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Example 21 with TimepointPredictionRecord

use of org.onebusaway.realtime.api.TimepointPredictionRecord in project onebusaway-application-modules by camsys.

the class ArrivalAndDepartureServiceImpl method setPredictedTimesFromTimepointPredictionRecords.

private boolean setPredictedTimesFromTimepointPredictionRecords(ArrivalAndDepartureInstance instance, BlockLocation blockLocation, long targetTime) {
    List<TimepointPredictionRecord> records = blockLocation.getTimepointPredictions();
    if (records == null)
        return false;
    // Find the right timepoint prediction record. We need to make sure that
    // there are the proper number of records if the trip loops and stopSequence
    // is not set.
    int stopSequence = instance.getBlockStopTime().getStopTime().getSequence();
    int gtfsSequence = instance.getBlockStopTime().getStopTime().getGtfsSequence();
    int totalCandidates = 0;
    // index (with respect to stop sequence) among stops
    int thisStopIndex = 0;
    // with the same ID
    List<BlockStopTimeEntry> stopTimes = instance.getBlockTrip().getStopTimes();
    for (int i = 0; i < stopTimes.size(); i++) {
        BlockStopTimeEntry stopTime = stopTimes.get(i);
        StopTimeEntry stop = stopTime.getStopTime();
        if (stop.getStop().getId().equals(instance.getStop().getId())) {
            if (stop.getSequence() < stopSequence)
    int tprTotalCandidates = 0;
    int tprStopIndex = 0;
    boolean success = false;
    for (TimepointPredictionRecord tpr : records) {
        boolean tripMatches = tpr.getTripId().equals(instance.getBlockTrip().getTrip().getId());
        boolean stopMatches = tpr.getTimepointId().equals(instance.getStop().getId());
        boolean sequenceMatches = tpr.getStopSequence() > 0 && tpr.getStopSequence() == gtfsSequence;
        if (!tripMatches || !stopMatches)
        if (sequenceMatches || tprStopIndex == thisStopIndex) {
            success = true;
            long arrivalTime = tpr.getTimepointPredictedArrivalTime();
            long departureTime = tpr.getTimepointPredictedDepartureTime();
            if (departureTime <= 0) {
                int slack = instance.getBlockStopTime().getStopTime().getSlackTime();
                departureTime = arrivalTime + slack * 1000;
            setPredictedDepartureTimeForInstance(instance, departureTime);
         * if arrivalTime is -1 be polite to clients and serve departureTime
            if (arrivalTime == -1) {
                setPredictedArrivalTimeForInstance(instance, departureTime);
            } else {
                setPredictedArrivalTimeForInstance(instance, arrivalTime);
            if (sequenceMatches)
                return true;
        } else if (tprStopIndex < thisStopIndex)
    if (success && totalCandidates == tprTotalCandidates && tprStopIndex == thisStopIndex)
        return true;
    // Clear out prediction times if we didn't end up finding the proper number
    // of records
    setPredictedArrivalTimeForInstance(instance, 0);
    setPredictedDepartureTimeForInstance(instance, 0);
    return false;
Also used : StopTimeEntry( BlockStopTimeEntry( TimepointPredictionRecord(org.onebusaway.realtime.api.TimepointPredictionRecord) BlockStopTimeEntry(

Example 22 with TimepointPredictionRecord

use of org.onebusaway.realtime.api.TimepointPredictionRecord in project onebusaway-application-modules by camsys.

the class ArrivalAndDepartureServiceImplTest method testGetArrivalsAndDeparturesForStopInTimeRange10.

