use of org.omg.CosTransactions.Coordinator in project narayana by jbosstm.
the class ControlWrapper method register_subtran_aware.
public final void register_subtran_aware(SubtransactionAwareResource sr) throws Inactive, NotSubtransaction, SystemException {
try {
if (_controlImpl != null)
else {
try {
Coordinator coord = _control.get_coordinator();
} catch (Unavailable e2) {
throw new Inactive();
} catch (SystemException e3) {
throw new UNKNOWN();
} catch (final NullPointerException ex) {
throw new UNKNOWN();
} catch (NullPointerException e1) {
throw new Inactive();
use of org.omg.CosTransactions.Coordinator in project narayana by jbosstm.
the class ControlWrapper method equals.
* Overrides Object.equals
* Does not compare Uids because a foreign transaction may have been
* imported more than once and given different local ids.
public boolean equals(Object e) {
if (e instanceof Uid) {
return _theUid.equals(e);
if (e instanceof ControlWrapper) {
ControlWrapper c = (ControlWrapper) e;
if (c.isLocal() && isLocal()) {
return c.getImple().equals(_controlImpl);
} else {
* One of them is not local, so we have to revert to indirect
* comparison.
Coordinator coord = null;
try {
coord = _control.get_coordinator();
} catch (Exception e1) {
return false;
Coordinator myCoord = null;
try {
myCoord = get_coordinator();
} catch (Exception e2) {
return false;
try {
return coord.is_same_transaction(myCoord);
} catch (Exception e3) {
return false;
use of org.omg.CosTransactions.Coordinator in project narayana by jbosstm.
the class Interposition method checkHierarchy.
* In a single threaded environment we could walk down the hierarchy,
* aborting any actions which are no longer valid, and creating any new
* ones. However, in a multi-threaded environment, a thread can make a
* call from any point in the client's hierarchy, and multiple client
* threads can invoke the same server object. So, in general we cannot do
* this optimisation. We must maintain the entire tree until portions of
* it have explicitly been termined.
* Once we find the point in the new hierarchy which deviates from our
* current representation, we begin to assemble a new subtree in much the
* same way as we did for creating a completely new hierarchy.
protected synchronized ControlImple checkHierarchy(ServerTopLevelAction hier, PropagationContext context) throws SystemException {
ServerControl control = null;
// top-level transaction
ServerResource currentAction = hier;
int depth = context.parents.length;
// index of the new transactions in the hierarchy
int differenceIndex = -1;
if (depth == 0) {
* There are no transactions in the context other than the current
* transaction, which must therefore be top-level. We already have
* the control to return.
// top-level transaction's control
control = hier.control();
} else {
ServerResource nestedAction = null;
for (// don't check depth-1 as it is current action!
int i = depth - 2; // don't check depth-1 as it is current action!
i >= 0; // don't check depth-1 as it is current action!
i--) {
nestedAction = currentAction.getChild(Utility.otidToUid(context.parents[i].otid));
if (// point of difference, so stop trawling hierarchy
nestedAction == null) {
// remember for later so that we can add new actions.
differenceIndex = i;
} else {
* currentAction *always* points to the last known
* good transaction in our hierarchy.
currentAction = nestedAction;
if (differenceIndex != -1) {
control = currentAction.control();
Coordinator tmpCoord;
Terminator tmpTerm;
for (int j = differenceIndex; j >= 0; j--) {
tmpCoord = context.parents[j].coord;
tmpTerm = context.parents[j].term;
control = ServerFactory.create_subtransaction(Utility.otidToUid(context.parents[j].otid), tmpCoord, tmpTerm, control);
nestedAction = new ServerNestedAction(control);
if (!nestedAction.valid()) {
try {
// does dispose as well!
((ServerNestedAction) nestedAction).rollback();
nestedAction = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
currentAction.addChild((ServerNestedAction) nestedAction);
currentAction = nestedAction;
} else {
* Hierarchies may be identical.
* Remember to check!
Uid currentUid = Utility.otidToUid(context.current.otid);
* currentAction points to the parent of the 'current'
* transaction, i.e., the last element in the TransIdentity
* structure. So, ask it if the sent hierarchy's child is
* one of its children.
nestedAction = currentAction.getChild(currentUid);
if (nestedAction == null) {
* Different notion of current in sent hierarchy.
* So, add it to the hierarchy here.
control = currentAction.control();
* Now deal with the current transaction.
TransIdentity currentID = context.current;
control = ServerFactory.create_subtransaction(currentUid, currentID.coord, currentID.term, control);
nestedAction = new ServerNestedAction(control);
if (!nestedAction.valid()) {
try {
// does dispose as well!
((ServerNestedAction) nestedAction).rollback();
nestedAction = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
currentAction.addChild((ServerNestedAction) nestedAction);
} else {
* Same current, so get its control and return it.
control = nestedAction.control();
if (jtsLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
compareHierarchies(context, hier);
return control;
use of org.omg.CosTransactions.Coordinator in project narayana by jbosstm.
the class Interposition method createHierarchy.
protected synchronized ControlImple createHierarchy(PropagationContext ctx, Uid tlUid) throws SystemException {
* Start at the parent and work our way down to "current". The current
* transaction is not in the IDL sequence, but sent as separate field
* of the propagation context. This tends to make the code more
* complex than it would be if the entire hierarchy was represented in
* one place.
int depth = ctx.parents.length;
ServerResource action = null;
Coordinator tmpCoord = null;
Terminator tmpTerm = null;
if (depth == 0) {
tmpCoord = ctx.current.coord;
tmpTerm = ctx.current.term;
} else {
tmpCoord = ctx.parents[depth - 1].coord;
tmpTerm = ctx.parents[depth - 1].term;
if (// terminator may correctly be null
tmpCoord == null) {
return null;
ServerControl control = ServerFactory.create_transaction(tlUid, null, null, tmpCoord, tmpTerm, ctx.timeout);
action = new ServerTopLevelAction(control);
if (!action.valid()) {
try {
// does dispose as well!
