Search in sources :

Example 16 with Subnet

use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.neutron.subnets.rev150712.subnets.attributes.subnets.Subnet in project netvirt by opendaylight.

the class ExternalNetworkGroupInstaller method installExtNetGroupEntries.

public void installExtNetGroupEntries(Uuid subnetId, String macAddress) {
    Subnetmap subnetMap = NatUtil.getSubnetMap(broker, subnetId);
    if (subnetMap == null) {
        LOG.error("installExtNetGroupEntries : Subnetmap is null");
    if (NatUtil.isIPv6Subnet(subnetMap.getSubnetIp())) {
        LOG.debug("installExtNetGroupEntries : Subnet-id {} is not an IPv4 subnet, hence skipping.", subnetMap.getId());
    installExtNetGroupEntries(subnetMap, macAddress);
Also used : Subnetmap(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.neutronvpn.rev150602.subnetmaps.Subnetmap)

Example 17 with Subnet

use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.neutron.subnets.rev150712.subnets.attributes.subnets.Subnet in project netvirt by opendaylight.

the class ExternalNetworkGroupInstaller method buildExtNetGroupEntity.

private GroupEntity buildExtNetGroupEntity(String macAddress, String subnetName, long groupId, String extInterface, BigInteger dpnId) {
    List<ActionInfo> actionList = new ArrayList<>();
    final int setFieldEthDestActionPos = 0;
    List<ActionInfo> egressActionList = new ArrayList<>();
    if (extInterface != null) {
        egressActionList = NatUtil.getEgressActionsForInterface(interfaceManager, extInterface, null, setFieldEthDestActionPos + 1);
    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(macAddress) || egressActionList.isEmpty()) {
        if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(macAddress)) {
            LOG.trace("buildExtNetGroupEntity : Building ext-net group {} entry with drop action since " + "GW mac has not been resolved for subnet {} extInterface {}", groupId, subnetName, extInterface);
        } else {
            LOG.warn("buildExtNetGroupEntity : Building ext-net group {} entry with drop action since " + "no egress actions were found for subnet {} extInterface {}", groupId, subnetName, extInterface);
        actionList.add(new ActionDrop());
    } else {
        LOG.trace("Building ext-net group {} entry for subnet {} extInterface {} macAddress {}", groupId, subnetName, extInterface, macAddress);
        actionList.add(new ActionSetFieldEthernetDestination(setFieldEthDestActionPos, new MacAddress(macAddress)));
    List<BucketInfo> listBucketInfo = new ArrayList<>();
    listBucketInfo.add(new BucketInfo(actionList));
    return MDSALUtil.buildGroupEntity(dpnId, groupId, subnetName, GroupTypes.GroupAll, listBucketInfo);
Also used : ActionSetFieldEthernetDestination(org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.actions.ActionSetFieldEthernetDestination) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ActionInfo(org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.ActionInfo) BucketInfo(org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.BucketInfo) MacAddress(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev130715.MacAddress) ActionDrop(org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.actions.ActionDrop)

Example 18 with Subnet

use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.neutron.subnets.rev150712.subnets.attributes.subnets.Subnet in project netvirt by opendaylight.

the class ExternalNetworkGroupInstaller method installExtNetGroupEntries.

public void installExtNetGroupEntries(Uuid networkId, BigInteger dpnId) {
    if (networkId == null) {
    List<Uuid> subnetIds = NatUtil.getSubnetIdsFromNetworkId(broker, networkId);
    if (subnetIds.isEmpty()) {
        LOG.error("installExtNetGroupEntries : No subnet ids associated network id {}", networkId.getValue());
    for (Uuid subnetId : subnetIds) {
        String macAddress = NatUtil.getSubnetGwMac(broker, subnetId, networkId.getValue());
        installExtNetGroupEntry(networkId, subnetId, dpnId, macAddress);
Also used : Uuid(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev130715.Uuid)

