use of org.openecard.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1OctetString in project robovm by robovm.
the class PKCS12KeyStoreSpi method doStore.
private void doStore(OutputStream stream, char[] password, boolean useDEREncoding) throws IOException {
if (password == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("No password supplied for PKCS#12 KeyStore.");
// handle the key
ASN1EncodableVector keyS = new ASN1EncodableVector();
Enumeration ks = keys.keys();
while (ks.hasMoreElements()) {
byte[] kSalt = new byte[SALT_SIZE];
String name = (String) ks.nextElement();
PrivateKey privKey = (PrivateKey) keys.get(name);
PKCS12PBEParams kParams = new PKCS12PBEParams(kSalt, MIN_ITERATIONS);
byte[] kBytes = wrapKey(keyAlgorithm.getId(), privKey, kParams, password);
AlgorithmIdentifier kAlgId = new AlgorithmIdentifier(keyAlgorithm, kParams.toASN1Primitive());
org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo kInfo = new org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(kAlgId, kBytes);
boolean attrSet = false;
ASN1EncodableVector kName = new ASN1EncodableVector();
if (privKey instanceof PKCS12BagAttributeCarrier) {
PKCS12BagAttributeCarrier bagAttrs = (PKCS12BagAttributeCarrier) privKey;
// make sure we are using the local alias on store
DERBMPString nm = (DERBMPString) bagAttrs.getBagAttribute(pkcs_9_at_friendlyName);
if (nm == null || !nm.getString().equals(name)) {
bagAttrs.setBagAttribute(pkcs_9_at_friendlyName, new DERBMPString(name));
if (bagAttrs.getBagAttribute(pkcs_9_at_localKeyId) == null) {
Certificate ct = engineGetCertificate(name);
bagAttrs.setBagAttribute(pkcs_9_at_localKeyId, createSubjectKeyId(ct.getPublicKey()));
Enumeration e = bagAttrs.getBagAttributeKeys();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid = (ASN1ObjectIdentifier) e.nextElement();
ASN1EncodableVector kSeq = new ASN1EncodableVector();
kSeq.add(new DERSet(bagAttrs.getBagAttribute(oid)));
attrSet = true;
kName.add(new DERSequence(kSeq));
if (!attrSet) {
// set a default friendly name (from the key id) and local id
ASN1EncodableVector kSeq = new ASN1EncodableVector();
Certificate ct = engineGetCertificate(name);
kSeq.add(new DERSet(createSubjectKeyId(ct.getPublicKey())));
kName.add(new DERSequence(kSeq));
kSeq = new ASN1EncodableVector();
kSeq.add(new DERSet(new DERBMPString(name)));
kName.add(new DERSequence(kSeq));
SafeBag kBag = new SafeBag(pkcs8ShroudedKeyBag, kInfo.toASN1Primitive(), new DERSet(kName));
byte[] keySEncoded = new DERSequence(keyS).getEncoded(ASN1Encoding.DER);
BEROctetString keyString = new BEROctetString(keySEncoded);
// certificate processing
byte[] cSalt = new byte[SALT_SIZE];
ASN1EncodableVector certSeq = new ASN1EncodableVector();
PKCS12PBEParams cParams = new PKCS12PBEParams(cSalt, MIN_ITERATIONS);
AlgorithmIdentifier cAlgId = new AlgorithmIdentifier(certAlgorithm, cParams.toASN1Primitive());
Hashtable doneCerts = new Hashtable();
Enumeration cs = keys.keys();
while (cs.hasMoreElements()) {
try {
String name = (String) cs.nextElement();
Certificate cert = engineGetCertificate(name);
boolean cAttrSet = false;
CertBag cBag = new CertBag(x509Certificate, new DEROctetString(cert.getEncoded()));
ASN1EncodableVector fName = new ASN1EncodableVector();
if (cert instanceof PKCS12BagAttributeCarrier) {
PKCS12BagAttributeCarrier bagAttrs = (PKCS12BagAttributeCarrier) cert;
// make sure we are using the local alias on store
DERBMPString nm = (DERBMPString) bagAttrs.getBagAttribute(pkcs_9_at_friendlyName);
if (nm == null || !nm.getString().equals(name)) {
bagAttrs.setBagAttribute(pkcs_9_at_friendlyName, new DERBMPString(name));
if (bagAttrs.getBagAttribute(pkcs_9_at_localKeyId) == null) {
bagAttrs.setBagAttribute(pkcs_9_at_localKeyId, createSubjectKeyId(cert.getPublicKey()));
Enumeration e = bagAttrs.getBagAttributeKeys();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid = (ASN1ObjectIdentifier) e.nextElement();
ASN1EncodableVector fSeq = new ASN1EncodableVector();
fSeq.add(new DERSet(bagAttrs.getBagAttribute(oid)));
fName.add(new DERSequence(fSeq));
cAttrSet = true;
if (!cAttrSet) {
ASN1EncodableVector fSeq = new ASN1EncodableVector();
fSeq.add(new DERSet(createSubjectKeyId(cert.getPublicKey())));
fName.add(new DERSequence(fSeq));
fSeq = new ASN1EncodableVector();
fSeq.add(new DERSet(new DERBMPString(name)));
fName.add(new DERSequence(fSeq));
SafeBag sBag = new SafeBag(certBag, cBag.toASN1Primitive(), new DERSet(fName));
doneCerts.put(cert, cert);
} catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
throw new IOException("Error encoding certificate: " + e.toString());
cs = certs.keys();
while (cs.hasMoreElements()) {
try {
String certId = (String) cs.nextElement();
Certificate cert = (Certificate) certs.get(certId);
boolean cAttrSet = false;
if (keys.get(certId) != null) {
CertBag cBag = new CertBag(x509Certificate, new DEROctetString(cert.getEncoded()));
ASN1EncodableVector fName = new ASN1EncodableVector();
if (cert instanceof PKCS12BagAttributeCarrier) {
PKCS12BagAttributeCarrier bagAttrs = (PKCS12BagAttributeCarrier) cert;
// make sure we are using the local alias on store
DERBMPString nm = (DERBMPString) bagAttrs.getBagAttribute(pkcs_9_at_friendlyName);
if (nm == null || !nm.getString().equals(certId)) {
bagAttrs.setBagAttribute(pkcs_9_at_friendlyName, new DERBMPString(certId));
Enumeration e = bagAttrs.getBagAttributeKeys();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid = (ASN1ObjectIdentifier) e.nextElement();
// If we find one, we'll prune it out.