 * This method tests loop routes (the same stop is visited more
 * than once in the same trip) when stop_sequence is missing in the real-time feed.
 * It applies the prediction if there is more than one prediction in the same trip
 * (i.e., the stop_id can be disambiguated).
 * Test configuration: There are three different loop trips and each trip has 3 stops
 * Time point predictions does not have stop sequences.  First 2 stops in middle trip
 * have predictions.
 * Current time = 14:00
 *          Schedule time    Real-time from feed      GTFS stop_sequence  trip_id
 * Stop A   13:30            -----                          0           t1
 * Stop B   13:45            -----                          1           t1
 * Stop A   13:55            -----                          2           t1
 * Stop A   14:05            14:10                          0             t2
 * Stop B   14:15            14:25                          1           t2
 * Stop A   14:25            -----                          2             t2
 * Stop A   14:30            -----                          0           t3
 * Stop B   14:45            -----                          1           t3
 * Stop A   14:55            -----                          2           t3
public void testGetArrivalsAndDeparturesForStopInTimeRange10() {
    // Override the current time with a later time than the time point
    // predictions
    mCurrentTime = dateAsLong("2015-07-23 14:00");
    // Set time point predictions for stop A
    TimepointPredictionRecord tprA = new TimepointPredictionRecord();
    long tprATime = createPredictedTime(time(14, 10));
    // Set time point predictions for stop B
    TimepointPredictionRecord tprB = new TimepointPredictionRecord();
    long tprBTime = createPredictedTime(time(14, 25));
    // Call ArrivalsAndDeparturesForStopInTimeRange method in
    // ArrivalAndDepartureServiceImpl
    List<ArrivalAndDepartureInstance> arrivalsAndDepartures = getArrivalsAndDeparturesForLoopRouteInTimeRangeByTimepointPredictionRecordWithMultipleTrips(Arrays.asList(tprA, tprB), mStopB);
    long predictedArrivalTimeStopAA = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopIdAndSequence(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopA.getId(), mTrip1.getId(), 0);
    long predictedArrivalTimeStopAB = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopIdAndSequence(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopB.getId(), mTrip1.getId(), 1);
    long predictedArrivalTimeStopAC = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopIdAndSequence(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopA.getId(), mTrip1.getId(), 2);
     * Check the upstream stops and make sure no propagation happening.
    assertEquals(predictedArrivalTimeStopAA, 0);
    assertEquals(predictedArrivalTimeStopAB, 0);
    assertEquals(predictedArrivalTimeStopAC, 0);
     * Make sure the predictedArrivalTime for stop A (the last stop) and the stop B in
     * the trip B is exactly the same as TimepointPredictionRecord.
    long predictedArrivalTimeBA = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopIdAndSequence(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopA.getId(), mTrip2.getId(), 0);
    long predictedArrivalTimeBB = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopIdAndSequence(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopB.getId(), mTrip2.getId(), 1);
    assertEquals(tprA.getTimepointPredictedArrivalTime(), predictedArrivalTimeBA);
    assertEquals(tprB.getTimepointPredictedArrivalTime(), predictedArrivalTimeBB);
     * Make sure the predictions happening downstream based on the last stop
     * of the trip B
    long scheduledArrivalTimeBB = getScheduledArrivalTimeByStopId(mTrip2, mStopB.getId(), 1);
    // Calculate the delay of the last stop A in trip B
    long delta = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(predictedArrivalTimeBB) - scheduledArrivalTimeBB;
    long scheduledArrivalTimeStopBC = getScheduledArrivalTimeByStopId(mTrip2, mStopA.getId(), 2);
    long predictedArrivalTimeBC = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopIdAndSequence(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopA.getId(), mTrip2.getId(), 2);
    long scheduledArrivalTimeStopCA = getScheduledArrivalTimeByStopId(mTrip3, mStopA.getId(), 0);
    long predictedArrivalTimeCA = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopIdAndSequence(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopA.getId(), mTrip3.getId(), 0);
    long scheduledArrivalTimeStopCB = getScheduledArrivalTimeByStopId(mTrip3, mStopB.getId(), 1);
    long predictedArrivalTimeCB = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopIdAndSequence(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopB.getId(), mTrip3.getId(), 1);
    long scheduledArrivalTimeStopCC = getScheduledArrivalTimeByStopId(mTrip3, mStopA.getId(), 2);
    long predictedArrivalTimeCC = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopIdAndSequence(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopA.getId(), mTrip3.getId(), 2);
    assertEquals(scheduledArrivalTimeStopBC + delta, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(predictedArrivalTimeBC));
    assertEquals(scheduledArrivalTimeStopCA + delta, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(predictedArrivalTimeCA));
    assertEquals(scheduledArrivalTimeStopCB + delta, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(predictedArrivalTimeCB));
    assertEquals(scheduledArrivalTimeStopCC + delta, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(predictedArrivalTimeCC));
Also used : TimepointPredictionRecord(org.onebusaway.realtime.api.TimepointPredictionRecord) ArrivalAndDepartureInstance( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 23 with TimepointPredictionRecord

use of org.onebusaway.realtime.api.TimepointPredictionRecord in project onebusaway-application-modules by camsys.

the class ArrivalAndDepartureServiceImplTest method testGetArrivalsAndDeparturesForStopInTimeRange03.

