use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class IVpnLinkServiceImpl method leakRoute.
// TODO Clean up the exception handling
public void leakRoute(InterVpnLinkDataComposite interVpnLink, String srcVpnUuid, String dstVpnUuid, String prefix, Long label, RouteOrigin forcedOrigin) {
String ivpnLinkName = interVpnLink.getInterVpnLinkName();
// The source VPN must participate in the InterVpnLink
Preconditions.checkArgument(interVpnLink.isVpnLinked(srcVpnUuid), "The source VPN {} does not participate in the interVpnLink {}", srcVpnUuid, ivpnLinkName);
// The destination VPN must participate in the InterVpnLink
Preconditions.checkArgument(interVpnLink.isVpnLinked(dstVpnUuid), "The destination VPN {} does not participate in the interVpnLink {}", dstVpnUuid, ivpnLinkName);
String endpointIp = interVpnLink.getOtherEndpointIpAddr(dstVpnUuid);
String leakedOrigin = forcedOrigin != null ? forcedOrigin.getValue() : RouteOrigin.INTERVPN.getValue();
FibHelper.buildRoutePath(endpointIp, label);
VrfEntry newVrfEntry = new VrfEntryBuilder().setKey(new VrfEntryKey(prefix)).setDestPrefix(prefix).setRoutePaths(Collections.singletonList(FibHelper.buildRoutePath(endpointIp, label))).setOrigin(leakedOrigin).build();
String dstVpnRd = VpnUtil.getVpnRd(dataBroker, dstVpnUuid);
InstanceIdentifier<VrfEntry> newVrfEntryIid = InstanceIdentifier.builder(FibEntries.class).child(VrfTables.class, new VrfTablesKey(dstVpnRd)).child(VrfEntry.class, new VrfEntryKey(newVrfEntry.getDestPrefix())).build();
VpnUtil.asyncWrite(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, newVrfEntryIid, newVrfEntry);
// Finally, route is advertised it to the DC-GW. But while in the FibEntries the nexthop is the other
// endpoint's IP, in the DC-GW the nexthop for those prefixes are the IPs of those DPNs where the target
// VPN has been instantiated
List<BigInteger> srcDpnList = interVpnLink.getEndpointDpnsByVpnName(srcVpnUuid);
List<String> nexthops = -> InterfaceUtils.getEndpointIpAddressForDPN(dataBroker, dpnId)).collect(Collectors.toList());
LOG.debug("Advertising route in VPN={} [prefix={} label={} nexthops={}] to DC-GW", dstVpnRd, newVrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), label.intValue(), nexthops);
try {
bgpManager.advertisePrefix(dstVpnRd, null, /*macAddress*/
prefix, nexthops, VrfEntry.EncapType.Mplsgre, label.intValue(), 0, /*l3vni*/
0, /*l2vni*/
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Exception while advertising prefix {} on vpnRd {} for intervpn link", prefix, dstVpnRd, e);
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VpnRpcServiceImpl method addStaticRoute.
