use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.rib.rev171207.Route in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VpnInterfaceManager method handleVpnsExportingRoutes.
// TODO Clean up the exception handling
void handleVpnsExportingRoutes(String vpnName, String vpnRd) {
List<VpnInstanceOpDataEntry> vpnsToExportRoute = getVpnsExportingMyRoute(vpnName);
for (VpnInstanceOpDataEntry vpn : vpnsToExportRoute) {
List<VrfEntry> vrfEntries = VpnUtil.getAllVrfEntries(dataBroker, vpn.getVrfId());
WriteTransaction writeConfigTxn = dataBroker.newWriteOnlyTransaction();
if (vrfEntries != null) {
for (VrfEntry vrfEntry : vrfEntries) {
try {
if (!FibHelper.isControllerManagedNonInterVpnLinkRoute(RouteOrigin.value(vrfEntry.getOrigin()))) {"handleVpnsExportingRoutes: vrfEntry with rd {} prefix {}" + " is not a controller managed non intervpn link route. Ignoring.", vpn.getVrfId(), vrfEntry.getDestPrefix());
String prefix = vrfEntry.getDestPrefix();
String gwMac = vrfEntry.getGatewayMacAddress();
vrfEntry.getRoutePaths().forEach(routePath -> {
String nh = routePath.getNexthopAddress();
int label = routePath.getLabel().intValue();
if (FibHelper.isControllerManagedVpnInterfaceRoute(RouteOrigin.value(vrfEntry.getOrigin()))) {"handleVpnsExportingRoutesImporting: Importing fib entry rd {} prefix {}" + " nexthop {} label {} to vpn {} vpnRd {}", vpn.getVrfId(), prefix, nh, label, vpnName, vpnRd);
fibManager.addOrUpdateFibEntry(vpnRd, null, /*macAddress*/
prefix, Collections.singletonList(nh), VrfEntry.EncapType.Mplsgre, label, 0, /*l3vni*/
gwMac, null, /*parentVpnRd*/
RouteOrigin.SELF_IMPORTED, writeConfigTxn);
} else {"handleVpnsExportingRoutes: Importing subnet route fib entry rd {} prefix {}" + " nexthop {} label {} to vpn {} vpnRd {}", vpn.getVrfId(), prefix, nh, label, vpnName, vpnRd);
SubnetRoute route = vrfEntry.getAugmentation(SubnetRoute.class);
importSubnetRouteForNewVpn(vpnRd, prefix, nh, label, route, writeConfigTxn);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
LOG.error("getNextHopAddressList: Exception occurred while importing route with rd {}" + " prefix {} routePaths {} to vpn {} vpnRd {}", vpn.getVrfId(), vrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), vrfEntry.getRoutePaths(), vpnName, vpnRd);
} else {"getNextHopAddressList: No vrf entries to import from vpn {} with rd {} to vpn {} with rd {}", vpn.getVpnInstanceName(), vpn.getVrfId(), vpnName, vpnRd);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.rib.rev171207.Route in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VpnInterfaceManager method removeAdjacencyFromBgpvpn.
private void removeAdjacencyFromBgpvpn(Adjacency nextHop, List<String> nhList, String vpnName, String primaryRd, BigInteger dpnId, String rd, String interfaceName, WriteTransaction writeConfigTxn) {
List<VpnInstanceOpDataEntry> vpnsToImportRoute = VpnUtil.getVpnsImportingMyRoute(dataBroker, vpnName);
nhList.forEach((nh) -> {
// IRT: remove routes from other vpns importing it
vpnManager.removePrefixFromBGP(primaryRd, rd, vpnName, nextHop.getIpAddress(), nextHop.getNextHopIpList().get(0), nh, dpnId, writeConfigTxn);
for (VpnInstanceOpDataEntry vpn : vpnsToImportRoute) {
String vpnRd = vpn.getVrfId();
if (vpnRd != null) {
fibManager.removeOrUpdateFibEntry(vpnRd, nextHop.getIpAddress(), nh, writeConfigTxn);"removeAdjacenciesFromVpn: Removed Exported route with rd {}" + " prefix {} nextHop {} from VPN {} parentVpn {}" + " for interface {} on dpn {}", vpnRd, nextHop.getIpAddress(), nh, vpn.getVpnInstanceName(), vpnName, interfaceName, dpnId);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.rib.rev171207.Route in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VpnInterfaceManager method updateVpnInterfaceOnTepAdd.
