use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class BgpConfigurationManager method delAddressFamily.
public void delAddressFamily(String nbrIp, int afi, int safi) {
Ipv4Address nbrAddr = new Ipv4Address(nbrIp);
InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder<AddressFamilies> iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(Neighbors.class, new NeighborsKey(nbrAddr)).child(AddressFamilies.class, new AddressFamiliesKey((long) afi, (long) safi));
InstanceIdentifier<AddressFamilies> iid =;
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class Cache method doExecute.
protected Object doExecute() {
boolean listVrfs = false;
boolean listNets = false;
PrintStream ps = session.getConsole();
if (action != null) {
return usage();
PrintStream fileStream = null;
if (ofile != null) {
try {
fileStream = new PrintStream(ofile);
ps = fileStream;
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
session.getConsole().println("error: cannot create file " + ofile + "; exception: " + e);
return null;
if (list != null) {
for (String item : list) {
switch(item) {
case "vrfs":
listVrfs = true;
case "networks":
listNets = true;
session.getConsole().println("error: unknown value for " + LST + ": " + item);
if (fileStream != null) {
return null;
// we'd normally read this directly from 'config' but
// legacy behaviour forces to check for a connection
// that's initiated by default at startup without
// writing to config.
String configHost = bgpManager.getConfigHost();
int configPort = bgpManager.getConfigPort();
ps.printf("%nConfiguration Server%n\t%s %s%n\t%s %d%n", HTSTR, configHost, PTSTR, configPort);
Bgp config = bgpManager.getConfig();
if (config == null) {
if (fileStream != null) {
return null;
AsId asId = config.getAsId();
if (asId != null) {
int asNum = asId.getLocalAs().intValue();
IpAddress routerId = asId.getRouterId();
Long spt = asId.getStalepathTime();
Boolean afb = asId.isAnnounceFbit();
String rid = routerId == null ? "<n/a>" : new String(routerId.getValue());
// F-bit is always set to ON (hardcoded), in SDN even though the controller is down
// forwarding state shall be retained.
String bit = "ON";
GracefulRestart gracefulRestart = config.getGracefulRestart();
if (gracefulRestart != null) {
spt = gracefulRestart.getStalepathTime();
ps.printf("%nBGP Router%n");
ps.printf("\t%-15s %d%n\t%-15s %s%n\t%-15s %s%n\t%-15s %s%n", ASSTR, asNum, RISTR, rid, SPSTR, spt == null || spt == 0 ? "default" : spt.toString(), FBSTR, bit);
Logging logging = config.getLogging();
if (logging != null) {
ps.printf("\t%-15s %s%n\t%-15s %s%n", LFSTR, logging.getFile(), LLSTR, logging.getLevel());
List<Neighbors> neighbors = config.getNeighbors();
if (neighbors != null) {
for (Neighbors nbr : neighbors) {
ps.printf("\t%s%n\t\t%-16s %d%n", nbr.getAddress().getValue(), ASSTR, nbr.getRemoteAs().intValue());
EbgpMultihop en = nbr.getEbgpMultihop();
if (en != null) {
ps.printf("\t\t%-16s %d%n", EBSTR, en.getNhops().intValue());
UpdateSource us = nbr.getUpdateSource();
if (us != null) {
ps.printf("\t\t%-16s %s%n", USSTR, us.getSourceIp().getValue());
ps.printf("\t\t%-16s IPv4-Labeled-VPN", AFSTR);
List<AddressFamilies> afs = nbr.getAddressFamilies();
if (afs != null) {
for (AddressFamilies af : afs) {
// Should not print "unknown" in vpnv4 case
if (!(af.getSafi().intValue() == 5 && af.getAfi().intValue() == 1)) {
if (af.getSafi().intValue() == 4 && af.getAfi().intValue() == 1) {
ps.printf(" %s", "IPv4-Labeled-Unicast");
} else if (af.getSafi().intValue() == 5 && af.getAfi().intValue() == 2) {
ps.printf(" %s", "IPv6-Labeled-VPN");
} else if (af.getSafi().intValue() == 6) {
ps.printf(" %s", "Ethernet-VPN");
} else {
ps.printf(" %s", "Unknown");
if (listVrfs) {
List<Vrfs> vrfs = config.getVrfs();
if (vrfs != null) {
for (Vrfs vrf : vrfs) {
ps.printf("\t%s%n", vrf.getRd());
ps.printf("\t\t%s ", IRSTR);
for (String rt : vrf.getImportRts()) {
ps.printf("%s ", rt);
ps.printf("%n\t\t%s ", ERSTR);
for (String rt : vrf.getExportRts()) {
ps.printf("%s ", rt);
for (AddressFamiliesVrf adf : vrf.getAddressFamiliesVrf()) {
ps.printf("%n\t\tafi %d safi %d", adf.getAfi(), adf.getSafi());
if (listNets) {
List<Networks> ln = config.getNetworks();
if (ln != null) {
for (Networks net : ln) {
String rd = net.getRd();
String pfxlen = net.getPrefixLen();
String nh = net.getNexthop().getValue();
int label = net.getLabel().intValue();
ps.printf("\t%s%n\t\t%-7s %s%n\t\t%-7s %s%n\t\t%-7s %d%n", pfxlen, RDSTR, rd, NHSTR, nh, LBSTR, label);
List<Multipath> mp = config.getMultipath();
List<VrfMaxpath> vrfm = config.getVrfMaxpath();
if (mp != null) {
for (Multipath multipath : mp) {
int afi = multipath.getAfi().intValue();
int safi = multipath.getSafi().intValue();
Boolean enabled = multipath.isMultipathEnabled();
if (enabled) {
if (afi == 1 && safi == 5) {
ps.printf("\t%-16s %s%n%n", AFSTR, "vpnv4");
} else if (afi == 2 && safi == 5) {
ps.printf("\t%-16s %s%n%n", AFSTR, "vpnv6");
} else if (afi == 3 && safi == 6) {
ps.printf("\t%-16s %s%n%n", AFSTR, "evpn");
} else {
ps.printf("\t%-16s %s%n%n", AFSTR, "Unknown");
if (vrfm != null) {
ps.printf("\t%-16s %s%n", RDSTR, MPSTR);
for (VrfMaxpath vrfMaxpath : vrfm) {
String rd = vrfMaxpath.getRd();
int maxpath = vrfMaxpath.getMaxpaths();
ps.printf("\t%-16s %d%n", rd, maxpath);
if (fileStream != null) {
return null;