use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class ElanUtils method buildDmacRedirectToDispatcherFlow.
public static FlowEntity buildDmacRedirectToDispatcherFlow(Uint64 dpId, String dstMacAddress, String displayName, Uint32 elanTag) {
List<MatchInfo> matches = new ArrayList<>();
matches.add(new MatchMetadata(ElanHelper.getElanMetadataLabel(elanTag.longValue()), MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_SERVICE));
matches.add(new MatchEthernetDestination(new MacAddress(dstMacAddress)));
List<InstructionInfo> instructions = new ArrayList<>();
List<ActionInfo> actions = new ArrayList<>();
actions.add(new ActionNxResubmit(NwConstants.LPORT_DISPATCHER_TABLE));
instructions.add(new InstructionApplyActions(actions));
String flowId = getKnownDynamicmacFlowRef(elanTag, dstMacAddress);
return MDSALUtil.buildFlowEntity(dpId, NwConstants.ELAN_DMAC_TABLE, flowId, 20, displayName, 0, 0, Uint64.valueOf(ElanConstants.COOKIE_ELAN_KNOWN_DMAC.longValue() + elanTag.longValue()), matches, instructions);
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class ElanItmUtils method getExternalTunnelItmEgressAction.
* Builds the list of actions to be taken when sending the packet over an
* external VxLan tunnel interface, such as stamping the VNI on the VxLAN
* header, setting the vlanId if it proceeds and output the packet over the
* right port.
* @param srcDpnId
* Dpn where the tunnelInterface is located
* @param torNode
* NodeId of the ExternalDevice where the packet must be sent to.
* @param vni
* Vni to be stamped on the VxLAN Header.
* @return the external itm egress action
public List<Action> getExternalTunnelItmEgressAction(Uint64 srcDpnId, NodeId torNode, long vni) {
List<Action> result = Collections.emptyList();
GetExternalTunnelInterfaceNameInput input = new GetExternalTunnelInterfaceNameInputBuilder().setDestinationNode(torNode.getValue()).setSourceNode(srcDpnId.toString()).setTunnelType(TunnelTypeVxlan.class).build();
Future<RpcResult<GetExternalTunnelInterfaceNameOutput>> output = itmRpcService.getExternalTunnelInterfaceName(input);
try {
if (output.get().isSuccessful()) {
GetExternalTunnelInterfaceNameOutput tunnelInterfaceNameOutput = output.get().getResult();
String tunnelIfaceName = tunnelInterfaceNameOutput.getInterfaceName();
LOG.debug("Received tunnelInterfaceName from getTunnelInterfaceName RPC {}", tunnelIfaceName);
result = buildTunnelItmEgressActions(tunnelIfaceName, vni, false);
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
LOG.error("Error in RPC call getTunnelInterfaceName", e);
return result;
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class ElanItmUtils method getInternalTunnelItmEgressAction.
* Builds the list of actions to be taken when sending the packet over an internal VxLAN tunnel interface, such
* as setting the serviceTag/segmentationID on the VNI field of the VxLAN header, setting the vlanId if it proceeds
* and output the packet over the right port.
* @param sourceDpnId
* Dpn where the tunnelInterface is located
* @param destinationDpnId
* Dpn where the packet must be sent to. It is used here in order
* to select the right tunnel interface.
* @param tunnelKey
* Tunnel key to be sent on the VxLAN header.
* @return the internal itm egress action
public List<Action> getInternalTunnelItmEgressAction(Uint64 sourceDpnId, Uint64 destinationDpnId, long tunnelKey) {
List<Action> result = Collections.emptyList();
LOG.trace("In getInternalItmEgressAction Action source {}, destination {}, serviceTag/Vni {}", sourceDpnId, destinationDpnId, tunnelKey);
Class<? extends TunnelTypeBase> tunType = TunnelTypeVxlan.class;
GetTunnelInterfaceNameInput input = new GetTunnelInterfaceNameInputBuilder().setDestinationDpid(destinationDpnId).setSourceDpid(sourceDpnId).setTunnelType(tunType).build();
Future<RpcResult<GetTunnelInterfaceNameOutput>> output = itmRpcService.getTunnelInterfaceName(input);
try {
if (output.get().isSuccessful()) {
GetTunnelInterfaceNameOutput tunnelInterfaceNameOutput = output.get().getResult();
String tunnelIfaceName = tunnelInterfaceNameOutput.getInterfaceName();"Received tunnelInterfaceName from getTunnelInterfaceName RPC {}", tunnelIfaceName);
result = buildTunnelItmEgressActions(tunnelIfaceName, tunnelKey, true);
} else {
LOG.trace("Tunnel interface doesn't exist between srcDpId {} dstDpId {}", sourceDpnId, destinationDpnId);
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
LOG.error("Error in RPC call getTunnelInterfaceName", e);
return result;
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class ElanItmUtils method buildItmEgressActions.
* Builds the list of actions to be taken when sending the packet over external port such as tunnel, physical
* port etc.
* @param interfaceName
* the interface name
* @param tunnelKey
* can be VNI for VxLAN tunnel interfaces, Gre Key for GRE
* tunnels, etc.
* @return the list
public List<Action> buildItmEgressActions(String interfaceName, @Nullable Long tunnelKey, boolean internal) {
try {
if (internal && interfaceManager.isItmDirectTunnelsEnabled()) {
GetEgressActionsForTunnelInput getEgressActInputItm = new GetEgressActionsForTunnelInputBuilder().setIntfName(interfaceName).setTunnelKey(tunnelKey).build();
Future<RpcResult<GetEgressActionsForTunnelOutput>> egressActionsOutputItm = itmRpcService.getEgressActionsForTunnel(getEgressActInputItm);
if (egressActionsOutputItm.get().isSuccessful()) {
return new ArrayList<Action>(egressActionsOutputItm.get().getResult().nonnullAction().values());
} else {
GetEgressActionsForInterfaceInput getEgressActInput = new GetEgressActionsForInterfaceInputBuilder().setIntfName(interfaceName).setTunnelKey(tunnelKey).build();
Future<RpcResult<GetEgressActionsForInterfaceOutput>> egressActionsOutputFuture = interfaceManagerRpcService.getEgressActionsForInterface(getEgressActInput);
if (egressActionsOutputFuture.get().isSuccessful()) {
return new ArrayList<Action>(egressActionsOutputFuture.get().getResult().nonnullAction().values());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error in RPC call getEgressActionsForInterface", e);
LOG.warn("Could not build Egress actions for interface {} and tunnelId {}", interfaceName, tunnelKey);
return Collections.emptyList();
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class ElanServiceTestBase method sortActions.
org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.flow.types.rev131026.instruction.Instruction sortActions(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.flow.types.rev131026.instruction.Instruction input) {
if (input instanceof ApplyActionsCase) {
List<Action> action = new ArrayList<Action>(((ApplyActionsCase) input).getApplyActions().nonnullAction().values());
ApplyActions actions = new ApplyActionsBuilder().setAction(action).build();
return new ApplyActionsCaseBuilder().setApplyActions(actions).build();
return null;