use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.types.rev130919.NextHop in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class EvpnUtils method advertisePrefix.
public void advertisePrefix(ElanInstance elanInfo, String rd, String macAddress, String prefix, String interfaceName, BigInteger dpnId) {
if (rd == null) {
LOG.debug("advertisePrefix : rd is NULL for elanInfo {}, macAddress {}", elanInfo, macAddress);
String nextHop = getEndpointIpAddressForDPN(dpnId);
if (nextHop == null) {
LOG.debug("Failed to get the dpn tep ip for dpn {}", dpnId);
int vpnLabel = 0;
long l2vni = elanUtils.getVxlanSegmentationId(elanInfo);
long l3vni = 0;
String gatewayMacAddr = null;
String l3VpName = getL3vpnNameFromElan(elanInfo);
if (l3VpName != null) {
VpnInstance l3VpnInstance = vpnManager.getVpnInstance(broker, l3VpName);
l3vni = l3VpnInstance.getL3vni();<String> gatewayMac = getGatewayMacAddressForInterface(l3VpName, interfaceName, prefix);
gatewayMacAddr = gatewayMac.isPresent() ? gatewayMac.get() : null;
}"Advertising routes with rd {}, macAddress {}, prefix {}, nextHop {}," + " vpnLabel {}, l3vni {}, l2vni {}, gatewayMac {}", rd, macAddress, prefix, nextHop, vpnLabel, l3vni, l2vni, gatewayMacAddr);
try {
bgpManager.advertisePrefix(rd, macAddress, prefix, nextHop, VrfEntryBase.EncapType.Vxlan, vpnLabel, l3vni, l2vni, gatewayMacAddr);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Failed to advertisePrefix", e);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.types.rev130919.NextHop in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class TunnelInterfaceStateListener method handleTunnelEventForDPN.
// TODO Clean up the exception handling
private void handleTunnelEventForDPN(StateTunnelList stateTunnelList, TunnelAction tunnelAction) {
final BigInteger srcDpnId = new BigInteger(stateTunnelList.getSrcInfo().getTepDeviceId());
final String srcTepIp = String.valueOf(stateTunnelList.getSrcInfo().getTepIp().getValue());
String destTepIp = String.valueOf(stateTunnelList.getDstInfo().getTepIp().getValue());
String rd;
BigInteger remoteDpnId = null;
boolean isTepDeletedOnDpn = false;"handleTunnelEventForDPN: Handle tunnel event for srcDpn {} SrcTepIp {} DestTepIp {} ", srcDpnId, srcTepIp, destTepIp);
int tunTypeVal = getTunnelType(stateTunnelList);
LOG.trace("handleTunnelEventForDPN: tunTypeVal is {}", tunTypeVal);
try {
if (tunnelAction == TunnelAction.TUNNEL_EP_ADD) {"handleTunnelEventForDPN: Tunnel ADD event received for Dpn {} VTEP Ip {} destTepIp {}", srcDpnId, srcTepIp, destTepIp);
if (isTunnelInLogicalGroup(stateTunnelList)) {
} else if (tunnelAction == TunnelAction.TUNNEL_EP_DELETE) {"handleTunnelEventForDPN: Tunnel DELETE event received for Dpn {} VTEP Ip {} DestTepIp {}", srcDpnId, srcTepIp, destTepIp);
// When tunnel EP is deleted on a DPN , VPN gets two deletion event.
// One for a DPN on which tunnel EP was deleted and another for other-end DPN.
// Update the adj for the vpninterfaces for a DPN on which TEP is deleted.
// Update the adj & VRF for the vpninterfaces for a DPN on which TEP is deleted.
// Dont update the adj & VRF for vpninterfaces for a DPN on which TEP is not deleted.
