use of org.opencastproject.workflow.api.WorkflowOperationInstance in project opencast by opencast.
the class EmailWorkflowOperationHandler method start.
* {@inheritDoc}
public WorkflowOperationResult start(WorkflowInstance workflowInstance, JobContext context) throws WorkflowOperationException {
// The current workflow operation instance
WorkflowOperationInstance operation = workflowInstance.getCurrentOperation();
// MediaPackage from previous workflow operations
MediaPackage srcPackage = workflowInstance.getMediaPackage();
// "To", "CC", "BCC", subject, body can be Freemarker templates
String to = applyTemplateIfNecessary(workflowInstance, operation, TO_PROPERTY);
String cc = applyTemplateIfNecessary(workflowInstance, operation, CC_PROPERTY);
String bcc = applyTemplateIfNecessary(workflowInstance, operation, BCC_PROPERTY);
String subject = applyTemplateIfNecessary(workflowInstance, operation, SUBJECT_PROPERTY);
String bodyText = null;
String body = operation.getConfiguration(BODY_PROPERTY);
// If specified, templateFile is a file that contains the Freemarker template
String bodyTemplateFile = operation.getConfiguration(BODY_TEMPLATE_FILE_PROPERTY);
// Body informed? If not, use the default.
if (body == null && bodyTemplateFile == null) {
// Set the body of the message to be the ID of the media package
bodyText = srcPackage.getTitle() + "(" + srcPackage.getIdentifier().toString() + ")";
} else if (body != null) {
bodyText = applyTemplateIfNecessary(workflowInstance, operation, BODY_PROPERTY);
} else {
bodyText = applyTemplateIfNecessary(workflowInstance, operation, BODY_TEMPLATE_FILE_PROPERTY);
try {
logger.debug("Sending e-mail notification with subject {} and body {} to {}, CC addresses {} and BCC addresses {}", subject, bodyText, to, cc, bcc);
// "To", "CC" and "BCC" can be comma- or space-separated lists of emails
smtpService.send(to, cc, bcc, subject, bodyText);"E-mail notification sent to {}, CC addresses {} and BCC addresses {}", to, cc, bcc);
} catch (MessagingException e) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException(e);
// Return the source mediapackage and tell processing to continue
return createResult(srcPackage, Action.CONTINUE);
use of org.opencastproject.workflow.api.WorkflowOperationInstance in project opencast by opencast.
the class MediaPackagePostOperationHandler method start.
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.opencastproject.workflow.api.WorkflowOperationHandler#start(org.opencastproject.workflow.api.WorkflowInstance,
* JobContext)
public WorkflowOperationResult start(final WorkflowInstance workflowInstance, JobContext context) throws WorkflowOperationException {
// get configuration
WorkflowOperationInstance currentOperation = workflowInstance.getCurrentOperation();
Configuration config = new Configuration(currentOperation);
MediaPackage workflowMP = workflowInstance.getMediaPackage();
MediaPackage mp = workflowMP;
/* Check if we need to replace the Mediapackage we got with the published
* Mediapackage from the Search Service */
if (config.mpFromSearch()) {
SearchQuery searchQuery = new SearchQuery();
SearchResult result = searchService.getByQuery(searchQuery);
if (result.size() != 1) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException("Received multiple results for identifier" + "\"" + mp.getIdentifier().toString() + "\" from search service. ");
}"Getting Mediapackage from Search Service");
mp = result.getItems()[0].getMediaPackage();
}"Submitting \"" + mp.getTitle() + "\" (" + mp.getIdentifier().toString() + ") as " + config.getFormat().name() + " to " + config.getUrl().toString());
try {
// serialize MediaPackage to target format
String mpStr;
if (config.getFormat() == Configuration.Format.JSON) {
mpStr = MediaPackageParser.getAsJSON(mp);
} else {
mpStr = MediaPackageParser.getAsXml(mp);
// Log mediapackge
if (config.debug()) {;
// constrcut message body
List<NameValuePair> data = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
data.add(new BasicNameValuePair("mediapackage", mpStr));
// construct POST
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(config.getUrl());
post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(data, config.getEncoding()));
// execute POST
DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
// Handle authentication
if (config.authenticate()) {
URL targetUrl = config.getUrl().toURL();
client.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(new AuthScope(targetUrl.getHost(), targetUrl.getPort()), config.getCredentials());
HttpResponse response = client.execute(post);
// throw Exception if target host did not return 200
int status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
if ((status >= 200) && (status < 300)) {
if (config.debug()) {"Successfully submitted \"" + mp.getTitle() + "\" (" + mp.getIdentifier().toString() + ") to " + config.getUrl().toString() + ": " + status);
} else if (status == 418) {
logger.warn("Submitted \"" + mp.getTitle() + "\" (" + mp.getIdentifier().toString() + ") to " + config.getUrl().toString() + ": The target claims to be a teapot. " + "The Reason for this is probably an insane programmer.");
} else {
throw new WorkflowOperationException("Faild to submit \"" + mp.getTitle() + "\" (" + mp.getIdentifier().toString() + "), " + config.getUrl().toString() + " answered with: " + Integer.toString(status));
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof WorkflowOperationException) {
throw (WorkflowOperationException) e;
} else {
logger.error("Submitting mediapackage failed: {}", e.toString());
throw new WorkflowOperationException(e);
return createResult(workflowMP, Action.CONTINUE);
use of org.opencastproject.workflow.api.WorkflowOperationInstance in project opencast by opencast.
