use of org.opencastproject.mediapackage.MediaPackageElementFlavor in project opencast by opencast.
the class ConfigureByDublinCoreTermWOH method start.
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.opencastproject.workflow.api.WorkflowOperationHandler#start(org.opencastproject.workflow.api.WorkflowInstance,
* JobContext)
public WorkflowOperationResult start(WorkflowInstance workflowInstance, JobContext context) throws WorkflowOperationException {
MediaPackage mediaPackage = workflowInstance.getMediaPackage();
WorkflowOperationInstance currentOperation = workflowInstance.getCurrentOperation();
String configuredCatalog = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(currentOperation.getConfiguration(DCCATALOG_PROPERTY));
String configuredDCTerm = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(currentOperation.getConfiguration(DCTERM_PROPERTY));
String configuredDefaultValue = StringUtils.trimToNull(currentOperation.getConfiguration(DEFAULT_VALUE_PROPERTY));
String configuredMatchValue = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(currentOperation.getConfiguration(MATCH_VALUE_PROPERTY));
// Find Catalog
Catalog[] catalogs = mediaPackage.getCatalogs(new MediaPackageElementFlavor("dublincore", StringUtils.lowerCase(configuredCatalog)));
if (catalogs != null && catalogs.length > 0) {
Boolean foundValue = false;
EName dcterm = new EName(TERMS_NS_URI, configuredDCTerm);
// Find DCTerm
for (Catalog catalog : catalogs) {
DublinCoreCatalog dc = DublinCoreUtil.loadDublinCore(workspace, catalog);
// Match Value
List<DublinCoreValue> values = dc.get(dcterm);
if (values.isEmpty()) {
// Use default
if (configuredDefaultValue != null) {
foundValue = configuredDefaultValue.equals(configuredMatchValue);
} else {
foundValue = values.contains(;
if (foundValue) {
Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
for (String key : currentOperation.getConfigurationKeys()) {
// Ignore this operations configuration
if (DCCATALOG_PROPERTY.equals(key) || DCTERM_PROPERTY.equals(key) || DEFAULT_VALUE_PROPERTY.equals(key) || MATCH_VALUE_PROPERTY.equals(key)) {
String value = currentOperation.getConfiguration(key);
properties.put(key, value);"Configuration key '{}' of workflow {} is set to value '{}'", key, workflowInstance.getId(), value);
return createResult(mediaPackage, properties, Action.CONTINUE, 0);
// if foundValue
return createResult(mediaPackage, Action.CONTINUE);
use of org.opencastproject.mediapackage.MediaPackageElementFlavor in project opencast by opencast.
the class VideoEditorWorkflowOperationHandler method resume.
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.opencastproject.workflow.api.ResumableWorkflowOperationHandler#resume(org.opencastproject.workflow.api.WorkflowInstance,
* JobContext, java.util.Map)
public WorkflowOperationResult resume(WorkflowInstance workflowInstance, JobContext context, Map<String, String> properties) throws WorkflowOperationException {
MediaPackage mp = workflowInstance.getMediaPackage();"Resume video editor operation for mediapackage {}", mp.getIdentifier().compact());
// Get configuration
WorkflowOperationInstance worflowOperationInstance = workflowInstance.getCurrentOperation();
String sourceTrackFlavorsProperty = StringUtils.trimToNull(worflowOperationInstance.getConfiguration(SOURCE_FLAVORS_PROPERTY));
if (sourceTrackFlavorsProperty == null) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException(format("Required configuration property %s not set.", SOURCE_FLAVORS_PROPERTY));
String targetSmilFlavorProperty = StringUtils.trimToNull(worflowOperationInstance.getConfiguration(TARGET_SMIL_FLAVOR_PROPERTY));
if (targetSmilFlavorProperty == null) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException(format("Required configuration property %s not set.", TARGET_SMIL_FLAVOR_PROPERTY));
String targetFlavorSybTypeProperty = StringUtils.trimToNull(worflowOperationInstance.getConfiguration(TARGET_FLAVOR_SUBTYPE_PROPERTY));
if (targetFlavorSybTypeProperty == null) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException(format("Required configuration property %s not set.", TARGET_FLAVOR_SUBTYPE_PROPERTY));
boolean skipIfNoTrim = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(worflowOperationInstance.getConfiguration(SKIP_NOT_TRIMMED_PROPERTY));
// Get source tracks
TrackSelector trackSelector = new TrackSelector();
for (String flavor : asList(sourceTrackFlavorsProperty)) {
Collection<Track> sourceTracks =, false);
if (sourceTracks.isEmpty()) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException(format("No source tracks found in mediapacksge %s with flavors %s.", mp.getIdentifier().compact(), sourceTrackFlavorsProperty));
// Get SMIL file
MediaPackageElementFlavor smilTargetFlavor = MediaPackageElementFlavor.parseFlavor(targetSmilFlavorProperty);
Catalog[] smilCatalogs = mp.getCatalogs(smilTargetFlavor);
if (smilCatalogs == null || smilCatalogs.length == 0) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException(format("No SMIL catalog found in mediapackage %s with flavor %s.", mp.getIdentifier().compact(), targetSmilFlavorProperty));
File smilFile = null;
Smil smil = null;
