use of org.opencastproject.assetmanager.api.query.AResult in project opencast by opencast.
the class AbstractAssetManagerBasicTest method testSetAndUpdateProperty.
public void testSetAndUpdateProperty() throws Exception {
final MediaPackage mp = mkMediaPackage(mkCatalog());
final String mpId = mp.getIdentifier().toString();
am.takeSnapshot(OWNER, mp);
final Date d1 = new Date(0);
final Date d2 = new Date(1);
final Date d3 = new Date(2);"Add a property to the media package");
assertTrue("The property should be set", am.setProperty(, d1)));"Select all properties of the media package");
AResult r =;
assertEquals("One record should be found", 1, r.getSize());
assertEquals("One property should be found", 1, r.getRecords().bind(getProperties).toList().size());
assertEquals("Value check", d1, r.getRecords().bind(getProperties).head2().getValue().get(Value.DATE));
assertEquals("One property should be found", 1,;
}"Update the property");
assertTrue("The property should be updated", am.setProperty(, d2)));
AResult r =;
assertEquals("One record should be found", 1, r.getSize());
assertEquals("One property should be found", 1, r.getRecords().bind(getProperties).toList().size());
assertEquals("Value check", d2, r.getRecords().bind(getProperties).head2().getValue().get(Value.DATE));
assertEquals("One record should be found", 1,;
}"The existence of multiple versions of a media package should not affect property storage");"Add a new version of the media package");
am.takeSnapshot(OWNER, mp);"Update the property again");
assertTrue("The property should be updated", am.setProperty(, d3)));
AResult r =;
assertEquals("Two records should be found since there are now two versions of the media package and no version restriction has been applied", 2, r.getSize());
assertEquals("Two properties should be found, one per found record", 2, r.getRecords().bind(getProperties).toList().size());
assertEquals("There should be one distinct property in all of the found records", 1, r.getRecords().bind(getProperties).toSet().size());
assertEquals("Value check", d3, r.getRecords().bind(getProperties).head2().getValue().get(Value.DATE));
assertEquals("Two record should be found", 2,;
use of org.opencastproject.assetmanager.api.query.AResult in project opencast by opencast.
the class AbstractAssetManagerPropertyRetrievalTest method testPropertyRetrieval.
* Create some media packages and associate some random properties to each of them.
* Then iterate all created properties and create a query for each of them.
public void testPropertyRetrieval(final Params params) {
// create a set of media packages and add them to the asset manager
final String[] mps = createAndAddMediaPackagesSimple(params.mpCount, 1, 1);
final Random random = new Random(System.nanoTime());
// create a set of random property names
final PropertyName[] propertyNames = createRandomPropertyNames(params.propertyNameSetSize);
// create a random amount of random properties for each media package
final Stream<Property> props = $(mps).bind(new Fn<String, Stream<Property>>() {
public Stream<Property> apply(final String mp) {
// create a random amount of random properties
return Stream.cont(inc()).take(random.nextInt(params.maxProps - params.minProps + 1) + params.minProps).map(new Fn<Integer, Property>() {
public Property apply(Integer ignore) {
// try to pick a free property a 100 times
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// randomly select a property name
final PropertyName pName = propertyNames[random.nextInt(propertyNames.length)];
// check if the selected property is already associated with the current media package
final ASelectQuery doesPropertyExist =;
if (sizeOf( == 0) {
// create a property with a randomly picked value
final Property p =, pName), params.values[random.nextInt(params.values.length)]);
if (am.setProperty(p))
return p;
fail("Cannot pick another random property that has not been inserted yet");
return null;
assertThat("Number of generated properties", sizeOf(props), allOf(greaterThanOrEqualTo(params.mpCount * params.minProps), lessThanOrEqualTo(params.mpCount * params.maxProps)));
// iterate all properties and try to retrieve them from the AssetManager
for (final Property prop : props) {
final AResult r =;
// get all properties of the result records
assertThat("Number of records", r.getSize(), params.expectRecords);
final Stream<Property> allProps = r.getRecords().bind(ARecords.getProperties);
assertThat("Total number of properties: " + allProps.mkString(", "), sizeOf(allProps), params.expectPropertiesTotal);
assertThat("Total number of snapshots", sizeOf(r.getRecords().bind(ARecords.getSnapshot)), params.expectSnapshotsTotal);
final Stream<Property> findSavedProperty = r.getRecords().bind(ARecords.getProperties).filter(Booleans.eq(prop));
if (params.expectContainsSavedProperty) {
assertThat("Contains saved property", findSavedProperty, hasItem(prop));
use of org.opencastproject.assetmanager.api.query.AResult in project opencast by opencast.