// TODO Clean up the exception handling
public void updateVpnInterfaceOnTepAdd(VpnInterfaceOpDataEntry vpnInterface, StateTunnelList stateTunnelList, WriteTransaction writeConfigTxn, WriteTransaction writeOperTxn) {
String srcTepIp = String.valueOf(stateTunnelList.getSrcInfo().getTepIp().getValue());
BigInteger srcDpnId = new BigInteger(stateTunnelList.getSrcInfo().getTepDeviceId());
AdjacenciesOp adjacencies = vpnInterface.getAugmentation(AdjacenciesOp.class);
List<Adjacency> adjList = adjacencies != null ? adjacencies.getAdjacency() : new ArrayList<>();
if (adjList.isEmpty()) {
LOG.trace("updateVpnInterfaceOnTepAdd: Adjacencies are empty for vpnInterface {} on dpn {}", vpnInterface, srcDpnId);
String prefix = null;
long label = 0;
List<Adjacency> value = new ArrayList<>();
boolean isNextHopAddReqd = false;
String vpnName = vpnInterface.getVpnInstanceName();
long vpnId = VpnUtil.getVpnId(dataBroker, vpnName);
String primaryRd = VpnUtil.getPrimaryRd(dataBroker, vpnName);"updateVpnInterfaceOnTepAdd: AdjacencyList for interface {} on dpn {} vpn {} is {}", vpnInterface.getName(), vpnInterface.getDpnId(), vpnInterface.getVpnInstanceName(), adjList);
for (Adjacency adj : adjList) {
String rd = adj.getVrfId();
rd = rd != null ? rd : vpnName;
prefix = adj.getIpAddress();
label = adj.getLabel();
List<String> nhList = Collections.singletonList(srcTepIp);
List<String> nextHopList = adj.getNextHopIpList();
// Secondary adj nexthop is already pointing to primary adj IP address.
if (nextHopList != null && !nextHopList.isEmpty() && nextHopList.get(0).equalsIgnoreCase(srcTepIp)) {
/* everything right already */
} else {
isNextHopAddReqd = true;
if (adj.getAdjacencyType() == AdjacencyType.PrimaryAdjacency) {
value.add(new AdjacencyBuilder(adj).setNextHopIpList(nhList).build());
} else {
Optional<VrfEntry> vrfEntryOptional = FibHelper.getVrfEntry(dataBroker, primaryRd, prefix);
if (!vrfEntryOptional.isPresent()) {
nhList = FibHelper.getNextHopListFromRoutePaths(vrfEntryOptional.get());
if (!nhList.contains(srcTepIp)) {
isNextHopAddReqd = true;
if (isNextHopAddReqd) {
updateLabelMapper(label, nhList);"updateVpnInterfaceOnTepAdd: Updated label mapper : label {} dpn {} prefix {} nexthoplist {}" + " vpn {} vpnid {} rd {} interface {}", label, srcDpnId, prefix, nhList, vpnInterface.getVpnInstanceName(), vpnId, rd, vpnInterface.getName());
// Update the VRF entry with nextHop
fibManager.updateRoutePathForFibEntry(primaryRd, prefix, srcTepIp, label, true, writeConfigTxn);
// Get the list of VPN's importing this route(prefix) .
