use of org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.StopGroupBean in project onebusaway-application-modules by camsys.
the class SearchResultFactoryImpl method getRouteResultForRegion.
public SearchResult getRouteResultForRegion(RouteBean routeBean) {
List<String> polylines = new ArrayList<String>();
StopsForRouteBean stopsForRoute = _transitDataService.getStopsForRoute(routeBean.getId());
List<StopGroupingBean> stopGroupings = stopsForRoute.getStopGroupings();
for (StopGroupingBean stopGroupingBean : stopGroupings) {
for (StopGroupBean stopGroupBean : stopGroupingBean.getStopGroups()) {
NameBean name = stopGroupBean.getName();
String type = name.getType();
if (!type.equals("destination"))
for (EncodedPolylineBean polyline : stopGroupBean.getPolylines()) {
return new RouteInRegionResult(routeBean, polylines);
use of org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.StopGroupBean in project onebusaway-application-modules by camsys.
the class StopForIdAction method execute.
public String execute() {
if (_stopId == null) {
return SUCCESS;
StopBean stop = _transitDataService.getStop(_stopId);
if (stop == null) {
return SUCCESS;
List<RouteAtStop> routesAtStop = new ArrayList<RouteAtStop>();
for (RouteBean routeBean : stop.getRoutes()) {
StopsForRouteBean stopsForRoute = _transitDataService.getStopsForRoute(routeBean.getId());
List<RouteDirection> routeDirections = new ArrayList<RouteDirection>();
List<StopGroupingBean> stopGroupings = stopsForRoute.getStopGroupings();
for (StopGroupingBean stopGroupingBean : stopGroupings) {
for (StopGroupBean stopGroupBean : stopGroupingBean.getStopGroups()) {
if (_transitDataService.stopHasRevenueServiceOnRoute((routeBean.getAgency() != null ? routeBean.getAgency().getId() : null), _stopId, routeBean.getId(), stopGroupBean.getId())) {
NameBean name = stopGroupBean.getName();
String type = name.getType();
if (!type.equals("destination"))
// filter out route directions that don't stop at this stop
if (!stopGroupBean.getStopIds().contains(_stopId))
Boolean hasUpcomingScheduledService = _transitDataService.stopHasUpcomingScheduledService((routeBean.getAgency() != null ? routeBean.getAgency().getId() : null), SystemTime.currentTimeMillis(), stop.getId(), routeBean.getId(), stopGroupBean.getId());
// if there are buses on route, always have "scheduled service"
Boolean routeHasVehiclesInService = true;
if (routeHasVehiclesInService) {
hasUpcomingScheduledService = true;
routeDirections.add(new RouteDirection(stopGroupBean, null, null, hasUpcomingScheduledService));
RouteAtStop routeAtStop = new RouteAtStop(routeBean, routeDirections);
_result = new StopResult(stop, routesAtStop);
List<MonitoredStopVisitStructure> visits = _realtimeService.getMonitoredStopVisitsForStop(_stopId, 0, SystemTime.currentTimeMillis());
_response = generateSiriResponse(visits, AgencyAndIdLibrary.convertFromString(_stopId));
return SUCCESS;
use of org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.StopGroupBean in project onebusaway-application-modules by camsys.
the class SearchServiceImpl method findStopsNearPoint.
public SearchResultCollection findStopsNearPoint(Double latitude, Double longitude, SearchResultFactory resultFactory, Set<RouteBean> routeFilter) {
CoordinateBounds bounds = SphericalGeometryLibrary.bounds(latitude, longitude, DISTANCE_TO_STOPS);
SearchQueryBean queryBean = new SearchQueryBean();
StopsBean stops = _transitDataService.getStops(queryBean);
Collections.sort(stops.getStops(), new StopDistanceFromPointComparator(latitude, longitude));
// A list of stops that will go in our search results
List<StopBean> stopsForResults = new ArrayList<StopBean>();
// Keep track of which routes are already in our search results by
// direction
Map<String, List<RouteBean>> routesByDirectionAlreadyInResults = new HashMap<String, List<RouteBean>>();
// Cache stops by route so we don't need to call the transit data
// service repeatedly for the same route
Map<String, StopsForRouteBean> stopsForRouteLookup = new HashMap<String, StopsForRouteBean>();
// direction to our final results.
for (StopBean stopBean : stops.getStops()) {
String agencyId = AgencyAndIdLibrary.convertFromString(stopBean.getId()).getAgencyId();
if (!_transitDataService.stopHasRevenueService(agencyId, stopBean.getId())) {
// Get the stop bean that is actually inside this search result. We
// kept track of it earlier.