Example 19 with Subnet

use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.neutron.subnets.rev150712.subnets.attributes.subnets.Subnet in project netvirt by opendaylight.

the class ExternalRoutersListener method update.

protected void update(InstanceIdentifier<Routers> identifier, Routers original, Routers update) {
    String routerName = original.getRouterName();
    Long routerId = NatUtil.getVpnId(dataBroker, routerName);
    if (routerId == NatConstants.INVALID_ID) {
        LOG.error("update : external router event - Invalid routerId for routerName {}", routerName);
    // Check if its update on SNAT flag
    boolean originalSNATEnabled = original.isEnableSnat();
    boolean updatedSNATEnabled = update.isEnableSnat();
    LOG.debug("update :called with originalFlag and updatedFlag for SNAT enabled " + "as {} and {}", originalSNATEnabled, updatedSNATEnabled);
    if (natMode == NatMode.Conntrack && !upgradeState.isUpgradeInProgress()) {
        if (originalSNATEnabled != updatedSNATEnabled) {
            BigInteger primarySwitchId;
            if (originalSNATEnabled) {
                // SNAT disabled for the router
            } else {
        } else if (updatedSNATEnabled) {
            centralizedSwitchScheduler.updateCentralizedSwitch(original, update);
        List<ExternalIps> originalExternalIps = original.getExternalIps();
        List<ExternalIps> updateExternalIps = update.getExternalIps();
        if (!Objects.equals(originalExternalIps, updateExternalIps)) {
            if (originalExternalIps == null || originalExternalIps.isEmpty()) {
    } else {
        /* Get Primary Napt Switch for existing router from "router-to-napt-switch" DS.
             * if dpnId value is null or zero then go for electing new Napt switch for existing router.
        long bgpVpnId = NatConstants.INVALID_ID;
        Uuid bgpVpnUuid = NatUtil.getVpnForRouter(dataBroker, routerName);
        if (bgpVpnUuid != null) {
            bgpVpnId = NatUtil.getVpnId(dataBroker, bgpVpnUuid.getValue());
        BigInteger dpnId = getPrimaryNaptSwitch(routerName);
        if (dpnId == null || dpnId.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
            // Router has no interface attached
        final long finalBgpVpnId = bgpVpnId;
        coordinator.enqueueJob(NatConstants.NAT_DJC_PREFIX + update.getKey(), () -> {
            WriteTransaction writeFlowInvTx = dataBroker.newWriteOnlyTransaction();
            WriteTransaction removeFlowInvTx = dataBroker.newWriteOnlyTransaction();
            Uuid networkId = original.getNetworkId();
            if (originalSNATEnabled != updatedSNATEnabled) {
                if (originalSNATEnabled) {
                    // SNAT disabled for the router
                    Uuid networkUuid = original.getNetworkId();
          "update : SNAT disabled for Router {}", routerName);
                    Collection<String> externalIps = NatUtil.getExternalIpsForRouter(dataBroker, routerId);
                    handleDisableSnat(original, networkUuid, externalIps, false, null, dpnId, routerId, removeFlowInvTx);
                } else {
          "update : SNAT enabled for Router {}", original.getRouterName());
                    handleEnableSnat(original, routerId, dpnId, finalBgpVpnId, removeFlowInvTx);
            if (!Objects.equals(original.getExtGwMacAddress(), update.getExtGwMacAddress())) {
                NatUtil.installRouterGwFlows(dataBroker, vpnManager, original, dpnId, NwConstants.DEL_FLOW);
                NatUtil.installRouterGwFlows(dataBroker, vpnManager, update, dpnId, NwConstants.ADD_FLOW);
            // Check if the Update is on External IPs
            LOG.debug("update : Checking if this is update on External IPs");
            List<String> originalExternalIps = NatUtil.getIpsListFromExternalIps(original.getExternalIps());
            List<String> updatedExternalIps = NatUtil.getIpsListFromExternalIps(update.getExternalIps());
            // Check if the External IPs are added during the update.
            Set<String> addedExternalIps = new HashSet<>(updatedExternalIps);
            if (addedExternalIps.size() != 0) {
                LOG.debug("update : Start processing of the External IPs addition during the update operation");
                vpnManager.addArpResponderFlowsToExternalNetworkIps(routerName, addedExternalIps, update.getExtGwMacAddress(), dpnId, update.getNetworkId(), null);
                for (String addedExternalIp : addedExternalIps) {
                        1) Do nothing in the IntExtIp model.
                        2) Initialise the count of the added external IP to 0 in the ExternalCounter model.
                    String[] externalIpParts = NatUtil.getExternalIpAndPrefix(addedExternalIp);
                    String externalIp = externalIpParts[0];
                    String externalIpPrefix = externalIpParts[1];
                    String externalpStr = externalIp + "/" + externalIpPrefix;
                    LOG.debug("update : Initialise the count mapping of the external IP {} for the " + "router ID {} in the ExternalIpsCounter model.", externalpStr, routerId);