// TODO Clean up the exception handling
public Future<RpcResult<AddStaticRouteOutput>> addStaticRoute(AddStaticRouteInput input) {
SettableFuture<RpcResult<AddStaticRouteOutput>> result = SettableFuture.create();
String destination = input.getDestination();
String vpnInstanceName = input.getVpnInstanceName();
String nexthop = input.getNexthop();
Long label = input.getLabel();"Adding static route for Vpn {} with destination {}, nexthop {} and label {}", vpnInstanceName, destination, nexthop, label);
Collection<RpcError> rpcErrors = validateAddStaticRouteInput(input);
if (!rpcErrors.isEmpty()) {
return result;
if (label == null || label == 0) {
label = (long) VpnUtil.getUniqueId(idManager, VpnConstants.VPN_IDPOOL_NAME, VpnUtil.getNextHopLabelKey(vpnInstanceName, destination));
if (label == 0) {
String message = "Unable to retrieve a new Label for the new Route";
result.set(RpcResultBuilder.<AddStaticRouteOutput>failed().withError(RpcError.ErrorType.APPLICATION, message).build());
return result;
String vpnRd = VpnUtil.getVpnRd(dataBroker, input.getVpnInstanceName());
VpnInstanceOpDataEntry vpnOpEntry = VpnUtil.getVpnInstanceOpData(dataBroker, vpnRd);
Boolean isVxlan = VpnUtil.isL3VpnOverVxLan(vpnOpEntry.getL3vni());
VrfEntry.EncapType encapType = VpnUtil.getEncapType(isVxlan);
if (vpnRd == null) {
String message = "Could not find Route-Distinguisher for VpnName " + vpnInstanceName;
result.set(RpcResultBuilder.<AddStaticRouteOutput>failed().withError(RpcError.ErrorType.APPLICATION, message).build());
return result;
Optional<InterVpnLinkDataComposite> optIVpnLink = interVpnLinkCache.getInterVpnLinkByEndpoint(nexthop);
if (optIVpnLink.isPresent()) {
try {
InterVpnLinkUtil.handleStaticRoute(optIVpnLink.get(), vpnInstanceName, destination, nexthop, label.intValue(), dataBroker, fibManager, bgpManager);
} catch (Exception e) {
result.set(RpcResultBuilder.<AddStaticRouteOutput>failed().withError(ErrorType.APPLICATION, formatAndLog(LOG::warn, "Could not advertise route [vpn={}, prefix={}, label={}, nexthop={}] to BGP: {}", vpnRd, destination, label, nexthop, e.getMessage(), e)).build());
return result;
} else {
vpnManager.addExtraRoute(vpnInstanceName, destination, nexthop, vpnRd, null, /* routerId */
vpnOpEntry.getL3vni(), RouteOrigin.STATIC, null, /* intfName */
null, /*Adjacency*/
encapType, null);
AddStaticRouteOutput labelOutput = new AddStaticRouteOutputBuilder().setLabel(label).build();
return result;
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VpnRpcServiceImpl method generateVpnLabel.
* Generate label for the given ip prefix from the associated VPN.
public Future<RpcResult<GenerateVpnLabelOutput>> generateVpnLabel(GenerateVpnLabelInput input) {
String vpnName = input.getVpnName();
String ipPrefix = input.getIpPrefix();
SettableFuture<RpcResult<GenerateVpnLabelOutput>> futureResult = SettableFuture.create();
String rd = VpnUtil.getVpnRd(dataBroker, vpnName);
long label = VpnUtil.getUniqueId(idManager, VpnConstants.VPN_IDPOOL_NAME, VpnUtil.getNextHopLabelKey(rd != null ? rd : vpnName, ipPrefix));
if (label == 0) {
futureResult.set(RpcResultBuilder.<GenerateVpnLabelOutput>failed().withError(ErrorType.APPLICATION, formatAndLog(LOG::error, "Could not retrieve the label for prefix {} in VPN {}", ipPrefix, vpnName)).build());
} else {
GenerateVpnLabelOutput output = new GenerateVpnLabelOutputBuilder().setLabel(label).build();
return futureResult;
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class VpnSubnetRouteHandler method electNewDpnForSubnetRoute.
// TODO Clean up the exception handling
private void electNewDpnForSubnetRoute(SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder subOpBuilder, BigInteger oldDpnId, Uuid subnetId, Uuid networkId, boolean isBgpVpn) {
List<SubnetToDpn> subDpnList = null;
boolean isRouteAdvertised = false;
subDpnList = subOpBuilder.getSubnetToDpn();
String rd = subOpBuilder.getVrfId();
String subnetIp = subOpBuilder.getSubnetCidr();
String vpnName = subOpBuilder.getVpnName();
long elanTag = subOpBuilder.getElanTag();
boolean isAlternateDpnSelected = false;
long l3vni = 0;
long label = 0;
String networkName = networkId != null ? networkId.getValue() : null;"{} electNewDpnForSubnetRoute: Handling subnet {} subnetIp {} vpn {} rd {} TaskState {}" + " lastTaskState {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, subOpBuilder.getVpnName(), subOpBuilder.getVrfId(), subOpBuilder.getRouteAdvState(), subOpBuilder.getLastAdvState());
if (!isBgpVpn) {
// blended more better into this design.
