use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class WeightedCentralizedSwitchScheduler method deleteFromDpnMaps.
private void deleteFromDpnMaps(String routerName, List<Uuid> deletedSubnetIds, BigInteger primarySwitchId) {
if (deletedSubnetIds == null || deletedSubnetIds.isEmpty()) {
LOG.debug("deleteFromDpnMaps no subnets associated with {}", routerName);
WriteTransaction writeOperTxn = dataBroker.newWriteOnlyTransaction();
String primaryRd = NatUtil.getPrimaryRd(dataBroker, routerName);
for (Uuid subnetUuid : deletedSubnetIds) {
String routerPort = subnetIdToRouterPortMap.remove(subnetUuid.getValue());
if (routerPort == null) {
LOG.error("The router port was not found for {}", subnetUuid.getValue());
vpnFootprintService.updateVpnToDpnMapping(primarySwitchId, routerName, primaryRd, routerPort, null, false);
NatUtil.removeFromNeutronRouterDpnsMap(dataBroker, routerName, primarySwitchId, writeOperTxn);
NatUtil.removeFromDpnRoutersMap(dataBroker, routerName, routerName, interfaceManager, writeOperTxn);
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class NexthopManager method removeOrUpdateDcGwLoadBalancingGroup.
* This method is invoked when the tunnel state is removed from DS.
* If the there is just one DC-GW left in configuration then the LB groups can be deleted.
* Otherwise, the groups are just updated.
public void removeOrUpdateDcGwLoadBalancingGroup(List<String> availableDcGws, BigInteger dpnId, String destinationIp) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(availableDcGws, "There are no dc-gws present");
WriteTransaction configTx = dataBroker.newWriteOnlyTransaction();
WriteTransaction operationalTx = dataBroker.newWriteOnlyTransaction();
int noOfDcGws = availableDcGws.size();
// If availableDcGws does not contain the destination Ip it means this is a configuration delete.
if (!availableDcGws.contains(destinationIp)) {
// TODO : Place the logic to construct all possible DC-GW combination here.
int bucketId = availableDcGws.indexOf(destinationIp);
Optional<DpnLbNexthops> dpnLbNextHops = fibUtil.getDpnLbNexthops(dpnId, destinationIp);
if (!dpnLbNextHops.isPresent()) {
List<String> nextHopKeys = dpnLbNextHops.get().getNexthopKey();
nextHopKeys.forEach(nextHopKey -> {
Optional<Nexthops> optionalNextHops = fibUtil.getNexthops(nextHopKey);
if (!optionalNextHops.isPresent()) {
Nexthops nexthops = optionalNextHops.get();
final String groupId = nexthops.getGroupId();
final long groupIdValue = Long.parseLong(groupId);
if (noOfDcGws > 1) {
mdsalApiManager.removeBucketToTx(dpnId, groupIdValue, bucketId, configTx);
} else {
Group group = MDSALUtil.buildGroup(groupIdValue, nextHopKey, GroupTypes.GroupSelect, MDSALUtil.buildBucketLists(Collections.emptyList()));
LOG.trace("Removed LB group {} on dpn {}", group, dpnId);
mdsalApiManager.removeGroupToTx(dpnId, group, configTx);
// When the DC-GW is removed from configuration.
if (noOfDcGws != availableDcGws.size()) {
FibUtil.removeOrUpdateNextHopInfo(dpnId, nextHopKey, groupId, nexthops, operationalTx);
FibUtil.removeDpnIdToNextHopInfo(destinationIp, dpnId, operationalTx);
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VrfEntryListener method createRemoteFibEntry.
private void createRemoteFibEntry(final BigInteger remoteDpnId, final long vpnId, String rd, final VrfEntry vrfEntry, WriteTransaction tx) {
Boolean wrTxPresent = true;
if (tx == null) {
wrTxPresent = false;
tx = dataBroker.newWriteOnlyTransaction();
String vpnName = fibUtil.getVpnNameFromId(vpnId);
LOG.debug("createremotefibentry: adding route {} for rd {} on remoteDpnId {}", vrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), rd, remoteDpnId);
List<AdjacencyResult> adjacencyResults = baseVrfEntryHandler.resolveAdjacency(remoteDpnId, vpnId, vrfEntry, rd);
if (adjacencyResults.isEmpty()) {
LOG.error("Could not get interface for route-paths: {} in vpn {} on DPN {}", vrfEntry.getRoutePaths(), rd, remoteDpnId);
LOG.error("Failed to add Route: {} in vpn: {}", vrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), rd);
List<String> usedRds = VpnExtraRouteHelper.getUsedRds(dataBroker, vpnId, vrfEntry.getDestPrefix());
List<Routes> vpnExtraRoutes = VpnExtraRouteHelper.getAllVpnExtraRoutes(dataBroker, vpnName, usedRds, vrfEntry.getDestPrefix());
// multiple VMs
if (!vpnExtraRoutes.isEmpty() && (vpnExtraRoutes.size() > 1 || vpnExtraRoutes.get(0).getNexthopIpList().size() > 1)) {
List<InstructionInfo> instructions = new ArrayList<>();
// Obtain the local routes for this particular dpn.
java.util.Optional<Routes> routes = -> {
Prefixes prefixToInterface = fibUtil.getPrefixToInterface(vpnId, fibUtil.getIpPrefix(route.getNexthopIpList().get(0)));
if (prefixToInterface == null) {
return false;
return remoteDpnId.equals(prefixToInterface.getDpnId());
long groupId = nextHopManager.createNextHopGroups(vpnId, rd, remoteDpnId, vrfEntry, routes.isPresent() ? routes.get() : null, vpnExtraRoutes);
if (groupId == FibConstants.INVALID_GROUP_ID) {
LOG.error("Unable to create Group for local prefix {} on rd {} on Node {}", vrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), rd, remoteDpnId.toString());
List<ActionInfo> actionInfos = Collections.singletonList(new ActionGroup(groupId));
instructions.add(new InstructionApplyActions(actionInfos));
baseVrfEntryHandler.makeConnectedRoute(remoteDpnId, vpnId, vrfEntry, rd, instructions, NwConstants.ADD_FLOW, tx, null);
} else {
baseVrfEntryHandler.programRemoteFib(remoteDpnId, vpnId, vrfEntry, tx, rd, adjacencyResults, null);
if (!wrTxPresent) {
LOG.debug("Successfully added FIB entry for prefix {} in vpnId {}", vrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), vpnId);
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class ElanUtils method delete.
public static <T extends DataObject> void delete(DataBroker broker, LogicalDatastoreType datastoreType, InstanceIdentifier<T> path, FutureCallback<Void> callback) {
WriteTransaction tx = broker.newWriteOnlyTransaction();
tx.delete(datastoreType, path);
Futures.addCallback(tx.submit(), callback, MoreExecutors.directExecutor());
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class ElanUtils method delete.
public static <T extends DataObject> void delete(DataBroker broker, LogicalDatastoreType datastoreType, InstanceIdentifier<T> path) {
WriteTransaction tx = broker.newWriteOnlyTransaction();
tx.delete(datastoreType, path);
Futures.addCallback(tx.submit(), DEFAULT_CALLBACK, MoreExecutors.directExecutor());