use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.flow.types.rev131026.FlowRef in project genius by opendaylight.
the class FlowBasedServicesUtils method installLPortDispatcherFlow.
public static void installLPortDispatcherFlow(BigInteger dpId, BoundServices boundService, String interfaceName, WriteTransaction writeTransaction, int interfaceTag, short currentServiceIndex, short nextServiceIndex) {
String serviceRef = boundService.getServiceName();
List<MatchInfo> matches = FlowBasedServicesUtils.getMatchInfoForDispatcherTable(interfaceTag, currentServiceIndex);
// Get the metadata and mask from the service's write metadata
// instruction
StypeOpenflow stypeOpenFlow = boundService.getAugmentation(StypeOpenflow.class);
List<Instruction> serviceInstructions = stypeOpenFlow.getInstruction();
int instructionSize = serviceInstructions != null ? serviceInstructions.size() : 0;
BigInteger[] metadataValues = IfmUtil.mergeOpenflowMetadataWriteInstructions(serviceInstructions);
BigInteger metadata = MetaDataUtil.getMetaDataForLPortDispatcher(interfaceTag, nextServiceIndex, metadataValues[0]);
BigInteger metadataMask = MetaDataUtil.getWriteMetaDataMaskForDispatcherTable();
// build the final instruction for LPort Dispatcher table flow entry
List<Instruction> instructions = new ArrayList<>();
instructions.add(MDSALUtil.buildAndGetWriteMetadaInstruction(metadata, metadataMask, ++instructionSize));
if (serviceInstructions != null && !serviceInstructions.isEmpty()) {
for (Instruction info : serviceInstructions) {
// Skip meta data write as that is handled already
if (info.getInstruction() instanceof WriteMetadataCase) {
} else if (info.getInstruction() instanceof WriteActionsCase) {
info = MDSALUtil.buildWriteActionsInstruction(ActionConverterUtil.convertServiceActionToFlowAction(((WriteActionsCase) info.getInstruction()).getWriteActions().getAction()));
} else if (info.getInstruction() instanceof ApplyActionsCase) {
info = MDSALUtil.buildApplyActionsInstruction(ActionConverterUtil.convertServiceActionToFlowAction(((ApplyActionsCase) info.getInstruction()).getApplyActions().getAction()));
// build the flow and install it
String flowRef = getFlowRef(dpId, NwConstants.LPORT_DISPATCHER_TABLE, interfaceName, currentServiceIndex);
Flow ingressFlow = MDSALUtil.buildFlowNew(NwConstants.LPORT_DISPATCHER_TABLE, flowRef, DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_PRIORITY, serviceRef, 0, 0, stypeOpenFlow.getFlowCookie(), matches, instructions);
LOG.debug("Installing LPort Dispatcher Flow on DPN {}, for interface {}, with flowRef {}", dpId, interfaceName, flowRef);
installFlow(dpId, ingressFlow, writeTransaction);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.flow.types.rev131026.FlowRef in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class InterVpnLinkListener method removeVpnLinkEndpointFlows.
// We're catching Exception here to continue deleting as much as possible
// TODO Rework this so it's done in one transaction
private void removeVpnLinkEndpointFlows(InterVpnLink del, String vpnUuid, String rd, List<BigInteger> dpns, int otherEndpointLportTag, String otherEndpointIpAddr, List<VrfEntry> vrfEntries, final boolean isVpnFirstEndPoint) {
String interVpnLinkName = del.getName();
LOG.debug("Removing endpoint flows for vpn {}. InterVpnLink={}. OtherEndpointLportTag={}", vpnUuid, interVpnLinkName, otherEndpointLportTag);
if (dpns == null) {
LOG.debug("VPN {} endpoint is not instantiated in any DPN for InterVpnLink {}", vpnUuid, interVpnLinkName);
for (BigInteger dpnId : dpns) {
try {
// Removing flow from LportDispatcher table
String flowRef = InterVpnLinkUtil.getLportDispatcherFlowRef(interVpnLinkName, otherEndpointLportTag);
FlowKey flowKey = new FlowKey(new FlowId(flowRef));
Flow flow = new FlowBuilder().setKey(flowKey).setId(new FlowId(flowRef)).setTableId(NwConstants.LPORT_DISPATCHER_TABLE).setFlowName(flowRef).build();
mdsalManager.removeFlow(dpnId, flow);
// Also remove the 'fake' iface from the VpnToDpn map
InterVpnLinkUtil.removeIVpnLinkIfaceFromVpnFootprint(vpnFootprintService, vpnUuid, rd, dpnId);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Whatever happens it should not stop it from trying to remove as much as possible
LOG.warn("Error while removing InterVpnLink {} Endpoint flows on dpn {}. Reason: ", interVpnLinkName, dpnId, e);
// Removing flow from FIB and LFIB tables
LOG.trace("Removing flow in FIB and LFIB tables for vpn {} interVpnLink {} otherEndpointIpAddr {}", vpnUuid, interVpnLinkName, otherEndpointIpAddr);
cleanUpInterVPNRoutes(interVpnLinkName, vrfEntries, isVpnFirstEndPoint);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.flow.types.rev131026.FlowRef in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class ElanServiceChainUtils method programExternalTunnelTable.
