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the class PointToPointIntentCompilerTest method testBandwidthConstrainedIntentSuccess.
* Tests that requests with sufficient available bandwidth succeed.
public void testBandwidthConstrainedIntentSuccess() {
final double bpsTotal = 1000.0;
final double bpsToReserve = 100.0;
final ResourceService resourceService = MockResourceService.makeCustomBandwidthResourceService(bpsTotal);
final List<Constraint> constraints = Collections.singletonList(new BandwidthConstraint(Bandwidth.bps(bpsToReserve)));
final PointToPointIntent intent = makeIntent(new ConnectPoint(DID_1, PORT_1), new ConnectPoint(DID_3, PORT_2), constraints);
String[] hops = { S1, S2, S3 };
final PointToPointIntentCompiler compiler = makeCompiler(hops, resourceService);
final List<Intent> compiledIntents = compiler.compile(intent, null);
assertThat(compiledIntents, Matchers.notNullValue());
assertThat(compiledIntents, hasSize(1));
assertThat("key is inherited",, everyItem(is(intent.key())));
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the class PointToPointIntentCompilerTest method testSuggestedPathBandwidthConstrainedIntentFailure.
* Tests that requests with insufficient available bandwidth fail.
public void testSuggestedPathBandwidthConstrainedIntentFailure() {
final double bpsTotal = 10.0;
final ResourceService resourceService = MockResourceService.makeCustomBandwidthResourceService(bpsTotal);
final List<Constraint> constraints = Collections.singletonList(new BandwidthConstraint(Bandwidth.bps(BPS_TO_RESERVE)));
String[] suggestedPathHops = { S1, S4, S5, S3 };
List<Link> suggestedPath = NetTestTools.createPath(suggestedPathHops).links();
try {
final PointToPointIntent intent = makeIntentSuggestedPath(new ConnectPoint(DID_1, PORT_1), new ConnectPoint(DID_3, PORT_2), suggestedPath, constraints);
String[][] paths = { { S1, S2, S3 }, suggestedPathHops };
final PointToPointIntentCompiler compiler = makeCompilerSuggestedPath(paths, resourceService);
compiler.compile(intent, null);
fail("Point to Point compilation with insufficient bandwidth does " + "not throw exception.");
} catch (PathNotFoundException noPath) {
assertThat(noPath.getMessage(), containsString("No path"));
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the class PointToPointIntentCompilerTest method testKeyRGBandwidthConstrainedIntentAllocation.
* Tests if bandwidth resources get allocated correctly using groups.
* An intent asks to allocate bandwidth using the intent key as a reference.
* Then, the intent is submitted with the same key and a group set.
* Previous allocations should be released and new resources should be
* allocated using the group.
public void testKeyRGBandwidthConstrainedIntentAllocation() {
final double bpsTotal = 1000.0;
String[] hops = { S1, S2, S3 };
final ResourceService resourceService = MockResourceService.makeCustomBandwidthResourceService(bpsTotal);
final List<Constraint> constraints = Collections.singletonList(new BandwidthConstraint(Bandwidth.bps(BPS_TO_RESERVE)));
final PointToPointIntent intent = makeIntent(new ConnectPoint(DID_1, PORT_1), new ConnectPoint(DID_3, PORT_2), constraints);
PointToPointIntentCompiler compiler = makeCompiler(hops, resourceService);
compiler.compile(intent, null);
Key intentKey = intent.key();
ResourceGroup resourceGroup = ResourceGroup.of(100);
final PointToPointIntent newIntent = makeIntent(intentKey, new ConnectPoint(DID_1, PORT_1), new ConnectPoint(DID_3, PORT_2), constraints, resourceGroup);
compiler.compile(newIntent, null);
ResourceAllocation rAOne = new ResourceAllocation(RESOURCE_SW1_P1, resourceGroup);
ResourceAllocation rATwo = new ResourceAllocation(RESOURCE_SW1_P2, resourceGroup);
ResourceAllocation rAThree = new ResourceAllocation(RESOURCE_SW2_P1, resourceGroup);
ResourceAllocation rAFour = new ResourceAllocation(RESOURCE_SW2_P2, resourceGroup);
ResourceAllocation rAFive = new ResourceAllocation(RESOURCE_SW3_P1, resourceGroup);
ResourceAllocation rASix = new ResourceAllocation(RESOURCE_SW3_P2, resourceGroup);
Set<ResourceAllocation> expectedresourceAllocations = ImmutableSet.of(rAOne, rATwo, rAThree, rAFour, rAFive, rASix);
Set<ResourceAllocation> resourceAllocations = ImmutableSet.copyOf(resourceService.getResourceAllocations(resourceGroup));
assertThat(resourceAllocations, hasSize(6));
assertEquals(expectedresourceAllocations, resourceAllocations);
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the class SinglePointToMultiPointIntentCompilerTest method testPartialFailureConstraintSuccess.