if (VpnUtil.isL3VpnOverVxLan(subOpBuilder.getL3vni())) {
l3vni = subOpBuilder.getL3vni();
} else {
label = getLabel(rd, subnetIp);
isRouteAdvertised = addSubnetRouteToFib(rd, subnetIp, null, /* nhDpnId */
null, /* nhTepIp */
vpnName, elanTag, label, l3vni, subnetId, isBgpVpn, networkName);
if (isRouteAdvertised) {
} else {
LOG.error("{} electNewDpnForSubnetRoute: Unable to find TepIp for subnet {} subnetip {} vpnName {}" + " rd {}, attempt next dpn", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, rd);
String nhTepIp = null;
BigInteger nhDpnId = null;
Iterator<SubnetToDpn> subnetDpnIter = subDpnList.iterator();
while (subnetDpnIter.hasNext()) {
SubnetToDpn subnetToDpn =;
if (subnetToDpn.getDpnId().equals(oldDpnId)) {
// Is this same is as input dpnId, then ignore it
nhDpnId = subnetToDpn.getDpnId();
if (vpnNodeListener.isConnectedNode(nhDpnId)) {
// but does it have a TEP configured at all?
try {
nhTepIp = InterfaceUtils.getEndpointIpAddressForDPN(dataBroker, nhDpnId);
if (nhTepIp != null) {
isAlternateDpnSelected = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("{} electNewDpnForSubnetRoute: Unable to find TepIp for rd {} subnetroute subnetip {}" + " for dpnid {}, attempt next", LOGGING_PREFIX, rd, subnetIp, nhDpnId.toString(), e);
if (!isAlternateDpnSelected) {
// If no alternate Dpn is selected as nextHopDpn, withdraw the subnetroute if it had a nextHop already.
if (isRouteAdvertised(subOpBuilder) && oldDpnId != null) {"{} electNewDpnForSubnetRoute: No alternate DPN available for subnet {} subnetIp {} vpn {}" + " rd {} Prefix withdrawn from BGP", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, rd);
// Withdraw route from BGP for this subnet
boolean routeWithdrawn = deleteSubnetRouteFromFib(rd, subnetIp, vpnName, isBgpVpn);
if (routeWithdrawn) {
} else {
LOG.error("{} electNewDpnForSubnetRoute: Withdrawing NextHopDPN {} for subnet {} subnetIp {}" + " vpn {} rd {} from BGP failed", LOGGING_PREFIX, oldDpnId, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, rd);
} else {
// If alternate Dpn is selected as nextHopDpn, use that for subnetroute.
if (VpnUtil.isL3VpnOverVxLan(subOpBuilder.getL3vni())) {
l3vni = subOpBuilder.getL3vni();
} else {
label = getLabel(rd, subnetIp);
// update the VRF entry for the subnetroute.
isRouteAdvertised = addSubnetRouteToFib(rd, subnetIp, nhDpnId, nhTepIp, vpnName, elanTag, label, l3vni, subnetId, isBgpVpn, networkName);
if (isRouteAdvertised) {
} else {
LOG.error("{} electNewDpnForSubnetRoute: Swapping to add new NextHopDpn {} for subnet {} subnetIp {}" + " vpn {} rd {} failed", LOGGING_PREFIX, nhDpnId, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, rd);
use of in project netvirt by opendaylight.
the class InterVpnLinkUtil method leakRoute.
* Leaks a route from one VPN to another. By default, the origin for this leaked route is INTERVPN.
