use of in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class BGPParserTest method testIPv6Nlri.
* ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff <- marker
* 00 80 <- length (128) - including header
* 02 <- message type
* 00 00 <- withdrawn routes length
* 00 69 <- total path attribute length (105)
* 40 <- attribute flags
* 01 <- attribute type code (origin)
* 01 <- attribute length
* 00 <- Origin value (IGP)
* 40 <- attribute flags
* 02 <- attribute type code (as path)
* 06 <- attribute length
* 01 <- path segment count
* 00 00 fd e9 <- path segment value (65001)
* 40 <- attribute flags
* 03 <- attribute type code (next hop)
* 04 <- attribute length
* 0a 00 00 00 <- next hop value (
* 80 <- attribute flags
* 04 <- attribute type code (multi exit disc)
* 04 <- attribute length
* 00 00 00 00 <- value
* 80 <- attribute flags
* 09 <- attribute type code (originator id)
* 04 <- attribute length
* 7f 00 00 01 <- value (localhost ip)
* 80 <- attribute flags
* 0a <- attribute type code (cluster list)
* 08 <- attribute length
* 01 02 03 04 <- value
* 05 06 07 08 <- value
* 80 <- attribute flags
* 0e <- attribute type code (mp reach nlri)
* 40 <- attribute length
* 00 02 <- AFI (Ipv6)
* 01 <- SAFI (Unicast)
* 20 <- length of next hop
* 20 01 0d b8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 <- global
* fe 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 01 0b ff fe 7e 00 <- link local
* 00 <- reserved
* //NLRI
* 40 20 01 0d b8 00 01 00 02 <- IPv6 Prefix (2001:db8:1:2:: / 64)
* 40 20 01 0d b8 00 01 00 01 <- IPv6 Prefix (2001:db8:1:1:: / 64)
* 40 20 01 0d b8 00 01 00 00 <- IPv6 Prefix (2001:db8:1:: / 64)
public void testIPv6Nlri() throws Exception {
final Update message = (Update) messageRegistry.parseMessage(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(input), null);
// check fields
final UpdateBuilder builder = new UpdateBuilder();
// check NLRI
final List<Ipv6Prefixes> prefs = new ArrayList<>();
prefs.add(new Ipv6PrefixesBuilder().setPrefix(new Ipv6Prefix("2001:db8:1:2::/64")).build());
prefs.add(new Ipv6PrefixesBuilder().setPrefix(new Ipv6Prefix("2001:db8:1:1::/64")).build());
prefs.add(new Ipv6PrefixesBuilder().setPrefix(new Ipv6Prefix("2001:db8:1::/64")).build());
// attributes
final List<AsNumber> asNumbers = new ArrayList<>();
asNumbers.add(new AsNumber(65001L));
final List<Segments> asPath = Lists.newArrayList();
asPath.add(new SegmentsBuilder().setAsSequence(asNumbers).build());
final Ipv6NextHopCase nextHop = new Ipv6NextHopCaseBuilder().setIpv6NextHop(new Ipv6NextHopBuilder().setGlobal(new Ipv6Address("2001:db8::1")).setLinkLocal(new Ipv6Address("fe80::c001:bff:fe7e:0")).build()).build();
final List<ClusterIdentifier> clusters = Lists.newArrayList(new ClusterIdentifier(new Ipv4Address("")), new ClusterIdentifier(new Ipv4Address("")));
// check path attributes
final Attributes attrs = message.getAttributes();
final AttributesBuilder paBuilder = new AttributesBuilder();
paBuilder.setOrigin(new OriginBuilder().setValue(BgpOrigin.Igp).build());
assertEquals(paBuilder.getOrigin(), attrs.getOrigin());
paBuilder.setAsPath(new AsPathBuilder().setSegments(asPath).build());
assertEquals(paBuilder.getAsPath(), attrs.getAsPath());
paBuilder.setMultiExitDisc(new MultiExitDiscBuilder().setMed((long) 0).build());
assertEquals(paBuilder.getMultiExitDisc(), attrs.getMultiExitDisc());
paBuilder.setOriginatorId(new OriginatorIdBuilder().setOriginator(new Ipv4Address("")).build());
assertEquals(paBuilder.getOriginatorId(), attrs.getOriginatorId());
paBuilder.setClusterId(new ClusterIdBuilder().setCluster(clusters).build());
assertEquals(paBuilder.getClusterId(), attrs.getClusterId());
final MpReachNlriBuilder mpBuilder = new MpReachNlriBuilder();
mpBuilder.setAdvertizedRoutes(new AdvertizedRoutesBuilder().setDestinationType(new DestinationIpv6CaseBuilder().setDestinationIpv6(new DestinationIpv6Builder().setIpv6Prefixes(prefs).build()).build()).build());
paBuilder.addAugmentation(Attributes1.class, new Attributes1Builder().setMpReachNlri(;
assertEquals(paBuilder.getAugmentation(Attributes1.class).getMpReachNlri(), attrs.getAugmentation(Attributes1.class).getMpReachNlri());
// check API message
assertEquals(, message);
final ByteBuf buffer = Unpooled.buffer();
messageRegistry.serializeMessage(message, buffer);
assertArrayEquals(input, ByteArray.readAllBytes(buffer));
use of in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class TestUtil method createAttributes.
