use of org.opendaylight.netconf.nettyutil.handler.NetconfXMLToMessageDecoder in project netconf by opendaylight.
the class AbstractNetconfSessionNegotiator method replaceHelloMessageInboundHandler.
* Remove special inbound handler for hello message. Insert regular netconf xml message (en|de)coders.
* <p>
* Inbound hello message handler should be kept until negotiation is successful
* It caches any non-hello messages while negotiation is still in progress
protected final void replaceHelloMessageInboundHandler(final S session) {
ChannelHandler helloMessageHandler = replaceChannelHandler(channel, AbstractChannelInitializer.NETCONF_MESSAGE_DECODER, new NetconfXMLToMessageDecoder());
checkState(helloMessageHandler instanceof NetconfXMLToHelloMessageDecoder, "Pipeline handlers misplaced on session: %s, pipeline: %s", session, channel.pipeline());
Iterable<NetconfMessage> netconfMessagesFromNegotiation = ((NetconfXMLToHelloMessageDecoder) helloMessageHandler).getPostHelloNetconfMessages();
// It means, we are now using the thread now
for (NetconfMessage message : netconfMessagesFromNegotiation) {