the class AbstractAssetManagerSelectTest method testSelectProperties.
public void testSelectProperties() throws Exception {
final MediaPackage mp1 = mkMediaPackage();
final MediaPackageElement mpe = mkCatalog();
am.takeSnapshot(OWNER, mp1);
assertEquals("No records should be found", 0,"org.opencastproject.service")).run().getSize());
//"Set property on first episode");
am.setProperty(, "org.opencastproject.service", "count"),;
assertEquals("One record should be found", 1,"org.opencastproject.service")).run().getSize());
//"Add another media package with some properties of the same namespace");
final MediaPackage mp2 = mkMediaPackage(mkCatalog());
am.takeSnapshot(OWNER, mp2);
am.setProperty(, 20L));
am.setProperty(, true));
am.setProperty(, new Date()));
//"Add a 3rd media package without any properties");
am.takeSnapshot(OWNER, mkMediaPackage(mkCatalog()));
final AResult r =, q.nothing()).where(p.hasPropertiesOfNamespace()).run();
assertEquals("Two records should be found", 2, r.getSize()); + "ms");
final AResult r =;
assertEquals("Two snapshots should be found", 2, r.getRecords().bind(getSnapshot).toList().size()); + "ms");
final AResult r =, p.allProperties()).where(p.hasPropertiesOfNamespace()).run();
assertEquals("Two snapshots should be found", 2, r.getRecords().bind(getSnapshot).toList().size()); + "ms");
final AResult r =, p.allProperties()).where(p.hasPropertiesOfNamespace()).run();
assertEquals("Two records with properties of the defined namespace should be found", 2, r.getSize()); + "ms");
final AResult r =, p.allProperties()).run();
assertEquals("Three records should be found in total", 3, r.getSize()); + "ms");
final AResult r =, p.allProperties()).where(p.count.le(5L)).run();
assertEquals("No records should be found in total", 0, r.getSize());
final AResult r =, p.allProperties()).where(;
assertEquals("No records should be found in total", 2, r.getSize());
use of org.opencastproject.assetmanager.api.query.AResult in project opencast by opencast.
the class AbstractAssetManagerSelectTest method testSelectByEndAndStartProperty.
public void testSelectByEndAndStartProperty() throws Exception {
final MediaPackage mp = mkMediaPackage(mkCatalog());
final String mpId = mp.getIdentifier().toString();
am.takeSnapshot(OWNER, mp);
final Date d0 = new Date(0);
final Date d1 = new Date(1);
final Date d3 = new Date(3);
assertTrue("The property should be set", am.setProperty(, d1)));
assertTrue("The property should be set", am.setProperty(, d3)));"Select all media package's end from d0 and start to d3");
AResult r =;
assertEquals("One record should be found", 1, r.getSize());
use of org.opencastproject.assetmanager.api.query.AResult in project opencast by opencast.
the class AbstractAssetManagerSelectTest method testPredicateZero.
public void testPredicateZero() throws Exception {
final MediaPackage mp1 = mkMediaPackage(mkCatalog());
am.takeSnapshot(OWNER, mp1);
final AResult r =;
assertEquals("One record should be found", 1, r.getSize());
assertEquals("One snapshot should be found", 1, r.getRecords().bind(getSnapshot).toList().size());
assertEquals("No properties should be found", 0, r.getRecords().bind(getProperties).toList().size());
final AResult r =;
assertEquals("One record should be found", 1, r.getSize());
assertEquals("One snapshot should be found", 1, r.getRecords().bind(getSnapshot).toList().size());
assertEquals("No properties should be found", 0, r.getRecords().bind(getProperties).toList().size());
final AResult r =;
assertEquals("No record should be found", 0, r.getSize());
{"Show an example use case of predicate's zero element");
final boolean selectAll = true;
final AResult r = ? q.always() : q.mediaPackageId("bla")).run();
assertEquals("One record should be found", 1, r.getSize());
assertEquals("One snapshot should be found", 1, r.getRecords().bind(getSnapshot).toList().size());
assertEquals("No properties should be found", 0, r.getRecords().bind(getProperties).toList().size());