use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class PathManagerTest method validatePaths.
// Makes sure the set of paths meets basic expectations.
private void validatePaths(Set<Path> paths, int count, int length, ElementId src, ElementId dst) {
assertEquals("incorrect path count", count, paths.size());
for (Path path : paths) {
assertEquals("incorrect length", length, path.links().size());
assertEquals("incorrect source", src, path.src().elementId());
assertEquals("incorrect destination", dst, path.dst().elementId());
use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class PathManagerTest method edgeToInfra.
public void edgeToInfra() {
HostId src = hid("12:34:56:78:90:ab/1");
DeviceId dst = did("dst");
fakeTopoMgr.paths.add(createPath("edge", "middle", "dst"));
fakeHostMgr.hosts.put(src, host("12:34:56:78:90:ab/1", "edge"));
Set<Path> paths = service.getPaths(src, dst);
validatePaths(paths, 1, 3, src, dst);
use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class OpticalOduIntentCompiler method compile.
public List<Intent> compile(OpticalOduIntent intent, List<Intent> installable) {
// Check if ports are OduClt ports
ConnectPoint src = intent.getSrc();
ConnectPoint dst = intent.getDst();
Port srcPort = deviceService.getPort(src.deviceId(), src.port());
Port dstPort = deviceService.getPort(dst.deviceId(), dst.port());
checkArgument(srcPort instanceof OduCltPort);
checkArgument(dstPort instanceof OduCltPort);
log.debug("Compiling optical ODU intent between {} and {}", src, dst);
// Release of intent resources here is only a temporary solution for handling the
// case of recompiling due to intent restoration (when intent state is FAILED).
// TODO: try to release intent resources in IntentManager.
// Check OduClt ports availability
Resource srcPortResource = Resources.discrete(src.deviceId(), src.port()).resource();
Resource dstPortResource = Resources.discrete(dst.deviceId(), dst.port()).resource();
// If ports are not available, compilation fails
if (!Stream.of(srcPortResource, dstPortResource).allMatch(resourceService::isAvailable)) {
throw new OpticalIntentCompilationException("Ports for the intent are not available. Intent: " + intent);
List<Resource> intentResources = new ArrayList<>();
// Calculate available light paths
Set<Path> paths = getOpticalPaths(intent);
if (paths.isEmpty()) {
throw new OpticalIntentCompilationException("Unable to find suitable lightpath for intent " + intent);
// Use first path that can be successfully reserved
for (Path path : paths) {
// Find available Tributary Slots on both directions of path
Map<LinkKey, Set<TributarySlot>> slotsMap = findAvailableTributarySlots(intent, path);
if (slotsMap.isEmpty()) {
List<Resource> tributarySlotResources = convertToResources(slotsMap);
if (! {
allocateResources(intent, intentResources);
List<FlowRule> rules = new LinkedList<>();
// Create rules for forward and reverse path
rules = createRules(intent, intent.getSrc(), intent.getDst(), path, slotsMap, false);
if (intent.isBidirectional()) {
rules.addAll(createRules(intent, intent.getDst(), intent.getSrc(), path, slotsMap, true));
return Collections.singletonList(new FlowRuleIntent(appId, intent.key(), rules, ImmutableSet.copyOf(path.links()), PathIntent.ProtectionType.PRIMARY, intent.resourceGroup()));
throw new OpticalIntentCompilationException("Unable to find suitable lightpath for intent " + intent);
use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class OpticalConnectivityIntentCompiler method findFirstAvailableLambda.
* Find the first available lambda on the given path by checking all the port resources.
* @param path the path
* @return list of consecutive and available OChSignals
private List<OchSignal> findFirstAvailableLambda(OpticalConnectivityIntent intent, Path path) {
if (intent.ochSignal().isPresent()) {
// create lambdas w.r.t. slotGanularity/slotWidth
OchSignal ochSignal = intent.ochSignal().get();
if (ochSignal.gridType() == GridType.FLEX) {
// multiplier sits in the middle of slots
int startMultiplier = ochSignal.spacingMultiplier() - (ochSignal.slotGranularity() / 2);
return IntStream.range(0, ochSignal.slotGranularity()).mapToObj(x -> OchSignal.newFlexGridSlot(startMultiplier + (2 * x))).collect(Collectors.toList());
} else if (ochSignal.gridType() == GridType.DWDM) {
int startMultiplier = (int) (1 - ochSignal.slotGranularity() + ochSignal.spacingMultiplier() * ochSignal.channelSpacing().frequency().asHz() / ChannelSpacing.CHL_6P25GHZ.frequency().asHz());
return IntStream.range(0, ochSignal.slotGranularity()).mapToObj(x -> OchSignal.newFlexGridSlot(startMultiplier + (2 * x))).collect(Collectors.toList());
// TODO: add support for other gridTypes
log.error("Grid type: {} not supported for user defined signal intents", ochSignal.gridType());
return Collections.emptyList();
Set<OchSignal> lambdas = findCommonLambdas(path);
if (lambdas.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return findFirstLambda(lambdas, slotCount());
use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class AbstractPathServiceTest method checkPaths.
private void checkPaths(Collection<Path> paths) {
assertThat(paths, notNullValue());
assertThat(paths, hasSize(1));
Path path = paths.iterator().next();