use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.neutron.subnets.rev150712.subnets.attributes.Subnets in project genius by opendaylight.
the class ItmExternalTunnelAddTest method setupMocks.
private void setupMocks() {
ipAddress1 = IpAddressBuilder.getDefaultInstance(tepIp1);
ipAddress2 = IpAddressBuilder.getDefaultInstance(tepIp2);
ipAddress3 = IpAddressBuilder.getDefaultInstance(tepIp3);
gtwyIp1 = IpAddressBuilder.getDefaultInstance(gwyIp1);
gtwyIp2 = IpAddressBuilder.getDefaultInstance(gwyIp2);
ipPrefixTest = IpPrefixBuilder.getDefaultInstance(subnetIp + "/24");
tunnelEndPointsVxlan = new TunnelEndPointsBuilder().setVLANID(vlanId).setPortname(portName1).setIpAddress(ipAddress3).setGwIpAddress(gtwyIp1).setInterfaceName(parentInterfaceName).setTzMembership(ItmUtils.createTransportZoneMembership(transportZone1)).setTunnelType(tunnelType1).setSubnetMask(ipPrefixTest).build();
dpntePsInfoVxlan = new DPNTEPsInfoBuilder().setDPNID(dpId1).setUp(true).setKey(new DPNTEPsInfoKey(dpId1)).setTunnelEndPoints(tunnelEndPointsListVxlan).build();
deviceVteps1 = new DeviceVtepsBuilder().setIpAddress(ipAddress1).setKey(new DeviceVtepsKey(ipAddress1, source)).setNodeId(source).setTopologyId("hwvtep:1").build();
deviceVteps2 = new DeviceVtepsBuilder().setIpAddress(ipAddress2).setKey(new DeviceVtepsKey(ipAddress2, destination)).setNodeId(destination).setTopologyId("hwvtep:1").build();
hwVtep1 = new HwVtep();
vtepsTest = new VtepsBuilder().setDpnId(dpId1).setIpAddress(ipAddress3).setPortname(portName1).setKey(new VtepsKey(dpId1, portName1)).build();
dpnEndpointsVxlan = new DpnEndpointsBuilder().setDPNTEPsInfo(cfgdDpnListVxlan).build();
transportZone = new TransportZoneBuilder().setTunnelType(tunnelType1).setZoneName(transportZone1).setKey(new TransportZoneKey(transportZone1)).setSubnets(subnetsList).build();
idOutputOptional1 = RpcResultBuilder.success(expectedId1).buildFuture();
getIdInput1 = new AllocateIdInputBuilder().setPoolName(ITMConstants.ITM_IDPOOL_NAME).setIdKey("1:phy0:100:").build();
idOutputOptional2 = RpcResultBuilder.success(expectedId2).buildFuture();
getIdInput2 = new AllocateIdInputBuilder().setPoolName(ITMConstants.ITM_IDPOOL_NAME).setIdKey("1:phy0:100:").build();
idOutputOptional3 = RpcResultBuilder.success(expectedId3).buildFuture();
getIdInput3 = new AllocateIdInputBuilder().setPoolName(ITMConstants.ITM_IDPOOL_NAME).setIdKey("hwvtep:1:hwvtep://").build();
idOutputOptional4 = RpcResultBuilder.success(expectedId4).buildFuture();
getIdInput4 = new AllocateIdInputBuilder().setPoolName(ITMConstants.ITM_IDPOOL_NAME).setIdKey("hwvtep:1:hwvtep://").build();
idOutputOptional5 = RpcResultBuilder.success(expectedId5).buildFuture();
getIdInput5 = new AllocateIdInputBuilder().setPoolName(ITMConstants.ITM_IDPOOL_NAME).setIdKey("hwvtep:1:hwvtep://").build();
idOutputOptional6 = RpcResultBuilder.success(expectedId6).buildFuture();
getIdInput6 = new AllocateIdInputBuilder().setPoolName(ITMConstants.ITM_IDPOOL_NAME).setIdKey("hwvtep:1:hwvtep://").build();
tunnelMonitorParams = new TunnelMonitorParamsBuilder().setEnabled(true).build();
tunnelMonitorInterval = new TunnelMonitorIntervalBuilder().setInterval(interval).build();
