use of in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class NeighborStateCliUtilsTest method createBasicNeighbor.
static Neighbor createBasicNeighbor() {
final builder = new;
builder.addAugmentation(NeighborAfiSafiStateAugmentation.class, new NeighborAfiSafiStateAugmentationBuilder().setActive(false).build());
final AfiSafi afiSafi = new AfiSafiBuilder().setAfiSafiName(IPV4UNICAST.class).setState(;
return new NeighborBuilder().setNeighborAddress(NEIGHBOR_IP_ADDRESS).setState(new StateBuilder().build()).setAfiSafis(new AfiSafisBuilder().setAfiSafi(Collections.singletonList(afiSafi)).build()).build();
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class Ipv6NeighborSolicitationTest method testTransmitNeighborSolicitation.
* Test transmitNeighborSolicitation.
public void testTransmitNeighborSolicitation() {
BigInteger dpnId = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
String macAddr = "08:00:27:FE:8F:95";
boolean retValue;
Ipv6Address srcIpv6Address = new Ipv6Address("2001:db8::1");
Ipv6Address targetIpv6Address = new Ipv6Address("2001:db8::2");
InstanceIdentifier<Node> ncId = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Nodes.class).child(Node.class, new NodeKey(new NodeId("openflow:1"))).build();
NodeConnectorRef nodeRef = new NodeConnectorRef(ncId);
retValue = instance.transmitNeighborSolicitation(dpnId, nodeRef, new MacAddress(macAddr), srcIpv6Address, targetIpv6Address);
assertEquals(true, retValue);
verify(pktProcessService, times(1)).transmitPacket(any(TransmitPacketInput.class));
byte[] expectedPayload = ipv6TestUtils.buildPacket(// Destination MAC
"33 33 00 00 00 02", // Source MAC
"08 00 27 FE 8F 95", // Ethertype - IPv6
"86 DD", // Version 6, traffic class 0, no flowlabel
"60 00 00 00", // Payload length
"00 20", // Next header is ICMPv6
"3A", // Hop limit
"FF", // Source IP
"20 01 0D B8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01", // Destination IP
"FF 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 FF 00 00 02", // ICMPv6 neighbor advertisement.
"87", // Code
"00", // Checksum (valid)
"5E 94", // Flags
"00 00 00 00", // Target Address
"20 01 0D B8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02", // Type: Source Link-Layer Option
"01", // Option length
"01", // Source Link layer address
"08 00 27 FE 8F 95");
NodeConnectorRef nodeConnectorRef = MDSALUtil.getNodeConnRef(dpnId, "0xfffffffd");
verify(pktProcessService).transmitPacket(new TransmitPacketInputBuilder().setPayload(expectedPayload).setNode(new NodeRef(ncId)).setEgress(nodeRef).setIngress(nodeConnectorRef).build());
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class Ipv6PktHandlerTest method testonPacketReceivedNeighborSolicitationWithValidPayload.
public void testonPacketReceivedNeighborSolicitationWithValidPayload() throws Exception {
VirtualPort intf = Mockito.mock(VirtualPort.class);
when(intf.getNetworkID()).thenReturn(new Uuid("eeec9dba-d831-4ad7-84b9-00d7f65f0555"));
VirtualPort routerIntf = Mockito.mock(VirtualPort.class);
List<Ipv6Address> ipv6AddrList = new ArrayList<>();
Ipv6Address llAddr = Ipv6ServiceUtils.getIpv6LinkLocalAddressFromMac(new MacAddress("08:00:27:FE:8F:95"));
InstanceIdentifier<Node> ncId = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Nodes.class).child(Node.class, new NodeKey(new NodeId("openflow:1"))).build();
NodeConnectorRef ncRef = new NodeConnectorRef(ncId);
BigInteger mdata = new BigInteger(String.valueOf(0x1000000));
Metadata metadata = new MetadataBuilder().setMetadata(mdata).build();
MatchBuilder matchbuilder = new MatchBuilder().setMetadata(metadata);
pktHandler.onPacketReceived(new PacketReceivedBuilder().setPayload(ipv6TestUtils.buildPacket(// Destination MAC
"33 33 FF FE 8F 95", // Source MAC
"08 00 27 D4 10 BB", // IPv6
"86 DD", // Version 6, traffic class 0, no flowlabel
"60 00 00 00", // Payload length
"00 20", // Next header is ICMPv6
"3A", // Hop limit
"FF", // Source IP
"FE 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 27 FF FE D4 10 BB", // Destination IP
"FF 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 FF FE 8F 95", // ICMPv6 neighbor solicitation
"87", // Code
"00", // Checksum (valid)
"A9 57", // ICMPv6 message body
"00 00 00 00", // Target
"FE 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 27 FF FE FE 8F 95", // ICMPv6 Option: Source Link Layer Address
"01", // Length
"01", // Link Layer Address
"08 00 27 D4 10 BB")).setIngress(ncRef).setMatch(;
// wait on this thread until the async job is completed in the packet handler.
verify(pktProcessService, times(1)).transmitPacket(any(TransmitPacketInput.class));
byte[] expectedPayload = ipv6TestUtils.buildPacket(// Destination MAC
"08 00 27 D4 10 BB", // Source MAC
"08 00 27 FE 8F 95", // Ethertype - IPv6
"86 DD", // Version 6, traffic class 0, no flowlabel
"60 00 00 00", // Payload length
"00 20", // Next header is ICMPv6
"3A", // Hop limit
"FF", // Source IP
"FE 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 27 FF FE FE 8F 95", // Destination IP
"FE 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 27 FF FE D4 10 BB", // ICMPv6 neighbor advertisement.
