use of in project lispflowmapping by opendaylight.
the class MapNotifySerializationTest method deserialize__SHA256.
public void deserialize__SHA256() throws Exception {
// LISP(Type = 4 Map-Notify, I=0
// Record Counter: 1
// Nonce: (something)
// Key ID: 0x0002
// AuthDataLength: 32 Data:
// 70 30 d4 c6 10 44 0d 83 be 4d bf fd a9 8c 57 6d 68 a5 bf 32 11 c9 7b
// 58 c4 b9 9f 06 11 23 b9 38
// EID prefix: (EID=0x9910FE01), TTL: 10, Authoritative,
// No-Action
// Local RLOC: (RLOC=0xC0A8880A), Reachable,
// Priority/Weight: 1/100, Multicast Priority/Weight: 255/0
MapNotify mn = MapNotifySerializer.getInstance().deserialize(hexToByteBuffer("40 00 00 01 FF BB " + "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 20 70 30 d4 c6 10 44 0d 83 be 4d bf fd a9 8c 57 6d 68 a5 bf 32 " + "11 c9 7b 58 c4 b9 9f 06 11 23 b9 38 00 00 " + "00 0a 01 20 10 00 00 00 00 01 99 10 fe 01 01 64 " + "ff 00 00 05 00 01 c0 a8 88 0a"));
assertEquals(1, mn.getMappingRecordItem().size());
assertEquals(0xFFBB000000000000L, mn.getNonce().longValue());
assertEquals(0x0002, mn.getKeyId().shortValue());
byte[] expectedAuthenticationData = { (byte) 0x70, (byte) 0x30, (byte) 0xd4, (byte) 0xc6, (byte) 0x10, (byte) 0x44, (byte) 0x0d, (byte) 0x83, (byte) 0xbe, (byte) 0x4d, (byte) 0xbf, (byte) 0xfd, (byte) 0xa9, (byte) 0x8c, (byte) 0x57, (byte) 0x6d, (byte) 0x68, (byte) 0xa5, (byte) 0xbf, (byte) 0x32, (byte) 0x11, (byte) 0xc9, (byte) 0x7b, (byte) 0x58, (byte) 0xc4, (byte) 0xb9, (byte) 0x9f, (byte) 0x06, (byte) 0x11, (byte) 0x23, (byte) 0xb9, (byte) 0x38 };
ArrayAssert.assertEquals(expectedAuthenticationData, mn.getAuthenticationData());
use of in project lispflowmapping by opendaylight.
the class MapNotifySerializationTest method deserialize__SomeEidToLocatorFiels.
public void deserialize__SomeEidToLocatorFiels() throws Exception {
// LISP(Type = 4 Map-Notify, I=0
// Record Counter: 4
// EID prefixes: -- -- --
// Local RLOCs: -- -- --
MapNotify mn = MapNotifySerializer.getInstance().deserialize(hexToByteBuffer("40 00 00 " + //
"04 " + // Record count
"FF BB 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 14 b9 cd 7b 89 " + //
"65 c2 56 03 be dd 81 20 47 e5 c3 4f 56 02 e1 59 " + //
"00 00 00 0a 01 20 10 00 00 00 00 01 99 10 fe 01 01 64 " + // 0
"ff 00 00 05 00 01 c0 a8 88 0a " + // contd
"00 00 00 0b 01 17 50 00 01 11 00 01 98 10 fe 01 01 64 " + // 1
"ff 00 00 05 00 01 c0 a8 88 0b " + // contd
"00 00 00 0c 01 20 00 00 02 22 00 01 97 10 fe 01 01 64 " + // 2
"ff 00 00 05 00 01 c0 a8 88 0c " + // contd
"00 00 00 0d 01 20 20 00 03 33 00 01 96 10 fe 01 01 64 " + // 3
"ff 00 00 05 00 01 c0 a8 88 0d "));
assertEquals(4, mn.getMappingRecordItem().size());
final MappingRecord record0 = mn.getMappingRecordItem().get(0).getMappingRecord();
final MappingRecord record1 = mn.getMappingRecordItem().get(1).getMappingRecord();
final MappingRecord record2 = mn.getMappingRecordItem().get(2).getMappingRecord();
final MappingRecord record3 = mn.getMappingRecordItem().get(3).getMappingRecord();
assertEquals(10, record0.getRecordTtl().intValue());
assertEquals(13, record3.getRecordTtl().intValue());
assertEquals(32, MaskUtil.getMaskForAddress(record0.getEid().getAddress()));
assertEquals(23, MaskUtil.getMaskForAddress(record1.getEid().getAddress()));
assertEquals(Action.NoAction, record0.getAction());
assertEquals(Action.SendMapRequest, record1.getAction());
assertEquals(Action.NoAction, record2.getAction());
assertEquals(Action.NativelyForward, record3.getAction());
assertEquals(0x000, record0.getMapVersion().shortValue());
assertEquals(0x111, record1.getMapVersion().shortValue());
assertEquals(0x222, record2.getMapVersion().shortValue());
assertEquals(0x333, record3.getMapVersion().shortValue());
use of in project lispflowmapping by opendaylight.
the class MapRegisterSerializationTest method deserialize__SHA1.
