use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.natservice.rev160111.external.networks.Networks in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VpnSubnetRouteHandler method onSubnetAddedToVpn.
// TODO Clean up the exception handling
public void onSubnetAddedToVpn(Subnetmap subnetmap, boolean isBgpVpn, Long elanTag) {
Uuid subnetId = subnetmap.getId();
String subnetIp = subnetmap.getSubnetIp();
Subnetmap subMap = null;
SubnetOpDataEntry subOpEntry = null;
SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder subOpBuilder = null;
InstanceIdentifier<SubnetOpDataEntry> subOpIdentifier = null;
Optional<SubnetOpDataEntry> optionalSubs = null;
Preconditions.checkNotNull(subnetId, LOGGING_PREFIX + " onSubnetAddedToVpn: SubnetId cannot be null or empty!");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(subnetIp, LOGGING_PREFIX + " onSubnetAddedToVpn: SubnetPrefix cannot be null or empty!");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(elanTag, LOGGING_PREFIX + " onSubnetAddedToVpn: ElanTag cannot be null or empty!");
String vpnName;
if (subnetmap.getVpnId() != null) {
vpnName = subnetmap.getVpnId().getValue();
long vpnId = VpnUtil.getVpnId(dataBroker, vpnName);
if (vpnId == VpnConstants.INVALID_ID) {
vpnOpDataSyncer.waitForVpnDataReady(VpnOpDataType.vpnInstanceToId, vpnName, VpnConstants.PER_VPN_INSTANCE_MAX_WAIT_TIME_IN_MILLISECONDS);
vpnId = VpnUtil.getVpnId(dataBroker, vpnName);
if (vpnId == VpnConstants.INVALID_ID) {
LOG.error("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: VpnInstance to VPNId mapping not yet available for VpnName {} " + "processing subnet {} with IP {}, bailing out now.", LOGGING_PREFIX, vpnName, subnetId, subnetIp);
} else {
LOG.error("onSubnetAddedToVpn: VpnId {} for subnet {} not found, bailing out", subnetmap.getVpnId(), subnetId);
}"{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: Subnet {} with IP {} being added to vpn {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName);
// TODO(vivek): Change this to use more granularized lock at subnetId level
try {
VpnUtil.lockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue());
try {
// Please check if subnetId belongs to an External Network
InstanceIdentifier<Subnetmap> subMapid = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Subnetmaps.class).child(Subnetmap.class, new SubnetmapKey(subnetId)).build();
Optional<Subnetmap> sm =, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, subMapid);
if (!sm.isPresent()) {
LOG.error("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: Unable to retrieve subnetmap entry for subnet {} IP {}" + " vpnName {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId, subnetIp, vpnName);
subMap = sm.get();
if (isBgpVpn) {
InstanceIdentifier<Networks> netsIdentifier = InstanceIdentifier.builder(ExternalNetworks.class).child(Networks.class, new NetworksKey(subMap.getNetworkId())).build();
Optional<Networks> optionalNets =, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, netsIdentifier);
if (optionalNets.isPresent()) {"{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: subnet {} with IP {} is an external subnet on external " + "network {}, so ignoring this for SubnetRoute on vpn {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, subMap.getNetworkId().getValue(), vpnName);
// Create and add SubnetOpDataEntry object for this subnet to the SubnetOpData container
subOpIdentifier = InstanceIdentifier.builder(SubnetOpData.class).child(SubnetOpDataEntry.class, new SubnetOpDataEntryKey(subnetId)).build();
optionalSubs =, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier);
if (optionalSubs.isPresent()) {
LOG.error("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: SubnetOpDataEntry for subnet {} with ip {} and vpn {} already" + " detected to be present", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName);
LOG.debug("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: Creating new SubnetOpDataEntry node for subnet {} subnetIp {} " + "vpn {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName);
subOpBuilder = new SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder().setKey(new SubnetOpDataEntryKey(subnetId));
String primaryRd = VpnUtil.getPrimaryRd(dataBroker, vpnName);
if (isBgpVpn && !VpnUtil.isBgpVpn(vpnName, primaryRd)) {
LOG.error("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: The VPN Instance name {} does not have RD. Bailing out for" + " subnet {} subnetIp {} ", LOGGING_PREFIX, vpnName, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp);
subOpBuilder.setSubnetToDpn(new ArrayList<>());
Long l3Vni = VpnUtil.getVpnInstanceOpData(dataBroker, primaryRd).getL3vni();
subOpEntry =;
MDSALUtil.syncWrite(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier, subOpEntry);"onSubnetAddedToVpn: Added subnetopdataentry to OP Datastore for subnet {}", subnetId.getValue());
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error("Creation of SubnetOpDataEntry for subnet {} failed ", subnetId.getValue(), ex);
// The second part of this method depends on subMap being non-null so fail fast here.