String endpointIpForDPN = null;
try {
endpointIpForDPN = InterfaceUtils.getEndpointIpAddressForDPN(dataBroker, srcDpnId);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("handleTunnelEventForDPN: Unable to resolve endpoint IP for srcDpn {}", srcDpnId);
/* this dpn does not have the VTEP */
endpointIpForDPN = null;
if (endpointIpForDPN == null) {"handleTunnelEventForDPN: Tunnel TEP is deleted on Dpn {} VTEP Ip {} destTepIp {}", srcDpnId, srcTepIp, destTepIp);
isTepDeletedOnDpn = true;
// Get the list of VpnInterfaces from Intf Mgr for a SrcDPN on which TEP is added/deleted
Future<RpcResult<GetDpnInterfaceListOutput>> result;
List<Interfaces> srcDpninterfacelist = new ArrayList<>();
List<Interfaces> destDpninterfacelist = new ArrayList<>();
try {
result = intfRpcService.getDpnInterfaceList(new GetDpnInterfaceListInputBuilder().setDpid(srcDpnId).build());
RpcResult<GetDpnInterfaceListOutput> rpcResult = result.get();
if (!rpcResult.isSuccessful()) {
LOG.error("handleTunnelEventForDPN: RPC Call to GetDpnInterfaceList for srcDpnid {} srcTepIp {}" + " destTepIP {} returned with Errors {}", srcDpnId, srcTepIp, destTepIp, rpcResult.getErrors());
} else {
srcDpninterfacelist = rpcResult.getResult().getInterfaces();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("handleTunnelEventForDPN: Exception when querying for GetDpnInterfaceList for srcDpnid {}" + " srcTepIp {} destTepIp {}", srcDpnId, srcTepIp, destTepIp, e);
// Get the list of VpnInterfaces from Intf Mgr for a destDPN only for internal tunnel.
if (tunTypeVal == VpnConstants.ITMTunnelLocType.Internal.getValue()) {
remoteDpnId = new BigInteger(stateTunnelList.getDstInfo().getTepDeviceId());
try {
result = intfRpcService.getDpnInterfaceList(new GetDpnInterfaceListInputBuilder().setDpid(remoteDpnId).build());
RpcResult<GetDpnInterfaceListOutput> rpcResult = result.get();
if (!rpcResult.isSuccessful()) {
LOG.error("handleTunnelEventForDPN: RPC Call to GetDpnInterfaceList for remoteDpnid {}" + " srcTepIP {} destTepIp {} returned with Errors {}", remoteDpnId, srcTepIp, destTepIp, rpcResult.getErrors());
} else {
destDpninterfacelist = rpcResult.getResult().getInterfaces();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("handleTunnelEventForDPN: Exception when querying for GetDpnInterfaceList" + " for remoteDpnid {} srcTepIp {} destTepIp {}", remoteDpnId, srcTepIp, destTepIp, e);
* Iterate over the list of VpnInterface for a SrcDpn on which TEP is added or deleted and read the adj.
* Update the adjacencies with the updated nexthop.
Iterator<Interfaces> interfacelistIter = srcDpninterfacelist.iterator();
Interfaces interfaces = null;
String intfName = null;
List<Uuid> subnetList = new ArrayList<>();
Map<Long, String> vpnIdRdMap = new HashMap<>();
Set<String> listVpnName = new HashSet<>();
while (interfacelistIter.hasNext()) {
interfaces =;
if (!L2vlan.class.equals(interfaces.getInterfaceType())) {"handleTunnelEventForDPN: Interface {} not of type L2Vlan", interfaces.getInterfaceName());
intfName = interfaces.getInterfaceName();
VpnInterface vpnInterface = VpnUtil.getConfiguredVpnInterface(dataBroker, intfName);
if (vpnInterface != null && !Boolean.TRUE.equals(vpnInterface.isScheduledForRemove())) {
handleTunnelEventForDPNVpn(stateTunnelList, vpnIdRdMap, tunnelAction, isTepDeletedOnDpn, subnetList, TunnelEventProcessingMethod.POPULATESUBNETS, vpnInterface);
* Iterate over the list of VpnInterface for destDPN and get the prefix .
* Create remote rule for each of those prefix on srcDPN.
interfacelistIter = destDpninterfacelist.iterator();
while (interfacelistIter.hasNext()) {
interfaces =;
if (!L2vlan.class.equals(interfaces.getInterfaceType())) {"handleTunnelEventForDPN: Interface {} not of type L2Vlan", interfaces.getInterfaceName());
intfName = interfaces.getInterfaceName();
VpnInterface vpnInterface = VpnUtil.getConfiguredVpnInterface(dataBroker, intfName);
if (vpnInterface != null) {
handleTunnelEventForDPNVpn(stateTunnelList, vpnIdRdMap, tunnelAction, isTepDeletedOnDpn, subnetList, TunnelEventProcessingMethod.MANAGEREMOTEROUTES, vpnInterface);
// Iterate over the VpnId-to-Rd map.