                    naptManager.initialiseNewExternalIpCounter(routerId, externalpStr);
                LOG.debug("update : End processing of the External IPs addition during the update operation");
            // Check if the External IPs are removed during the update.
            Set<String> removedExternalIps = new HashSet<>(originalExternalIps);
            if (removedExternalIps.size() > 0) {
                LOG.debug("update : Start processing of the External IPs removal during the update operation");
                vpnManager.removeArpResponderFlowsToExternalNetworkIps(routerName, removedExternalIps, original.getExtGwMacAddress(), dpnId, networkId);
                for (String removedExternalIp : removedExternalIps) {
                        1) Remove the mappings in the IntExt IP model which has external IP.
                        2) Remove the external IP in the ExternalCounter model.
                        3) For the corresponding subnet IDs whose external IP mapping was removed, allocate one of the
                           least loaded external IP.
                           Store the subnet IP and the reallocated external IP mapping in the IntExtIp model.
                        4) Increase the count of the allocated external IP by one.
                        5) Advertise to the BGP if external IP is allocated for the first time for the router
                         i.e. the route for the external IP is absent.
                        6) Remove the NAPT translation entries from Inbound and Outbound NAPT tables for
                         the removed external IPs and also from the model.
                        7) Advertise to the BGP for removing the route for the removed external IPs.
                    String[] externalIpParts = NatUtil.getExternalIpAndPrefix(removedExternalIp);
                    String externalIp = externalIpParts[0];
                    String externalIpPrefix = externalIpParts[1];
                    String externalIpAddrStr = externalIp + "/" + externalIpPrefix;
                    LOG.debug("update : Clear the routes from the BGP and remove the FIB and TS " + "entries for removed external IP {}", externalIpAddrStr);
                    Uuid vpnUuId = NatUtil.getVpnIdfromNetworkId(dataBroker, networkId);
                    String vpnName = "";
                    if (vpnUuId != null) {
                        vpnName = vpnUuId.getValue();
                    clrRtsFromBgpAndDelFibTs(dpnId, routerId, externalIpAddrStr, vpnName, networkId, update.getExtGwMacAddress(), removeFlowInvTx);
                    LOG.debug("update : Remove the mappings in the IntExtIP model which has external IP.");
                    // Get the internal IPs which are associated to the removed external IPs
                    List<IpMap> ipMaps = naptManager.getIpMapList(dataBroker, routerId);
                    List<String> removedInternalIps = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (IpMap ipMap : ipMaps) {
                        if (ipMap.getExternalIp().equals(externalIpAddrStr)) {
                    LOG.debug("update : Remove the mappings of the internal IPs from the IntExtIP model.");
                    for (String removedInternalIp : removedInternalIps) {
                        LOG.debug("update : Remove the IP mapping of the internal IP {} for the " + "router ID {} from the IntExtIP model", removedInternalIp, routerId);
                        naptManager.removeFromIpMapDS(routerId, removedInternalIp);
                    LOG.debug("update : Remove the count mapping of the external IP {} for the " + "router ID {} from the ExternalIpsCounter model.", externalIpAddrStr, routerId);
                    naptManager.removeExternalIpCounter(routerId, externalIpAddrStr);
                    LOG.debug("update : Allocate the least loaded external IPs to the subnets " + "whose external IPs were removed.");
                    for (String removedInternalIp : removedInternalIps) {
                        allocateExternalIp(dpnId, update, routerId, routerName, networkId, removedInternalIp, writeFlowInvTx);
                    LOG.debug("update : Remove the NAPT translation entries from " + "Inbound and Outbound NAPT tables for the removed external IPs.");
                    // Get the internalIP and internal Port which were associated to the removed external IP.
                    List<Integer> externalPorts = new ArrayList<>();
                    Map<ProtocolTypes, List<String>> protoTypesIntIpPortsMap = new HashMap<>();
                    InstanceIdentifier<IpPortMapping> ipPortMappingId = InstanceIdentifier.builder(IntextIpPortMap.class).child(IpPortMapping.class, new IpPortMappingKey(routerId)).build();
                    Optional<IpPortMapping> ipPortMapping =, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, ipPortMappingId);
                    if (ipPortMapping.isPresent()) {
                        List<IntextIpProtocolType> intextIpProtocolTypes = ipPortMapping.get().getIntextIpProtocolType();