} finally {
VpnUtil.unlockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue());
// In second critical section , Port-Op-Data will be updated.
VpnUtil.lockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue());
try {
BigInteger dpnId = null;
SubnetToDpn subDpn = null;
Map<BigInteger, SubnetToDpn> subDpnMap = new HashMap<>();
optionalSubs =, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier);
subOpBuilder = new SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder(optionalSubs.get()).setKey(new SubnetOpDataEntryKey(subnetId));
List<Uuid> portList = subMap.getPortList();
if (portList != null) {
for (Uuid port : portList) {
Interface intfState = InterfaceUtils.getInterfaceStateFromOperDS(dataBroker, port.getValue());
if (intfState != null) {
try {
dpnId = InterfaceUtils.getDpIdFromInterface(intfState);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: Unable to obtain dpnId for interface {}," + " subnetroute inclusion for this interface for subnet {} subnetIp {} vpn {}" + " failed with exception", LOGGING_PREFIX, port.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, e);
if (dpnId.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
LOG.error("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: Port {} is not assigned DPN yet," + " ignoring subnet {} subnetIP {} vpn {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, port.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName);
subOpDpnManager.addPortOpDataEntry(port.getValue(), subnetId, dpnId);
if (intfState.getOperStatus() != OperStatus.Up) {
LOG.error("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: Port {} is not UP yet, ignoring subnet {}" + " subnetIp {} vpn {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, port.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName);
subDpn = subOpDpnManager.addInterfaceToDpn(subnetId, dpnId, port.getValue());
if (intfState.getOperStatus() == OperStatus.Up) {
// port is UP
subDpnMap.put(dpnId, subDpn);
} else {
subOpDpnManager.addPortOpDataEntry(port.getValue(), subnetId, null);
if (subDpnMap.size() > 0) {
subOpBuilder.setSubnetToDpn(new ArrayList<>(subDpnMap.values()));
electNewDpnForSubnetRoute(subOpBuilder, null, /* oldDpnId */
subnetId, subMap.getNetworkId(), isBgpVpn);
subOpEntry =;
MDSALUtil.syncUpdate(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier, subOpEntry);"{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: Added PortOpDataEntry and VpnInterfaces to SubnetOpData" + " for subnet {} subnetIp {} vpn {} TaskState {} lastTaskState {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, subOpEntry.getRouteAdvState(), subOpEntry.getLastAdvState());
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
LOG.error("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: Creation of SubnetOpDataEntry for subnet {} subnetIp {} vpn {} failed", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, ex);
} finally {
VpnUtil.unlockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue());
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
LOG.error("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: Unable to handle subnet {} with ip {} added to vpn {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, e);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.natservice.rev160111.external.networks.Networks in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class NeutronvpnNatManager method addExternalNetworkToRouter.
private void addExternalNetworkToRouter(Router update) {
Uuid routerId = update.getUuid();
Uuid extNetId = update.getExternalGatewayInfo().getExternalNetworkId();
List<ExternalFixedIps> externalFixedIps = update.getExternalGatewayInfo().getExternalFixedIps();
try {
Network input = neutronvpnUtils.getNeutronNetwork(extNetId);
ProviderTypes providerNwType = NeutronvpnUtils.getProviderNetworkType(input);
if (providerNwType == null) {
LOG.error("Unable to get Network Provider Type for network {}", input.getUuid().getValue());
// Add this router to the ExtRouters list
// Update External Subnets for this router
updateExternalSubnetsForRouter(routerId, extNetId, externalFixedIps);
// Create and add Networks object for this External Network to the ExternalNetworks list
InstanceIdentifier<Networks> netsIdentifier = InstanceIdentifier.builder(ExternalNetworks.class).child(Networks.class, new NetworksKey(extNetId)).build();
Optional<Networks> optionalNets = SingleTransactionDataBroker.syncReadOptional(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, netsIdentifier);
