use of org.opencastproject.authorization.xacml.manager.api.ManagedAcl in project opencast by opencast.
the class AclListProvider method getList.
public Map<String, String> getList(String listName, ResourceListQuery query, Organization organization) {
Map<String, String> aclsList = new HashMap<String, String>();
List<ManagedAcl> acls = aclServiceFactory.serviceFor(organization).getAcls();
for (ManagedAcl a : acls) {
if (ID.equals(listName)) {
aclsList.put(a.getId().toString(), a.getId().toString());
} else if (NAME.equals(listName)) {
aclsList.put(a.getName(), a.getName());
} else {
aclsList.put(a.getId().toString(), a.getName());
return ListProviderUtil.filterMap(aclsList, query);
use of org.opencastproject.authorization.xacml.manager.api.ManagedAcl in project opencast by opencast.
the class AssetManagerMessageReceiverImpl method handleMessage.
* Handle an update message.
private void handleMessage(TakeSnapshot msg) {
logger.debug("Received AssetManager take snapshot message");
final MediaPackage mp = msg.getMediapackage();
final Opt<DublinCoreCatalog> episodeDublincore = msg.getEpisodeDublincore();
final String organization = getSecurityService().getOrganization().getId();
final User user = getSecurityService().getUser();
// Load or create the corresponding recording event
final Event event;
try {
event = getOrCreateEvent(mp.getIdentifier().toString(), organization, user, getSearchIndex());
final AccessControlList acl = msg.getAcl();
List<ManagedAcl> acls = aclServiceFactory.serviceFor(getSecurityService().getOrganization()).getAcls();
for (final ManagedAcl managedAcl : AccessInformationUtil.matchAcls(acls, acl)) {
if (isBlank(event.getCreator()))
updateEvent(event, mp);
if (episodeDublincore.isSome()) {
updateEvent(event, episodeDublincore.get());
} catch (SearchIndexException e) {
logger.error("Error retrieving the recording event from the search index: {}", e.getMessage());
// Update series name if not already done
try {
EventIndexUtils.updateSeriesName(event, organization, user, getSearchIndex());
} catch (SearchIndexException e) {
logger.error("Error updating the series name of the event to index: {}", ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));
// Persist the scheduling event
try {
logger.debug("Asset manager entry {} updated in the admin ui search index", event.getIdentifier());
} catch (SearchIndexException e) {
logger.error("Error retrieving the recording event from the search index: {}", e.getMessage());
use of org.opencastproject.authorization.xacml.manager.api.ManagedAcl in project opencast by opencast.
the class AclEndpoint method getAclsAsJson.
@RestQuery(name = "allaclasjson", description = "Returns a list of acls", returnDescription = "Returns a JSON representation of the list of acls available the current user's organization", restParameters = { @RestParameter(name = "filter", isRequired = false, description = "The filter used for the query. They should be formated like that: 'filter1:value1,filter2:value2'", type = STRING), @RestParameter(name = "sort", isRequired = false, description = "The sort order. May include any of the following: NAME. Add '_DESC' to reverse the sort order (e.g. NAME_DESC).", type = STRING), @RestParameter(defaultValue = "100", description = "The maximum number of items to return per page.", isRequired = false, name = "limit", type = RestParameter.Type.STRING), @RestParameter(defaultValue = "0", description = "The page number.", isRequired = false, name = "offset", type = RestParameter.Type.STRING) }, reponses = { @RestResponse(responseCode = SC_OK, description = "The list of ACL's has successfully been returned") })
public Response getAclsAsJson(@QueryParam("filter") String filter, @QueryParam("sort") String sort, @QueryParam("offset") int offset, @QueryParam("limit") int limit) throws IOException {
if (limit < 1)
limit = 100;
Opt<String> optSort = Opt.nul(trimToNull(sort));
Option<String> filterName = Option.none();
Option<String> filterText = Option.none();
Map<String, String> filters = RestUtils.parseFilter(filter);
for (String name : filters.keySet()) {
String value = filters.get(name);
if (AclsListQuery.FILTER_NAME_NAME.equals(name)) {
filterName = Option.some(value);
} else if ((AclsListQuery.FILTER_TEXT_NAME.equals(name)) && (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value))) {
filterText = Option.some(value);
// Filter acls by filter criteria
List<ManagedAcl> filteredAcls = new ArrayList<>();
for (ManagedAcl acl : aclService().getAcls()) {
// Filter list
if ((filterName.isSome() && !filterName.get().equals(acl.getName())) || (filterText.isSome() && !TextFilter.match(filterText.get(), acl.getName()))) {
int total = filteredAcls.size();
// Sort by name, description or role
if (optSort.isSome()) {
final Set<SortCriterion> sortCriteria = RestUtils.parseSortQueryParameter(optSort.get());
Collections.sort(filteredAcls, new Comparator<ManagedAcl>() {
public int compare(ManagedAcl acl1, ManagedAcl acl2) {
for (SortCriterion criterion : sortCriteria) {
Order order = criterion.getOrder();
switch(criterion.getFieldName()) {
case "name":
if (order.equals(Order.Descending))
return, acl1.getName());
return, acl2.getName());
default:"Unkown sort type: {}", criterion.getFieldName());
return 0;
return 0;
// Apply Limit and offset
List<JValue> aclJSON = Stream.$(filteredAcls).drop(offset).apply(limit > 0 ? StreamOp.<ManagedAcl>id().take(limit) : StreamOp.<ManagedAcl>id()).map(fullManagedAcl).toList();
return okJsonList(aclJSON, offset, limit, total);
use of org.opencastproject.authorization.xacml.manager.api.ManagedAcl in project opencast by opencast.
