use of org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.persisted.ApplyJournalEntries in project controller by opendaylight.
the class ReplicationAndSnapshotsWithLaggingFollowerIntegrationTest method verifyReplicationsAndSnapshotWithNoLaggingAfterInstallSnapshot.
* Do another round of payloads and snapshot to verify replicatedToAllIndex gets back on track and
* snapshots works as expected after doing a follower snapshot. In this step we don't lag a follower.
private long verifyReplicationsAndSnapshotWithNoLaggingAfterInstallSnapshot() throws Exception {"verifyReplicationsAndSnapshotWithNoLaggingAfterInstallSnapshot starting: replicatedToAllIndex: {}", leader.getReplicatedToAllIndex());
// Send another payload - a snapshot should occur.
MockPayload payload4 = sendPayloadData(leaderActor, "four");
// Wait for the snapshot to complete.
MessageCollectorActor.expectFirstMatching(leaderCollectorActor, SaveSnapshotSuccess.class);
ApplyState applyState = MessageCollectorActor.expectFirstMatching(leaderCollectorActor, ApplyState.class);
verifyApplyState(applyState, leaderCollectorActor, payload4.toString(), currentTerm, 4, payload4);
// Verify the leader's last persisted snapshot (previous ones may not be purged yet).
List<Snapshot> persistedSnapshots = InMemorySnapshotStore.getSnapshots(leaderId, Snapshot.class);
Snapshot persistedSnapshot = persistedSnapshots.get(persistedSnapshots.size() - 1);
// The last (fourth) payload may or may not have been applied when the snapshot is captured depending on the
// timing when the async persistence completes.
List<ReplicatedLogEntry> unAppliedEntry = persistedSnapshot.getUnAppliedEntries();
long leadersSnapshotIndex;
if (unAppliedEntry.isEmpty()) {
leadersSnapshotIndex = 4;
verifySnapshot("Persisted", persistedSnapshot, currentTerm, 4, currentTerm, 4);
} else {
leadersSnapshotIndex = 3;
verifySnapshot("Persisted", persistedSnapshot, currentTerm, 3, currentTerm, 4);
assertEquals("Persisted Snapshot getUnAppliedEntries size", 1, unAppliedEntry.size());
verifyReplicatedLogEntry(unAppliedEntry.get(0), currentTerm, 4, payload4);
// Send a couple more payloads.
MockPayload payload5 = sendPayloadData(leaderActor, "five");
MockPayload payload6 = sendPayloadData(leaderActor, "six");
// Verify the leader applies the 2 log entries.
List<ApplyState> applyStates = MessageCollectorActor.expectMatching(leaderCollectorActor, ApplyState.class, 3);
verifyApplyState(applyStates.get(1), leaderCollectorActor, payload5.toString(), currentTerm, 5, payload5);
verifyApplyState(applyStates.get(2), leaderCollectorActor, payload6.toString(), currentTerm, 6, payload6);
// Verify the leader applies a log entry for at least the last entry index.
verifyApplyJournalEntries(leaderCollectorActor, 6);
// Ensure there's at least 1 more heartbeat to trim the log.
MessageCollectorActor.expectFirstMatching(leaderCollectorActor, AppendEntriesReply.class);
// Verify the leader's final state.
// Verify the leaders's persisted journal log - it should only contain the last 2 ReplicatedLogEntries
// added after the snapshot as the persisted journal should've been purged to the snapshot
// sequence number.
verifyPersistedJournal(leaderId, Arrays.asList(new SimpleReplicatedLogEntry(5, currentTerm, payload5), new SimpleReplicatedLogEntry(6, currentTerm, payload6)));
// Verify the leaders's persisted journal contains an ApplyJournalEntries for at least the last entry index.