the class HttpNotificationWorkflowOperationHandlerTest method getWorkflowOperationResult.
private WorkflowOperationResult getWorkflowOperationResult(MediaPackage mp, Map<String, String> configurations) throws WorkflowOperationException {
// Add the mediapackage to a workflow instance
WorkflowInstanceImpl workflowInstance = new WorkflowInstanceImpl();
WorkflowOperationInstanceImpl operation = new WorkflowOperationInstanceImpl("op", OperationState.RUNNING);
for (String key : configurations.keySet()) {
operation.setConfiguration(key, configurations.get(key));
List<WorkflowOperationInstance> operationsList = new ArrayList<WorkflowOperationInstance>();
// Run the media package through the operation handler, ensuring that metadata gets added
return operationHandler.start(workflowInstance, null);
use of org.opencastproject.workflow.api.WorkflowOperationInstance in project opencast by opencast.
the class MediaPackagePostOperationHandlerTest method createWorkflow.
* Creates a new workflow and readies the engine for processing
private InstanceAndHandler createWorkflow(String url, String format) {
WorkflowOperationHandler handler = new MediaPackagePostOperationHandler();
WorkflowInstanceImpl workflowInstance = new WorkflowInstanceImpl();
WorkflowOperationInstanceImpl operation = new WorkflowOperationInstanceImpl("op", OperationState.RUNNING);
List<WorkflowOperationInstance> operationsList = new ArrayList<WorkflowOperationInstance>();
operation.setConfiguration("url", url);
operation.setConfiguration("format", format);
operation.setConfiguration("mediapackage.type", "workflow");
return new InstanceAndHandler(workflowInstance, handler);
use of org.opencastproject.workflow.api.WorkflowOperationInstance in project opencast by opencast.
the class PublishEngageWorkflowOperationHandler method start.
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.opencastproject.workflow.api.WorkflowOperationHandler#start(org.opencastproject.workflow.api.WorkflowInstance,
* JobContext)
public WorkflowOperationResult start(final WorkflowInstance workflowInstance, JobContext context) throws WorkflowOperationException {
logger.debug("Running engage publication workflow operation");
MediaPackage mediaPackage = workflowInstance.getMediaPackage();
WorkflowOperationInstance op = workflowInstance.getCurrentOperation();
// Check which tags have been configured
String downloadSourceTags = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(op.getConfiguration(DOWNLOAD_SOURCE_TAGS));
String downloadTargetTags = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(op.getConfiguration(DOWNLOAD_TARGET_TAGS));
String downloadSourceFlavors = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(op.getConfiguration(DOWNLOAD_SOURCE_FLAVORS));
String downloadTargetSubflavor = StringUtils.trimToNull(op.getConfiguration(DOWNLOAD_TARGET_SUBFLAVOR));
String streamingSourceTags = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(op.getConfiguration(STREAMING_SOURCE_TAGS));
String streamingTargetTags = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(op.getConfiguration(STREAMING_TARGET_TAGS));
String streamingSourceFlavors = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(op.getConfiguration(STREAMING_SOURCE_FLAVORS));
String streamingTargetSubflavor = StringUtils.trimToNull(op.getConfiguration(STREAMING_TARGET_SUBFLAVOR));
String republishStrategy = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(op.getConfiguration(STRATEGY));
boolean checkAvailability = option(op.getConfiguration(CHECK_AVAILABILITY)).bind(trimToNone).map(toBool).getOrElse(true);
String[] sourceDownloadTags = StringUtils.split(downloadSourceTags, ",");
String[] targetDownloadTags = StringUtils.split(downloadTargetTags, ",");
String[] sourceDownloadFlavors = StringUtils.split(downloadSourceFlavors, ",");
String[] sourceStreamingTags = StringUtils.split(streamingSourceTags, ",");
String[] targetStreamingTags = StringUtils.split(streamingTargetTags, ",");
String[] sourceStreamingFlavors = StringUtils.split(streamingSourceFlavors, ",");
if (sourceDownloadTags.length == 0 && sourceDownloadFlavors.length == 0 && sourceStreamingTags.length == 0 && sourceStreamingFlavors.length == 0) {
logger.warn("No tags or flavors have been specified, so nothing will be published to the engage publication channel");
return createResult(mediaPackage, Action.CONTINUE);
// Parse the download target flavor
MediaPackageElementFlavor downloadSubflavor = null;
if (downloadTargetSubflavor != null) {
try {
downloadSubflavor = MediaPackageElementFlavor.parseFlavor(downloadTargetSubflavor);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException(e);
// Parse the streaming target flavor
MediaPackageElementFlavor streamingSubflavor = null;
if (streamingTargetSubflavor != null) {
try {
streamingSubflavor = MediaPackageElementFlavor.parseFlavor(streamingTargetSubflavor);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException(e);
// Configure the download element selector
SimpleElementSelector downloadElementSelector = new SimpleElementSelector();
for (String flavor : sourceDownloadFlavors) {
for (String tag : sourceDownloadTags) {
// Configure the streaming element selector
SimpleElementSelector streamingElementSelector = new SimpleElementSelector();
for (String flavor : sourceStreamingFlavors) {
for (String tag : sourceStreamingTags) {
// Select the appropriate elements for download and streaming
Collection<MediaPackageElement> downloadElements =, false);
Collection<MediaPackageElement> streamingElements =, false);
try {
Set<String> downloadElementIds = new HashSet<String>();
Set<String> streamingElementIds = new HashSet<String>();
// Look for elements matching the tag
for (MediaPackageElement elem : downloadElements) {
for (MediaPackageElement elem : streamingElements) {
// Also distribute the security configuration
// -----
// This was removed in the meantime by a fix for MH-8515, but could now be used again.
