Search in sources :

Example 11 with Region

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class RegionsWebResource method removeDevices.

 * Removes the specified collection of devices from the region.
 * @param regionId region identifier
 * @param stream deviceIds JSON stream
 * @return 204 NO CONTENT
 * @onos.rsModel RegionDeviceIds
public Response removeDevices(@PathParam("regionId") String regionId, InputStream stream) {
    RegionId rid = RegionId.regionId(regionId);
    Region region = nullIsNotFound(regionService.getRegion(rid), REGION_NOT_FOUND + rid);
    try {
        regionAdminService.removeDevices(rid, extractDeviceIds(stream));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
    return Response.noContent().build();
Also used : Region( RegionId( IOException( Path( DELETE( Consumes(

Example 12 with Region

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class RegionsWebResource method getRegionById.

 * Returns the region with the specified identifier.
 * @param regionId region identifier
 * @return 200 OK with a region, 404 not found
 * @onos.rsModel Region
public Response getRegionById(@PathParam("regionId") String regionId) {
    final RegionId rid = RegionId.regionId(regionId);
    final Region region = nullIsNotFound(regionService.getRegion(rid), REGION_NOT_FOUND + rid.toString());
    return ok(codec(Region.class).encode(region, this)).build();
Also used : Region( RegionId( Path( Produces( GET(

Example 13 with Region

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class DistributedRegionStoreTest method basics.

public void basics() {
    Region r1 = store.createRegion(RID1, "R1", METRO, NO_ANNOTS, MASTERS);
    assertEquals("incorrect id", RID1,;
    assertEquals("incorrect event", REGION_ADDED, event.type());
    Region r2 = store.createRegion(RID2, "R2", CAMPUS, NO_ANNOTS, MASTERS);
    assertEquals("incorrect id", RID2,;
    assertEquals("incorrect type", CAMPUS, r2.type());
    assertEquals("incorrect event", REGION_ADDED, event.type());
    r2 = store.updateRegion(RID2, "R2", COUNTRY, NO_ANNOTS, MASTERS);
    assertEquals("incorrect type", COUNTRY, r2.type());
    assertEquals("incorrect event", REGION_UPDATED, event.type());
    Set<Region> regions = store.getRegions();
    assertEquals("incorrect size", 2, regions.size());
    assertTrue("missing r1", regions.contains(r1));
    assertTrue("missing r2", regions.contains(r2));
    r1 = store.getRegion(RID1);
    assertEquals("incorrect id", RID1,;
    regions = store.getRegions();
    assertEquals("incorrect size", 1, regions.size());
    assertTrue("missing r2", regions.contains(r2));
    assertEquals("incorrect event", REGION_REMOVED, event.type());
Also used : Region( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 14 with Region

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class DistributedRegionStore method addDevices.

public void addDevices(RegionId regionId, Collection<DeviceId> deviceIds) {
    // attempting to add it.
    for (DeviceId deviceId : deviceIds) {
        Region region = getRegionForDevice(deviceId);
        if ((region != null) && (! {
            Set<DeviceId> deviceIdSet1 = ImmutableSet.of(deviceId);
            removeDevices(, deviceIdSet1);
    membershipRepo.compute(regionId, (id, existingDevices) -> {
        if (existingDevices == null) {
            return ImmutableSet.copyOf(deviceIds);
        } else if (!existingDevices.containsAll(deviceIds)) {
            return ImmutableSet.<DeviceId>builder().addAll(existingDevices).addAll(deviceIds).build();
        } else {
            return existingDevices;
    Region region = regionsById.get(regionId);
    deviceIds.forEach(deviceId -> regionsByDevice.put(deviceId, region));
Also used : DeviceId( DefaultRegion( Region(

Example 15 with Region

use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.

the class Topo2Jsonifier method jsonClosedRegion.

private ObjectNode jsonClosedRegion(String ridStr, UiRegion region) {
    ObjectNode node = objectNode().put("id", region.idAsString()).put("name","nodeType", REGION).put("nDevs", region.deviceCount()).put("nHosts", region.hostCount());
    // TODO: device and host counts should take into account any nested
    // subregions. i.e. should be the sum of all devices/hosts in
    // all descendant subregions.
    Region r = region.backingRegion();
    if (r != null) {
        // add data injected via network configuration script
        addGeoGridLocation(node, r);
        addProps(node, r);
    // this may contain location data, as dragged by user
    // (which should take precedence, over configured data)
    addMetaUi(node, ridStr, region.idAsString());
    return node;
Also used : ObjectNode(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode) Region( UiRegion(org.onosproject.ui.model.topo.UiRegion)


Region ( Test (org.junit.Test)9 Set (java.util.Set)7 NodeId (org.onosproject.cluster.NodeId)7 RegionId ( DeviceId ( DefaultRegion ( ObjectNode (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode)4 IOException ( Consumes ( Path ( JsonNode (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode)3 ImmutableSet ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 Produces ( URI ( URISyntaxException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 CompletableFuture (java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture)2