use of org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.FollowerLogInformation in project controller by opendaylight.
the class LeaderTest method testHandleAppendEntriesReplyFailureWithFollowersLogEmpty.
public void testHandleAppendEntriesReplyFailureWithFollowersLogEmpty() {
MockRaftActorContext leaderActorContext = createActorContextWithFollower();
((DefaultConfigParamsImpl) leaderActorContext.getConfigParams()).setHeartBeatInterval(new FiniteDuration(1000, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
leaderActorContext.setReplicatedLog(new MockRaftActorContext.MockReplicatedLogBuilder().createEntries(0, 2, 1).build());
long leaderCommitIndex = 1;
final ReplicatedLogEntry leadersFirstLogEntry = leaderActorContext.getReplicatedLog().get(0);
final ReplicatedLogEntry leadersSecondLogEntry = leaderActorContext.getReplicatedLog().get(1);
MockRaftActorContext followerActorContext = createFollowerActorContextWithLeader();
followerActorContext.setReplicatedLog(new MockRaftActorContext.MockReplicatedLogBuilder().build());
Follower follower = new Follower(followerActorContext);
leader = new Leader(leaderActorContext);
AppendEntries appendEntries = MessageCollectorActor.expectFirstMatching(followerActor, AppendEntries.class);
final AppendEntriesReply appendEntriesReply = MessageCollectorActor.expectFirstMatching(leaderActor, AppendEntriesReply.class);
// Verify initial AppendEntries sent with the leader's current commit index.
assertEquals("getLeaderCommit", -1, appendEntries.getLeaderCommit());
assertEquals("Log entries size", 0, appendEntries.getEntries().size());
assertEquals("getPrevLogIndex", 0, appendEntries.getPrevLogIndex());
leader.handleMessage(followerActor, appendEntriesReply);
MessageCollectorActor.expectMatching(leaderActor, AppendEntriesReply.class, 1);
appendEntries = MessageCollectorActor.expectFirstMatching(followerActor, AppendEntries.class);
assertEquals("getLeaderCommit", leaderCommitIndex, appendEntries.getLeaderCommit());
assertEquals("getPrevLogIndex", -1, appendEntries.getPrevLogIndex());
assertEquals("Log entries size", 2, appendEntries.getEntries().size());
assertEquals("First entry index", 0, appendEntries.getEntries().get(0).getIndex());
assertEquals("First entry data", leadersFirstLogEntry.getData(), appendEntries.getEntries().get(0).getData());
assertEquals("Second entry index", 1, appendEntries.getEntries().get(1).getIndex());
assertEquals("Second entry data", leadersSecondLogEntry.getData(), appendEntries.getEntries().get(1).getData());
FollowerLogInformation followerInfo = leader.getFollower(FOLLOWER_ID);
assertEquals("getNextIndex", 2, followerInfo.getNextIndex());
List<ApplyState> applyStateList = MessageCollectorActor.expectMatching(followerActor, ApplyState.class, 2);
ApplyState applyState = applyStateList.get(0);
assertEquals("Follower's first ApplyState index", 0, applyState.getReplicatedLogEntry().getIndex());
assertEquals("Follower's first ApplyState term", 1, applyState.getReplicatedLogEntry().getTerm());
assertEquals("Follower's first ApplyState data", leadersFirstLogEntry.getData(), applyState.getReplicatedLogEntry().getData());
applyState = applyStateList.get(1);
assertEquals("Follower's second ApplyState index", 1, applyState.getReplicatedLogEntry().getIndex());
assertEquals("Follower's second ApplyState term", 1, applyState.getReplicatedLogEntry().getTerm());
assertEquals("Follower's second ApplyState data", leadersSecondLogEntry.getData(), applyState.getReplicatedLogEntry().getData());
assertEquals("Follower's commit index", 1, followerActorContext.getCommitIndex());
assertEquals("Follower's lastIndex", 1, followerActorContext.getReplicatedLog().lastIndex());
use of org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.FollowerLogInformation in project controller by opendaylight.
the class AbstractLeader method purgeInMemoryLog.
private void purgeInMemoryLog() {
// find the lowest index across followers which has been replicated to all.