// StopBean stopBean = stopBeanBySearchResult.get(stopResult);
// Record of routes by direction id for this stop
Map<String, List<RouteBean>> routesByDirection = new HashMap<String, List<RouteBean>>();
for (RouteBean route : stopBean.getRoutes()) {
// route is a route serving the current stopBeanForSearchResult
// Query for all stops on this route
StopsForRouteBean stopsForRoute = stopsForRouteLookup.get(route.getId());
if (stopsForRoute == null) {
stopsForRoute = _transitDataService.getStopsForRoute(route.getId());
stopsForRouteLookup.put(route.getId(), stopsForRoute);
// corresponds to a GTFS direction id for this route.
for (StopGroupingBean stopGrouping : stopsForRoute.getStopGroupings()) {
for (StopGroupBean stopGroup : stopGrouping.getStopGroups()) {
String directionId = stopGroup.getId();
// direction. If so, record it.
if (stopGroup.getStopIds().contains(stopBean.getId())) {
if (!routesByDirection.containsKey(directionId)) {
routesByDirection.put(directionId, new ArrayList<RouteBean>());
// Iterate over routes binned by direction for this stop and compare
// to routes by direction already in our search results
boolean shouldAddStopToResults = false;
for (Map.Entry<String, List<RouteBean>> entry : routesByDirection.entrySet()) {
String directionId = entry.getKey();
List<RouteBean> routesForThisDirection = entry.getValue();
if (!routesByDirectionAlreadyInResults.containsKey(directionId)) {
routesByDirectionAlreadyInResults.put(directionId, new ArrayList<RouteBean>());
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<RouteBean> additionalRoutes = ListUtils.subtract(routesForThisDirection, routesByDirectionAlreadyInResults.get(directionId));
if (additionalRoutes.size() > 0) {
// This stop is contributing new routes in this direction,
// so add these additional
// stops to our record of stops by direction already in
// search results and toggle
// flag that tells to to add the stop to the search results.
// We use this flag because we want to add new routes to our
// record potentially for each
// direction id, but we only want to add the stop to the
// search results once. It happens below.
shouldAddStopToResults = true;
if (shouldAddStopToResults) {
// Add the stop to our search results
// Break out of iterating through stops if we've reached our max
if (stopsForResults.size() >= MAX_STOPS) {
// Create our search results object, iterate through our stops, create
// stop
// results from each of those stops, and add them to the search results.
SearchResultCollection results = new SearchResultCollection();
for (StopBean stop : stopsForResults) {
SearchResult result = resultFactory.getStopResult(stop, routeFilter);
return results;
use of org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.StopGroupBean in project onebusaway-application-modules by camsys.
the class ServiceAlertsHelper method addSituationExchangeToSiriForStops.
public void addSituationExchangeToSiriForStops(ServiceDelivery serviceDelivery, List<MonitoredStopVisitStructure> visits, TransitDataService transitDataService, List<AgencyAndId> stopIds) {
Map<String, PtSituationElementStructure> ptSituationElements = new HashMap<String, PtSituationElementStructure>();
for (MonitoredStopVisitStructure visit : visits) {
if (visit.getMonitoredVehicleJourney() != null)
addSituationElement(transitDataService, ptSituationElements, visit.getMonitoredVehicleJourney().getSituationRef());
if (stopIds != null && stopIds.size() > 0) {
for (AgencyAndId stopId : stopIds) {
String stopIdString = stopId.toString();
// First get service alerts for the stop
SituationQueryBean query = new SituationQueryBean();
List<String> stopIdStrings = new ArrayList<String>();
SituationQueryBean.AffectsBean affects = new SituationQueryBean.AffectsBean();
addFromQuery(transitDataService, ptSituationElements, query);
// Now also add service alerts for (route+direction)s of the stop
query = new SituationQueryBean();
StopBean stopBean = transitDataService.getStop(stopIdString);
List<RouteBean> routes = stopBean.getRoutes();
for (RouteBean route : routes) {
StopsForRouteBean stopsForRoute = transitDataService.getStopsForRoute(route.getId());
List<StopGroupingBean> stopGroupings = stopsForRoute.getStopGroupings();
for (StopGroupingBean stopGrouping : stopGroupings) {
if (!stopGrouping.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("direction"))
for (StopGroupBean stopGroup : stopGrouping.getStopGroups()) {
handleStopGroupBean(stopIdString, query, route, stopGroup);
addFromQuery(transitDataService, ptSituationElements, query);
addPtSituationElementsToServiceDelivery(serviceDelivery, ptSituationElements);
use of org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.StopGroupBean in project onebusaway-application-modules by camsys.
the class StopSelectionServiceImpl method groupByDirection.
private void groupByDirection(StopSelectionTreeBean tree, StopsForRouteBean stopsForRoute, StopGroupingBean byDirection, Map<String, StopBean> stopsById) {
List<StopGroupBean> groups = byDirection.getStopGroups();
if (groups.isEmpty()) {
groupByStop(tree, stopsForRoute.getStops());
for (StopGroupBean group : groups) {
StopSelectionTreeBean subTree = tree.getSubTree(group.getName());
List<StopBean> stops = new ArrayList<StopBean>();
for (String stopId : group.getStopIds()) stops.add(stopsById.get(stopId));
groupByStop(subTree, stops);