* This flow is in charge of receiving packets from the TOR and sending
* them to the SCF Pipeline by setting the LportTag of ElanPseudoPort.
* Note that ELAN already has a flow in this table that redirects packets
* to the ELAN Pipeline. However, the flow for the SCF Pipeline will have
* higher priority, and will only be present when there is a ServiceChain
* using this ElanPseudoPort.
* <ul>
* <li> Matches on the VNI
* <li> Sets SI=1 and ElanPseudoPort tag in the Metadata and sends to
* LPortDispatcher via table 80.
* </ul>
* @param dpnId Dpn Id where the flow must be installed
* @param elanLportTag the Elan Pseudo Lport Id to be used in the Dataplane
* @param vni the VNI to which the Elan is related
* @param elanTag the Elan Id to be used in the Dataplane
* @param addOrRemove States if the flow must be added or removed
public static void programExternalTunnelTable(IMdsalApiManager mdsalManager, BigInteger dpnId, int elanLportTag, long vni, int elanTag, int addOrRemove) {"L2-ServiceChaining: programExternalTunnelTable dpId={} vni={} elanLportTag={} addOrRemove={} ", dpnId, vni, elanLportTag, addOrRemove);
String flowRef = buildExtTunnelTblToLportDispFlowRef(vni, elanLportTag);
if (addOrRemove == NwConstants.ADD_FLOW) {
List<MatchInfo> matches = Collections.singletonList(new MatchTunnelId(BigInteger.valueOf(vni)));
List<Instruction> instructions = buildSetLportTagAndGotoLportDispInstructions(elanLportTag);
Flow flow = MDSALUtil.buildFlowNew(NwConstants.EXTERNAL_TUNNEL_TABLE, flowRef, CloudServiceChainConstants.DEFAULT_SCF_FLOW_PRIORITY, flowRef, 0, 0, NwConstants.TUNNEL_TABLE_COOKIE.add(BigInteger.valueOf(elanTag)), matches, instructions);
mdsalManager.installFlow(dpnId, flow);
} else {
Flow flow = new FlowBuilder().setTableId(NwConstants.EXTERNAL_TUNNEL_TABLE).setId(new FlowId(flowRef)).build();
mdsalManager.removeFlow(dpnId, flow);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.flow.types.rev131026.FlowRef in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VpnServiceChainUtils method buildLportFlowDispForVpnToScf.
* Creates the flow that sends the packet from the VPN to the SCF pipeline.
* This usually happens when there is an ScHop whose ingressPort is a
* VpnPseudoPort.
* <ul>
* <li>Matches: lportTag = vpnPseudoLPortTag, SI = 1
* <li>Actions: setMetadata(scfTag), Go to: UpSubFilter table
* </ul>
public static FlowEntity buildLportFlowDispForVpnToScf(BigInteger dpId, int lportTag, long scfTag, short gotoTableId) {
List<InstructionInfo> instructions = new ArrayList<>();
List<ActionInfo> actionsInfos = new ArrayList<>();
actionsInfos.add(new ActionRegLoad(NxmNxReg2.class, 0, 31, scfTag));
instructions.add(new InstructionApplyActions(actionsInfos));
instructions.add(new InstructionGotoTable(gotoTableId));
String flowRef = getL3VpnToScfLportDispatcherFlowRef(lportTag);
List<MatchInfo> matches = buildMatchOnLportTagAndSI(lportTag, ServiceIndex.getIndex(NwConstants.SCF_SERVICE_NAME, NwConstants.SCF_SERVICE_INDEX));
return MDSALUtil.buildFlowEntity(dpId, NwConstants.LPORT_DISPATCHER_TABLE, flowRef, CloudServiceChainConstants.DEFAULT_SCF_FLOW_PRIORITY, flowRef, 0, 0, getCookieSCHop(scfTag), matches, instructions);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.flow.types.rev131026.FlowRef in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class NatUtil method makePreDnatToSnatTableEntry.
public static void makePreDnatToSnatTableEntry(IMdsalApiManager mdsalManager, BigInteger naptDpnId, short tableId, WriteTransaction writeFlowTx) {
LOG.debug("makePreDnatToSnatTableEntry : Create Pre-DNAT table {} --> table {} flow on NAPT DpnId {} ", NwConstants.PDNAT_TABLE, tableId, naptDpnId);
List<Instruction> preDnatToSnatInstructions = new ArrayList<>();
preDnatToSnatInstructions.add(new InstructionGotoTable(tableId).buildInstruction(0));
List<MatchInfo> matches = new ArrayList<>();
String flowRef = getFlowRefPreDnatToSnat(naptDpnId, NwConstants.PDNAT_TABLE, "PreDNATToSNAT");
Flow preDnatToSnatTableFlowEntity = MDSALUtil.buildFlowNew(NwConstants.PDNAT_TABLE, flowRef, 5, flowRef, 0, 0, NwConstants.COOKIE_DNAT_TABLE, matches, preDnatToSnatInstructions);
mdsalManager.addFlowToTx(naptDpnId, preDnatToSnatTableFlowEntity, writeFlowTx);
LOG.debug("makePreDnatToSnatTableEntry : Successfully installed Pre-DNAT flow {} on NAPT DpnId {} ", preDnatToSnatTableFlowEntity, naptDpnId);