trunkInterfaceName = ItmUtils.getTrunkInterfaceName(parentInterfaceName, String.valueOf(tunnelEndPointsVxlan.getIpAddress().getValue()), String.valueOf(ipAddress2.getValue()), tunnelType1.getName());
interfaceIdentifier = ItmUtils.buildId(trunkInterfaceName);
externalTunnelIdentifier = InstanceIdentifier.create(ExternalTunnelList.class).child(ExternalTunnel.class, new ExternalTunnelKey(String.valueOf(ipAddress2.getValue()), dpId1.toString(), tunnelType1));
iface = ItmUtils.buildTunnelInterface(dpId1, trunkInterfaceName, String.format("%s %s", ItmUtils.convertTunnelTypetoString(tunnelType1), "Trunk Interface"), true, tunnelType1, ipAddress3, ipAddress2, gtwyIp1, tunnelEndPointsVxlan.getVLANID(), false, false, monitorProtocol, null, false, null);
externalTunnel = ItmUtils.buildExternalTunnel(dpId1.toString(), String.valueOf(ipAddress2.getValue()), tunnelType1, trunkInterfaceName);
subnets = new SubnetsBuilder().setGatewayIp(gtwyIp1).setVlanId(vlanId).setKey(new SubnetsKey(ipPrefixTest)).setVteps(vtepsList).setDeviceVteps(deviceVtepsList).build();
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.neutron.subnets.rev150712.subnets.attributes.Subnets in project genius by opendaylight.
the class OvsdbTepRemoveConfigHelper method removeTepReceivedFromOvsdb.
* Removes the TEP from ITM configuration/operational Datastore in one of the following cases.
* 1) default transport zone
* 2) Configured transport zone
* 3) Unhosted transport zone
* Function checks for above three cases and calls other sub-function to remove the TEP
* @param tepIp TEP-IP address in string
* @param strDpnId bridge datapath ID in string
* @param tzName transport zone name in string
* @param dataBroker data broker handle to perform operations on config/operational datastore
* @param wrTx WriteTransaction object
public static void removeTepReceivedFromOvsdb(String tepIp, String strDpnId, String tzName, DataBroker dataBroker, WriteTransaction wrTx) {
BigInteger dpnId = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
LOG.trace("Remove TEP: TEP-IP: {}, TZ name: {}, DPID: {}", tepIp, tzName, strDpnId);
if (strDpnId != null && !strDpnId.isEmpty()) {
dpnId = MDSALUtil.getDpnId(strDpnId);
// Get tep IP
IpAddress tepIpAddress = IpAddressBuilder.getDefaultInstance(tepIp);
TransportZone transportZone = null;
// Case: TZ name is not given from OVS's other_config parameters.
if (tzName == null) {
// add TEP into default-TZ
transportZone = ItmUtils.getTransportZoneFromConfigDS(tzName, dataBroker);
if (transportZone == null) {
LOG.error("Error: default-transport-zone is not yet created.");
LOG.trace("Remove TEP from default-transport-zone.");
} else {
// Case: Add TEP into corresponding TZ created from Northbound.
transportZone = ItmUtils.getTransportZoneFromConfigDS(tzName, dataBroker);
if (transportZone == null) {
// Case: TZ is not configured from Northbound, then add TEP into
// "teps-in-not-hosted-transport-zone"
LOG.trace("Removing TEP from teps-in-not-hosted-transport-zone list.");
removeUnknownTzTepFromTepsNotHosted(tzName, tepIpAddress, dpnId, dataBroker, wrTx);
} else {
LOG.trace("Remove TEP from transport-zone already configured by Northbound.");
// Remove TEP from (default transport-zone) OR (transport-zone already configured by Northbound)
// Get subnet list of corresponding TZ created from Northbound.
