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Example 71 with Ip4Address

use of org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address in project up4 by omec-project.

the class InterfaceInsertCommand method doExecute.

protected void doExecute() throws Exception {
    Up4AdminService app = get(Up4AdminService.class);
    Ip4Address n3Addr = Ip4Address.valueOf(this.n3Addr);
    print("Adding N3 interface address: %s", n3Addr.toString());
    app.adminApply(UpfInterface.createN3From(n3Addr, sliceId));
Also used : Ip4Address(org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address) Up4AdminService(org.omecproject.up4.impl.Up4AdminService)

Example 72 with Ip4Address

use of org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address in project up4 by omec-project.

the class ReadInternalUp4StoreCommand method doExecute.

protected void doExecute() {
    Up4Service up4Service = get(Up4Service.class);
    Up4Store upfStore = get(Up4Store.class);
    if (up4Service == null) {
        print("Error: Up4Service is null");
    if (upfStore == null) {
        print("Error: FabricUpfStore is null");
    Set<Ip4Address> bufferUes = upfStore.getBufferUe();
    print("bufferFarIds size: " + bufferUes.size());
    if (verbose) {
        bufferUes.forEach(ue -> print("UEAddress{" + ue.toString() + "}"));
Also used : Up4Service(org.omecproject.up4.Up4Service) Ip4Address(org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address) Up4Store(org.omecproject.up4.impl.Up4Store)

Example 73 with Ip4Address

use of org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class InstructionCodecTest method modIPSrcInstructionTest.

 * Tests the encoding of mod IPv4 src instructions.
public void modIPSrcInstructionTest() {
    final Ip4Address ip = Ip4Address.valueOf("");
    final L3ModificationInstruction.ModIPInstruction instruction = (L3ModificationInstruction.ModIPInstruction) Instructions.modL3Src(ip);
    final ObjectNode instructionJson = instructionCodec.encode(instruction, context);
    assertThat(instructionJson, matchesInstruction(instruction));
Also used : L3ModificationInstruction( ObjectNode(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode) Ip4Address(org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 74 with Ip4Address

use of org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class InstructionCodecTest method modIPDstInstructionTest.

 * Tests the encoding of mod IPv4 dst instructions.
public void modIPDstInstructionTest() {
    final Ip4Address ip = Ip4Address.valueOf("");
    final L3ModificationInstruction.ModIPInstruction instruction = (L3ModificationInstruction.ModIPInstruction) Instructions.modL3Dst(ip);
    final ObjectNode instructionJson = instructionCodec.encode(instruction, context);
    assertThat(instructionJson, matchesInstruction(instruction));
Also used : L3ModificationInstruction( ObjectNode(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode) Ip4Address(org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 75 with Ip4Address

use of org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class BgpUpdate method parsePathAttributes.