 * This method tests upstream time point predictions with only a predicted
 * *departure* time.
 * Test configuration: There is only one bus stop (Stop A) which has the real
 * time departure time (time point prediction). In this case
 * getArrivalsAndDeparturesForStopInTimeRange() should return the time point
 * prediction for Stop A's departure time, which replaces the scheduled time
 * from GTFS for this stop. For Stop B, the upstream departure prediction for
 * Stop A should be propagated down to Stop B, and this deviation should be
 * used to calculate Stop B's arrival and departure times.
 * Current time = 13:00
 *          Schedule Arrival time    Schedule Departure time    Real-time departure time
 * Stop A   13:30                    13:35                      13:30
 * Stop B   13:45                    13:50                      ----
 * When requesting arrival estimate for Stop A, result should be 0 (note this
 * isn't currently supported - see FIXME in method body).
 * When requesting departure estimate for Stop A, result should be exactly
 * same with the real-time feed's departure time for Stop A.
 * When requesting arrival and departure estimate for Stop B, the result
 * should be 5 min less then the scheduled arrival and departure times.
 * Because the upstream stop departs 5 min early, OBA should subtract this 5
 * min deviation from the downstream scheduled values.
public void testGetArrivalsAndDeparturesForStopInTimeRange03() {
    // Set time point predictions for stop A
    TimepointPredictionRecord tprA = new TimepointPredictionRecord();
    long tprATime = createPredictedTime(time(13, 30));
    // Call ArrivalsAndDeparturesForStopInTimeRange method in
    // ArrivalAndDepartureServiceImpl
    List<ArrivalAndDepartureInstance> arrivalsAndDepartures = getArrivalsAndDeparturesForStopInTimeRangeByTimepointPredictionRecord(Arrays.asList(tprA));
    long predictedArrivalTimeStopA = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopId(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopA.getId());
    long predictedDepartureTimeStopA = getPredictedDepartureTimeByStopId(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopA.getId());
     * Check if the predictedDepartureTime is exactly the same with
     * TimepointPrediction.
    assertEquals(tprA.getTimepointPredictedDepartureTime(), predictedDepartureTimeStopA);
     * FIXME - Fully support both real-time arrival and departure times for each
     * stop in OBA
     * We're currently limited by OBA's internal data model which contains only
     * one deviation per stop. By GTFS-rt spec, if no real-time arrival
     * information is given for a stop, then the scheduled arrival should be
     * used. In our case here, we're getting a real-time departure for Stop A
     * (and no real-time arrival time for Stop A), but then we're showing the
     * real-time departure info for Stop A as the real-time arrival time for
     * Stop A. So, we're effectively propagating the real-time value backwards
     * within the same stop. The correct value for predictedArrivalTimeStopA is
     * actually 0, because we don't have any real-time arrival information for
     * Stop A (or upstream of Stop A).
     * So, the below assertion is currently commented out, as it fails. Future
     * work should overhaul OBA's data model to support more than one real-time
     * deviation per stop. When this is correctly implemented, the below
     * assertion should be uncommented and it should pass.
     * TODO: for backward compatiability we did not implement this.  Discuss!
    // assertEquals(0, predictedArrivalTimeStopA);
     * Test for Stop B
    long predictedArrivalTimeStopB = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopId(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopB.getId());
    long predictedDepartureTimeStopB = getPredictedDepartureTimeByStopId(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopB.getId());
    long scheduledDepartureTimeForStopA = getScheduledDepartureTimeByStopId(mTrip1, mStopA.getId());
    long scheduledArrivalTimeForStopB = getScheduledArrivalTimeByStopId(mTrip1, mStopB.getId());
    long scheduledDepartureTimeForStopB = getScheduledDepartureTimeByStopId(mTrip1, mStopB.getId());
    // Calculate the departure time difference from the upstream stop
    long deltaB = (scheduledDepartureTimeForStopA - TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(predictedDepartureTimeStopA));
     * Check if the predictedArrivalTime is 5 min less then the scheduled
     * arrival time for stop B.
    assertEquals(TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(5), deltaB);
    assertEquals(scheduledArrivalTimeForStopB - deltaB, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(predictedArrivalTimeStopB));
     * Check if the predictedDepartureTime is 5 min less then the scheduled
     * departure time for stop B.
    assertEquals(scheduledDepartureTimeForStopB - deltaB, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(predictedDepartureTimeStopB));
Also used : TimepointPredictionRecord(org.onebusaway.realtime.api.TimepointPredictionRecord) ArrivalAndDepartureInstance( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 24 with TimepointPredictionRecord

use of org.onebusaway.realtime.api.TimepointPredictionRecord in project onebusaway-application-modules by camsys.

the class ArrivalAndDepartureServiceImplTest method testGetArrivalsAndDeparturesForStopInTimeRange13.