for (Map.Entry<Long, String> entry : vpnIdRdMap.entrySet()) {
Long vpnId = entry.getKey();
rd = entry.getValue();
if (tunnelAction == TunnelAction.TUNNEL_EP_ADD && tunTypeVal == VpnConstants.ITMTunnelLocType.External.getValue()) {
fibManager.populateExternalRoutesOnDpn(srcDpnId, vpnId, rd, srcTepIp, destTepIp);
} else if (tunnelAction == TunnelAction.TUNNEL_EP_DELETE && tunTypeVal == VpnConstants.ITMTunnelLocType.External.getValue()) {
fibManager.cleanUpExternalRoutesOnDpn(srcDpnId, vpnId, rd, srcTepIp, destTepIp);
if (listVpnName.size() >= 1) {
if (tunnelAction == TunnelAction.TUNNEL_EP_ADD) {
for (Uuid subnetId : subnetList) {
// Populate the List of subnets
vpnSubnetRouteHandler.updateSubnetRouteOnTunnelUpEvent(subnetId, srcDpnId);
if (tunnelAction == TunnelAction.TUNNEL_EP_DELETE && isTepDeletedOnDpn) {
for (Uuid subnetId : subnetList) {
// Populate the List of subnets
vpnSubnetRouteHandler.updateSubnetRouteOnTunnelDownEvent(subnetId, srcDpnId);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
LOG.error("handleTunnelEventForDpn: Unable to handle the tunnel event for srcDpnId {} srcTepIp {}" + " remoteDpnId {} destTepIp {}", srcDpnId, srcTepIp, remoteDpnId, destTepIp, e);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.types.rev130919.NextHop in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class OpenFlow13Provider method createEgressClassifierFilterNshFlow.
// Internal EgressFlow util methods
* Egress Classifier Filter NSH flow:
* Only allows NSH packets to proceed in the egress classifier
* Match on NSH MdType=1, Goto table Egress Classifier NextHop on match
* Since we need to check if the packet has passed through the classifier and has been
* encapsulated with NSH. We cant check for Vxgpe+NSH or Eth+NSH yet, since the outer
* encapsulation wont be added until the packet egresses, so instead check for NSH MD-type,
* which was set in the classification flow.
public Flow createEgressClassifierFilterNshFlow(NodeId nodeId) {
MatchBuilder match = new MatchBuilder();
OpenFlow13Utils.addMatchNshNsc1(match, ACL_FLAG_CONTEXT_VALUE);
List<Action> actionList = new ArrayList<>();
actionList.add(OpenFlow13Utils.createActionNxLoadNshc1(DEFAULT_NSH_CONTEXT_VALUE, actionList.size()));
InstructionsBuilder isb = OpenFlow13Utils.wrapActionsIntoApplyActionsInstruction(actionList);
isb = OpenFlow13Utils.appendGotoTableInstruction(isb, NwConstants.EGRESS_SFC_CLASSIFIER_NEXTHOP_TABLE);
String flowIdStr = EGRESS_CLASSIFIER_FILTER_NSH_FLOW_NAME + nodeId.getValue();
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.types.rev130919.NextHop in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class BgpConfigurationManager method onUpdateWithdrawRoute.
public void onUpdateWithdrawRoute(protocol_type protocolType, String rd, String prefix, int plen, String nextHop, String macaddress) {
long vni = 0L;
boolean macupdate = false;
if (protocolType.equals(protocol_type.PROTOCOL_EVPN)) {
VpnInstanceOpDataEntry vpnInstanceOpDataEntry = bgpUtil.getVpnInstanceOpData(rd);
if (vpnInstanceOpDataEntry != null) {
vni = vpnInstanceOpDataEntry.getL3vni();
if (vpnInstanceOpDataEntry.getType() == VpnInstanceOpDataEntry.Type.L2) {
LOG.debug("Got RT2 withdraw for RD {} {} from tep {} with mac {} remote RD {}", vpnInstanceOpDataEntry.getVpnInstanceName(), vni, nextHop, macaddress, rd);
deleteTepfromElanDS(rd, nextHop, macaddress);
LOG.debug("For rd {}. skipping fib update", rd);
macupdate = true;
} else {
LOG.error("No corresponding vpn instance found for rd {}. Aborting.", rd);
if (macupdate) {"Removing Mac Fib entry rd {} mac{} nexthop {} ", rd, macaddress, nextHop);
fibDSWriter.removeMacEntryFromDS(rd, macaddress);"Removed Mac Fib entry rd {} prefix {} nexthop {} ", rd, macaddress, nextHop);
} else {"REMOVE: Removing Fib entry rd {} prefix {}", rd, prefix);
fibDSWriter.removeOrUpdateFibEntryFromDS(rd, prefix + "/" + plen, nextHop);"REMOVE: Removed Fib entry rd {} prefix {}", rd, prefix);
use of org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.types.rev130919.NextHop in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class BgpConfigurationManager method onUpdatePushRoute.