                        for (IntextIpProtocolType intextIpProtocolType : intextIpProtocolTypes) {
                            ProtocolTypes protoType = intextIpProtocolType.getProtocol();
                            List<IpPortMap> ipPortMaps = intextIpProtocolType.getIpPortMap();
                            for (IpPortMap ipPortMap : ipPortMaps) {
                                IpPortExternal ipPortExternal = ipPortMap.getIpPortExternal();
                                if (ipPortExternal.getIpAddress().equals(externalIp)) {
                                    List<String> removedInternalIpPorts = protoTypesIntIpPortsMap.get(protoType);
                                    if (removedInternalIpPorts != null) {
                                        protoTypesIntIpPortsMap.put(protoType, removedInternalIpPorts);
                                    } else {
                                        removedInternalIpPorts = new ArrayList<>();
                                        protoTypesIntIpPortsMap.put(protoType, removedInternalIpPorts);
                    // Remove the IP port map from the intext-ip-port-map model, which were containing
                    // the removed external IP.
                    Set<Map.Entry<ProtocolTypes, List<String>>> protoTypesIntIpPorts = protoTypesIntIpPortsMap.entrySet();
                    Map<String, List<String>> internalIpPortMap = new HashMap<>();
                    for (Map.Entry protoTypesIntIpPort : protoTypesIntIpPorts) {
                        ProtocolTypes protocolType = (ProtocolTypes) protoTypesIntIpPort.getKey();
                        List<String> removedInternalIpPorts = (List<String>) protoTypesIntIpPort.getValue();
                        for (String removedInternalIpPort : removedInternalIpPorts) {
                            // Remove the IP port map from the intext-ip-port-map model,
                            // which were containing the removed external IP
                            naptManager.removeFromIpPortMapDS(routerId, removedInternalIpPort, protocolType);
                            // Remove the IP port incomint packer map.
                            naptPacketInHandler.removeIncomingPacketMap(routerId + NatConstants.COLON_SEPARATOR + removedInternalIpPort);
                            String[] removedInternalIpPortParts = removedInternalIpPort.split(NatConstants.COLON_SEPARATOR);
                            if (removedInternalIpPortParts.length == 2) {
                                String removedInternalIp = removedInternalIpPortParts[0];
                                String removedInternalPort = removedInternalIpPortParts[1];
                                List<String> removedInternalPortsList = internalIpPortMap.get(removedInternalPort);
                                if (removedInternalPortsList != null) {
                                    internalIpPortMap.put(removedInternalIp, removedInternalPortsList);
                                } else {
                                    removedInternalPortsList = new ArrayList<>();
                                    internalIpPortMap.put(removedInternalIp, removedInternalPortsList);
                    // Delete the entry from SnatIntIpPortMap DS
                    Set<String> internalIps = internalIpPortMap.keySet();
                    for (String internalIp : internalIps) {
                        LOG.debug("update : Removing IpPort having the internal IP {} from the " + "model SnatIntIpPortMap", internalIp);
                        naptManager.removeFromSnatIpPortDS(routerId, internalIp);
                    LOG.debug("update : Remove the NAPT translation entries from Inbound NAPT tables for the " + "removed external IP {}", externalIp);
                    for (Integer externalPort : externalPorts) {
                        // Remove the NAPT translation entries from Inbound NAPT table
                        naptEventHandler.removeNatFlows(dpnId, NwConstants.INBOUND_NAPT_TABLE, routerId, externalIp, externalPort);
                    Set<Map.Entry<String, List<String>>> internalIpPorts = internalIpPortMap.entrySet();
                    for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> internalIpPort : internalIpPorts) {
                        String internalIp = internalIpPort.getKey();
                        LOG.debug("update : Remove the NAPT translation entries from Outbound NAPT tables for " + "the removed internal IP {}", internalIp);
                        List<String> internalPorts = internalIpPort.getValue();
                        for (String internalPort : internalPorts) {
                            // Remove the NAPT translation entries from Outbound NAPT table
                            naptPacketInHandler.removeIncomingPacketMap(routerId + NatConstants.COLON_SEPARATOR + internalIp + NatConstants.COLON_SEPARATOR + internalPort);
                            naptEventHandler.removeNatFlows(dpnId, NwConstants.OUTBOUND_NAPT_TABLE, routerId, internalIp, Integer.parseInt(internalPort));