List<Subnets> subnetList = transportZone.getSubnets();
if (subnetList == null || subnetList.isEmpty()) {
LOG.trace("No subnet list in transport-zone. Nothing to do.");
} else {
IpPrefix subnetMaskObj = ItmUtils.getDummySubnet();
List<Vteps> vtepList = null;
// subnet list already exists case; check for dummy-subnet
for (Subnets subnet : subnetList) {
if (subnet.getKey().getPrefix().equals(subnetMaskObj)) {
LOG.trace("Subnet exists in the subnet list of transport-zone {}.", tzName);
// get vtep list of existing subnet
vtepList = subnet.getVteps();
if (vtepList == null || vtepList.isEmpty()) {
// case: vtep list does not exist or it has no elements
LOG.trace("No vtep list in subnet list of transport-zone. Nothing to do.");
} else {
// case: vtep list has elements
boolean vtepFound = false;
Vteps oldVtep = null;
for (Vteps vtep : vtepList) {
if (vtep.getDpnId().equals(dpnId)) {
vtepFound = true;
oldVtep = vtep;
if (vtepFound) {
// vtep is found, update it with tep-ip
LOG.trace("Remove TEP from vtep list in subnet list of transport-zone.");
dpnId = oldVtep.getDpnId();
String portName = oldVtep.getPortname();
removeVtepFromTZConfig(subnetMaskObj, tzName, dpnId, portName, wrTx);
} else {
LOG.trace("TEP is not found in the vtep list in subnet list of transport-zone. Nothing to do.");
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.neutron.subnets.rev150712.subnets.attributes.Subnets in project genius by opendaylight.
the class ItmUtils method getTunnelsofTzone.
public static List<String> getTunnelsofTzone(List<HwVtep> hwVteps, String tzone, DataBroker dataBroker, Boolean hwVtepsExist) {
List<String> tunnels = new ArrayList<>();
InstanceIdentifier<TransportZone> path = InstanceIdentifier.builder(TransportZones.class).child(TransportZone.class, new TransportZoneKey(tzone)).build();
Optional<TransportZone> transportZoneOptional =, path, dataBroker);
if (transportZoneOptional.isPresent()) {
TransportZone transportZone = transportZoneOptional.get();
Class<? extends TunnelTypeBase> tunType = transportZone.getTunnelType();
if (transportZone.getSubnets() != null && !transportZone.getSubnets().isEmpty()) {
for (Subnets sub : transportZone.getSubnets()) {
if (sub.getVteps() != null && !sub.getVteps().isEmpty()) {
for (Vteps vtepLocal : sub.getVteps()) {
for (Vteps vtepRemote : sub.getVteps()) {
if (!vtepLocal.equals(vtepRemote)) {
InternalTunnelKey key = new InternalTunnelKey(vtepRemote.getDpnId(), vtepLocal.getDpnId(), tunType);
InstanceIdentifier<InternalTunnel> intIID = InstanceIdentifier.builder(TunnelList.class).child(InternalTunnel.class, key).build();
Optional<InternalTunnel> tunnelsOptional =, intIID, dataBroker);
if (tunnelsOptional.isPresent()) {
List<String> tunnelInterfaceNames = tunnelsOptional.get().getTunnelInterfaceNames();
if (tunnelInterfaceNames != null && !tunnelInterfaceNames.isEmpty()) {
String tunnelInterfaceName = tunnelInterfaceNames.get(0);
LOG.trace("Internal Tunnel added {}", tunnelInterfaceName);
if (hwVteps != null && !hwVteps.isEmpty()) {
for (HwVtep hwVtep : hwVteps) {
tunnels.add(getExtTunnel(hwVtep.getNodeId(), vtepLocal.getDpnId().toString(), tunType, dataBroker));
tunnels.add(getExtTunnel(vtepLocal.getDpnId().toString(), hwVtep.getNodeId(), tunType, dataBroker));
if (hwVtepsExist) {
for (HwVtep hwVtep : hwVteps) {
for (HwVtep hwVtepOther : hwVteps) {
if (!hwVtep.getHwIp().equals(hwVtepOther.getHwIp())) {
tunnels.add(getExtTunnel(hwVtep.getNodeId(), hwVtepOther.getNodeId(), tunType, dataBroker));
tunnels.add(getExtTunnel(hwVtepOther.getNodeId(), hwVtep.getNodeId(), tunType, dataBroker));
return tunnels;
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.neutron.subnets.rev150712.subnets.attributes.Subnets in project genius by opendaylight.