* @param broker dataBroker service reference
* @param bgpManager Used to advertise routes to the BGP Router
* @param interVpnLink Reference to the object that holds the info about the link between the 2 VPNs
* @param srcVpnUuid UUID of the VPN that has the route that is going to be leaked to the other VPN
* @param dstVpnUuid UUID of the VPN that is going to receive the route
* @param prefix Prefix of the route
* @param label Label of the route in the original VPN
// TODO Clean up the exception handling
public static void leakRoute(DataBroker broker, IBgpManager bgpManager, InterVpnLink interVpnLink, String srcVpnUuid, String dstVpnUuid, String prefix, Long label) {
// The source VPN must participate in the InterVpnLink
Preconditions.checkArgument(interVpnLink.getFirstEndpoint().getVpnUuid().getValue().equals(srcVpnUuid) || interVpnLink.getSecondEndpoint().getVpnUuid().getValue().equals(srcVpnUuid), "The source VPN {} does not participate in the interVpnLink {}", srcVpnUuid, interVpnLink.getName());
// The destination VPN must participate in the InterVpnLink
Preconditions.checkArgument(interVpnLink.getFirstEndpoint().getVpnUuid().getValue().equals(dstVpnUuid) || interVpnLink.getSecondEndpoint().getVpnUuid().getValue().equals(dstVpnUuid), "The destination VPN {} does not participate in the interVpnLink {}", dstVpnUuid, interVpnLink.getName());
boolean destinationIs1stEndpoint = interVpnLink.getFirstEndpoint().getVpnUuid().getValue().equals(dstVpnUuid);
String endpointIp = destinationIs1stEndpoint ? interVpnLink.getSecondEndpoint().getIpAddress().getValue() : interVpnLink.getFirstEndpoint().getIpAddress().getValue();
VrfEntry newVrfEntry = FibHelper.getVrfEntryBuilder(prefix, label, endpointIp, RouteOrigin.INTERVPN, null).build();
String dstVpnRd = VpnUtil.getVpnRd(broker, dstVpnUuid);
InstanceIdentifier<VrfEntry> newVrfEntryIid = InstanceIdentifier.builder(FibEntries.class).child(VrfTables.class, new VrfTablesKey(dstVpnRd)).child(VrfEntry.class, new VrfEntryKey(newVrfEntry.getDestPrefix())).build();
VpnUtil.asyncWrite(broker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, newVrfEntryIid, newVrfEntry);
// Finally, route is advertised it to the DC-GW. But while in the FibEntries the nexthop is the other
// endpoint's IP, in the DC-GW the nexthop for those prefixes are the IPs of those DPNs where the target
// VPN has been instantiated
Optional<InterVpnLinkState> optVpnLinkState = getInterVpnLinkState(broker, interVpnLink.getName());
if (optVpnLinkState.isPresent()) {
InterVpnLinkState vpnLinkState = optVpnLinkState.get();
List<BigInteger> dpnIdList = destinationIs1stEndpoint ? vpnLinkState.getFirstEndpointState().getDpId() : vpnLinkState.getSecondEndpointState().getDpId();
List<String> nexthops = new ArrayList<>();
for (BigInteger dpnId : dpnIdList) {
nexthops.add(InterfaceUtils.getEndpointIpAddressForDPN(broker, dpnId));
try {
LOG.debug("Advertising route in VPN={} [prefix={} label={} nexthops={}] to DC-GW", dstVpnRd, newVrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), label.intValue(), nexthops);
bgpManager.advertisePrefix(dstVpnRd, null, /*macAddress*/
newVrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), nexthops, VrfEntry.EncapType.Mplsgre, label.intValue(), 0, /*l3vni*/
0, /*l2vni*/
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error("Could not advertise prefix {} with label {} to VPN rd={}", newVrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), label.intValue(), dstVpnRd, ex);
} else {
LOG.warn("Error when advertising leaked routes: Could not find State for InterVpnLink={}", interVpnLink.getName());