use of org.opencastproject.assetmanager.api.query.Predicate in project opencast by opencast.
the class SchedulerServiceImpl method getScheduledEvents.
* FIXME: This query is unsafe since it may fetch many many rows. It would be better to do conflict checking directly
* in the database instead of fetching all scheduled events for the capture agent and then doing the checks in memory.
* Unfortunately, the current database schema is not suitable to do this in an efficient manner. Especially the generic
* concept of 'properties' would lead to many nested queries.
private ARecord[] getScheduledEvents(Opt<String> captureAgentId) {
AQueryBuilder query = assetManager.createQuery();
Props p = new Props(query);
Predicate predicate = withOrganization(query).and(withOwner(query)).and(query.hasPropertiesOf(p.namespace())).and(withVersion(query));
for (String agentId : captureAgentId) {
predicate = predicate.and(p.agent().eq(agentId));
return, p.start().target(), p.end().target()).where(predicate).run().getRecords().toList().toArray(new ARecord[0]);
use of org.opencastproject.assetmanager.api.query.Predicate in project opencast by opencast.
the class SchedulerServiceImpl method addMultipleEventInternal.
private Map<String, Period> addMultipleEventInternal(List<Period> periods, String captureAgentId, Set<String> userIds, MediaPackage templateMp, Map<String, String> wfProperties, Map<String, String> caMetadata, String modificationOrigin, Opt<Boolean> optOutStatus, Opt<String> schedulingSource, Opt<String> trxId) throws SchedulerException {
notNull(periods, "periods");
requireTrue(periods.size() > 0, "periods");
notEmpty(captureAgentId, "captureAgentId");
notNull(userIds, "userIds");
notNull(templateMp, "mediaPackages");
notNull(wfProperties, "wfProperties");
notNull(caMetadata, "caMetadata");
notEmpty(modificationOrigin, "modificationOrigin");
notNull(optOutStatus, "optOutStatus");
notNull(schedulingSource, "schedulingSource");
notNull(trxId, "trxId");
Map<String, Period> scheduledEvents = new LinkedHashMap<>();
try {
LinkedList<Id> ids = new LinkedList<>();
AQueryBuilder qb = assetManager.createQuery();
Predicate p = null;
// While we don't have a list of IDs equal to the number of periods
while (ids.size() <= periods.size()) {
// Create a list of IDs equal to the number of periods, along with a set of AM predicates
while (ids.size() <= periods.size()) {
Id id = new IdImpl(UUID.randomUUID().toString());
Predicate np = qb.mediaPackageId(id.compact());
// Haha, p = np jokes with the AM query language. Ha. Haha. Ha. (Sob...)
if (null == p) {
p = np;
} else {
p = p.or(np);
// Select the list of ids which alread exist. Hint: this needs to be zero
AResult result =;
// If there is conflict, clear the list and start over
if (result.getTotalSize() > 0) {
Opt<String> seriesId = Opt.nul(StringUtils.trimToNull(templateMp.getSeries()));
// Get opt out status
boolean optOut = getOptOutStatus(seriesId, optOutStatus);
if (trxId.isNone()) {
// Check for locked transactions
if (schedulingSource.isSome() && persistence.hasTransaction(schedulingSource.get())) {
logger.warn("Unable to add events, source '{}' is currently locked due to an active transaction!", schedulingSource.get());
throw new SchedulerTransactionLockException("Unable to add event, locked source " + schedulingSource.get());
// Check for conflicting events if not opted out
if (!optOut) {
List<MediaPackage> conflictingEvents = findConflictingEvents(periods, captureAgentId, TimeZone.getDefault());
if (conflictingEvents.size() > 0) {"Unable to add events, conflicting events found: {}", conflictingEvents);
throw new SchedulerConflictException("Unable to add event, conflicting events found");
// counter for index into the list of mediapackages
int counter = 0;
for (Period event : periods) {
MediaPackage mediaPackage = (MediaPackage) templateMp.clone();
Date startDate = new Date(event.getStart().getTime());
Date endDate = new Date(event.getEnd().getTime());
Id id = ids.get(counter);
// Get, or make, the DC catalog
DublinCoreCatalog dc;