// Then update the VRF entry with nhList
List<VpnInstanceOpDataEntry> vpnsToImportRoute = VpnUtil.getVpnsImportingMyRoute(dataBroker, vpnName);
for (VpnInstanceOpDataEntry vpn : vpnsToImportRoute) {
String vpnRd = vpn.getVrfId();
if (vpnRd != null) {
fibManager.updateRoutePathForFibEntry(vpnRd, prefix, srcTepIp, label, true, writeConfigTxn);"updateVpnInterfaceOnTepAdd: Exported route with rd {} prefix {} nhList {} label {}" + " interface {} dpn {} from vpn {} to VPN {} vpnRd {}", rd, prefix, nhList, label, vpnInterface.getName(), srcDpnId, vpnName, vpn.getVpnInstanceName(), vpnRd);
// since there is a nexthop change.
try {
if (!rd.equalsIgnoreCase(vpnName)) {
bgpManager.advertisePrefix(rd, null, /*macAddress*/
prefix, nhList, VrfEntry.EncapType.Mplsgre, (int) label, 0, /*evi*/
0, /*l2vni*/
}"updateVpnInterfaceOnTepAdd: Advertised rd {} prefix {} nhList {} label {}" + " for interface {} on dpn {} vpn {}", rd, prefix, nhList, label, vpnInterface.getName(), srcDpnId, vpnName);
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error("updateVpnInterfaceOnTepAdd: Exception when advertising prefix {} nh {} label {}" + " on rd {} for interface {} on dpn {} vpn {}", prefix, nhList, label, rd, vpnInterface.getName(), srcDpnId, vpnName, ex);
AdjacenciesOp aug = VpnUtil.getVpnInterfaceOpDataEntryAugmentation(value);
VpnInterfaceOpDataEntry opInterface = new VpnInterfaceOpDataEntryBuilder(vpnInterface).setKey(new VpnInterfaceOpDataEntryKey(vpnInterface.getName(), vpnName)).addAugmentation(AdjacenciesOp.class, aug).build();
InstanceIdentifier<VpnInterfaceOpDataEntry> interfaceId = VpnUtil.getVpnInterfaceOpDataEntryIdentifier(vpnInterface.getName(), vpnName);
writeOperTxn.put(LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, interfaceId, opInterface, WriteTransaction.CREATE_MISSING_PARENTS);"updateVpnInterfaceOnTepAdd: interface {} updated successully on tep add on dpn {} vpn {}", vpnInterface.getName(), srcDpnId, vpnName);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.rib.rev171207.Route in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VpnInterfaceManager method update.
protected void update(final InstanceIdentifier<VpnInterface> identifier, final VpnInterface original, final VpnInterface update) {"update: VPN Interface update event - intfName {} on dpn {} oldVpn {} newVpn {}", update.getName(), update.getDpnId(), original.getVpnInstanceNames(), update.getVpnInstanceNames());
final String vpnInterfaceName = update.getName();
final BigInteger dpnId = InterfaceUtils.getDpnForInterface(ifaceMgrRpcService, vpnInterfaceName);
final Adjacencies origAdjs = original.getAugmentation(Adjacencies.class);
final List<Adjacency> oldAdjs = origAdjs != null && origAdjs.getAdjacency() != null ? origAdjs.getAdjacency() : new ArrayList<>();
final Adjacencies updateAdjs = update.getAugmentation(Adjacencies.class);
final List<Adjacency> newAdjs = updateAdjs != null && updateAdjs.getAdjacency() != null ? updateAdjs.getAdjacency() : new ArrayList<>();"VPN Interface update event - intfName {}", vpnInterfaceName);
// handles switching between <internal VPN - external VPN>
if (handleVpnSwapForVpnInterface(identifier, original, update)) {"update: handled VPNInterface {} on dpn {} update" + "upon VPN swap from oldVpn(s) {} to newVpn(s) {}", original.getName(), dpnId, VpnHelper.getVpnInterfaceVpnInstanceNamesString(original.getVpnInstanceNames()), VpnHelper.getVpnInterfaceVpnInstanceNamesString(update.getVpnInstanceNames()));
for (VpnInstanceNames vpnInterfaceVpnInstance : update.getVpnInstanceNames()) {
String newVpnName = vpnInterfaceVpnInstance.getVpnName();
List<Adjacency> copyNewAdjs = new ArrayList<>(newAdjs);
List<Adjacency> copyOldAdjs = new ArrayList<>(oldAdjs);
String primaryRd = VpnUtil.getPrimaryRd(dataBroker, newVpnName);
if (!VpnUtil.isVpnPendingDelete(dataBroker, primaryRd)) {
jobCoordinator.enqueueJob("VPNINTERFACE-" + vpnInterfaceName, () -> {
WriteTransaction writeConfigTxn = dataBroker.newWriteOnlyTransaction();