 * Parse BGP Path Attributes from the BGP UPDATE message.
 * @param bgpSession the BGP Session to use
 * @param ctx the Channel Handler Context
 * @param message the message to parse
 * @param decodedBgpRoutes the container to store the decoded BGP Route
 * Entries. It might already contain some route entries such as withdrawn
 * IPv4 prefixes
 * @throws BgpMessage.BgpParseException
private static void parsePathAttributes(BgpSession bgpSession, ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelBuffer message, DecodedBgpRoutes decodedBgpRoutes) throws BgpMessage.BgpParseException {
    // Parsed values
    // Mandatory
    Short origin = -1;
    // Mandatory
    BgpRouteEntry.AsPath asPath = null;
    // Legacy NLRI (RFC 4271). Mandatory NEXT_HOP if legacy NLRI is used
    MpNlri legacyNlri = new MpNlri(BgpConstants.Open.Capabilities.MultiprotocolExtensions.AFI_IPV4, BgpConstants.Open.Capabilities.MultiprotocolExtensions.SAFI_UNICAST);
    // Optional
    long multiExitDisc = BgpConstants.Update.MultiExitDisc.LOWEST_MULTI_EXIT_DISC;
    // Mandatory
    Long localPref = null;
    // Optional: unused
    Long aggregatorAsNumber = null;
    // Optional: unused
    Ip4Address aggregatorIpAddress = null;
    // Optional
    Collection<MpNlri> mpNlriReachList = new ArrayList<>();
    // Optional
    Collection<MpNlri> mpNlriUnreachList = new ArrayList<>();
    // Get and verify the Path Attributes Length
    int pathAttributeLength = message.readUnsignedShort();
    if (pathAttributeLength > message.readableBytes()) {
        // ERROR: Malformed Attribute List
        actionsBgpUpdateMalformedAttributeList(bgpSession, ctx);
        String errorMsg = "Malformed Attribute List";
        throw new BgpMessage.BgpParseException(errorMsg);
    if (pathAttributeLength == 0) {
    // Parse the Path Attributes
    int pathAttributeEnd = message.readerIndex() + pathAttributeLength;
    while (message.readerIndex() < pathAttributeEnd) {
        int attrFlags = message.readUnsignedByte();
        if (message.readerIndex() >= pathAttributeEnd) {
            // ERROR: Malformed Attribute List
            actionsBgpUpdateMalformedAttributeList(bgpSession, ctx);
            String errorMsg = "Malformed Attribute List";
            throw new BgpMessage.BgpParseException(errorMsg);
        int attrTypeCode = message.readUnsignedByte();
        // The Attribute Flags
        boolean optionalBit = ((0x80 & attrFlags) != 0);
        boolean transitiveBit = ((0x40 & attrFlags) != 0);
        boolean partialBit = ((0x20 & attrFlags) != 0);
        boolean extendedLengthBit = ((0x10 & attrFlags) != 0);
        // The Attribute Length
        int attrLen = 0;
        int attrLenOctets = 1;
        if (extendedLengthBit) {
            attrLenOctets = 2;
        if (message.readerIndex() + attrLenOctets > pathAttributeEnd) {
            // ERROR: Malformed Attribute List
            actionsBgpUpdateMalformedAttributeList(bgpSession, ctx);
            String errorMsg = "Malformed Attribute List";
            throw new BgpMessage.BgpParseException(errorMsg);
        if (extendedLengthBit) {
            attrLen = message.readUnsignedShort();
        } else {
            attrLen = message.readUnsignedByte();
        if (message.readerIndex() + attrLen > pathAttributeEnd) {
            // ERROR: Malformed Attribute List
            actionsBgpUpdateMalformedAttributeList(bgpSession, ctx);
            String errorMsg = "Malformed Attribute List";
            throw new BgpMessage.BgpParseException(errorMsg);
        // Verify the Attribute Flags
        verifyBgpUpdateAttributeFlags(bgpSession, ctx, attrTypeCode, attrLen, attrFlags, message);
        switch(attrTypeCode) {
            case BgpConstants.Update.Origin.TYPE:
                // Attribute Type Code ORIGIN
                origin = parseAttributeTypeOrigin(bgpSession, ctx, attrTypeCode, attrLen, attrFlags, message);
            case BgpConstants.Update.AsPath.TYPE:
                // Attribute Type Code AS_PATH
                asPath = parseAttributeTypeAsPath(bgpSession, ctx, attrTypeCode, attrLen, attrFlags, message);
            case BgpConstants.Update.NextHop.TYPE:
                // Attribute Type Code NEXT_HOP
                legacyNlri.nextHop4 = parseAttributeTypeNextHop(bgpSession, ctx, attrTypeCode, attrLen, attrFlags, message);
            case BgpConstants.Update.MultiExitDisc.TYPE:
                // Attribute Type Code MULTI_EXIT_DISC
                multiExitDisc = parseAttributeTypeMultiExitDisc(bgpSession, ctx, attrTypeCode, attrLen, attrFlags, message);
            case BgpConstants.Update.LocalPref.TYPE:
                // Attribute Type Code LOCAL_PREF
                localPref = parseAttributeTypeLocalPref(bgpSession, ctx, attrTypeCode, attrLen, attrFlags, message);
            case BgpConstants.Update.AtomicAggregate.TYPE:
                // Attribute Type Code ATOMIC_AGGREGATE
                parseAttributeTypeAtomicAggregate(bgpSession, ctx, attrTypeCode, attrLen, attrFlags, message);
                // Nothing to do: this attribute is primarily informational
            case BgpConstants.Update.Aggregator.TYPE:
                // Attribute Type Code AGGREGATOR
                Pair<Long, Ip4Address> aggregator = parseAttributeTypeAggregator(bgpSession, ctx, attrTypeCode, attrLen, attrFlags, message);
                aggregatorAsNumber = aggregator.getLeft();
                aggregatorIpAddress = aggregator.getRight();