the class OvsdbTepAddConfigHelper method addTepReceivedFromOvsdb.
* Adds the TEP into ITM configuration/operational Datastore in one of the following cases.
* 1) default transport zone
* 2) Configured transport zone
* 3) Unhosted transport zone
* @param tepIp TEP-IP address in string
* @param strDpnId bridge datapath ID in string
* @param tzName transport zone name in string
* @param ofTunnel boolean flag for TEP to enable/disable of-tunnel feature on it
* @param dataBroker data broker handle to perform operations on config/operational datastore
* @param wrTx WriteTransaction object
public static void addTepReceivedFromOvsdb(String tepIp, String strDpnId, String tzName, boolean ofTunnel, DataBroker dataBroker, WriteTransaction wrTx) {
BigInteger dpnId = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
if (strDpnId != null && !strDpnId.isEmpty()) {
dpnId = MDSALUtil.getDpnId(strDpnId);
// Get tep IP
IpAddress tepIpAddress = IpAddressBuilder.getDefaultInstance(tepIp);
TransportZone tzone = null;
// Case: TZ name is not given with OVS TEP.
if (tzName == null) {
// add TEP into default-TZ
tzone = ItmUtils.getTransportZoneFromConfigDS(tzName, dataBroker);
if (tzone == null) {
LOG.error("Error: default-transport-zone is not yet created.");
LOG.trace("Add TEP into default-transport-zone.");
} else {
// Case: Add TEP into corresponding TZ created from Northbound.
tzone = ItmUtils.getTransportZoneFromConfigDS(tzName, dataBroker);
if (tzone == null) {
// Case: TZ is not configured from Northbound, then add TEP into "teps-in-not-hosted-transport-zone"
LOG.trace("Adding TEP with unknown TZ into teps-in-not-hosted-transport-zone.");
addUnknownTzTepIntoTepsNotHosted(tzName, tepIpAddress, dpnId, ofTunnel, dataBroker, wrTx);
} else {
LOG.trace("Add TEP into transport-zone already configured by Northbound.");
// Get subnet list of corresponding TZ created from Northbound.
List<Subnets> subnetList = tzone.getSubnets();
String portName = ITMConstants.DUMMY_PORT;
IpPrefix subnetMaskObj = ItmUtils.getDummySubnet();
if (subnetList == null || subnetList.isEmpty()) {
if (subnetList == null) {
subnetList = new ArrayList<>();
List<Vteps> vtepList = new ArrayList<>();
LOG.trace("Add TEP in transport-zone when no subnet-list.");
addVtepInITMConfigDS(subnetList, subnetMaskObj, vtepList, tepIpAddress, tzName, dpnId, portName, ofTunnel, wrTx);
} else {
List<Vteps> vtepList = null;
// subnet list already exists case; check for dummy-subnet
for (Subnets subnet : subnetList) {
if (subnet.getKey().getPrefix().equals(subnetMaskObj)) {
LOG.trace("Subnet exists in the subnet list of transport-zone {}.", tzName);
// get vtep list of existing subnet
vtepList = subnet.getVteps();
if (vtepList == null || vtepList.isEmpty()) {
// case: vtep list does not exist or it has no elements
if (vtepList == null) {
vtepList = new ArrayList<>();
LOG.trace("Add TEP in transport-zone when no vtep-list for specific subnet.");
addVtepInITMConfigDS(subnetList, subnetMaskObj, vtepList, tepIpAddress, tzName, dpnId, portName, ofTunnel, wrTx);
} else {
// case: vtep list has elements
boolean vtepFound = false;
Vteps oldVtep = null;
for (Vteps vtep : vtepList) {
if (vtep.getDpnId().equals(dpnId)) {
vtepFound = true;
oldVtep = vtep;
// get portName of existing vtep
portName = vtep.getPortname();
if (!vtepFound) {
addVtepInITMConfigDS(subnetList, subnetMaskObj, vtepList, tepIpAddress, tzName, dpnId, portName, ofTunnel, wrTx);
} else {
// vtep is found, update it with tep-ip
addVtepInITMConfigDS(subnetList, subnetMaskObj, vtepList, tepIpAddress, tzName, dpnId, portName, ofTunnel, wrTx);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.neutron.subnets.rev150712.subnets.attributes.Subnets in project genius by opendaylight.