 * This method tests loop routes (the same stop is visited more
 * than once in the same trip) when stop_sequence is missing in the real-time feed.
 * It applies the prediction if there is more than one prediction in the same trip
 * (i.e., the stop_id can be disambiguated).
 * Test configuration: There are three different loop trips and each trip has 3 stops.
 * Time point predictions does not have stop sequences, and therefore the update for
 * each trip Stop A (in trip 1 and trip 2) is ambiguous and cannot be matched.  This
 * test also ensures the we aren't accidentally recognizing two adjacent updates in
 * the block as being part of the same trip.  As a result, the updates should be dropped
 * and schedule time should be provided.
 * Current time = 14:00
 *          Schedule time    Real-time from feed      GTFS stop_sequence  trip_id
 * Stop A   13:30            -----                          0           t1
 * Stop B   13:45            -----                          1           t1
 * Stop A   13:55            14:00                          2           t1
 * Stop A   14:05            14:10                          0           t2
 * Stop B   14:15            -----                          1           t2
 * Stop A   14:25            -----                          2           t2
 * Stop A   14:30            -----                          0           t3
 * Stop B   14:45            -----                          1           t3
 * Stop A   14:55            -----                          2           t3
public void testGetArrivalsAndDeparturesForStopInTimeRange13() {
    // Override the current time with a later time than the time point
    // predictions
    mCurrentTime = dateAsLong("2015-07-23 14:00");
    // Set time point predictions for trip 1 stop A
    TimepointPredictionRecord tpr1A = new TimepointPredictionRecord();
    long tprAATime = createPredictedTime(time(14, 00));
    // Set time point predictions for trip 2 stop A
    TimepointPredictionRecord tpr2A = new TimepointPredictionRecord();
    long tprATime = createPredictedTime(time(14, 10));
    // Call ArrivalsAndDeparturesForStopInTimeRange method in
    // ArrivalAndDepartureServiceImpl
    List<ArrivalAndDepartureInstance> arrivalsAndDepartures = getArrivalsAndDeparturesForLoopRouteInTimeRangeByTimepointPredictionRecordWithMultipleTrips(Arrays.asList(tpr1A, tpr2A), mStopB);
    // First trip in block
    long predictedArrivalTimeStop1A = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopIdAndSequence(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopA.getId(), mTrip1.getId(), 0);
    long predictedArrivalTimeStop1B = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopIdAndSequence(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopB.getId(), mTrip1.getId(), 1);
    long predictedArrivalTimeStop1C = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopIdAndSequence(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopA.getId(), mTrip1.getId(), 2);
    // Second trip in block
    long predictedArrivalTimeStop2A = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopIdAndSequence(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopA.getId(), mTrip2.getId(), 0);
    long predictedArrivalTimeStop2B = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopIdAndSequence(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopB.getId(), mTrip2.getId(), 1);
    long predictedArrivalTimeStop2C = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopIdAndSequence(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopA.getId(), mTrip2.getId(), 2);
    // Third trip in block
    long predictedArrivalTimeStop3A = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopIdAndSequence(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopA.getId(), mTrip3.getId(), 0);
    long predictedArrivalTimeStop3B = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopIdAndSequence(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopB.getId(), mTrip3.getId(), 1);
    long predictedArrivalTimeStop3C = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopIdAndSequence(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopA.getId(), mTrip3.getId(), 2);
     * Check the all stops and make sure no real-time information has been applied.
    assertEquals(predictedArrivalTimeStop1A, 0);
    assertEquals(predictedArrivalTimeStop1B, 0);
    assertEquals(predictedArrivalTimeStop1C, 0);
    assertEquals(predictedArrivalTimeStop2A, 0);
    assertEquals(predictedArrivalTimeStop2B, 0);
    assertEquals(predictedArrivalTimeStop2C, 0);
    assertEquals(predictedArrivalTimeStop3A, 0);
    assertEquals(predictedArrivalTimeStop3B, 0);
    assertEquals(predictedArrivalTimeStop3C, 0);
Also used : TimepointPredictionRecord(org.onebusaway.realtime.api.TimepointPredictionRecord) ArrivalAndDepartureInstance( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 25 with TimepointPredictionRecord

use of org.onebusaway.realtime.api.TimepointPredictionRecord in project onebusaway-application-modules by camsys.

the class ArrivalAndDepartureServiceImplTest method testGetArrivalsAndDeparturesForStopInTimeRange04.