WriteTransaction writeOperTxn = dataBroker.newWriteOnlyTransaction();
InstanceIdentifier<VpnInterfaceOpDataEntry> vpnInterfaceOpIdentifier = VpnUtil.getVpnInterfaceOpDataEntryIdentifier(vpnInterfaceName, newVpnName);"VPN Interface update event - intfName {} onto vpnName {} running config-driven", update.getName(), newVpnName);
// handle both addition and removal of adjacencies
// currently, new adjacency may be an extra route
boolean isBgpVpnInternetVpn = VpnUtil.isBgpVpnInternet(dataBroker, newVpnName);
if (!oldAdjs.equals(newAdjs)) {
for (Adjacency adj : copyNewAdjs) {
if (copyOldAdjs.contains(adj)) {
} else {
// add new adjacency - right now only extra route will hit this path
if (!isBgpVpnInternetVpn || VpnUtil.isAdjacencyEligibleToVpnInternet(dataBroker, adj)) {
addNewAdjToVpnInterface(vpnInterfaceOpIdentifier, primaryRd, adj, dpnId, writeOperTxn, writeConfigTxn);
}"update: new Adjacency {} with nextHop {} label {} subnet {} added to vpn " + "interface {} on vpn {} dpnId {}", adj.getIpAddress(), adj.getNextHopIpList(), adj.getLabel(), adj.getSubnetId(), update.getName(), newVpnName, dpnId);
for (Adjacency adj : copyOldAdjs) {
if (!isBgpVpnInternetVpn || VpnUtil.isAdjacencyEligibleToVpnInternet(dataBroker, adj)) {
delAdjFromVpnInterface(vpnInterfaceOpIdentifier, adj, dpnId, writeOperTxn, writeConfigTxn);
}"update: Adjacency {} with nextHop {} label {} subnet {} removed from" + " vpn interface {} on vpn {}", adj.getIpAddress(), adj.getNextHopIpList(), adj.getLabel(), adj.getSubnetId(), update.getName(), newVpnName);
ListenableFuture<Void> operFuture = writeOperTxn.submit();
try {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
LOG.error("Exception encountered while submitting operational future for update" + " VpnInterface {} on vpn {}", vpnInterfaceName, newVpnName, e);
return null;
List<ListenableFuture<Void>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
futures.add(writeConfigTxn.submit());"update: vpn interface updated for interface {} oldVpn(s) {} newVpn {}" + "processed successfully", update.getName(), VpnHelper.getVpnInterfaceVpnInstanceNamesString(original.getVpnInstanceNames()), newVpnName);
return futures;
} else {
LOG.error("update: Ignoring update of vpnInterface {}, as newVpnInstance {} with primaryRd {}" + " is already marked for deletion", vpnInterfaceName, newVpnName, primaryRd);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.rib.rev171207.Route in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VpnInterfaceManager method updateVpnInterfaceOnTepDelete.
// TODO Clean up the exception handling
public void updateVpnInterfaceOnTepDelete(VpnInterfaceOpDataEntry vpnInterface, StateTunnelList stateTunnelList, WriteTransaction writeConfigTxn, WriteTransaction writeOperTxn) {
AdjacenciesOp adjacencies = vpnInterface.getAugmentation(AdjacenciesOp.class);
List<Adjacency> adjList = adjacencies != null ? adjacencies.getAdjacency() : new ArrayList<>();
String prefix = null;
long label = 0;
boolean isNextHopRemoveReqd = false;
String srcTepIp = String.valueOf(stateTunnelList.getSrcInfo().getTepIp().getValue());
BigInteger srcDpnId = new BigInteger(stateTunnelList.getSrcInfo().getTepDeviceId());
String vpnName = vpnInterface.getVpnInstanceName();
long vpnId = VpnUtil.getVpnId(dataBroker, vpnName);
String primaryRd = VpnUtil.getVpnRd(dataBroker, vpnName);
if (adjList != null) {
List<Adjacency> value = new ArrayList<>();"updateVpnInterfaceOnTepDelete: AdjacencyList for interface {} on dpn {} vpn {} is {}", vpnInterface.getName(), vpnInterface.getDpnId(), vpnInterface.getVpnInstanceName(), adjList);
for (Adjacency adj : adjList) {
List<String> nhList = new ArrayList<>();
String rd = adj.getVrfId();
rd = rd != null ? rd : vpnName;
prefix = adj.getIpAddress();
List<String> nextHopList = adj.getNextHopIpList();
label = adj.getLabel();
if (nextHopList != null && !nextHopList.isEmpty()) {
isNextHopRemoveReqd = true;
// Secondary adj nexthop will continue to point to primary adj IP address.