the class OvsdbTepAddConfigHelper method addVtepInITMConfigDS.
* Adds the TEP into Vtep list in the subnet list in the transport zone list
* from ITM configuration Datastore by merge operation with write transaction.
* @param subnetList subnets list object
* @param subnetMaskObj subnet mask in IpPrefix object
* @param updatedVtepList updated Vteps list object which will have new TEP for addition
* @param tepIpAddress TEP IP address in IpAddress object
* @param tzName transport zone name in string
* @param dpid bridge datapath ID in BigInteger
* @param portName port name as a part of VtepsKey
* @param ofTunnel boolean flag for TEP to enable/disable of-tunnel feature on it
* @param wrTx WriteTransaction object
public static void addVtepInITMConfigDS(List<Subnets> subnetList, IpPrefix subnetMaskObj, List<Vteps> updatedVtepList, IpAddress tepIpAddress, String tzName, BigInteger dpid, String portName, boolean ofTunnel, WriteTransaction wrTx) {
// Create TZ node path
InstanceIdentifier<TransportZone> tranzportZonePath = InstanceIdentifier.builder(TransportZones.class).child(TransportZone.class, new TransportZoneKey(tzName)).build();
// when VTEP is moved from TepsNotHosted list to TZ configured from Northbound.
if (dpid.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) {
// create vtep
VtepsKey vtepkey = new VtepsKey(dpid, portName);
Vteps vtepObj = new VtepsBuilder().setDpnId(dpid).setIpAddress(tepIpAddress).setKey(vtepkey).setPortname(portName).setOptionOfTunnel(ofTunnel).build();
// Add vtep obtained from bridge into list
LOG.trace("Adding TEP (TZ: {} Subnet: {} TEP IP: {} DPID: {}, of-tunnel: {}) in ITM Config DS.", tzName, subnetMaskObj, tepIpAddress, dpid, ofTunnel);
} else {
// corresponding TZ is configured from northbound.
for (Vteps vtep : updatedVtepList) {
LOG.trace("Moving TEP (TEP IP: {} DPID: {}, of-tunnel: {})" + "from not-hosted-transport-zone {} into ITM Config DS.", vtep.getIpAddress(), vtep.getDpnId(), ofTunnel, tzName);
// Create subnet object
SubnetsKey subKey = new SubnetsKey(subnetMaskObj);
IpAddress gatewayIP = IpAddressBuilder.getDefaultInstance(ITMConstants.DUMMY_GATEWAY_IP);
int vlanID = ITMConstants.DUMMY_VLANID;
Subnets subnet = new SubnetsBuilder().setGatewayIp(gatewayIP).setKey(subKey).setPrefix(subnetMaskObj).setVlanId(vlanID).setVteps(updatedVtepList).build();
// add subnet into subnet list
// create TZ node with updated subnet having new vtep
TransportZone updatedTzone = new TransportZoneBuilder().setKey(new TransportZoneKey(tzName)).setSubnets(subnetList).setZoneName(tzName).build();
// Update TZ in Config DS to add vtep in TZ
wrTx.merge(LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, tranzportZonePath, updatedTzone, true);