private static Attributes createAttributes() {
final List<AsNumber> asSequences = Lists.newArrayList(new AsNumber(72L), new AsNumber(82L), new AsNumber(92L));
final List<Segments> segments = Lists.newArrayList();
final SegmentsBuilder segmentsBuild = new SegmentsBuilder();
final AttributesBuilder attribBuilder = new AttributesBuilder().setAggregator(new AggregatorBuilder().setAsNumber(new AsNumber(72L)).setNetworkAddress(new Ipv4Address(IPV4_ADDRESS_20)).build()).setAigp(new AigpBuilder().setAigpTlv(new AigpTlvBuilder().setMetric(new AccumulatedIgpMetric(BigInteger.ONE)).build()).build()).setAsPath(new AsPathBuilder().setSegments(segments).build()).setAtomicAggregate(new AtomicAggregateBuilder().build()).setClusterId(new ClusterIdBuilder().setCluster(Lists.newArrayList(new ClusterIdentifier(IPV4_ADDRESS_30), new ClusterIdentifier(IPV4_ADDRESS_40))).build()).setCNextHop(new Ipv4NextHopCaseBuilder().setIpv4NextHop(new Ipv4NextHopBuilder().setGlobal(IPV4_ADDRESS_100).build()).build()).setCommunities(createCommunities()).setLocalPref(new LocalPrefBuilder().setPref(2L).build()).setMultiExitDisc(new MultiExitDiscBuilder().setMed(123L).build()).setOrigin(new OriginBuilder().setValue(BgpOrigin.Igp).build()).setOriginatorId(new OriginatorIdBuilder().setOriginator(IPV4_ADDRESS_12).build()).setUnrecognizedAttributes(new ArrayList<>());
use of in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class AsPathPrepend method applyExportAction.
public Attributes applyExportAction(final RouteEntryBaseAttributes routeEntryInfo, final BGPRouteEntryExportParameters exportParameters, final Attributes attributes, final SetAsPathPrepend actions) {
final List<Segments> oldSegments = attributes.getAsPath().getSegments();
* We need to check the first segment.
* If it has as-set then new as-sequence with local AS is prepended.
* If it has as-sequence, we may add local AS when it has less than 255 elements.
* Otherwise we need to create new as-sequence for local AS.
final ArrayList<AsNumber> newAsSequence = new ArrayList<>();
newAsSequence.add(new AsNumber(routeEntryInfo.getLocalAs()));
List<Segments> newSegments = new ArrayList<>();
if (oldSegments == null || oldSegments.isEmpty()) {
newSegments = Collections.singletonList(new SegmentsBuilder().setAsSequence(newAsSequence).build());
} else {
final Segments firstSegment = oldSegments.remove(0);
final List<AsNumber> firstAsSequence = firstSegment.getAsSequence();
if (firstAsSequence != null && firstAsSequence.size() < Values.UNSIGNED_BYTE_MAX_VALUE) {
newSegments.add(new SegmentsBuilder().setAsSequence(newAsSequence).build());
} else {
newSegments.add(new SegmentsBuilder().setAsSequence(newAsSequence).build());
return new AttributesBuilder(attributes).setAsPath(new AsPathBuilder().setSegments(newSegments).build()).build();
use of in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class MatchAsPathSetHandler method matchAsPathSetCondition.
private boolean matchAsPathSetCondition(final AsPath asPath, final String asPathSetName, final MatchSetOptionsType matchSetOptions) {
if (asPath == null) {
return false;
final AsPathSet asPathSetFilter = this.sets.getUnchecked(StringUtils.substringBetween(asPathSetName, "=\"", "\""));
final List<Segments> segments = asPath.getSegments();
if (asPathSetFilter == null || segments == null) {
return false;
final List<AsNumber> l1 =;
final List<AsNumber> l2 =;
List<AsNumber> allAs = Stream.of(l1, l2).flatMap(Collection::stream).collect(Collectors.toList());
final List<AsNumber> asPathSetFilterList = asPathSetFilter.getAsPathSetMember();
if (matchSetOptions.equals(MatchSetOptionsType.ALL)) {
return allAs.containsAll(asPathSetFilterList) && asPathSetFilterList.containsAll(allAs);
final boolean noneInCommon = Collections.disjoint(allAs, asPathSetFilterList);
if (matchSetOptions.equals(MatchSetOptionsType.ANY)) {
return !noneInCommon;
// (matchSetOptions.equals(MatchSetOptionsType.INVERT))
return noneInCommon;
use of in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class BestPathStateImpl method countAsPath.
private static int countAsPath(final List<Segments> segments) {
// an AS_SET counts as 1, no matter how many ASs are in the set.
int count = 0;
boolean setPresent = false;
for (final Segments s : segments) {
if (s.getAsSet() != null && !setPresent) {
setPresent = true;
} else if (s.getAsSequence() != null) {
count += s.getAsSequence().size();
return count;