Opt<DublinCoreCatalog> dcOpt = DublinCoreUtil.loadEpisodeDublinCore(workspace, templateMp);
if (dcOpt.isSome()) {
dc = dcOpt.get();
dc = (DublinCoreCatalog) dc.clone();
// make sure to bind the OC_PROPERTY namespace
dc.addBindings(, DublinCores.OC_PROPERTY_NS_URI)));
} else {
dc = DublinCores.mkOpencastEpisode().getCatalog();
// Set the new media package identifier
// Update dublincore title and temporal
String newTitle = dc.getFirst(DublinCore.PROPERTY_TITLE) + String.format(" %0" + Integer.toString(periods.size()).length() + "d", ++counter);
dc.set(DublinCore.PROPERTY_TITLE, newTitle);
DublinCoreValue eventTime = EncodingSchemeUtils.encodePeriod(new DCMIPeriod(startDate, endDate), Precision.Second);
dc.set(DublinCore.PROPERTY_TEMPORAL, eventTime);
mediaPackage = updateDublincCoreCatalog(mediaPackage, dc);
String mediaPackageId = mediaPackage.getIdentifier().compact();
// Converting from iCal4j DateTime objects to plain Date objects to prevent AMQ issues below
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
Date startDateTime = cal.getTime();
Date endDateTime = cal.getTime();
// Load dublincore and acl for update
Opt<DublinCoreCatalog> dublinCore = DublinCoreUtil.loadEpisodeDublinCore(workspace, mediaPackage);
Option<AccessControlList> acl = authorizationService.getAcl(mediaPackage, AclScope.Episode);
// Get updated agent properties
Map<String, String> finalCaProperties = getFinalAgentProperties(caMetadata, wfProperties, captureAgentId, seriesId, dublinCore);
// Persist asset
String checksum = calculateChecksum(workspace, getEventCatalogUIAdapterFlavors(), startDateTime, endDateTime, captureAgentId, userIds, mediaPackage, dublinCore, wfProperties, finalCaProperties, optOut, acl.toOpt().getOr(new AccessControlList()));
persistEvent(mediaPackageId, modificationOrigin, checksum, Opt.some(startDateTime), Opt.some(endDateTime), Opt.some(captureAgentId), Opt.some(userIds), Opt.some(mediaPackage), Opt.some(wfProperties), Opt.some(finalCaProperties), Opt.some(optOut), schedulingSource, trxId);
if (trxId.isNone()) {
// Send updates
sendUpdateAddEvent(mediaPackageId, acl.toOpt(), dublinCore, Opt.some(startDateTime), Opt.some(endDateTime), Opt.some(userIds), Opt.some(captureAgentId), Opt.some(finalCaProperties), Opt.some(optOut));
// Update last modified
scheduledEvents.put(mediaPackageId, event);
for (MediaPackageElement mediaPackageElement : mediaPackage.getElements()) {
try {
workspace.delete(mediaPackage.getIdentifier().toString(), mediaPackageElement.getIdentifier());
} catch (NotFoundException | IOException e) {
logger.warn("Failed to delete media package element", e);
return scheduledEvents;
} catch (SchedulerException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to create events: {}", getStackTrace(e));
throw new SchedulerException(e);
use of org.opencastproject.assetmanager.api.query.Predicate in project opencast by opencast.
the class AbstractAssetManagerSelectTest method testSelectWithMultiplePredicates_CERV_696.
public void testSelectWithMultiplePredicates_CERV_696() {
final String[] mp = createAndAddMediaPackagesSimple(2, 1, 1);
am.setProperty([0], "agent-id"));
final Predicate p1 = q.organizationId(DefaultOrganization.DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION_ID).and(q.version().isLatest());
final RichAResult r = enrich(;
assertEquals("Two records should be found", 2, r.getSize());
assertEquals("Two snapshots should be contained", 2, r.countSnapshots());
assertEquals("No properties should be found since they haven't been selected", 0, r.countProperties());
// But when adding an additional predicate on a property (e.g. agent):
final Predicate p2 = p1.and(p.agent.eq("agent-id"));
final RichAResult r = enrich(;
assertEquals("Only one record should be found now", 1, r.getSize());
assertEquals("One snapshots should be found", 1, r.countSnapshots());
assertEquals("No properties should be found since they haven't been selected", 0, r.countProperties());
use of org.opencastproject.assetmanager.api.query.Predicate in project opencast by opencast.
the class IndexServiceImpl method removeEvent.