((ServerTopLevelAction) action).rollback();
} catch (Exception e) {
if (((ServerTopLevelAction) action).isTransactionInactive()) {
throw new TRANSACTION_UNAVAILABLE(jtsLogger.i18NLogger.get_transaction_was_inactive(), 1, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO);
} else {
ServerTopLevelAction newElement = (ServerTopLevelAction) action;
if (// current is a nested transaction
depth > 0) {
* Now deal with any nested transactions.
* As we create, register with the original transactions.
ServerResource nestedAction = null;
for (int i = depth - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
tmpCoord = ctx.parents[i].coord;
tmpTerm = ctx.parents[i].term;
control = ServerFactory.create_subtransaction(Utility.otidToUid(ctx.parents[i].otid), tmpCoord, tmpTerm, control);
nestedAction = new ServerNestedAction(control);
if (!nestedAction.valid()) {
try {
// does dispose as well!
((ServerNestedAction) nestedAction).rollback_subtransaction();
nestedAction = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
* Add transaction resource to list.
action.addChild((ServerNestedAction) nestedAction);
action = nestedAction;
* Now deal with current transaction. If there is
* only one transaction we do nothing.
tmpCoord = ctx.current.coord;
tmpTerm = ctx.current.term;
control = ServerFactory.create_subtransaction(Utility.otidToUid(ctx.current.otid), tmpCoord, tmpTerm, control);
nestedAction = new ServerNestedAction(control);
if (!nestedAction.valid()) {
try {
// does dispose as well!
((ServerNestedAction) nestedAction).rollback_subtransaction();
nestedAction = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
action.addChild((ServerNestedAction) nestedAction);
if (jtsLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
compareHierarchies(ctx, newElement);
return control;
use of org.omg.CosTransactions.Coordinator in project narayana by jbosstm.
the class RestrictedInterposition method checkHierarchy.
* Work our way down the hierarchy, aborting any actions which are no longer
* valid, and creating any new ones. These new actions must be nested
* actions.
protected synchronized ControlImple checkHierarchy(ServerTopLevelAction hier, PropagationContext context) throws SystemException {
ServerRestrictedTopLevelAction tlAction = (ServerRestrictedTopLevelAction) hier;
// top-level's control
ServerControl control = tlAction.control();
int depth = context.parents.length;
// index of the new transactions in the
int differenceIndex = -1;
// hierarchy
// top-level
ServerRestrictedNestedAction nestedAction = tlAction.child();
if (depth == 0) {
if (nestedAction != null) {
// automatically removed from
// resource list
nestedAction = null;
control = tlAction.deepestControl();
} else {
for (int i = depth - 2; (i >= 0) && (nestedAction != null); i--) {
if (nestedAction.get_uid().equals(Utility.otidToUid(context.parents[i].otid))) {
* nestedActionalways points to the next transaction in the
* hierarchy when we leave this loop.
nestedAction = nestedAction.child();
if ((nestedAction == null) && (i > 0)) {
differenceIndex = i - 1;
control = tlAction.deepestControl();
} else {
* Uids not equal, so abort. No need to continue down the
* hierarchy, as aborting from this point will implicitly
* abort out children.
// remember for later so that we can
differenceIndex = i;
// add new actions.
nestedAction = null;
control = tlAction.deepestControl();
if (differenceIndex != -1) {
Coordinator tmpCoord;
Terminator tmpTerm;
for (int j = differenceIndex; j >= 0; j--) {
tmpCoord = context.parents[j].coord;
tmpTerm = context.parents[j].term;
control = ServerFactory.create_subtransaction(Utility.otidToUid(context.parents[j].otid), tmpCoord, tmpTerm, control);
nestedAction = new ServerRestrictedNestedAction(control);
if (!nestedAction.valid()) {
try {
// does dispose as well!
nestedAction = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
nestedAction = null;
} else {
if (nestedAction != null) {
* If current transaction has a child then we should abort
* it, since it does not exist in the hierarchy we have just
* received.
nestedAction = nestedAction.child();
if (nestedAction != null) {
nestedAction = null;
control = tlAction.deepestControl();
boolean newCurrent = false;
Uid sentCurrent = Utility.otidToUid(context.current.otid);
if (differenceIndex == -1) {
* Now determine whether we have to create any new nested actions.
Uid currentUid = null;
if (nestedAction == null) {
nestedAction = tlAction.child();
if (nestedAction != null) {
while (nestedAction.child() != null) nestedAction = nestedAction.child();
currentUid = nestedAction.get_uid();
} else
currentUid = tlAction.get_uid();
} else
currentUid = nestedAction.get_uid();
if (currentUid.notEquals(sentCurrent)) {
newCurrent = true;
} else
newCurrent = true;
if (newCurrent) {
if (depth == 1) {
* Old current is gone.
nestedAction = tlAction.child();
if (nestedAction != null) {
nestedAction = null;
control = (ServerControl) tlAction.control();
} else
control = tlAction.deepestControl();
TransIdentity currentID = context.current;
control = ServerFactory.create_subtransaction(sentCurrent, currentID.coord, currentID.term, control);
nestedAction = new ServerRestrictedNestedAction(control);
if (!nestedAction.valid()) {
try {
// does dispose as well!
nestedAction = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
nestedAction = null;
return control;