"88", // Code
"00", // Checksum (valid)
"17 D6", // Flags
"E0 00 00 00", // Target Address
"FE 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 27 FF FE FE 8F 95", // Type: Target Link-Layer Option
"02", // Option length
"01", // Target Link layer address
"08 00 27 FE 8F 95");
verify(pktProcessService).transmitPacket(new TransmitPacketInputBuilder().setPayload(expectedPayload).setNode(new NodeRef(ncId)).setEgress(ncRef).build());
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class IfMgr method addSubnet.
* Add Subnet.
* @param snetId subnet id
* @param name subnet name
* @param tenantId tenant id
* @param gatewayIp gateway ip address
* @param ipVersion IP Version "IPv4 or IPv6"
* @param subnetCidr subnet CIDR
* @param ipV6AddressMode Address Mode of IPv6 Subnet
* @param ipV6RaMode RA Mode of IPv6 Subnet.
public void addSubnet(Uuid snetId, String name, Uuid tenantId, IpAddress gatewayIp, String ipVersion, IpPrefix subnetCidr, String ipV6AddressMode, String ipV6RaMode) {
// in expanded form and are used during Neighbor Discovery Support.
if (gatewayIp != null) {
Ipv6Address addr = new Ipv6Address(InetAddresses.forString(gatewayIp.getIpv6Address().getValue()).getHostAddress());
gatewayIp = new IpAddress(addr);
VirtualSubnet snet = VirtualSubnet.builder().subnetUUID(snetId).tenantID(tenantId).name(name).gatewayIp(gatewayIp).subnetCidr(subnetCidr).ipVersion(ipVersion).ipv6AddressMode(ipV6AddressMode).ipv6RAMode(ipV6RaMode).build();
vsubnets.put(snetId, snet);
List<VirtualPort> intfList = unprocessedSubnetIntfs.remove(snetId);
if (intfList == null) {
LOG.debug("No unprocessed interfaces for the subnet {}", snetId);
synchronized (intfList) {
for (VirtualPort intf : intfList) {
if (intf != null) {
intf.setSubnet(snetId, snet);
VirtualRouter rtr = intf.getRouter();
if (rtr != null) {
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class Ipv6NdUtilServiceImpl method sendNeighborSolicitation.
public Future<RpcResult<Void>> sendNeighborSolicitation(SendNeighborSolicitationInput ndInput) {
RpcResultBuilder<Void> failureBuilder = RpcResultBuilder.failed();
RpcResultBuilder<Void> successBuilder = RpcResultBuilder.success();
Ipv6Address targetIpv6Address = null;
Ipv6Address srcIpv6Address;
String interfaceName = null;
String macAddr = null;
BigInteger dpnId;
int localErrorCount = 0;
targetIpv6Address = ndInput.getTargetIpAddress();
for (InterfaceAddress interfaceAddress : ndInput.getInterfaceAddress()) {
try {
interfaceName = interfaceAddress.getInterface();
srcIpv6Address = interfaceAddress.getSrcIpAddress();
GetPortFromInterfaceOutput portResult = getPortFromInterface(interfaceName);
dpnId = portResult.getDpid();
Long portid = portResult.getPortno();
checkArgument(null != dpnId && BigInteger.ZERO != dpnId, DPN_NOT_FOUND_ERROR, interfaceName);
NodeConnectorRef nodeRef = MDSALUtil.getNodeConnRef(dpnId, portid.toString());
checkNotNull(nodeRef, NODE_CONNECTOR_NOT_FOUND_ERROR, interfaceName);
if (interfaceAddress.getSrcMacAddress() != null) {
macAddr = interfaceAddress.getSrcMacAddress().getValue();
checkNotNull(macAddr, FAILED_TO_GET_SRC_MAC_FOR_INTERFACE, interfaceName, nodeRef.getValue());
ipv6NeighborSolicitation.transmitNeighborSolicitation(dpnId, nodeRef, new MacAddress(macAddr), srcIpv6Address, targetIpv6Address);
} catch (NullPointerException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOG.trace("Failed to send Neighbor Solicitation for {} on interface {}", ndInput.getTargetIpAddress(), interfaceName);
failureBuilder.withError(RpcError.ErrorType.APPLICATION, FAILED_TO_SEND_NS_FOR_INTERFACE + interfaceName, e);
successBuilder.withError(RpcError.ErrorType.APPLICATION, FAILED_TO_SEND_NS_FOR_INTERFACE + interfaceName, e);
if (localErrorCount == ndInput.getInterfaceAddress().size()) {
// Failed to send IPv6 Neighbor Solicitation on all the interfaces, return failure.
return Futures.immediateFuture(;
return Futures.immediateFuture(;