use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class IVpnLinkServiceImpl method handleStaticRoutes.
public void handleStaticRoutes(InterVpnLinkDataComposite ivpnLink) {
* Checks if there are any static routes pointing to any of both
* InterVpnLink's endpoints. Goes through all routers checking if they have
* a route whose nexthop is an InterVpnLink endpoint
// Map that corresponds a routerId with the L3VPN that it's been assigned to.
Map<String, String> routerXL3VpnMap = buildRouterXL3VPNMap();
// Retrieving all Routers
InstanceIdentifier<Routers> routersIid = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Neutron.class).child(Routers.class).build();
Optional<Routers> routerOpData =, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, routersIid);
if (!routerOpData.isPresent()) {
List<Router> routers = routerOpData.get().getRouter();
for (Router router : routers) {
String vpnId = routerXL3VpnMap.get(router.getUuid().getValue());
if (vpnId == null) {
LOG.warn("Could not find suitable VPN for router {}", router.getUuid());
// with next router
List<Routes> routerRoutes = router.getRoutes();
if (routerRoutes != null) {
for (Routes route : routerRoutes) {
handleStaticRoute(vpnId, route, ivpnLink);
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class IVpnLinkServiceImpl method leakRoutes.
private void leakRoutes(InterVpnLinkDataComposite vpnLink, String srcVpnUuid, String dstVpnUuid, List<RouteOrigin> originsToConsider) {
String srcVpnRd = VpnUtil.getVpnRd(dataBroker, srcVpnUuid);
String dstVpnRd = VpnUtil.getVpnRd(dataBroker, dstVpnUuid);
List<VrfEntry> srcVpnRemoteVrfEntries = VpnUtil.getVrfEntriesByOrigin(dataBroker, srcVpnRd, originsToConsider);
for (VrfEntry vrfEntry : srcVpnRemoteVrfEntries) {
long label = VpnUtil.getUniqueId(idManager, VpnConstants.VPN_IDPOOL_NAME, VpnUtil.getNextHopLabelKey(dstVpnRd, vrfEntry.getDestPrefix()));
if (label == VpnConstants.INVALID_LABEL) {
LOG.error("Unable to fetch label from Id Manager. Bailing out of leaking routes for InterVpnLink {} " + "rd {} prefix {}", vpnLink.getInterVpnLinkName(), dstVpnRd, vrfEntry.getDestPrefix());
leakRoute(vpnLink, srcVpnUuid, dstVpnUuid, vrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), label, null);
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class IVpnLinkServiceImpl method leakRoute.
// TODO Clean up the exception handling
public void leakRoute(InterVpnLinkDataComposite interVpnLink, String srcVpnUuid, String dstVpnUuid, String prefix, Long label, RouteOrigin forcedOrigin) {
String ivpnLinkName = interVpnLink.getInterVpnLinkName();
// The source VPN must participate in the InterVpnLink
Preconditions.checkArgument(interVpnLink.isVpnLinked(srcVpnUuid), "The source VPN {} does not participate in the interVpnLink {}", srcVpnUuid, ivpnLinkName);
// The destination VPN must participate in the InterVpnLink
Preconditions.checkArgument(interVpnLink.isVpnLinked(dstVpnUuid), "The destination VPN {} does not participate in the interVpnLink {}", dstVpnUuid, ivpnLinkName);
String endpointIp = interVpnLink.getOtherEndpointIpAddr(dstVpnUuid);
String leakedOrigin = forcedOrigin != null ? forcedOrigin.getValue() : RouteOrigin.INTERVPN.getValue();
FibHelper.buildRoutePath(endpointIp, label);
VrfEntry newVrfEntry = new VrfEntryBuilder().setKey(new VrfEntryKey(prefix)).setDestPrefix(prefix).setRoutePaths(Collections.singletonList(FibHelper.buildRoutePath(endpointIp, label))).setOrigin(leakedOrigin).build();
