();
// create a course element of type CP with the CP that we create above
CoursePageFragment courseRuntime = CoursePageFragment.getCourse(browser).edit().createNode("info").autoPublish();
// add a participant to the course
MembersPage members = courseRuntime.members();
members.addMember().searchMember(rei, true).nextUsers().nextOverview().nextPermissions().finish();
// return to course
courseRuntime = members.clickToolbarBack().efficiencyStatementConfiguration().clickToolbarBack().efficiencyStatementConfiguration().enableCertificates(false).enableRecertification().save().clickToolbarBack();
// create a certificate
// Participant log in
LoginPage reiLoginPage = LoginPage.getLoginPage(reiBrowser, deploymentUrl);
reiLoginPage.loginAs(rei.getLogin(), rei.getPassword()).resume();
// open the efficiency statements
UserToolsPage reiUserTools = new UserToolsPage(reiBrowser);
use of org.olat.user.restapi.UserVO in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class AssessmentTest method bulkAssessment.
* Create an assessment course element, add two users to the course
* and assesses them with the bulk assessment tool. The 2 users
* log in and check their results.
* @param loginPage
* @param kanuBrowser
* @param reiBrowser
* @throws IOException
* @throws URISyntaxException
public void bulkAssessment(@InitialPage LoginPage loginPage, @Drone @User WebDriver ryomouBrowser, @Drone @Participant WebDriver kanuBrowser) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
UserVO author = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createAuthor();
UserVO ryomou = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createRandomUser("Ryomou");
UserVO kanu = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createRandomUser("Kanu");
loginPage.loginAs(author.getLogin(), author.getPassword());
// create a course
String courseTitle = "Course-Assessment-" + UUID.randomUUID();
// create a course element of type Test with the test that we create above
String assessmentNodeTitle = "Assessment CE";
CourseEditorPageFragment courseEditor = CoursePageFragment.getCourse(browser).edit().createNode("ms").nodeTitle(assessmentNodeTitle);
// configure assessment
AssessmentCEConfigurationPage assessmentConfig = new AssessmentCEConfigurationPage(browser);
assessmentConfig.selectConfiguration().setScoreAuto(0.1f, 10.0f, 5.0f);
// set the score / passed calculation in root node and publish
// go to members management
CoursePageFragment courseRuntime = courseEditor.clickToolbarBack();
MembersPage members = courseRuntime.members();
members.importMembers().setMembers(ryomou, kanu).nextUsers().nextOverview().nextPermissions().finish();
BulkAssessmentData[] data = new BulkAssessmentData[] { new BulkAssessmentData(ryomou, 8.0f, null, "Well done"), new BulkAssessmentData(kanu, 4.0f, null, "Need more work") };
// Ryomou login
LoginPage ryomouLoginPage = LoginPage.getLoginPage(ryomouBrowser, deploymentUrl);
NavigationPage ryomouNavBar = new NavigationPage(ryomouBrowser);
// go to the group task
CoursePageFragment ryomouCourse = new CoursePageFragment(ryomouBrowser);
// Second login
LoginPage kanuLoginPage = LoginPage.getLoginPage(kanuBrowser, deploymentUrl);
NavigationPage kanuNavBar = new NavigationPage(kanuBrowser);
// go to the group task
CoursePageFragment kanuCourse = new CoursePageFragment(kanuBrowser);
// Ryomou -> passed
WebElement passedEl = ryomouBrowser.findElement(By.cssSelector("tr.o_state.o_passed"));
// Kanu -> failed
WebElement failedEl = kanuBrowser.findElement(By.cssSelector("tr.o_state.o_failed"));
use of org.olat.user.restapi.UserVO in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class AssessmentTest method qti12Test.
* An author upload a test, create a course with a test course
* element, publish the course and do and pass the test.
* @param authorLoginPage
* @throws IOException
* @throws URISyntaxException
public void qti12Test(@InitialPage LoginPage authorLoginPage) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
UserVO author = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createAuthor();
authorLoginPage.loginAs(author.getLogin(), author.getPassword());
// upload a test
String qtiTestTitle = "QTI-Test-1.2-" + UUID.randomUUID();
URL qtiTestUrl = JunitTestHelper.class.getResource("file_resources/");
File qtiTestFile = new File(qtiTestUrl.toURI());
navBar.openAuthoringEnvironment().uploadResource(qtiTestTitle, qtiTestFile);
// create a course
String courseTitle = "Course-With-QTI-Test-1.2-" + UUID.randomUUID();
// create a course element of type Test with the test that we create above
String testNodeTitle = "Test-QTI-1.2";
CourseEditorPageFragment courseEditor = CoursePageFragment.getCourse(browser).edit();
// publish the course
// open the course and see the test start page
// check that the title of the start page of test is correct
WebElement testH2 = browser.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.o_course_run h2"));
Assert.assertEquals(testNodeTitle, testH2.getText().trim());
// start the test
QTI12Page testPage = QTI12Page.getQTI12Page(browser);
testPage.start().selectItem("Single choice").answerSingleChoice("Correct answer").saveAnswer().selectItem("Multiple choice").answerMultipleChoice("Correct answer", "The answer is correct").saveAnswer().selectItem("Kprim").answerKPrim(true, false, true, false).saveAnswer().selectItem("Fill-in").answerFillin("not").saveAnswer();
// check results page
By resultsBy ="o_qti_results");
OOGraphene.waitElement(resultsBy, browser);
WebElement resultsEl = browser.findElement(resultsBy);
// close the test
// all answers are correct -> passed
WebElement passedEl = browser.findElement(By.cssSelector("tr.o_state.o_passed"));