use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.model.match.types.rev131026.match.Metadata in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VpnServiceChainUtils method buildLPortDispFromScfToL3VpnFlow.
* Build the flow that must be inserted when there is a ScHop whose
* egressPort is a VPN Pseudo Port. In that case, packets must be moved
* from the SCF to VPN Pipeline.
* <p>
* Flow matches: VpnPseudo port lPortTag + SI=L3VPN
* Actions: Write vrfTag in Metadata + goto FIB Table
* </p>
* @param vpnId Dataplane identifier of the VPN, the Vrf Tag.
* @param dpId The DPN where the flow must be installed/removed
* @param lportTag Dataplane identifier for the VpnPseudoPort
* @param addOrRemove States if it must build a Flow to be created or
* removed
* @return the Flow object
public static Flow buildLPortDispFromScfToL3VpnFlow(Long vpnId, BigInteger dpId, Integer lportTag, int addOrRemove) {"buildLPortDispFlowForScf vpnId={} dpId={} lportTag={} addOrRemove={} ", vpnId, dpId, lportTag, addOrRemove);
List<MatchInfo> matches = buildMatchOnLportTagAndSI(lportTag, ServiceIndex.getIndex(NwConstants.L3VPN_SERVICE_NAME, NwConstants.L3VPN_SERVICE_INDEX));
List<Instruction> instructions = buildSetVrfTagAndGotoFibInstructions(vpnId.intValue());
String flowRef = getScfToL3VpnLportDispatcherFlowRef(lportTag);
Flow result;
if (addOrRemove == NwConstants.ADD_FLOW) {
result = MDSALUtil.buildFlowNew(NwConstants.LPORT_DISPATCHER_TABLE, flowRef, CloudServiceChainConstants.DEFAULT_SCF_FLOW_PRIORITY, flowRef, 0, 0, VpnServiceChainUtils.getCookieL3(vpnId.intValue()), matches, instructions);
} else {
result = new FlowBuilder().setTableId(NwConstants.LPORT_DISPATCHER_TABLE).setId(new FlowId(flowRef)).build();
return result;
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.model.match.types.rev131026.match.Metadata in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class ArpResponderUtil method getExtInterfaceInstructions.
* Get instruction list for ARP responder flows originated from ext-net e.g.
* router-gw/fip.<br>
* The split-horizon bit should be reset in order to allow traffic from
* provider network to be routed back to flat/VLAN network and override the
* egress table drop flow.<br>
* In order to allow write-metadata in the ARP responder table the resubmit
* action needs to be replaced with goto instruction.
public static List<Instruction> getExtInterfaceInstructions(IInterfaceManager ifaceMgrRpcService, String extInterfaceName, String ipAddress, String macAddress) {
AtomicInteger tableId = new AtomicInteger(-1);
List<Instruction> instructions = new ArrayList<>();
List<Action> actions = getActions(ifaceMgrRpcService, extInterfaceName, ipAddress, macAddress);
actions.removeIf(v -> {
org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.action.types.rev131112.action.Action actionClass = v.getAction();
if (actionClass instanceof NxActionResubmitRpcAddGroupCase) {
tableId.set(((NxActionResubmitRpcAddGroupCase) actionClass).getNxResubmit().getTable());
return true;
} else {
return false;
instructions.add(MDSALUtil.buildApplyActionsInstruction(actions, 0));
if (tableId.get() != -1) {
// write-metadata
if ((short) tableId.get() > NwConstants.ARP_RESPONDER_TABLE) {
instructions.add(new InstructionGotoTable((short) tableId.get()).buildInstruction(2));
} else {
LOG.warn("Failed to insall responder flow for interface {}. Resubmit to {} can't be replaced with goto", extInterfaceName, tableId);
return instructions;
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.model.match.types.rev131026.match.Metadata in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class OpenFlow13Provider method createIngressClassifierFilterChainEgressFlow.
* Classifier chain termination flow:
* Handle packets at the end of the chain
* Match C1 on local IP, NSP and ending NSI, restore metadata and
* resubmit to egress dispatcher
public Flow createIngressClassifierFilterChainEgressFlow(NodeId nodeId, long nsp, short egressNsi) {
MatchBuilder match = new MatchBuilder();
OpenFlow13Utils.addMatchNsp(match, nsp);
OpenFlow13Utils.addMatchNsi(match, egressNsi);
List<Action> actionList = new ArrayList<>();
actionList.add(OpenFlow13Utils.createActionResubmitTable(NwConstants.EGRESS_LPORT_DISPATCHER_TABLE, actionList.size()));
InstructionsBuilder isb = OpenFlow13Utils.wrapActionsIntoApplyActionsInstruction(actionList);
String flowIdStr = INGRESS_CLASSIFIER_FILTER_NSH_CHAIN_EGRESS_FLOW_NAME + nodeId.getValue() + "_" + nsp;
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.model.match.types.rev131026.match.Metadata in project openflowplugin by opendaylight.
the class OpenflowPluginBulkTransactionProvider method createMetadataMatch.
private static MatchBuilder createMetadataMatch() {
MatchBuilder match = new MatchBuilder();
// metadata match
MetadataBuilder metadata = new MetadataBuilder();
// metadata.setMetadataMask(metamask);
return match;
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.model.match.types.rev131026.match.Metadata in project openflowplugin by opendaylight.
the class OfToSalMetadataCase method process.
public Optional<MatchBuilder> process(@Nonnull MetadataCase source, MatchResponseConvertorData data, ConvertorExecutor convertorExecutor) {
final MatchBuilder matchBuilder = data.getMatchBuilder();
final MetadataBuilder metadataBuilder = new MetadataBuilder();
final Metadata metadata = source.getMetadata();
if (metadata != null) {
metadataBuilder.setMetadata(new BigInteger(OFConstants.SIGNUM_UNSIGNED, metadata.getMetadata()));
byte[] metadataMask = metadata.getMask();
if (metadataMask != null) {
metadataBuilder.setMetadataMask(new BigInteger(OFConstants.SIGNUM_UNSIGNED, metadataMask));
return Optional.of(matchBuilder);