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Example 26 with Key

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class IntentRemoveCommand method removeIntent.

 * Removes the intent passed as argument.
 * @param intentService IntentService object
 * @param intent intent to remove
private void removeIntent(IntentService intentService, Intent intent) {
    IntentListener listener = null;
    Key key = intent.key();
    final CountDownLatch withdrawLatch, purgeLatch;
    if (purgeAfterRemove || sync) {
        // set up latch and listener to track uninstall progress
        withdrawLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
        purgeLatch = purgeAfterRemove ? new CountDownLatch(1) : null;
        listener = (IntentEvent event) -> {
            if (Objects.equals(event.subject().key(), key)) {
                if (event.type() == IntentEvent.Type.WITHDRAWN || event.type() == IntentEvent.Type.FAILED) {
                } else if (purgeLatch != null && purgeAfterRemove && event.type() == IntentEvent.Type.PURGED) {
    } else {
        purgeLatch = null;
        withdrawLatch = null;
    // request the withdraw
    if (withdrawLatch != null && (purgeAfterRemove || sync)) {
        try {
            // wait for withdraw event
            withdrawLatch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            print("Timed out waiting for intent {} withdraw", key);
        if (purgeLatch != null && purgeAfterRemove && CAN_PURGE.contains(intentService.getIntentState(key))) {
            if (sync) {
                /* TODO
                       Technically, the event comes before map.remove() is called.
                       If we depend on sync and purge working together, we will
                       need to address this.
                try {
                    purgeLatch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    print("Timed out waiting for intent {} purge", key);
    if (listener != null) {
        // clean up the listener
Also used : IntentListener( CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch) Key( IntentEvent(

Example 27 with Key

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class ObjectiveTrackerTest method testEventLinkDownMatch.

 * Tests an event for a link down where the link matches existing intents.
 * @throws InterruptedException if the latch wait fails.
public void testEventLinkDownMatch() throws Exception {
    final Link link = link("src", 1, "dst", 2);
    final LinkEvent linkEvent = new LinkEvent(LinkEvent.Type.LINK_REMOVED, link);
    final TopologyEvent event = new TopologyEvent(TopologyEvent.Type.TOPOLOGY_CHANGED, topology, reasons);
    final Key key = Key.of(0x333L, APP_ID);
    Collection<NetworkResource> resources = ImmutableSet.of(link);
    tracker.addTrackedResources(key, resources);
    assertThat(delegate.latch.await(WAIT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS), is(true));
    assertThat(delegate.intentIdsFromEvent, hasSize(1));
    assertThat(delegate.compileAllFailedFromEvent, is(false));
    assertThat(delegate.intentIdsFromEvent.get(0).toString(), equalTo("0x333"));
Also used : NetworkResource( LinkEvent( TopologyEvent( Link( Key( Test(org.junit.Test) AbstractIntentTest(

Example 28 with Key

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class HostToHostIntentCompilerTest method testBandwidthConstrainedIntentAllocation.

 * Tests if bandwidth resources get allocated correctly.
public void testBandwidthConstrainedIntentAllocation() {
    final double bpsTotal = 1000.0;
    final double bpsToReserve = 100.0;
    ContinuousResource resourceSw1P1 = Resources.continuous(DID_S1, PORT_1, Bandwidth.class).resource(bpsToReserve);
    ContinuousResource resourceSw1P2 = Resources.continuous(DID_S1, PORT_2, Bandwidth.class).resource(bpsToReserve);
    ContinuousResource resourceSw2P1 = Resources.continuous(DID_S2, PORT_1, Bandwidth.class).resource(bpsToReserve);
    ContinuousResource resourceSw2P2 = Resources.continuous(DID_S2, PORT_2, Bandwidth.class).resource(bpsToReserve);
    ContinuousResource resourceSw3P1 = Resources.continuous(DID_S3, PORT_1, Bandwidth.class).resource(bpsToReserve);
    ContinuousResource resourceSw3P2 = Resources.continuous(DID_S3, PORT_2, Bandwidth.class).resource(bpsToReserve);
    String[] hops = { HOST_ONE, S1, S2, S3, HOST_TWO };
    final ResourceService resourceService = MockResourceService.makeCustomBandwidthResourceService(bpsTotal);
    final List<Constraint> constraints = Collections.singletonList(new BandwidthConstraint(Bandwidth.bps(bpsToReserve)));
    final HostToHostIntent intent = makeIntent(HOST_ONE, HOST_TWO, constraints);
    HostToHostIntentCompiler compiler = makeCompiler(hops, resourceService);
    compiler.compile(intent, null);
    Key intentKey = intent.key();
    ResourceAllocation rAOne = new ResourceAllocation(resourceSw1P1, intentKey);
    ResourceAllocation rATwo = new ResourceAllocation(resourceSw1P2, intentKey);
    ResourceAllocation rAThree = new ResourceAllocation(resourceSw2P1, intentKey);
    ResourceAllocation rAFour = new ResourceAllocation(resourceSw2P2, intentKey);
    ResourceAllocation rAFive = new ResourceAllocation(resourceSw3P1, intentKey);
    ResourceAllocation rASix = new ResourceAllocation(resourceSw3P2, intentKey);
    Set<ResourceAllocation> expectedresourceAllocations = ImmutableSet.of(rAOne, rATwo, rAThree, rAFour, rAFive, rASix);
    Set<ResourceAllocation> resourceAllocations = ImmutableSet.copyOf(resourceService.getResourceAllocations(intentKey));
    assertThat(resourceAllocations, hasSize(6));
    assertEquals(expectedresourceAllocations, resourceAllocations);
Also used : Constraint( BandwidthConstraint( HostToHostIntent( ResourceService( MockResourceService( ResourceAllocation( Bandwidth(org.onlab.util.Bandwidth) Key( ContinuousResource( BandwidthConstraint( Test(org.junit.Test) AbstractIntentTest(

Example 29 with Key

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class ConnectivityManager method buildIntents.