if (!optionalNets.isPresent()) {
LOG.error("External Network {} not present in the NVPN datamodel", extNetId.getValue());
NetworksBuilder builder = new NetworksBuilder(optionalNets.get());
List<Uuid> rtrList = builder.getRouterIds();
if (rtrList == null) {
rtrList = new ArrayList<>();
if (NeutronvpnUtils.isFlatOrVlanNetwork(input)) {
Networks networkss =;
// Add Networks object to the ExternalNetworks list
LOG.trace("Updating externalnetworks {}", networkss);
SingleTransactionDataBroker.syncWrite(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, netsIdentifier, networkss);
LOG.trace("Updated externalnetworks successfully to CONFIG Datastore");
// get vpn external form this network external to setup vpnInternet for ipv6
Uuid vpnExternal = neutronvpnUtils.getVpnForNetwork(extNetId);
if (vpnExternal == null) {
LOG.debug("addExternalNetworkToRouter : no vpnExternal for Network {}", extNetId);
LOG.debug("addExternalNetworkToRouter : the vpnExternal {}", vpnExternal);
// get subnetmap associate to the router, any subnetmap "external" could be existing
List<Subnetmap> snList = neutronvpnUtils.getNeutronRouterSubnetMaps(routerId);
LOG.debug("addExternalNetworkToRouter : the vpnExternal {} subnetmap to be set with vpnInternet {}", vpnExternal, snList);
for (Subnetmap sn : snList) {
if (sn.getInternetVpnId() == null) {
IpVersionChoice ipVers = neutronvpnUtils.getIpVersionFromString(sn.getSubnetIp());
if (ipVers == IpVersionChoice.IPV6) {
LOG.debug("addExternalNetworkToRouter : setup vpnInternet IPv6 for vpnExternal {} subnetmap {}", vpnExternal, sn);
nvpnManager.updateVpnInternetForSubnet(sn, vpnExternal, true);
} catch (TransactionCommitFailedException | ReadFailedException ex) {
LOG.error("Creation of externalnetworks failed for {}", extNetId.getValue(), ex);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.natservice.rev160111.external.networks.Networks in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class NeutronvpnNatManager method removeExternalNetwork.
public void removeExternalNetwork(Network net) {
Uuid extNetId = net.getUuid();
// Create and add Networks object for this External Network to the ExternalNetworks list
InstanceIdentifier<Networks> netsIdentifier = InstanceIdentifier.builder(ExternalNetworks.class).child(Networks.class, new NetworksKey(extNetId)).build();
try {
Optional<Networks> optionalNets = SingleTransactionDataBroker.syncReadOptional(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, netsIdentifier);
LOG.trace("Removing Networks node {}", extNetId.getValue());
if (!optionalNets.isPresent()) {
LOG.error("External Network {} not available in the datastore", extNetId.getValue());
// Delete Networks object from the ExternalNetworks list
LOG.trace("Deleting External Network {}", extNetId.getValue());
SingleTransactionDataBroker.syncDelete(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, netsIdentifier);
LOG.trace("Deleted External Network {} successfully from CONFIG Datastore", extNetId.getValue());
} catch (TransactionCommitFailedException | ReadFailedException ex) {
LOG.error("Deletion of External Network {} failed", extNetId.getValue(), ex);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.natservice.rev160111.external.networks.Networks in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class NeutronvpnManager method associateNetworksToVpn.
* Parses and associates networks list with given VPN.
* @param vpnId Uuid of given VPN.
* @param networks List list of network Ids (Uuid), which will be associated.
* @return list of formatted strings with detailed error messages.
protected List<String> associateNetworksToVpn(@Nonnull Uuid vpnId, @Nonnull List<Uuid> networks) {
List<String> failedNwList = new ArrayList<>();
HashSet<Uuid> passedNwList = new HashSet<>();
if (networks.isEmpty()) {
LOG.error("associateNetworksToVpn: Failed as given networks list is empty, VPN Id: {}", vpnId.getValue());
failedNwList.add(String.format("Failed to associate networks with VPN %s as given networks list is empty", vpnId.getValue()));
return failedNwList;
VpnInstance vpnInstance = VpnHelper.getVpnInstance(dataBroker, vpnId.getValue());
if (vpnInstance == null) {
LOG.error("associateNetworksToVpn: Can not find vpnInstance for VPN {} in ConfigDS", vpnId.getValue());
failedNwList.add(String.format("Failed to associate network: can not found vpnInstance for VPN %s " + "in ConfigDS", vpnId.getValue()));
return failedNwList;
try {
if (isVpnOfTypeL2(vpnInstance) && neutronEvpnUtils.isVpnAssociatedWithNetwork(vpnInstance)) {