try {
smilFile = workspace.get(smilCatalogs[0].getURI());
smil = smilService.fromXml(smilFile).getSmil();
smil = replaceAllTracksWith(smil, sourceTracks.toArray(new Track[sourceTracks.size()]));
InputStream is = null;
try {
is = IOUtils.toInputStream(smil.toXML(), "UTF-8");
// Remove old SMIL
workspace.delete(mp.getIdentifier().compact(), smilCatalogs[0].getIdentifier());
// put modified SMIL into workspace
URI newSmilUri = workspace.put(mp.getIdentifier().compact(), smil.getId(), SMIL_FILE_NAME, is);
Catalog catalog = (Catalog) MediaPackageElementBuilderFactory.newInstance().newElementBuilder().elementFromURI(newSmilUri, MediaPackageElement.Type.Catalog, smilCatalogs[0].getFlavor());
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException(ex);
} finally {
} catch (NotFoundException ex) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException(format("Failed to get SMIL catalog %s from mediapackage %s.", smilCatalogs[0].getIdentifier(), mp.getIdentifier().compact()), ex);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException(format("Can't open SMIL catalog %s from mediapackage %s.", smilCatalogs[0].getIdentifier(), mp.getIdentifier().compact()), ex);
} catch (SmilException ex) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException(ex);
if (skipIfNoTrim) {
// We should not modify the SMIL file as we traverse through its elements, so we make a copy and modify it instead
try {
Smil filteredSmil = smilService.fromXml(smil.toXML()).getSmil();
for (SmilMediaObject element : smil.getBody().getMediaElements()) {
// body should contain par elements
if (element.isContainer()) {
SmilMediaContainer container = (SmilMediaContainer) element;
if (SmilMediaContainer.ContainerType.PAR == container.getContainerType()) {
filteredSmil = smilService.removeSmilElement(filteredSmil, element.getId()).getSmil();
// one that takes the whole video size
switch(filteredSmil.getBody().getMediaElements().size()) {
case 0:"Skipping SMIL job generation for mediapackage '{}', " + "because the SMIL does not define any trimming points", mp.getIdentifier());
return skip(workflowInstance, context);
case 1:
// component represents the whole duration or not, therefore we don't bother to try
if (mp.getDuration() < 0)
SmilMediaContainer parElement = (SmilMediaContainer) filteredSmil.getBody().getMediaElements().get(0);
boolean skip = true;
for (SmilMediaObject elementChild : parElement.getElements()) {
if (!elementChild.isContainer()) {
SmilMediaElement media = (SmilMediaElement) elementChild;
// If they don't represent the whole length, then we break --we have a trimming point
if ((media.getClipBeginMS() != 0) || (media.getClipEndMS() != mp.getDuration())) {
skip = false;
if (skip) {"Skipping SMIL job generation for mediapackage '{}', " + "because the trimming points in the SMIL correspond " + "to the beginning and the end of the video", mp.getIdentifier());
return skip(workflowInstance, context);
} catch (MalformedURLException | SmilException | JAXBException | SAXException e) {
logger.warn("Error parsing input SMIL to determine if it has trimpoints. " + "We will assume it does and go on creating jobs.");
// Create video edit jobs and run them
List<Job> jobs = null;
try {"Create processing jobs for SMIL file: {}", smilCatalogs[0].getIdentifier());
jobs = videoEditorService.processSmil(smil);
if (!waitForStatus(jobs.toArray(new Job[jobs.size()])).isSuccess()) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException(format("Processing SMIL file failed: %s", smilCatalogs[0].getIdentifier()));
}"Finished processing of SMIL file: {}", smilCatalogs[0].getIdentifier());
} catch (ProcessFailedException ex) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException(format("Finished processing of SMIL file: %s", smilCatalogs[0].getIdentifier()), ex);
// Move edited tracks to work location and set target flavor
Track editedTrack = null;
boolean mpAdded = false;
for (Job job : jobs) {
try {
editedTrack = (Track) MediaPackageElementParser.getFromXml(job.getPayload());
MediaPackageElementFlavor editedTrackFlavor = editedTrack.getFlavor();
editedTrack.setFlavor(new MediaPackageElementFlavor(editedTrackFlavor.getType(), targetFlavorSybTypeProperty));
URI editedTrackNewUri = workspace.moveTo(editedTrack.getURI(), mp.getIdentifier().compact(), editedTrack.getIdentifier(), FilenameUtils.getName(editedTrack.getURI().toString()));
for (Track track : sourceTracks) {
if (track.getFlavor().getType().equals(editedTrackFlavor.getType())) {
mp.addDerived(editedTrack, track);
mpAdded = true;
if (!mpAdded) {
} catch (MediaPackageException ex) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException("Failed to get information about the edited track(s)", ex);
} catch (NotFoundException | IOException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException("Moving edited track to work location failed.", ex);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException(ex);
}"VideoEdit workflow {} finished", workflowInstance.getId());
return createResult(mp, Action.CONTINUE);
use of org.opencastproject.mediapackage.MediaPackageElementFlavor in project opencast by opencast.
