use of org.opencastproject.smil.entity.SmilImpl in project opencast by opencast.
the class SmilResponseImplTest method testGetEntity.
* Test of getEntity method, of class SmilResponseImpl.
public void testGetEntity() throws Exception {
Smil smil = new SmilImpl();
SmilResponse response = new SmilResponseImpl(smil);
try {
fail("getEntity should fail, if entity count is zero");
} catch (SmilException ex) {
response = new SmilResponseImpl(smil, smil.getBody());
try {
assertSame(smil.getBody(), response.getEntity());
assertSame(1, response.getEntities().length);
assertSame(smil.getBody(), response.getEntities()[0]);
} catch (SmilException ex) {
fail("getEntity should return the entity");
response = new SmilResponseImpl(smil, new SmilObject[] { smil.getHead(), smil.getBody() });
try {
fail("get entity should fail if there are more then one entities set.");
} catch (SmilException ex) {