                LOG.debug("update : End processing of the External IPs removal during the update operation");
            // Check if its Update on subnets
            LOG.debug("update : Checking if this is update on subnets");
            List<Uuid> originalSubnetIds = original.getSubnetIds();
            List<Uuid> updatedSubnetIds = update.getSubnetIds();
            Set<Uuid> addedSubnetIds = new HashSet<>(updatedSubnetIds);
            // Check if the Subnet IDs are added during the update.
            if (addedSubnetIds.size() != 0) {
                LOG.debug("update : Start processing of the Subnet IDs addition during the update operation");
                for (Uuid addedSubnetId : addedSubnetIds) {
                        1) Select the least loaded external IP for the subnet and store the mapping of the
                        subnet IP and the external IP in the IntExtIp model.
                        2) Increase the count of the selected external IP by one.
                        3) Advertise to the BGP if external IP is allocated for the first time for the
                        router i.e. the route for the external IP is absent.
                    String subnetIp = NatUtil.getSubnetIp(dataBroker, addedSubnetId);
                    if (subnetIp != null) {
                        allocateExternalIp(dpnId, update, routerId, routerName, networkId, subnetIp, writeFlowInvTx);
                LOG.debug("update : End processing of the Subnet IDs addition during the update operation");
            // Check if the Subnet IDs are removed during the update.
            Set<Uuid> removedSubnetIds = new HashSet<>(originalSubnetIds);
            List<ListenableFuture<Void>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
            if (removedSubnetIds.size() != 0) {
                LOG.debug("update : Start processing of the Subnet IDs removal during the update operation");
                for (Uuid removedSubnetId : removedSubnetIds) {
                    String[] subnetAddr = NatUtil.getSubnetIpAndPrefix(dataBroker, removedSubnetId);
                    if (subnetAddr != null) {
                            1) Remove the subnet IP and the external IP in the IntExtIp map
                            2) Decrease the count of the coresponding external IP by one.
                            3) Advertise to the BGP for removing the routes of the corresponding external
                            IP if its not allocated to any other internal IP.
                        String externalIp = naptManager.getExternalIpAllocatedForSubnet(routerId, subnetAddr[0] + "/" + subnetAddr[1]);
                        if (externalIp == null) {
                            LOG.error("update : No mapping found for router ID {} and internal IP {}", routerId, subnetAddr[0]);
                            return futures;
                        naptManager.updateCounter(routerId, externalIp, false);
                        // used by any other internal ip in any router
                        if (!isExternalIpAllocated(externalIp)) {
                            LOG.debug("update : external ip is not allocated to any other " + "internal IP so proceeding to remove routes");
                            clrRtsFromBgpAndDelFibTs(dpnId, routerId, networkId, Collections.singleton(externalIp), null, update.getExtGwMacAddress(), removeFlowInvTx);
                            LOG.debug("update : Successfully removed fib entries in switch {} for " + "router {} with networkId {} and externalIp {}", dpnId, routerId, networkId, externalIp);
                        LOG.debug("update : Remove the IP mapping for the router ID {} and " + "internal IP {} external IP {}", routerId, subnetAddr[0], externalIp);
                        naptManager.removeIntExtIpMapDS(routerId, subnetAddr[0] + "/" + subnetAddr[1]);
                LOG.debug("update : End processing of the Subnet IDs removal during the update operation");
            return futures;
        }, NatConstants.NAT_DJC_MAX_RETRIES);
// end of controller based SNAT
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IpPortMapping( ProtocolTypes(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.natservice.rev160111.ProtocolTypes) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) IpPortExternal( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) WriteTransaction( IpPortMappingKey( IpMap( ExternalIps(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.natservice.rev160111.ext.routers.routers.ExternalIps) BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) Uuid(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev130715.Uuid) IntextIpPortMap(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.natservice.rev160111.IntextIpPortMap) IpPortMap( IntextIpProtocolType( BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) ListenableFuture( IpMap( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) IntextIpPortMap(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.natservice.rev160111.IntextIpPortMap) IpPortMap(