the class AbstractAttachmentBuilderPlugin method elementFromManifest.
* @see org.opencastproject.mediapackage.elementbuilder.MediaPackageElementBuilderPlugin#elementFromManifest(org.w3c.dom.Node,
* org.opencastproject.mediapackage.MediaPackageSerializer)
public MediaPackageElement elementFromManifest(Node elementNode, MediaPackageSerializer serializer) throws UnsupportedElementException {
String id = null;
String attachmentFlavor = null;
String reference = null;
URI uri = null;
long size = -1;
Checksum checksum = null;
MimeType mimeType = null;
try {
// id
id = (String) xpath.evaluate("@id", elementNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
// flavor
attachmentFlavor = (String) xpath.evaluate("@type", elementNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
// reference
reference = (String) xpath.evaluate("@ref", elementNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
// url
uri = serializer.decodeURI(new URI(xpath.evaluate("url/text()", elementNode).trim()));
// size
String attachmentSize = xpath.evaluate("size/text()", elementNode).trim();
if (!"".equals(attachmentSize))
size = Long.parseLong(attachmentSize);
// checksum
String checksumValue = (String) xpath.evaluate("checksum/text()", elementNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
String checksumType = (String) xpath.evaluate("checksum/@type", elementNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(checksumValue) && checksumType != null)
checksum = Checksum.create(checksumType.trim(), checksumValue.trim());
// mimetype
String mimeTypeValue = (String) xpath.evaluate("mimetype/text()", elementNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mimeTypeValue))
mimeType = MimeTypes.parseMimeType(mimeTypeValue);
// create the attachment
AttachmentImpl attachment = (AttachmentImpl) AttachmentImpl.fromURI(uri);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(id))
// Add url
// Add reference
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(reference))
// Add type/flavor information
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(attachmentFlavor)) {
try {
MediaPackageElementFlavor flavor = MediaPackageElementFlavor.parseFlavor(attachmentFlavor);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
logger.warn("Unable to read attachment flavor: " + e.getMessage());
// Set the size
if (size > 0)
// Set checksum
if (checksum != null)
// Set mimetype
if (mimeType != null)
// Set the description
String description = xpath.evaluate("description/text()", elementNode);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(description))
// Set tags
NodeList tagNodes = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("tags/tag", elementNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
for (int i = 0; i < tagNodes.getLength(); i++) {
return specializeAttachment(attachment);
} catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
throw new UnsupportedElementException("Error while reading attachment from manifest: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new UnsupportedElementException("Unsupported digest algorithm: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new UnsupportedElementException("Error while reading attachment file " + uri + ": " + e.getMessage());
use of org.opencastproject.mediapackage.MediaPackageElementFlavor in project opencast by opencast.
the class TrackBuilderPlugin method elementFromManifest.