the class AclEndpoint method createAcl.
@RestQuery(name = "createacl", description = "Create an ACL", returnDescription = "Create an ACL", restParameters = { @RestParameter(name = "name", isRequired = true, description = "The ACL name", type = STRING), @RestParameter(name = "acl", isRequired = true, description = "The access control list", type = STRING) }, reponses = { @RestResponse(responseCode = SC_OK, description = "The ACL has successfully been added"), @RestResponse(responseCode = SC_CONFLICT, description = "An ACL with the same name already exists"), @RestResponse(responseCode = SC_BAD_REQUEST, description = "Unable to parse the ACL") })
public Response createAcl(@FormParam("name") String name, @FormParam("acl") String accessControlList) {
final AccessControlList acl = parseAcl.apply(accessControlList);
final Opt<ManagedAcl> managedAcl = aclService().createAcl(acl, name).toOpt();
if (managedAcl.isNone()) {"An ACL with the same name '{}' already exists", name);
throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.CONFLICT);
return RestUtils.okJson(full(managedAcl.get()));
use of org.opencastproject.authorization.xacml.manager.api.ManagedAcl in project opencast by opencast.
the class JpaAclDbTest method testProvider.
public void testProvider() {
// add ACL to org1
final AccessControlList publicAcl = acl(entry("anonymous", "read", true));
final Option<ManagedAcl> acl = p.createAcl(org1, publicAcl, "public");
assertTrue(p.getAcl(org1, acl.get().getId()).isSome());
// ACL should not be visible for org2
assertTrue(p.getAcl(org2, acl.get().getId()).isNone());
// create duplicate which should be denied
assertTrue(p.createAcl(org1, publicAcl, "public").isNone());
// add another ACL to org1
p.createAcl(org1, acl(entries("instructor", tuple("read", true), tuple("write", true))), "instructor");
assertEquals(2, p.getAcls(org1).size());
// org2 should still have no ACLs
assertEquals(0, p.getAcls(org2).size());
// add same ACL to org2
p.createAcl(org2, publicAcl, "public");
assertEquals(1, p.getAcls(org2).size());
assertEquals(2, p.getAcls(org1).size());
// update
final ManagedAcl org1Acl = acl.get();
// update with new ACL
assertTrue(p.updateAcl(new ManagedAclImpl(org1Acl.getId(), org1Acl.getName(), org1Acl.getOrganizationId(), acl(entry("anonymous", "write", true)))));
assertEquals("write", p.getAcl(org1, org1Acl.getId()).get().getAcl().getEntries().get(0).getAction());
// update with new name
final ManagedAcl org1AclUpdated = new ManagedAclImpl(org1Acl.getId(), "public2", org1Acl.getOrganizationId(), org1Acl.getAcl());
assertEquals("public2", p.getAcl(org1, org1AclUpdated.getId()).get().getName());
// try to update a non-existing ACL
assertFalse(p.updateAcl(new ManagedAclImpl(27427492384723L, "public2", org1.getId(), org1Acl.getAcl())));
assertEquals(2, p.getAcls(org1).size());
// update without any update
assertEquals(2, p.getAcls(org1).size());
// try to update an ACL of a different org
assertFalse(p.updateAcl(new ManagedAclImpl(org1Acl.getId(), "bla", org2.getId(), org1Acl.getAcl())));
// delete
assertTrue(p.deleteAcl(org1, org1Acl.getId()));
assertEquals(1, p.getAcls(org1).size());
// try to delete a non-existing ACL
assertFalse(p.deleteAcl(org1, 894892374923L));
// try to delete an ACL of a different org
assertFalse(p.deleteAcl(org2, org1Acl.getId()));
assertEquals(1, p.getAcls(org2).size());