// -----
Attachment[] securityAttachments = mediaPackage.getAttachments(MediaPackageElements.XACML_POLICY);
if (securityAttachments != null && securityAttachments.length > 0) {
for (Attachment a : securityAttachments) {
switch(republishStrategy) {
case ("merge"):
// nothing to do here. other publication strategies can be added to this list later on
List<Job> jobs = new ArrayList<Job>();
// distribute Elements
try {
if (downloadElementIds.size() > 0) {
Job job = downloadDistributionService.distribute(CHANNEL_ID, mediaPackage, downloadElementIds, checkAvailability);
if (job != null) {
if (distributeStreaming) {
for (String elementId : streamingElementIds) {
Job job = streamingDistributionService.distribute(CHANNEL_ID, mediaPackage, elementId);
if (job != null) {
} catch (DistributionException e) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException(e);
if (jobs.size() < 1) {"No mediapackage element was found for distribution to engage");
return createResult(mediaPackage, Action.CONTINUE);
// Wait until all distribution jobs have returned
if (!waitForStatus(jobs.toArray(new Job[jobs.size()])).isSuccess())
throw new WorkflowOperationException("One of the distribution jobs did not complete successfully");
logger.debug("Distribute of mediapackage {} completed", mediaPackage);
String engageUrlString = null;
try {
MediaPackage mediaPackageForSearch = getMediaPackageForSearchIndex(mediaPackage, jobs, downloadSubflavor, targetDownloadTags, downloadElementIds, streamingSubflavor, streamingElementIds, targetStreamingTags);
// MH-10216, check if only merging into existing mediapackage
switch(republishStrategy) {
case ("merge"):
// merge() returns merged mediapackage or null mediaPackage is not published
mediaPackageForSearch = merge(mediaPackageForSearch);
if (mediaPackageForSearch == null) {"Skipping republish for {} since it is not currently published", mediaPackage.getIdentifier().toString());
return createResult(mediaPackage, Action.SKIP);
if (!isPublishable(mediaPackageForSearch))
throw new WorkflowOperationException("Media package does not meet criteria for publication");"Publishing media package {} to search index", mediaPackageForSearch);
URL engageBaseUrl = null;
engageUrlString = StringUtils.trimToNull(workflowInstance.getOrganization().getProperties().get(ENGAGE_URL_PROPERTY));
if (engageUrlString != null) {
engageBaseUrl = new URL(engageUrlString);
} else {
engageBaseUrl = serverUrl;"Using 'server.url' as a fallback for the non-existing organization level key '{}' for the publication url", ENGAGE_URL_PROPERTY);
// create the publication URI (used by Admin UI for event details link)
URI engageUri = this.createEngageUri(engageBaseUrl.toURI(), mediaPackage);
// Create new distribution element
Publication publicationElement = PublicationImpl.publication(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), CHANNEL_ID, engageUri, MimeTypes.parseMimeType("text/html"));
// Adding media package to the search index
Job publishJob = null;
try {
publishJob = searchService.add(mediaPackageForSearch);
if (!waitForStatus(publishJob).isSuccess()) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException("Mediapackage " + mediaPackageForSearch.getIdentifier() + " could not be published");
} catch (SearchException e) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException("Error publishing media package", e);
} catch (MediaPackageException e) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException("Error parsing media package", e);
logger.debug("Publishing of mediapackage {} completed", mediaPackage);
return createResult(mediaPackage, Action.CONTINUE);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
logger.error("{} is malformed: {}", ENGAGE_URL_PROPERTY, engageUrlString);
throw new WorkflowOperationException(e);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (t instanceof WorkflowOperationException)
throw (WorkflowOperationException) t;
throw new WorkflowOperationException(t);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof WorkflowOperationException) {
throw (WorkflowOperationException) e;
} else {
throw new WorkflowOperationException(e);