LOG.error("associateNetworksToVpn: EVPN {} supports only one network to be associated with", vpnId.getValue());
failedNwList.add(String.format("Failed to associate network: EVPN %s supports only one network to be " + "associated with", vpnId.getValue()));
return failedNwList;
for (Uuid nw : networks) {
Network network = neutronvpnUtils.getNeutronNetwork(nw);
if (network == null) {
LOG.error("associateNetworksToVpn: Network {} not found in ConfigDS", nw.getValue());
failedNwList.add(String.format("Failed to associate network: network %s not found in ConfigDS", nw.getValue()));
NetworkProviderExtension providerExtension = network.getAugmentation(NetworkProviderExtension.class);
if (providerExtension.getSegments() != null && providerExtension.getSegments().size() > 1) {
LOG.error("associateNetworksToVpn: MultiSegmented network {} not supported in BGPVPN {}", nw.getValue(), vpnId.getValue());
failedNwList.add(String.format("Failed to associate multisegmented network %s with BGPVPN %s", nw.getValue(), vpnId.getValue()));
Uuid networkVpnId = neutronvpnUtils.getVpnForNetwork(nw);
if (networkVpnId != null) {
LOG.error("associateNetworksToVpn: Network {} already associated with another VPN {}", nw.getValue(), networkVpnId.getValue());
failedNwList.add(String.format("Failed to associate network %s as it is already associated to " + "another VPN %s", nw.getValue(), networkVpnId.getValue()));
if (neutronvpnUtils.getIsExternal(network)) {
if (associateExtNetworkToVpn(vpnId, network)) {
} else {
LOG.error("associateNetworksToVpn: Failed to associate Provider Network {} with VPN {}", nw.getValue(), vpnId.getValue());
failedNwList.add(String.format("Failed to associate Provider Network %s with VPN %s", nw.getValue(), vpnId.getValue()));
List<Uuid> networkSubnets = neutronvpnUtils.getSubnetIdsFromNetworkId(nw);
if (networkSubnets == null) {
for (Uuid subnet : networkSubnets) {
Uuid subnetVpnId = neutronvpnUtils.getVpnForSubnet(subnet);
if (subnetVpnId != null) {
LOG.error("associateNetworksToVpn: Failed to associate subnet {} with VPN {} as it is already " + "associated", subnet.getValue(), subnetVpnId.getValue());
failedNwList.add(String.format("Failed to associate subnet %s with VPN %s as it is already " + "associated", subnet.getValue(), vpnId.getValue()));
Subnetmap sm = neutronvpnUtils.getSubnetmap(subnet);
if (neutronvpnUtils.shouldVpnHandleIpVersionChangeToAdd(sm, vpnId)) {
neutronvpnUtils.updateVpnInstanceWithIpFamily(vpnId.getValue(), NeutronvpnUtils.getIpVersionFromString(sm.getSubnetIp()), true);
LOG.debug("associateNetworksToVpn: Add subnet {} to VPN {}", subnet.getValue(), vpnId.getValue());
addSubnetToVpn(vpnId, subnet, null);
} catch (ReadFailedException e) {
LOG.error("associateNetworksToVpn: Failed to associate VPN {} with networks {}: ", vpnId.getValue(), networks, e);
failedNwList.add(String.format("Failed to associate VPN %s with networks %s: %s", vpnId.getValue(), networks, e));
}"associateNetworksToVpn: update VPN {} with networks list: {}", vpnId.getValue(), passedNwList.toString());
updateVpnMaps(vpnId, null, null, null, new ArrayList<Uuid>(passedNwList));
return failedNwList;
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.natservice.rev160111.external.networks.Networks in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class NeutronvpnManager method removeExternalNetworkFromVpn.
private boolean removeExternalNetworkFromVpn(Network extNet) {
Uuid extNetId = extNet.getUuid();
InstanceIdentifier<Networks> extNetsId = InstanceIdentifier.builder(ExternalNetworks.class).child(Networks.class, new NetworksKey(extNetId)).build();
try {
Optional<Networks> optionalNets = SingleTransactionDataBroker.syncReadOptional(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, extNetsId);
NetworksBuilder builder = null;
if (optionalNets.isPresent()) {
builder = new NetworksBuilder(optionalNets.get());
} else {
LOG.error("removeExternalNetworkFromVpn: Provider Network {} is not present in the ConfigDS", extNetId.getValue());
return false;
Networks networks =;"removeExternalNetworkFromVpn: Withdraw VPN Id from Provider Network {} node", extNetId.getValue());
SingleTransactionDataBroker.syncWrite(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, extNetsId, networks);
return true;
} catch (TransactionCommitFailedException | ReadFailedException ex) {
LOG.error("removeExternalNetworkFromVpn: Failed to withdraw VPN Id from Provider Network node {}: ", extNetId.getValue(), ex);
return false;