// lastApplied if there are no followers, so that we keep clearing the log for single-node
// we would delete the in-mem log from that index on, in-order to minimize mem usage
// we would also share this info thru AE with the followers so that they can delete their log entries as well.
long minReplicatedToAllIndex = followerToLog.isEmpty() ? context.getLastApplied() : Long.MAX_VALUE;
for (FollowerLogInformation info : followerToLog.values()) {
minReplicatedToAllIndex = Math.min(minReplicatedToAllIndex, info.getMatchIndex());
use of org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.FollowerLogInformation in project controller by opendaylight.
the class AbstractLeader method possiblyUpdateCommitIndex.
private void possiblyUpdateCommitIndex() {
// set commitIndex = N (§5.3, §5.4).
for (long index = context.getCommitIndex() + 1; ; index++) {
ReplicatedLogEntry replicatedLogEntry = context.getReplicatedLog().get(index);
if (replicatedLogEntry == null) {
log.trace("{}: ReplicatedLogEntry not found for index {} - snapshotIndex: {}, journal size: {}", logName(), index, context.getReplicatedLog().getSnapshotIndex(), context.getReplicatedLog().size());
// Count our entry if it has been persisted.
int replicatedCount = replicatedLogEntry.isPersistencePending() ? 0 : 1;
if (replicatedCount == 0) {
// amongst the followers w/o the local persistence ack.
log.trace("{}: checking Nth index {}", logName(), index);
for (FollowerLogInformation info : followerToLog.values()) {
final PeerInfo peerInfo = context.getPeerInfo(info.getId());
if (info.getMatchIndex() >= index && peerInfo != null && peerInfo.isVoting()) {
} else if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("{}: Not counting follower {} - matchIndex: {}, {}", logName(), info.getId(), info.getMatchIndex(), peerInfo);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("{}: replicatedCount {}, minReplicationCount: {}", logName(), replicatedCount, minReplicationCount);
if (replicatedCount >= minReplicationCount) {
// counting replicas, then all prior entries are committed indirectly".
if (replicatedLogEntry.getTerm() == currentTerm()) {
log.trace("{}: Setting commit index to {}", logName(), index);
} else {
log.debug("{}: Not updating commit index to {} - retrieved log entry with index {}, " + "term {} does not match the current term {}", logName(), index, replicatedLogEntry.getIndex(), replicatedLogEntry.getTerm(), currentTerm());
} else {
log.trace("{}: minReplicationCount not reached, actual {} - breaking", logName(), replicatedCount);
// Apply the change to the state machine
if (context.getCommitIndex() > context.getLastApplied()) {
log.debug("{}: Applying to log - commitIndex: {}, lastAppliedIndex: {}", logName(), context.getCommitIndex(), context.getLastApplied());
if (!context.getSnapshotManager().isCapturing()) {
use of org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.FollowerLogInformation in project controller by opendaylight.
the class AbstractLeader method handleAppendEntriesReply.
protected RaftActorBehavior handleAppendEntriesReply(final ActorRef sender, final AppendEntriesReply appendEntriesReply) {
log.trace("{}: handleAppendEntriesReply: {}", logName(), appendEntriesReply);
// Update the FollowerLogInformation
String followerId = appendEntriesReply.getFollowerId();
FollowerLogInformation followerLogInformation = followerToLog.get(followerId);
if (followerLogInformation == null) {
log.error("{}: handleAppendEntriesReply - unknown follower {}", logName(), followerId);
return this;
final long lastActivityNanos = followerLogInformation.nanosSinceLastActivity();
if (lastActivityNanos > context.getConfigParams().getElectionTimeOutInterval().toNanos()) {
log.warn("{} : handleAppendEntriesReply delayed beyond election timeout, " + "appendEntriesReply : {}, timeSinceLastActivity : {}, lastApplied : {}, commitIndex : {}", logName(), appendEntriesReply, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(lastActivityNanos), context.getLastApplied(), context.getCommitIndex());
long followerLastLogIndex = appendEntriesReply.getLogLastIndex();
long followersLastLogTermInLeadersLog = getLogEntryTerm(followerLastLogIndex);
boolean updated = false;
if (appendEntriesReply.getLogLastIndex() > context.getReplicatedLog().lastIndex()) {
// The follower's log is actually ahead of the leader's log. Normally this doesn't happen
// in raft as a node cannot become leader if it's log is behind another's. However, the
// non-voting semantics deviate a bit from raft. Only voting members participate in
// elections and can become leader so it's possible for a non-voting follower to be ahead
// of the leader. This can happen if persistence is disabled and all voting members are
// restarted. In this case, the voting leader will start out with an empty log however
// the non-voting followers still retain the previous data in memory. On the first
// AppendEntries, the non-voting follower returns a successful reply b/c the prevLogIndex
// sent by the leader is -1 and thus the integrity checks pass. However the follower's returned
// lastLogIndex may be higher in which case we want to reset the follower by installing a
// snapshot. It's also possible that the follower's last log index is behind the leader's.