            case BgpConstants.Update.MpReachNlri.TYPE:
                // Attribute Type Code MP_REACH_NLRI
                MpNlri mpNlriReach = parseAttributeTypeMpReachNlri(bgpSession, ctx, attrTypeCode, attrLen, attrFlags, message);
                if (mpNlriReach != null) {
            case BgpConstants.Update.MpUnreachNlri.TYPE:
                // Attribute Type Code MP_UNREACH_NLRI
                MpNlri mpNlriUnreach = parseAttributeTypeMpUnreachNlri(bgpSession, ctx, attrTypeCode, attrLen, attrFlags, message);
                if (mpNlriUnreach != null) {
                // NOTE: Parse any new Attribute Types if needed
                if (!optionalBit) {
                    // ERROR: Unrecognized Well-known Attribute
                    actionsBgpUpdateUnrecognizedWellKnownAttribute(bgpSession, ctx, attrTypeCode, attrLen, attrFlags, message);
                    String errorMsg = "Unrecognized Well-known Attribute: " + attrTypeCode;
                    throw new BgpMessage.BgpParseException(errorMsg);
                // Skip the data from the unrecognized attribute
                log.debug("BGP RX UPDATE message from {}: " + "Unrecognized Attribute Type {}", bgpSession.remoteInfo().address(), attrTypeCode);
    // Parse the NLRI (Network Layer Reachability Information)
    int nlriLength = message.readableBytes();
    try {
        Collection<Ip4Prefix> addedPrefixes4 = parsePackedIp4Prefixes(nlriLength, message);
        // Store it inside the legacy NLRI wrapper
        legacyNlri.nlri4 = addedPrefixes4;
    } catch (BgpMessage.BgpParseException e) {
        // ERROR: Invalid Network Field
        log.debug("Exception parsing NLRI from BGP peer {}: ", bgpSession.remoteInfo().bgpId(), e);
        actionsBgpUpdateInvalidNetworkField(bgpSession, ctx);
        // Rethrow the exception
        throw e;
    // Verify the Well-known Attributes
    verifyBgpUpdateWellKnownAttributes(bgpSession, ctx, origin, asPath, localPref, legacyNlri, mpNlriReachList);
    for (MpNlri mpNlri : mpNlriUnreachList) {
        BgpRouteEntry bgpRouteEntry;
        // The deleted IPv4 routes
        for (Ip4Prefix prefix : mpNlri.nlri4) {
            bgpRouteEntry = bgpSession.findBgpRoute(prefix);
            if (bgpRouteEntry != null) {
                decodedBgpRoutes.deletedUnicastRoutes4.put(prefix, bgpRouteEntry);
        // The deleted IPv6 routes
        for (Ip6Prefix prefix : mpNlri.nlri6) {
            bgpRouteEntry = bgpSession.findBgpRoute(prefix);
            if (bgpRouteEntry != null) {
                decodedBgpRoutes.deletedUnicastRoutes6.put(prefix, bgpRouteEntry);
    // Generate the added routes
    for (MpNlri mpNlri : mpNlriReachList) {
        BgpRouteEntry bgpRouteEntry;
        // The added IPv4 routes
        for (Ip4Prefix prefix : mpNlri.nlri4) {
            bgpRouteEntry = new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession, prefix, mpNlri.nextHop4, origin.byteValue(), asPath, localPref);
            if (bgpRouteEntry.hasAsPathLoop(bgpSession.localInfo().asNumber())) {
                log.debug("BGP RX UPDATE message IGNORED from {}: {} " + "nextHop {}: contains AS Path loop", bgpSession.remoteInfo().address(), prefix, mpNlri.nextHop4);
            } else {
                log.debug("BGP RX UPDATE message ADDED from {}: {} nextHop {}", bgpSession.remoteInfo().address(), prefix, mpNlri.nextHop4);
            // Remove from the collection of deleted routes
            decodedBgpRoutes.addedUnicastRoutes4.put(prefix, bgpRouteEntry);
        // The added IPv6 routes
        for (Ip6Prefix prefix : mpNlri.nlri6) {
            bgpRouteEntry = new BgpRouteEntry(bgpSession, prefix, mpNlri.nextHop6, origin.byteValue(), asPath, localPref);
            if (bgpRouteEntry.hasAsPathLoop(bgpSession.localInfo().asNumber())) {
                log.debug("BGP RX UPDATE message IGNORED from {}: {} " + "nextHop {}: contains AS Path loop", bgpSession.remoteInfo().address(), prefix, mpNlri.nextHop6);
            } else {
                log.debug("BGP RX UPDATE message ADDED from {}: {} nextHop {}", bgpSession.remoteInfo().address(), prefix, mpNlri.nextHop6);
            // Remove from the collection of deleted routes
            decodedBgpRoutes.addedUnicastRoutes6.put(prefix, bgpRouteEntry);
Also used : Ip4Address(org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Ip6Prefix(org.onlab.packet.Ip6Prefix) Ip4Prefix(org.onlab.packet.Ip4Prefix)


Ip4Address (org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address)98 Test (org.junit.Test)29 Ip4Prefix (org.onlab.packet.Ip4Prefix)20 ChannelBuffer (org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer)15 MacAddress (org.onlab.packet.MacAddress)15 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)14 Ip6Address (org.onlab.packet.Ip6Address)14 IpAddress (org.onlab.packet.IpAddress)13 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)12 Ethernet (org.onlab.packet.Ethernet)12 ProtocolType (org.onosproject.bgpio.protocol.linkstate.BgpNodeLSNlriVer4.ProtocolType)12 BgpPathAttributes (org.onosproject.bgpio.protocol.ver4.BgpPathAttributes)12 AsPath (org.onosproject.bgpio.types.AsPath)12 BgpHeader (org.onosproject.bgpio.types.BgpHeader)12 BgpValueType (org.onosproject.bgpio.types.BgpValueType)12 LinkStateAttributes (org.onosproject.bgpio.types.LinkStateAttributes)12 Med (org.onosproject.bgpio.types.Med)12 MpReachNlri (org.onosproject.bgpio.types.MpReachNlri)12 Origin (org.onosproject.bgpio.types.Origin)12 OriginType (org.onosproject.bgpio.types.Origin.OriginType)12