if (adj.getAdjacencyType() == AdjacencyType.PrimaryAdjacency) {
value.add(new AdjacencyBuilder(adj).setNextHopIpList(nhList).build());
} else {
Optional<VrfEntry> vrfEntryOptional = FibHelper.getVrfEntry(dataBroker, primaryRd, prefix);
if (!vrfEntryOptional.isPresent()) {
nhList = FibHelper.getNextHopListFromRoutePaths(vrfEntryOptional.get());
if (nhList.contains(srcTepIp)) {
isNextHopRemoveReqd = true;
if (isNextHopRemoveReqd) {
updateLabelMapper(label, nhList);"updateVpnInterfaceOnTepDelete: Updated label mapper : label {} dpn {} prefix {}" + " nexthoplist {} vpn {} vpnid {} rd {} interface {}", label, srcDpnId, prefix, nhList, vpnName, vpnId, rd, vpnInterface.getName());
// Update the VRF entry with removed nextHop
fibManager.updateRoutePathForFibEntry(primaryRd, prefix, srcTepIp, label, false, writeConfigTxn);
// Get the list of VPN's importing this route(prefix) .
// Then update the VRF entry with nhList
List<VpnInstanceOpDataEntry> vpnsToImportRoute = VpnUtil.getVpnsImportingMyRoute(dataBroker, vpnName);
for (VpnInstanceOpDataEntry vpn : vpnsToImportRoute) {
String vpnRd = vpn.getVrfId();
if (vpnRd != null) {
fibManager.updateRoutePathForFibEntry(vpnRd, prefix, srcTepIp, label, false, writeConfigTxn);"updateVpnInterfaceOnTepDelete: Exported route with rd {} prefix {} nhList {}" + " label {} interface {} dpn {} from vpn {} to VPN {} vpnRd {}", rd, prefix, nhList, label, vpnInterface.getName(), srcDpnId, vpnName, vpn.getVpnInstanceName(), vpnRd);
// Withdraw prefix from BGP only for external vpn.
try {
if (!rd.equalsIgnoreCase(vpnName)) {
bgpManager.withdrawPrefix(rd, prefix);
}"updateVpnInterfaceOnTepDelete: Withdrawn rd {} prefix {} nhList {} label {}" + " for interface {} on dpn {} vpn {}", rd, prefix, nhList, label, vpnInterface.getName(), srcDpnId, vpnName);
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error("updateVpnInterfaceOnTepDelete: Exception when withdrawing prefix {} nh {} label {}" + " on rd {} for interface {} on dpn {} vpn {}", prefix, nhList, label, rd, vpnInterface.getName(), srcDpnId, vpnName, ex);
AdjacenciesOp aug = VpnUtil.getVpnInterfaceOpDataEntryAugmentation(value);
VpnInterfaceOpDataEntry opInterface = new VpnInterfaceOpDataEntryBuilder(vpnInterface).setKey(new VpnInterfaceOpDataEntryKey(vpnInterface.getName(), vpnName)).addAugmentation(AdjacenciesOp.class, aug).build();
InstanceIdentifier<VpnInterfaceOpDataEntry> interfaceId = VpnUtil.getVpnInterfaceOpDataEntryIdentifier(vpnInterface.getName(), vpnName);
writeOperTxn.put(LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, interfaceId, opInterface, WriteTransaction.CREATE_MISSING_PARENTS);"updateVpnInterfaceOnTepDelete: interface {} updated successully on tep delete on dpn {} vpn {}", vpnInterface.getName(), srcDpnId, vpnName);