public boolean removeEvent(String id) throws NotFoundException, UnauthorizedException {
boolean unauthorizedScheduler = false;
boolean notFoundScheduler = false;
boolean removedScheduler = true;
try {
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
notFoundScheduler = true;
} catch (UnauthorizedException e) {
unauthorizedScheduler = true;
} catch (SchedulerException e) {
removedScheduler = false;
logger.error("Unable to remove the event '{}' from scheduler service: {}", id, getStackTrace(e));
boolean unauthorizedWorkflow = false;
boolean notFoundWorkflow = false;
boolean removedWorkflow = true;
try {
WorkflowQuery workflowQuery = new WorkflowQuery().withMediaPackage(id);
WorkflowSet workflowSet = workflowService.getWorkflowInstances(workflowQuery);
if (workflowSet.size() == 0)
notFoundWorkflow = true;
for (WorkflowInstance instance : workflowSet.getItems()) {
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
notFoundWorkflow = true;
} catch (UnauthorizedException e) {
unauthorizedWorkflow = true;
} catch (WorkflowDatabaseException e) {
removedWorkflow = false;
logger.error("Unable to remove the event '{}' because removing workflow failed: {}", id, getStackTrace(e));
} catch (WorkflowException e) {
removedWorkflow = false;
logger.error("Unable to remove the event '{}' because removing workflow failed: {}", id, getStackTrace(e));
boolean unauthorizedArchive = false;
boolean notFoundArchive = false;
boolean removedArchive = true;
try {
final AQueryBuilder q = assetManager.createQuery();
final Predicate p = q.organizationId().eq(securityService.getOrganization().getId()).and(q.mediaPackageId(id));
final AResult r =;
if (r.getSize() > 0)
q.delete(DEFAULT_OWNER, q.snapshot()).where(p).run();
} catch (AssetManagerException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof UnauthorizedException) {
unauthorizedArchive = true;
} else if (e.getCause() instanceof NotFoundException) {
notFoundArchive = true;
} else {
removedArchive = false;
logger.error("Unable to remove the event '{}' from the archive: {}", id, getStackTrace(e));
if (notFoundScheduler && notFoundWorkflow && notFoundArchive)
throw new NotFoundException("Event id " + id + " not found.");
if (unauthorizedScheduler || unauthorizedWorkflow || unauthorizedArchive)
throw new UnauthorizedException("Not authorized to remove event id " + id);
try {
} catch (EventCommentException e) {
logger.error("Unable to remove comments for event '{}': {}", id, getStackTrace(e));
return removedScheduler && removedWorkflow && removedArchive;
use of org.opencastproject.assetmanager.api.query.Predicate in project opencast by opencast.
the class IBMWatsonTranscriptionServiceTest method testWorkflowDispatcherRunProgressState.
public void testWorkflowDispatcherRunProgressState() throws Exception {
InputStream stream = IBMWatsonTranscriptionServiceTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + PULLED_TRANSCRIPTION_FILE);
database.storeJobControl(MP_ID, TRACK_ID, JOB_ID,, 0);
database.storeJobControl("mpId2", "audioTrack2", "jobId2",, TRACK_DURATION);
EasyMock.expect(workspace.putInCollection(EasyMock.anyObject(String.class), EasyMock.anyObject(String.class), EasyMock.anyObject(InputStream.class))).andReturn(new URI("http://anything"));
HttpEntity httpEntity = EasyMock.createNiceMock(HttpEntity.class);
CloseableHttpResponse response = EasyMock.createNiceMock(CloseableHttpResponse.class);
StatusLine status = EasyMock.createNiceMock(StatusLine.class);
EasyMock.replay(httpEntity, response, status);
Capture<HttpGet> capturedGet = Capture.newInstance();
// enrich(;
// Mocks for query, result, etc
Snapshot snapshot = EasyMock.createNiceMock(Snapshot.class);
ARecord aRec = EasyMock.createNiceMock(ARecord.class);
Stream<ARecord> recStream =;
Predicate p = EasyMock.createNiceMock(Predicate.class);
AResult r = EasyMock.createNiceMock(AResult.class);
Target t = EasyMock.createNiceMock(Target.class);
ASelectQuery selectQuery = EasyMock.createNiceMock(ASelectQuery.class);
AQueryBuilder query = EasyMock.createNiceMock(AQueryBuilder.class);
VersionField v = EasyMock.createNiceMock(VersionField.class);
EasyMock.replay(snapshot, aRec, p, r, t, selectQuery, query, v, assetManager);
Capture<Set<String>> capturedMpIds = Capture.newInstance();
WorkflowDefinition wfDef = new WorkflowDefinitionImpl();
List<WorkflowInstance> wfList = new ArrayList<WorkflowInstance>();
wfList.add(new WorkflowInstanceImpl());
Stream<WorkflowInstance> wfListStream =;
Workflows wfs = EasyMock.createNiceMock(Workflows.class);
EasyMock.expect(wfs.applyWorkflowToLatestVersion(EasyMock.capture(capturedMpIds), EasyMock.anyObject(ConfiguredWorkflow.class))).andReturn(wfListStream);
EasyMock.replay(wfService, wfs);
WorkflowDispatcher dispatcher = WorkflowDispatcher();;
// Check if it called the external service to get the results
Assert.assertEquals("" + JOB_ID, capturedGet.getValue().getURI().toString());
// Check if only one mp has a workflow created for it
Assert.assertEquals(1, capturedMpIds.getValue().size());
// And if it was the correct one
Assert.assertEquals(MP_ID, capturedMpIds.getValue().iterator().next());
// Check if status in db was updated
TranscriptionJobControl job = database.findByJob(JOB_ID);
Assert.assertEquals(, job.getStatus());