 * This method tests upstream time point predictions with both predicted
 * arrival and departure times.
 * Test configuration: Time point predictions are upstream and include the
 * current stop_id, which means that the bus hasn't passed the bus stop yet.
 * There is only one bus stop (Stop A) which has the real time arrival and
 * departure times (time point prediction). In this case
 * getArrivalsAndDeparturesForStopInTimeRange() should return absolute time
 * point prediction for Stop A's departure time, which replaces the scheduled
 * time from GTFS for this stop. Stop B's predictions should be derived from
 * the upstream predictions provided for Stop A.
 * Current time = 13:00
 *          Schedule Arrival time    Schedule Departure time    Real-time arrival time    Real-time departure time
 * Stop A   13:30                    13:35                      13:20                     13:30
 * Stop B   13:45                    13:50                      -----                     -----
 * When requesting arrival estimate for Stop A, result should be 13:20
 * (predicted real-time arrival time). Note that this currently isn't support
 * - see FIXME statement in method body.
 * When requesting departure estimate for Stop A, result should be 13:30
 * (predicted real-time departure time).
 * When requesting arrival and departure estimates for Stop B, results should
 * be 5 min less then the scheduled arrival and departure times. Because the
 * upstream Stop A departs 5 min early, OBA should subtract this 5 min from
 * the downstream estimates.
public void testGetArrivalsAndDeparturesForStopInTimeRange04() {
    // Set time point predictions for stop A
    TimepointPredictionRecord tprA = new TimepointPredictionRecord();
    long tprADepartureTime = createPredictedTime(time(13, 30));
    long tprAArrivalTime = createPredictedTime(time(13, 20));
    // Call ArrivalsAndDeparturesForStopInTimeRange method in
    // ArrivalAndDepartureServiceImpl
    List<ArrivalAndDepartureInstance> arrivalsAndDepartures = getArrivalsAndDeparturesForStopInTimeRangeByTimepointPredictionRecord(Arrays.asList(tprA));
    long predictedDepartureTimeStopA = getPredictedDepartureTimeByStopId(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopA.getId());
     * Check if the predictedDepartureTime is exactly the same with
     * TimepointPrediction.
    assertEquals(tprA.getTimepointPredictedDepartureTime(), predictedDepartureTimeStopA);
     * OBA's data model now supports more than one real-time
     * deviation per stop.
    long predictedArrivalTimeStopA = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopId(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopA.getId());
    assertEquals(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(tprA.getTimepointPredictedArrivalTime()), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(predictedArrivalTimeStopA));
     * Test for Stop B
    long scheduledDepartureTimeForStopA = getScheduledDepartureTimeByStopId(mTrip1, mStopA.getId());
    long predictedArrivalTimeStopB = getPredictedArrivalTimeByStopId(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopB.getId());
    long predictedDepartureTimeStopB = getPredictedDepartureTimeByStopId(arrivalsAndDepartures, mStopB.getId());
    long scheduledArrivalTimeForStopB = getScheduledArrivalTimeByStopId(mTrip1, mStopB.getId());
    long scheduledDepartureTimeForStopB = getScheduledDepartureTimeByStopId(mTrip1, mStopB.getId());
    // Calculate the departure time difference from the upstream stop
    long deltaB = scheduledDepartureTimeForStopA - TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(predictedDepartureTimeStopA);
     * Check if the predictedDepartureTime is 5 min less then the scheduled
     * departure time for stop B.
    assertEquals(TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(5), deltaB);
    assertEquals(scheduledDepartureTimeForStopB - deltaB, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(predictedDepartureTimeStopB));
     * Check if the predictedArrivalTime is 5 min less then the scheduled
     * arrival time for stop B.
    assertEquals(scheduledArrivalTimeForStopB - deltaB, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(predictedArrivalTimeStopB));
Also used : TimepointPredictionRecord(org.onebusaway.realtime.api.TimepointPredictionRecord) ArrivalAndDepartureInstance( Test(org.junit.Test)


TimepointPredictionRecord (org.onebusaway.realtime.api.TimepointPredictionRecord)36 Test (org.junit.Test)20 ArrivalAndDepartureInstance ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 Date (java.util.Date)6 AgencyAndId (org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.AgencyAndId)6 BlockInstance ( BlockConfigurationEntry ( StopTimeUpdate ( TripUpdate ( VehicleLocationRecord (org.onebusaway.realtime.api.VehicleLocationRecord)4 TripDetailsBean (org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.trips.TripDetailsBean)4 BlockStopTimeEntry ( StopTimeEntry ( StopTimeEvent ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 StopBean (org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.StopBean)3 TripBean (org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.trips.TripBean)3 TripStatusBean (org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.trips.TripStatusBean)3 BlockEntryImpl (org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.impl.transit_graph.BlockEntryImpl)3