Example 20 with Subnet

use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.neutron.subnets.rev150712.subnets.attributes.subnets.Subnet in project netvirt by opendaylight.

the class ExternalSubnetVpnInstanceListener method invokeSubnetAddedToVpn.

private void invokeSubnetAddedToVpn(String externalSubnetId) {
    Uuid externalSubnetUuid = new Uuid(externalSubnetId);
    Subnetmap subnetMap = NatUtil.getSubnetMap(dataBroker, externalSubnetUuid);
    if (subnetMap == null) {
        LOG.error("invokeSubnetAddedToVpn : Cannot invoke onSubnetAddedToVpn for subnet-id {} in vpn-id {}" + " due to this subnet missing in Subnetmap model", externalSubnetUuid, externalSubnetId);
    ElanInstance elanInstance = elanService.getElanInstance(subnetMap.getNetworkId().getValue());
    vpnManager.onSubnetAddedToVpn(subnetMap, false, elanInstance.getElanTag());
Also used : ElanInstance(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.elan.rev150602.elan.instances.ElanInstance) Uuid(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev130715.Uuid) Subnetmap(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.neutronvpn.rev150602.subnetmaps.Subnetmap)


Uuid (org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev130715.Uuid)72 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)44 BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)30 Subnetmap (org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.neutronvpn.rev150602.subnetmaps.Subnetmap)28 IpAddress (org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.inet.types.rev130715.IpAddress)25 SubnetOpDataEntry ( Subnet (org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.neutron.subnets.rev150712.subnets.attributes.subnets.Subnet)15 SubnetOpDataEntryKey ( List (java.util.List)12 ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)12 TransactionCommitFailedException ( WriteTransaction ( FixedIps (org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.neutron.ports.rev150712.port.attributes.FixedIps)11 ListenableFuture ( UnknownHostException ( Vteps ( VpnInterface (org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.huawei.params.xml.ns.yang.l3vpn.rev140815.vpn.interfaces.VpnInterface)9 ExternalSubnets (org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.natservice.rev160111.ExternalSubnets)9 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)8 ReadFailedException (