// However in this case the log terms won't match and the logs will conflict - this is handled
// elsewhere."{}: handleAppendEntriesReply: follower {} lastIndex {} is ahead of our lastIndex {} " + "(snapshotIndex {}) - forcing install snaphot", logName(), followerLogInformation.getId(), appendEntriesReply.getLogLastIndex(), context.getReplicatedLog().lastIndex(), context.getReplicatedLog().getSnapshotIndex());
updated = true;
} else if (appendEntriesReply.isSuccess()) {
if (followerLastLogIndex >= 0 && followersLastLogTermInLeadersLog >= 0 && followersLastLogTermInLeadersLog != appendEntriesReply.getLogLastTerm()) {
// The follower's last entry is present in the leader's journal but the terms don't match so the
// follower has a conflicting entry. Since the follower didn't report that it's out of sync, this means
// either the previous leader entry sent didn't conflict or the previous leader entry is in the snapshot
// and no longer in the journal. Either way, we set the follower's next index to 1 less than the last
// index reported by the follower. For the former case, the leader will send all entries starting with
// the previous follower's index and the follower will remove and replace the conflicting entries as
// needed. For the latter, the leader will initiate an install snapshot.
followerLogInformation.setNextIndex(followerLastLogIndex - 1);
updated = true;"{}: handleAppendEntriesReply: follower {} last log term {} for index {} conflicts with the " + "leader's {} - set the follower's next index to {}", logName(), followerId, appendEntriesReply.getLogLastTerm(), appendEntriesReply.getLogLastIndex(), followersLastLogTermInLeadersLog, followerLogInformation.getNextIndex());
} else {
updated = updateFollowerLogInformation(followerLogInformation, appendEntriesReply);
} else {"{}: handleAppendEntriesReply - received unsuccessful reply: {}, leader snapshotIndex: {}", logName(), appendEntriesReply, context.getReplicatedLog().getSnapshotIndex());
if (appendEntriesReply.isForceInstallSnapshot()) {
// Reset the followers match and next index. This is to signal that this follower has nothing
// in common with this Leader and so would require a snapshot to be installed
// Force initiate a snapshot capture
} else if (followerLastLogIndex < 0 || followersLastLogTermInLeadersLog >= 0 && followersLastLogTermInLeadersLog == appendEntriesReply.getLogLastTerm()) {
// The follower's log is empty or the last entry is present in the leader's journal
// and the terms match so the follower is just behind the leader's journal from
// the last snapshot, if any. We'll catch up the follower quickly by starting at the
// follower's last log index.
updated = updateFollowerLogInformation(followerLogInformation, appendEntriesReply);"{}: follower {} appears to be behind the leader from the last snapshot - " + "updated: matchIndex: {}, nextIndex: {}", logName(), followerId, followerLogInformation.getMatchIndex(), followerLogInformation.getNextIndex());
} else {
if (followerLogInformation.decrNextIndex()) {
updated = true;"{}: follower {} last log term {} conflicts with the leader's {} - dec next index to {}", logName(), followerId, appendEntriesReply.getLogLastTerm(), followersLastLogTermInLeadersLog, followerLogInformation.getNextIndex());
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("{}: handleAppendEntriesReply from {}: commitIndex: {}, lastAppliedIndex: {}, currentTerm: {}", logName(), followerId, context.getCommitIndex(), context.getLastApplied(), currentTerm());
// Send the next log entry immediately, if possible, no need to wait for heartbeat to trigger that event
sendUpdatesToFollower(followerId, followerLogInformation, false, !updated);
return this;
use of org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.FollowerLogInformation in project controller by opendaylight.
the class AbstractLeader method sendAppendEntries.
protected void sendAppendEntries(final long timeSinceLastActivityIntervalNanos, final boolean isHeartbeat) {
// Send an AppendEntries to all followers
for (Entry<String, FollowerLogInformation> e : followerToLog.entrySet()) {
final String followerId = e.getKey();
final FollowerLogInformation followerLogInformation = e.getValue();
// This checks helps not to send a repeat message to the follower
if (!followerLogInformation.isFollowerActive() || followerLogInformation.nanosSinceLastActivity() >= timeSinceLastActivityIntervalNanos) {
sendUpdatesToFollower(followerId, followerLogInformation, true, isHeartbeat);