 * Builds the required intents between the two pairs of connect points and
 * IP addresses.
 * @param portOne the first connect point
 * @param ipOne the first IP address
 * @param portTwo the second connect point
 * @param ipTwo the second IP address
 * @return the intents to install
private Collection<PointToPointIntent> buildIntents(ConnectPoint portOne, IpAddress ipOne, ConnectPoint portTwo, IpAddress ipTwo) {
    List<PointToPointIntent> intents = new ArrayList<>();
    TrafficTreatment treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.emptyTreatment();
    TrafficSelector selector;
    Key key;
    byte tcpProtocol;
    byte icmpProtocol;
    if (ipOne.isIp4()) {
        tcpProtocol = IPv4.PROTOCOL_TCP;
        icmpProtocol = IPv4.PROTOCOL_ICMP;
    } else {
        tcpProtocol = IPv6.PROTOCOL_TCP;
        icmpProtocol = IPv6.PROTOCOL_ICMP6;
    // Path from BGP speaker to BGP peer matching source TCP port 179
    selector = buildSelector(tcpProtocol, ipOne, ipTwo, BGP_PORT, null);
    key = buildKey(ipOne, ipTwo, SUFFIX_SRC);
    intents.add(PointToPointIntent.builder().appId(appId).key(key).selector(selector).treatment(treatment).filteredIngressPoint(new FilteredConnectPoint(portOne)).filteredEgressPoint(new FilteredConnectPoint(portTwo)).priority(PRIORITY_OFFSET).build());
    // Path from BGP peer to BGP speaker matching destination TCP port 179
    selector = buildSelector(tcpProtocol, ipTwo, ipOne, null, BGP_PORT);
    key = buildKey(ipTwo, ipOne, SUFFIX_DST);
    intents.add(PointToPointIntent.builder().appId(appId).key(key).selector(selector).treatment(treatment).filteredIngressPoint(new FilteredConnectPoint(portTwo)).filteredEgressPoint(new FilteredConnectPoint(portOne)).priority(PRIORITY_OFFSET).build());
    // ICMP path from BGP speaker to BGP peer
    selector = buildSelector(icmpProtocol, ipOne, ipTwo, null, null);
    key = buildKey(ipOne, ipTwo, SUFFIX_ICMP);
    intents.add(PointToPointIntent.builder().appId(appId).key(key).selector(selector).treatment(treatment).filteredIngressPoint(new FilteredConnectPoint(portOne)).filteredEgressPoint(new FilteredConnectPoint(portTwo)).priority(PRIORITY_OFFSET).build());
    // ICMP path from BGP peer to BGP speaker
    selector = buildSelector(icmpProtocol, ipTwo, ipOne, null, null);
    key = buildKey(ipTwo, ipOne, SUFFIX_ICMP);
    intents.add(PointToPointIntent.builder().appId(appId).key(key).selector(selector).treatment(treatment).filteredIngressPoint(new FilteredConnectPoint(portTwo)).filteredEgressPoint(new FilteredConnectPoint(portOne)).priority(PRIORITY_OFFSET).build());
    return intents;
Also used : PointToPointIntent( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TrafficSelector( DefaultTrafficSelector( DefaultTrafficTreatment( TrafficTreatment( Key( FilteredConnectPoint(

Example 30 with Key

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class IntentMonitorAndRerouteManager method applyPath.

public boolean applyPath(Route route) {
    checkNotNull(route, "Route to apply must be not null");
    checkNotNull(route.appId(), "Application id must be not null");
    checkNotNull(route.key(), "Intent key to apply must be not null");
    checkNotNull(route.paths(), "New path must be not null");
    checkArgument(route.paths().size() >= 1);
    ApplicationId appId = route.appId();
    Key key = route.key();
    // check if the app and the intent key are monitored
    if (!monitoredIntents.containsKey(appId)) {
        return false;
    if (!monitoredIntents.get(appId).containsKey(key)) {
        return false;
    // TODO: now we manage only the unsplittable routing
    Path currentPath = route.paths().stream().max(Comparator.comparing(Path::weight)).get();
    // in this case remove them from the list
    if (currentPath.path().get(0) instanceof HostId) {
    if (currentPath.path().get(currentPath.path().size() - 1) instanceof HostId) {
        currentPath.path().remove(currentPath.path().size() - 1);
    List<Link> links = createPathFromDeviceList(currentPath.path());
    // Generate the new Link collection intent, if not possible it will return the old intent
    ConnectivityIntent intent = generateLinkCollectionIntent(links, key, appId);
    return true;
Also used : Path( ApplicationId(org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId) HostId( ConnectivityIntent( Key( Link(


Key ( FilteredConnectPoint ( Intent ( ConnectPoint ( DefaultTrafficSelector ( TrafficSelector ( MultiPointToSinglePointIntent ( Test (org.junit.Test)15 Constraint ( PointToPointIntent ( DefaultTrafficTreatment ( TrafficTreatment ( IntentService ( SinglePointToMultiPointIntent ( ApplicationId (org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)9 Interface ( Set (java.util.Set)8 MacAddress (org.onlab.packet.MacAddress)8