/* onUpdatePushRoute
* Get Stale fibDSWriter map, and compare current route/fibDSWriter entry.
* - Entry compare shall include NextHop, Label.
* - If entry matches: delete from STALE Map. NO Change to FIB Config DS.
* - If entry not found, add to FIB Config DS.
* - If entry found, but either Label/NextHop doesn't match.
* - Update FIB Config DS with modified values.
* - delete from Stale Map.
public void onUpdatePushRoute(protocol_type protocolType, String rd, String prefix, int plen, String nextHop, String macaddress, int label, int l2label, String routermac, af_afi afi) {
boolean addroute = false;
boolean macupdate = false;
long l3vni = 0L;
VrfEntry.EncapType encapType = VrfEntry.EncapType.Mplsgre;
if (protocolType.equals(protocol_type.PROTOCOL_EVPN)) {
encapType = VrfEntry.EncapType.Vxlan;
VpnInstanceOpDataEntry vpnInstanceOpDataEntry = bgpUtil.getVpnInstanceOpData(rd);
if (vpnInstanceOpDataEntry != null) {
if (vpnInstanceOpDataEntry.getType() == VpnInstanceOpDataEntry.Type.L2) {"Got RT2 route for RD {} l3label {} l2label {} from tep {} with mac {} remote RD {}", vpnInstanceOpDataEntry.getVpnInstanceName(), label, l2label, nextHop, macaddress, rd);
addTepToElanDS(rd, nextHop, macaddress, (long) l2label);
macupdate = true;
} else {
l3vni = vpnInstanceOpDataEntry.getL3vni();
} else {
LOG.error("No corresponding vpn instance found for rd {}. Aborting.", rd);
if (!staledFibEntriesMap.isEmpty()) {
// restart Scenario, as MAP is not empty.
Map<String, Long> map = staledFibEntriesMap.get(rd);
if (map != null) {
String prefixNextHop = appendNextHopToPrefix(prefix + "/" + plen, nextHop);
Long labelInStaleMap = map.get(prefixNextHop);
if (null == labelInStaleMap) {
// New Entry, which happened to be added during restart.
addroute = true;
} else {
if (isRouteModified(label, labelInStaleMap)) {
LOG.debug("Route add ** {} ** {}/{} ** {} ** {} ", rd, prefix, plen, nextHop, label);
// Existing entry, where in Label got modified during restart
addroute = true;
} else {
LOG.debug("rd {} map is null while processing prefix {} ", rd, prefix);
addroute = true;
} else {
LOG.debug("Route add ** {} ** {}/{} ** {} ** {} ", rd, prefix, plen, nextHop, label);
addroute = true;
if (macupdate) {"ADD: Adding Mac Fib entry rd {} mac{} nexthop {} l2vni {}", rd, macaddress, nextHop, l2label);
fibDSWriter.addMacEntryToDS(rd, macaddress, prefix, Collections.singletonList(nextHop), encapType, l2label, routermac, RouteOrigin.BGP);"ADD: Added Mac Fib entry rd {} prefix {} nexthop {} label {}", rd, macaddress, nextHop, l2label);
} else if (addroute) {"ADD: Adding Fib entry rd {} prefix {} nexthop {} label {} afi {}", rd, prefix, nextHop, label, afi);
// TODO: modify addFibEntryToDS signature
List<String> nextHopList = Collections.singletonList(nextHop);
fibDSWriter.addFibEntryToDS(rd, prefix + "/" + plen, nextHopList, encapType, label, l3vni, routermac, RouteOrigin.BGP);"ADD: Added Fib entry rd {} prefix {} nexthop {} label {}", rd, prefix, nextHop, label);
String vpnName = bgpUtil.getVpnNameFromRd(rd);
if (vpnName != null) {
vpnLinkService.leakRouteIfNeeded(vpnName, prefix, nextHopList, label, RouteOrigin.BGP, NwConstants.ADD_FLOW);