* Tests if all expected links are present when a partial failure
* constraint is used and one ingress is not present.
public void testPartialFailureConstraintSuccess() {
FilteredConnectPoint ingress = new FilteredConnectPoint(new ConnectPoint(DID_1, PORT_1));
Set<FilteredConnectPoint> egress = ImmutableSet.of(new FilteredConnectPoint(new ConnectPoint(DID_4, PORT_2)), new FilteredConnectPoint(new ConnectPoint(DID_5, PORT_2)));
final List<Constraint> constraints = Collections.singletonList(new PartialFailureConstraint());
SinglePointToMultiPointIntent intent = makeIntent(ingress, egress, constraints);
String[] hops = { S3 };
SinglePointToMultiPointIntentCompiler compiler = makeCompiler(null, new IntentTestsMocks.FixedMP2MPMockPathService(hops), null);
assertThat(compiler, is(notNullValue()));
List<Intent> result = compiler.compile(intent, null);
assertThat(result, is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(result, hasSize(1));
Intent resultIntent = result.get(0);
assertThat(resultIntent, instanceOf(LinkCollectionIntent.class));
if (resultIntent instanceof LinkCollectionIntent) {
LinkCollectionIntent linkIntent = (LinkCollectionIntent) resultIntent;
assertThat(linkIntent.links(), hasSize(2));
assertThat(linkIntent.links(), linksHasPath(S1, S3));
assertThat(linkIntent.links(), linksHasPath(S3, S4));
assertThat("key is inherited", resultIntent.key(), is(intent.key()));
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the class VirtualNetworkIntentManagerTest method testCreateAndRemoveIntent.
* Tests the submit(), withdraw(), and purge() methods.
public void testCreateAndRemoveIntent() {
VirtualNetwork virtualNetwork = setupVirtualNetworkTopology();
Key intentKey = Key.of("test", APP_ID);
List<Constraint> constraints = new ArrayList<>();
constraints.add(new EncapsulationConstraint(EncapsulationType.VLAN));
VirtualNetworkIntent virtualIntent = VirtualNetworkIntent.builder().networkId(;
// Test the submit() method.
// Wait for the both intents to go into an INSTALLED state.
try {
if (!created.tryAcquire(MAX_PERMITS, MAX_WAIT_TIME, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
fail("Failed to wait for intent to get installed.");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
fail("Semaphore exception during intent installation." + e.getMessage());
// Test the getIntentState() method
assertEquals("The intent state did not match as expected.", IntentState.INSTALLED, vnetIntentService.getIntentState(virtualIntent.key()));
// Test the withdraw() method.
// Wait for the both intents to go into a WITHDRAWN state.
try {
if (!withdrawn.tryAcquire(MAX_PERMITS, MAX_WAIT_TIME, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
fail("Failed to wait for intent to get withdrawn.");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
fail("Semaphore exception during intent withdrawal." + e.getMessage());
// Test the getIntentState() method
assertEquals("The intent state did not match as expected.", IntentState.WITHDRAWN, vnetIntentService.getIntentState(virtualIntent.key()));
// Test the purge() method.
// Wait for the both intents to be removed/purged.
try {
if (!purged.tryAcquire(MAX_PERMITS, MAX_WAIT_TIME, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
fail("Failed to wait for intent to get purged.");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
fail("Semaphore exception during intent purging." + e.getMessage());