String dstVpnRd = VpnUtil.getVpnRd(dataBroker, dstVpnUuid);
InstanceIdentifier<VrfEntry> newVrfEntryIid = InstanceIdentifier.builder(FibEntries.class).child(VrfTables.class, new VrfTablesKey(dstVpnRd)).child(VrfEntry.class, new VrfEntryKey(newVrfEntry.getDestPrefix())).build();
VpnUtil.asyncWrite(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, newVrfEntryIid, newVrfEntry);
// Finally, route is advertised it to the DC-GW. But while in the FibEntries the nexthop is the other
// endpoint's IP, in the DC-GW the nexthop for those prefixes are the IPs of those DPNs where the target
// VPN has been instantiated
List<BigInteger> srcDpnList = interVpnLink.getEndpointDpnsByVpnName(srcVpnUuid);
List<String> nexthops = -> InterfaceUtils.getEndpointIpAddressForDPN(dataBroker, dpnId)).collect(Collectors.toList());
LOG.debug("Advertising route in VPN={} [prefix={} label={} nexthops={}] to DC-GW", dstVpnRd, newVrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), label.intValue(), nexthops);
try {
bgpManager.advertisePrefix(dstVpnRd, null, /*macAddress*/
prefix, nexthops, VrfEntry.EncapType.Mplsgre, label.intValue(), 0, /*l3vni*/
0, /*l2vni*/
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Exception while advertising prefix {} on vpnRd {} for intervpn link", prefix, dstVpnRd, e);
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class InterVpnLinkListener method remove.
protected void remove(InstanceIdentifier<InterVpnLink> identifier, InterVpnLink del) {
LOG.debug("Reacting to InterVpnLink {} removal", del.getName());
// Remove learnt routes
// Remove entries in the LPortDispatcher table
// Remove the corresponding entries in InterVpnLinkState
// For each endpoint, remove all routes that have been learnt by intervpnLink
String vpn1Uuid = del.getFirstEndpoint().getVpnUuid().getValue();
String rd1 = VpnUtil.getVpnRd(dataBroker, vpn1Uuid);
LOG.debug("Removing leaked routes in VPN {} rd={}", vpn1Uuid, rd1);
VpnUtil.removeVrfEntriesByOrigin(dataBroker, rd1, RouteOrigin.INTERVPN);
List<VrfEntry> vrfEntriesSecondEndpoint = VpnUtil.findVrfEntriesByNexthop(dataBroker, rd1, del.getSecondEndpoint().getIpAddress().getValue());
String vpn2Uuid = del.getSecondEndpoint().getVpnUuid().getValue();
String rd2 = VpnUtil.getVpnRd(dataBroker, vpn2Uuid);
LOG.debug("Removing leaked routes in VPN {} rd={}", vpn2Uuid, rd2);
VpnUtil.removeVrfEntriesByOrigin(dataBroker, rd2, RouteOrigin.INTERVPN);
List<VrfEntry> vrfEntriesFirstEndpoint = VpnUtil.findVrfEntriesByNexthop(dataBroker, rd2, del.getFirstEndpoint().getIpAddress().getValue());
Optional<InterVpnLinkState> optIVpnLinkState = InterVpnLinkUtil.getInterVpnLinkState(dataBroker, del.getName());
if (optIVpnLinkState.isPresent()) {
InterVpnLinkState interVpnLinkState = optIVpnLinkState.get();
boolean isVpnFirstEndPoint = true;
if (interVpnLinkState.getFirstEndpointState() != null) {
Long firstEndpointLportTag = interVpnLinkState.getFirstEndpointState().getLportTag();
removeVpnLinkEndpointFlows(del, vpn2Uuid, rd1, interVpnLinkState.getSecondEndpointState().getDpId(), firstEndpointLportTag.intValue(), del.getFirstEndpoint().getIpAddress().getValue(), vrfEntriesSecondEndpoint, isVpnFirstEndPoint);
} else {"Could not get first endpoint state attributes for InterVpnLink {}", del.getName());
isVpnFirstEndPoint = false;
if (interVpnLinkState.getSecondEndpointState() != null) {
Long secondEndpointLportTag = interVpnLinkState.getSecondEndpointState().getLportTag();