List<ApplyJournalEntries> persistedApplyJournalEntries = InMemoryJournal.get(leaderId, ApplyJournalEntries.class);
boolean found = false;
for (ApplyJournalEntries entry : persistedApplyJournalEntries) {
if (entry.getToIndex() == 6) {
found = true;
Assert.assertTrue(String.format("ApplyJournalEntries with index %d not found in leader's persisted journal", 6), found);
// Verify follower 1 applies the 3 log entries.
applyStates = MessageCollectorActor.expectMatching(follower1CollectorActor, ApplyState.class, 3);
verifyApplyState(applyStates.get(0), null, null, currentTerm, 4, payload4);
verifyApplyState(applyStates.get(1), null, null, currentTerm, 5, payload5);
verifyApplyState(applyStates.get(2), null, null, currentTerm, 6, payload6);
// Verify follower 1's log state.
verifyFollowersTrimmedLog(1, follower1Actor, 6);
// Verify follower 2 applies the 3 log entries.
applyStates = MessageCollectorActor.expectMatching(follower2CollectorActor, ApplyState.class, 3);
verifyApplyState(applyStates.get(0), null, null, currentTerm, 4, payload4);
verifyApplyState(applyStates.get(1), null, null, currentTerm, 5, payload5);
verifyApplyState(applyStates.get(2), null, null, currentTerm, 6, payload6);
// Verify follower 2's log state.
verifyFollowersTrimmedLog(2, follower2Actor, 6);
expSnapshotState.add(payload6);"verifyReplicationsAndSnapshotWithNoLaggingAfterInstallSnapshot ending");
return leadersSnapshotIndex;
use of org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.persisted.ApplyJournalEntries in project controller by opendaylight.
the class AbstractRaftActorBehavior method applyLogToStateMachine.
* Applies the log entries up to the specified index that is known to be committed to the state machine.
* @param index the log index
protected void applyLogToStateMachine(final long index) {
// Now maybe we apply to the state machine
for (long i = context.getLastApplied() + 1; i < index + 1; i++) {
ReplicatedLogEntry replicatedLogEntry = context.getReplicatedLog().get(i);
if (replicatedLogEntry != null) {
// Send a local message to the local RaftActor (it's derived class to be
// specific to apply the log to it's index)
final ApplyState applyState;
final ClientRequestTracker tracker = removeClientRequestTracker(i);
if (tracker != null) {
applyState = new ApplyState(tracker.getClientActor(), tracker.getIdentifier(), replicatedLogEntry);
} else {
applyState = new ApplyState(null, null, replicatedLogEntry);
log.debug("{}: Setting last applied to {}", logName(), i);
} else {
// if one index is not present in the log, no point in looping
// around as the rest wont be present either
log.warn("{}: Missing index {} from log. Cannot apply state. Ignoring {} to {}", logName(), i, i, index);
// send a message to persist a ApplyLogEntries marker message into akka's persistent journal
// will be used during recovery
// in case if the above code throws an error and this message is not sent, it would be fine
// as the append entries received later would initiate add this message to the journal
actor().tell(new ApplyJournalEntries(context.getLastApplied()), actor());
use of org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.persisted.ApplyJournalEntries in project controller by opendaylight.
the class RaftActor method handleCommand.
* Handles a message.
* @deprecated This method is not final for testing purposes. DO NOT OVERRIDE IT, override
* {@link #handleNonRaftCommand(Object)} instead.
protected // FIXME: make this method final once our unit tests do not need to override it
void handleCommand(final Object message) {
if (serverConfigurationSupport.handleMessage(message, getSender())) {
if (snapshotSupport.handleSnapshotMessage(message, getSender())) {
if (message instanceof ApplyState) {
ApplyState applyState = (ApplyState) message;
if (!hasFollowers()) {
// for single node, the capture should happen after the apply state
// as we delete messages from the persistent journal which have made it to the snapshot
// capturing the snapshot before applying makes the persistent journal and snapshot out of sync
// and recovery shows data missing
} else if (message instanceof ApplyJournalEntries) {
ApplyJournalEntries applyEntries = (ApplyJournalEntries) message;
LOG.debug("{}: Persisting ApplyJournalEntries with index={}", persistenceId(), applyEntries.getToIndex());
persistence().persistAsync(applyEntries, NoopProcedure.instance());
} else if (message instanceof FindLeader) {
getSender().tell(new FindLeaderReply(getLeaderAddress()), getSelf());
} else if (message instanceof GetOnDemandRaftState) {
} else if (message instanceof InitiateCaptureSnapshot) {
} else if (message instanceof SwitchBehavior) {
switchBehavior((SwitchBehavior) message);
} else if (message instanceof LeaderTransitioning) {
onLeaderTransitioning((LeaderTransitioning) message);
} else if (message instanceof Shutdown) {
} else if (message instanceof Runnable) {
((Runnable) message).run();
} else if (message instanceof NoopPayload) {
persistData(null, null, (NoopPayload) message, false);
} else if (message instanceof RequestLeadership) {
onRequestLeadership((RequestLeadership) message);
} else if (!possiblyHandleBehaviorMessage(message)) {
use of org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.persisted.ApplyJournalEntries in project controller by opendaylight.
