use of in project onos by opennetworkinglab.
the class OpticalConnectivityIntentCompiler method compile.
public List<Intent> compile(OpticalConnectivityIntent intent, List<Intent> installable) {
// Check if source and destination are optical OCh ports
ConnectPoint src = intent.getSrc();
ConnectPoint dst = intent.getDst();
checkArgument(deviceService.getPort(src.deviceId(), src.port()) instanceof OchPort);
checkArgument(deviceService.getPort(dst.deviceId(), dst.port()) instanceof OchPort);
List<Resource> resources = new LinkedList<>();
log.debug("Compiling optical connectivity intent between {} and {}", src, dst);
// Release of intent resources here is only a temporary solution for handling the
// case of recompiling due to intent restoration (when intent state is FAILED).
// TODO: try to release intent resources in IntentManager.
// Check OCh port availability
// If ports are not available, compilation fails
// Else add port to resource reservation list
Resource srcPortResource = Resources.discrete(src.deviceId(), src.port()).resource();
Resource dstPortResource = Resources.discrete(dst.deviceId(), dst.port()).resource();
if (!Stream.of(srcPortResource, dstPortResource).allMatch(resourceService::isAvailable)) {
log.error("Ports for the intent are not available. Intent: {}", intent);
throw new OpticalIntentCompilationException("Ports for the intent are not available. Intent: " + intent);
// If there is a suggestedPath, use this path without further checking, otherwise trigger path computation
Stream<Path> paths;
if (intent.suggestedPath().isPresent()) {
paths = Stream.of(intent.suggestedPath().get());
} else {
paths = getOpticalPaths(intent);
// Find first path that has the required resources
Optional<Map.Entry<Path, List<OchSignal>>> found = -> Maps.immutableEntry(path, findFirstAvailableLambda(intent, path))).filter(entry -> !entry.getValue().isEmpty()).filter(entry -> convertToResources(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()).stream().allMatch(resourceService::isAvailable)).findFirst();
// Allocate resources and create optical path intent
if (found.isPresent()) {
log.debug("Suitable lightpath FOUND for intent {}", intent);
resources.addAll(convertToResources(found.get().getKey(), found.get().getValue()));
allocateResources(intent, resources);
OchSignal ochSignal = OchSignal.toFixedGrid(found.get().getValue(), ChannelSpacing.CHL_50GHZ);
return ImmutableList.of(createIntent(intent, found.get().getKey(), ochSignal));
} else {
log.error("Unable to find suitable lightpath for intent {}", intent);
throw new OpticalIntentCompilationException("Unable to find suitable lightpath for intent " + intent);