use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.message.rev200120.Open in project bgpcep by opendaylight.
the class ParserTest method testOpenMessage.
* ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff <- marker
* 00 3d <- length (61) - including header
* 01 <- message type
* 04 <- BGP version
* 00 64 <- My AS Number (AS TRANS in this case)
* 00 b4 <- Hold Time
* 00 00 00 00 <- BGP Identifier
* 20 <- Optional Parameters Length
* 02 <- opt. param. type (capabilities)
* 06 <- length
* 01 <- capability code (MP Extensions for BGP4)
* 04 <- length
* 00 01 00 01 <- AFI 1, SAFI 1
* 02 <- opt. param. type (capabilities)
* 06 <- length
* 01 <- capability code (MP Extensions for BGP4)
* 04 <- length
* 00 02 00 01 <- AFI 2, SAFI 1
* 02 <- opt. param. type (capabilities)
* 06 <- length
* 01 <- capability code (MP Extensions for BGP4)
* 04 <- length
* 40 04 00 47 <- AFI 16388, SAFI 71
* 02 <- opt. param. type (capabilities)
* 06 <- length
* 41 <- capability code (AS4 octet support)
* 04 <- length
* 00 00 00 64 <- AS number
public void testOpenMessage() throws Exception {
final Notification o = msgReg.parseMessage(Unpooled.copiedBuffer(INPUT_BYTES.get(3)), null);
final Open open = (Open) o;
final Set<BgpTableType> types = new HashSet<>();
for (final BgpParameters param : open.getBgpParameters()) {
for (final OptionalCapabilities optCapa : param.getOptionalCapabilities()) {
final CParameters cParam = optCapa.getCParameters();
if (cParam != null && cParam.augmentation(CParameters1.class) != null && cParam.augmentation(CParameters1.class).getMultiprotocolCapability() != null) {
final MultiprotocolCapability mp = cParam.augmentation(CParameters1.class).getMultiprotocolCapability();
final BgpTableType type = new BgpTableTypeImpl(mp.getAfi(), mp.getSafi());
final Set<BgpTableType> expected = new HashSet<>();
expected.add(new BgpTableTypeImpl(Ipv4AddressFamily.class, UnicastSubsequentAddressFamily.class));
expected.add(new BgpTableTypeImpl(Ipv6AddressFamily.class, UnicastSubsequentAddressFamily.class));
expected.add(new BgpTableTypeImpl(LinkstateAddressFamily.class, LinkstateSubsequentAddressFamily.class));
assertEquals(expected, types);
final ByteBuf buffer = Unpooled.buffer();
msgReg.serializeMessage(o, buffer);
assertArrayEquals(INPUT_BYTES.get(3), ByteArray.readAllBytes(buffer));