removeVpnLinkEndpointFlows(del, vpn1Uuid, rd2, interVpnLinkState.getFirstEndpointState().getDpId(), secondEndpointLportTag.intValue(), del.getSecondEndpoint().getIpAddress().getValue(), vrfEntriesFirstEndpoint, isVpnFirstEndPoint);
} else {"Could not get second endpoint state attributes for InterVpnLink {}", del.getName());
VpnUtil.removeVrfEntries(dataBroker, rd1, vrfEntriesSecondEndpoint);
VpnUtil.removeVrfEntries(dataBroker, rd2, vrfEntriesFirstEndpoint);
VpnUtil.withdrawRoutes(bgpManager, rd1, vrfEntriesSecondEndpoint);
VpnUtil.withdrawRoutes(bgpManager, rd2, vrfEntriesFirstEndpoint);
// Release idManager with LPortTag associated to endpoints
LOG.debug("Releasing InterVpnLink {} endpoints LportTags", del.getName());
InterVpnLinkKey key = del.getKey();
Uuid firstEndpointVpnUuid = del.getFirstEndpoint().getVpnUuid();
Uuid secondEndpointVpnUuid = del.getSecondEndpoint().getVpnUuid();
releaseVpnLinkLPortTag(key.getName() + firstEndpointVpnUuid.getValue());
releaseVpnLinkLPortTag(key.getName() + secondEndpointVpnUuid.getValue());
// Routes with nextHop pointing to an end-point of the inter-vpn-link are populated into FIB table.
// The action in that case is a nx_resubmit to LPortDispatcher table. This is done in FibManager.
// At this point. we need to check if is there any entry in FIB table pointing to LPortDispatcher table.
// Remove it in that case.
// Removing the InterVpnLinkState
InstanceIdentifier<InterVpnLinkState> interVpnLinkStateIid = InterVpnLinkUtil.getInterVpnLinkStateIid(del.getName());
VpnUtil.delete(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, interVpnLinkStateIid);
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class InterVpnLinkListener method removeVpnLinkEndpointFlows.
// We're catching Exception here to continue deleting as much as possible
// TODO Rework this so it's done in one transaction
private void removeVpnLinkEndpointFlows(InterVpnLink del, String vpnUuid, String rd, List<BigInteger> dpns, int otherEndpointLportTag, String otherEndpointIpAddr, List<VrfEntry> vrfEntries, final boolean isVpnFirstEndPoint) {
String interVpnLinkName = del.getName();
LOG.debug("Removing endpoint flows for vpn {}. InterVpnLink={}. OtherEndpointLportTag={}", vpnUuid, interVpnLinkName, otherEndpointLportTag);
if (dpns == null) {
LOG.debug("VPN {} endpoint is not instantiated in any DPN for InterVpnLink {}", vpnUuid, interVpnLinkName);
for (BigInteger dpnId : dpns) {
try {
// Removing flow from LportDispatcher table
String flowRef = InterVpnLinkUtil.getLportDispatcherFlowRef(interVpnLinkName, otherEndpointLportTag);
FlowKey flowKey = new FlowKey(new FlowId(flowRef));
Flow flow = new FlowBuilder().setKey(flowKey).setId(new FlowId(flowRef)).setTableId(NwConstants.LPORT_DISPATCHER_TABLE).setFlowName(flowRef).build();
mdsalManager.removeFlow(dpnId, flow);
// Also remove the 'fake' iface from the VpnToDpn map
InterVpnLinkUtil.removeIVpnLinkIfaceFromVpnFootprint(vpnFootprintService, vpnUuid, rd, dpnId);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Whatever happens it should not stop it from trying to remove as much as possible
LOG.warn("Error while removing InterVpnLink {} Endpoint flows on dpn {}. Reason: ", interVpnLinkName, dpnId, e);
// Removing flow from FIB and LFIB tables
LOG.trace("Removing flow in FIB and LFIB tables for vpn {} interVpnLink {} otherEndpointIpAddr {}", vpnUuid, interVpnLinkName, otherEndpointIpAddr);
cleanUpInterVPNRoutes(interVpnLinkName, vrfEntries, isVpnFirstEndPoint);