* @see org.opencastproject.mediapackage.elementbuilder.MediaPackageElementBuilderPlugin#elementFromManifest(org.w3c.dom.Node,
* org.opencastproject.mediapackage.MediaPackageSerializer)
public MediaPackageElement elementFromManifest(Node elementNode, MediaPackageSerializer serializer) throws UnsupportedElementException {
String id = null;
MimeType mimeType = null;
MediaPackageElementFlavor flavor = null;
TrackImpl.StreamingProtocol transport = null;
String reference = null;
URI url = null;
long size = -1;
Checksum checksum = null;
try {
// id
id = (String) xpath.evaluate("@id", elementNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
// url
url = serializer.decodeURI(new URI(xpath.evaluate("url/text()", elementNode).trim()));
// reference
reference = (String) xpath.evaluate("@ref", elementNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
// size
String trackSize = xpath.evaluate("size/text()", elementNode).trim();
if (!"".equals(trackSize))
size = Long.parseLong(trackSize);
// flavor
String flavorValue = (String) xpath.evaluate("@type", elementNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(flavorValue))
flavor = MediaPackageElementFlavor.parseFlavor(flavorValue);
// transport
String transportValue = (String) xpath.evaluate("@transport", elementNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(transportValue))
transport = TrackImpl.StreamingProtocol.valueOf(transportValue);
// checksum
String checksumValue = (String) xpath.evaluate("checksum/text()", elementNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
String checksumType = (String) xpath.evaluate("checksum/@type", elementNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(checksumValue) && checksumType != null)
checksum = Checksum.create(checksumType.trim(), checksumValue.trim());
// mimetype
String mimeTypeValue = (String) xpath.evaluate("mimetype/text()", elementNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mimeTypeValue))
mimeType = MimeTypes.parseMimeType(mimeTypeValue);
// Build the track
TrackImpl track = TrackImpl.fromURI(url);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id))
// Add url
// Add reference
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(reference))
// Set size
if (size > 0)
// Set checksum
if (checksum != null)
// Set mimetpye
if (mimeType != null)
if (flavor != null)
// set transport
if (transport != null)
// description
String description = (String) xpath.evaluate("description/text()", elementNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(description))
// tags
NodeList tagNodes = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("tags/tag", elementNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);
for (int i = 0; i < tagNodes.getLength(); i++) {
// duration
try {
String strDuration = (String) xpath.evaluate("duration/text()", elementNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(strDuration)) {
long duration = Long.parseLong(strDuration.trim());
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new UnsupportedElementException("Duration of track " + url + " is malformatted");
// is live
String strLive = (String) xpath.evaluate("live/text()", elementNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(strLive)) {
boolean live = Boolean.parseBoolean(strLive.trim());
// audio settings
Node audioSettingsNode = (Node) xpath.evaluate("audio", elementNode, XPathConstants.NODE);
if (audioSettingsNode != null && audioSettingsNode.hasChildNodes()) {
try {
AudioStreamImpl as = AudioStreamImpl.fromManifest(createStreamID(track), audioSettingsNode, xpath);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
throw new UnsupportedElementException("Illegal state encountered while reading audio settings from " + url + ": " + e.getMessage());
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw new UnsupportedElementException("Error while parsing audio settings from " + url + ": " + e.getMessage());
// video settings
Node videoSettingsNode = (Node) xpath.evaluate("video", elementNode, XPathConstants.NODE);
if (videoSettingsNode != null && videoSettingsNode.hasChildNodes()) {
try {
VideoStreamImpl vs = VideoStreamImpl.fromManifest(createStreamID(track), videoSettingsNode, xpath);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
throw new UnsupportedElementException("Illegal state encountered while reading video settings from " + url + ": " + e.getMessage());
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw new UnsupportedElementException("Error while parsing video settings from " + url + ": " + e.getMessage());
return track;
} catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
throw new UnsupportedElementException("Error while reading track information from manifest: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new UnsupportedElementException("Unsupported digest algorithm: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new UnsupportedElementException("Error while reading presenter track " + url + ": " + e.getMessage());
use of org.opencastproject.mediapackage.MediaPackageElementFlavor in project opencast by opencast.
the class LiveScheduleServiceImpl method addLiveTracks.
void addLiveTracks(MediaPackage mp, String caName) throws LiveScheduleException {
String mpId = mp.getIdentifier().compact();
try {
//, use them!
try {
Properties caProps = captureAgentService.getAgentCapabilities(caName);
if (caProps != null) {
Enumeration<Object> en = caProps.keys();
while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = (String) en.nextElement();
String resolution = key.substring(CA_PROPERTY_RESOLUTION_URL_PREFIX.length());
String url = caProps.getProperty(key);
// Note: only one flavor is supported in this format (the default: presenter/delivery)
MediaPackageElementFlavor flavor = MediaPackageElementFlavor.parseFlavor(DEFAULT_LIVE_TARGET_FLAVORS);
String replacedUrl = replaceVariables(mpId, caName, url, flavor, resolution);
mp.add(buildStreamingTrack(replacedUrl, flavor, streamMimeType, resolution, mp.getDuration()));
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
// Capture agent not found so we can't get its properties. Assume the service configuration should
// be used instead. Note that we can't schedule anything on a CA that has not registered so this is
// unlikely to happen.
// so use the service configuration, including stream overrides (temporary)
if (liveStreamingUrl == null)
throw new LiveScheduleException("Cannot build live tracks because '" + LIVE_STREAMING_URL + "' configuration was not set.");
if (mp.getTracks().length == 0) {
for (MediaPackageElementFlavor flavor : liveFlavors) {
for (int i = 0; i < streamResolution.length; i++) {
String uri = replaceVariables(mpId, caName, UrlSupport.concat(liveStreamingUrl.toString(), streamName), flavor, streamResolution[i]);
mp.add(buildStreamingTrack(uri, flavor, streamMimeType, streamResolution[i], mp.getDuration()));
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new LiveScheduleException(e);