public void deserialize__SHA1() throws Exception {
// LISP(Type = 3 Map-Register, P=1, M=1
// Record Counter: 1
// Nonce: (something)
// Key ID: 0x0001
// AuthDataLength: 20 Data:
// b2:dd:1a:25:c0:60:b1:46:e8:dc:6d:a6:ae:2e:92:92:a6:ca:b7:9d
// EID prefix: (EID=0x9910FE01), TTL: 10, Authoritative,
// No-Action
// Local RLOC: (RLOC=0xC0A8880A), Reachable,
// Priority/Weight: 1/100, Multicast Priority/Weight: 255/0
MapRegister mr = MapRegisterSerializer.getInstance().deserialize(hexToByteBuffer("38 00 01 01 FF BB " + //
"00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 14 2c 61 b9 c9 9a 20 " + //
"ba d8 f5 40 d3 55 6f 5f 6e 5a b2 0a bf b5 00 00 " + //
"00 0a 01 20 10 00 00 00 00 01 99 10 fe 01 01 64 " + //
"ff 00 00 05 00 01 c0 a8 88 0a"), null);
assertEquals(1, mr.getMappingRecordItem().size());
assertEquals(0xFFBB000000000000L, mr.getNonce().longValue());
assertEquals(0x0001, mr.getKeyId().shortValue());
byte[] expectedAuthenticationData = { (byte) 0x2c, (byte) 0x61, (byte) 0xb9, (byte) 0xc9, (byte) 0x9a, (byte) 0x20, (byte) 0xba, (byte) 0xd8, (byte) 0xf5, (byte) 0x40, (byte) 0xd3, (byte) 0x55, (byte) 0x6f, (byte) 0x5f, (byte) 0x6e, (byte) 0x5a, (byte) 0xb2, (byte) 0x0a, (byte) 0xbf, (byte) 0xb5 };
ArrayAssert.assertEquals(expectedAuthenticationData, mr.getAuthenticationData());
use of in project lispflowmapping by opendaylight.
the class MapRegisterSerializationTest method deserialize__SomeEidToLocatorFiels.
public void deserialize__SomeEidToLocatorFiels() throws Exception {
// LISP(Type = 3 Map-Register, P=1, M=1
// Record Counter: 4
// EID prefixes: -- -- --
// Local RLOCs: -- -- --
MapRegister mr = MapRegisterSerializer.getInstance().deserialize(hexToByteBuffer("38 00 01 " + //
"04 " + // Record count
"FF BB 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 14 b9 cd 7b 89 " + //
"65 c2 56 03 be dd 81 20 47 e5 c3 4f 56 02 e1 59 " + //
"00 00 00 0a 01 20 10 00 00 00 00 01 99 10 fe 01 01 64 " + // 0
"ff 00 00 05 00 01 c0 a8 88 0a " + // contd
"00 00 00 0b 01 17 50 00 01 11 00 01 98 10 fe 01 01 64 " + // 1
"ff 00 00 05 00 01 c0 a8 88 0b " + // contd
"00 00 00 0c 01 20 00 00 02 22 00 01 97 10 fe 01 01 64 " + // 2
"ff 00 00 05 00 01 c0 a8 88 0c " + // contd
"00 00 00 0d 01 20 20 00 03 33 00 01 96 10 fe 01 01 64 " + // 3
"ff 00 00 05 00 01 c0 a8 88 0d "), null);
assertEquals(4, mr.getMappingRecordItem().size());
final MappingRecord record0 = mr.getMappingRecordItem().get(0).getMappingRecord();
final MappingRecord record1 = mr.getMappingRecordItem().get(1).getMappingRecord();
final MappingRecord record2 = mr.getMappingRecordItem().get(2).getMappingRecord();
final MappingRecord record3 = mr.getMappingRecordItem().get(3).getMappingRecord();
assertEquals(10, record0.getRecordTtl().intValue());
assertEquals(13, record3.getRecordTtl().intValue());
assertEquals(32, MaskUtil.getMaskForAddress(record0.getEid().getAddress()));
assertEquals(23, MaskUtil.getMaskForAddress(record1.getEid().getAddress()));
assertEquals(Action.NoAction, record0.getAction());
assertEquals(Action.SendMapRequest, record1.getAction());
assertEquals(Action.NoAction, record2.getAction());
assertEquals(Action.NativelyForward, record3.getAction());
assertEquals(0x000, record0.getMapVersion().shortValue());
assertEquals(0x111, record1.getMapVersion().shortValue());
assertEquals(0x222, record2.getMapVersion().shortValue());
assertEquals(0x333, record3.getMapVersion().shortValue());
use of in project lispflowmapping by opendaylight.
the class MapRegisterSerializationTest method deserialize__AllFields.
public void deserialize__AllFields() throws Exception {
// LISP(Type = 3 Map-Register, P=1, M=1
// Record Counter: 1
// Nonce: (something)
// Key ID: 0x0000
// AuthDataLength: 00 Data:
// EID prefix: (EID=0x9910FE01), TTL: 10, Authoritative,
// No-Action
// Local RLOC: (RLOC=0xC0A8880A), Reachable,
// Priority/Weight: 1/100, Multicast Priority/Weight: 255/0
MapRegister mr = MapRegisterSerializer.getInstance().deserialize(hexToByteBuffer("38 00 01 01 FF BB " + //
"00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 " + //
"00 0a 01 20 10 00 00 00 00 01 99 10 fe 01 01 64 " + //
"ff 00 00 05 00 01 c0 a8 88 0a"), null);
assertEquals(1, mr.getMappingRecordItem().size());
assertEquals(0xFFBB000000000000L, mr.getNonce().longValue());
assertEquals(0x0000, mr.getKeyId().shortValue());
byte[] expectedAuthenticationData = {};
ArrayAssert.assertEquals(expectedAuthenticationData, mr.getAuthenticationData());