the class DistributedDataStoreRemotingIntegrationTest method testWriteTransactionWithSingleShard.
public void testWriteTransactionWithSingleShard() throws Exception {
final String testName = "testWriteTransactionWithSingleShard";
final String followerCarShardName = "member-2-shard-cars-" + testName;
DOMStoreWriteTransaction writeTx = followerDistributedDataStore.newWriteOnlyTransaction();
assertNotNull("newWriteOnlyTransaction returned null", writeTx);
writeTx.write(CarsModel.BASE_PATH, CarsModel.emptyContainer());
writeTx.write(CarsModel.CAR_LIST_PATH, CarsModel.newCarMapNode());
final MapEntryNode car1 = CarsModel.newCarEntry("optima", BigInteger.valueOf(20000));
final YangInstanceIdentifier car1Path = CarsModel.newCarPath("optima");
writeTx.merge(car1Path, car1);
final MapEntryNode car2 = CarsModel.newCarEntry("sportage", BigInteger.valueOf(25000));
final YangInstanceIdentifier car2Path = CarsModel.newCarPath("sportage");
writeTx.merge(car2Path, car2);
verifyCars(followerDistributedDataStore.newReadOnlyTransaction(), car1, car2);
verifyCars(leaderDistributedDataStore.newReadOnlyTransaction(), car1, car2);
// Test delete
writeTx = followerDistributedDataStore.newWriteOnlyTransaction();
verifyExists(followerDistributedDataStore.newReadOnlyTransaction(), car2Path);
verifyCars(followerDistributedDataStore.newReadOnlyTransaction(), car2);
verifyCars(leaderDistributedDataStore.newReadOnlyTransaction(), car2);
// Re-instate the follower member 2 as a single-node to verify replication and recovery.
// The following is a bit tricky. Before we reinstate the follower we need to ensure it has persisted and
// applied and all the log entries from the leader. Since we've verified the car data above we know that
// all the transactions have been applied on the leader so we first read and capture its lastAppliedIndex.
final AtomicLong leaderLastAppliedIndex = new AtomicLong();
IntegrationTestKit.verifyShardState(leaderDistributedDataStore, CARS[0], state -> leaderLastAppliedIndex.set(state.getLastApplied()));
// Now we need to make sure the follower has persisted the leader's lastAppliedIndex via ApplyJournalEntries.
// However we don't know exactly how many ApplyJournalEntries messages there will be as it can differ between
// the tell-based and ask-based front-ends. For ask-based there will be exactly 2 ApplyJournalEntries but
// tell-based persists additional payloads which could be replicated and applied in a batch resulting in
// either 2 or 3 ApplyJournalEntries. To handle this we read the follower's persisted ApplyJournalEntries
// until we find the one that encompasses the leader's lastAppliedIndex.
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.createStarted();
boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
final List<ApplyJournalEntries> entries = InMemoryJournal.get(followerCarShardName, ApplyJournalEntries.class);
for (ApplyJournalEntries aje : entries) {
if (aje.getToIndex() >= leaderLastAppliedIndex.get()) {
done = true;
assertTrue("Follower did not persist ApplyJournalEntries containing leader's lastAppliedIndex " + leaderLastAppliedIndex + ". Entries persisted: " + entries, sw.elapsed(TimeUnit.SECONDS) <= 5);
Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
TestKit.shutdownActorSystem(leaderSystem, Boolean.TRUE);
TestKit.shutdownActorSystem(followerSystem, Boolean.TRUE);
final ActorSystem newSystem = newActorSystem("reinstated-member2", "Member2");
try (AbstractDataStore member2Datastore = new IntegrationTestKit(newSystem, leaderDatastoreContextBuilder, commitTimeout).setupAbstractDataStore(testParameter, testName, "module-shards-member2", true, CARS)) {
verifyCars(member2Datastore.newReadOnlyTransaction(), car2);