if (oid.equals(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pkcs_9_at_localKeyId)) {
ASN1EncodableVector fSeq = new ASN1EncodableVector();
fSeq.add(new DERSet(bagAttrs.getBagAttribute(oid)));
fName.add(new DERSequence(fSeq));
cAttrSet = true;
if (!cAttrSet) {
ASN1EncodableVector fSeq = new ASN1EncodableVector();
fSeq.add(new DERSet(new DERBMPString(certId)));
fName.add(new DERSequence(fSeq));
SafeBag sBag = new SafeBag(certBag, cBag.toASN1Primitive(), new DERSet(fName));
doneCerts.put(cert, cert);
} catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
throw new IOException("Error encoding certificate: " + e.toString());
cs = chainCerts.keys();
while (cs.hasMoreElements()) {
try {
CertId certId = (CertId) cs.nextElement();
Certificate cert = (Certificate) chainCerts.get(certId);
if (doneCerts.get(cert) != null) {
CertBag cBag = new CertBag(x509Certificate, new DEROctetString(cert.getEncoded()));
ASN1EncodableVector fName = new ASN1EncodableVector();
if (cert instanceof PKCS12BagAttributeCarrier) {
PKCS12BagAttributeCarrier bagAttrs = (PKCS12BagAttributeCarrier) cert;
Enumeration e = bagAttrs.getBagAttributeKeys();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid = (ASN1ObjectIdentifier) e.nextElement();
// If we find one, we'll prune it out.
if (oid.equals(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pkcs_9_at_localKeyId)) {
ASN1EncodableVector fSeq = new ASN1EncodableVector();
fSeq.add(new DERSet(bagAttrs.getBagAttribute(oid)));
fName.add(new DERSequence(fSeq));
SafeBag sBag = new SafeBag(certBag, cBag.toASN1Primitive(), new DERSet(fName));
} catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
throw new IOException("Error encoding certificate: " + e.toString());
byte[] certSeqEncoded = new DERSequence(certSeq).getEncoded(ASN1Encoding.DER);
byte[] certBytes = cryptData(true, cAlgId, password, false, certSeqEncoded);
EncryptedData cInfo = new EncryptedData(data, cAlgId, new BEROctetString(certBytes));
ContentInfo[] info = new ContentInfo[] { new ContentInfo(data, keyString), new ContentInfo(encryptedData, cInfo.toASN1Primitive()) };
AuthenticatedSafe auth = new AuthenticatedSafe(info);
ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DEROutputStream asn1Out;
if (useDEREncoding) {
asn1Out = new DEROutputStream(bOut);
} else {
asn1Out = new BEROutputStream(bOut);
byte[] pkg = bOut.toByteArray();
ContentInfo mainInfo = new ContentInfo(data, new BEROctetString(pkg));
// create the mac
byte[] mSalt = new byte[20];
int itCount = MIN_ITERATIONS;
byte[] data = ((ASN1OctetString) mainInfo.getContent()).getOctets();
MacData mData;
try {
byte[] res = calculatePbeMac(id_SHA1, mSalt, itCount, password, false, data);
AlgorithmIdentifier algId = new AlgorithmIdentifier(id_SHA1, DERNull.INSTANCE);
DigestInfo dInfo = new DigestInfo(algId, res);
mData = new MacData(dInfo, mSalt, itCount);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException("error constructing MAC: " + e.toString());
// output the Pfx
Pfx pfx = new Pfx(mainInfo, mData);
if (useDEREncoding) {
asn1Out = new DEROutputStream(stream);
} else {
asn1Out = new BEROutputStream(stream);
use of org.openecard.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1OctetString in project robovm by robovm.
the class CertPathValidatorUtilities method getObject.
private static ASN1Primitive getObject(String oid, byte[] ext) throws AnnotatedException {
try {
ASN1InputStream aIn = new ASN1InputStream(ext);
ASN1OctetString octs = (ASN1OctetString) aIn.readObject();
aIn = new ASN1InputStream(octs.getOctets());
return aIn.readObject();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AnnotatedException("exception processing extension " + oid, e);
use of org.openecard.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1OctetString in project robovm by robovm.
the class IvAlgorithmParameters method engineInit.
protected void engineInit(byte[] params) throws IOException {
if ((params.length % 8) != 0 && params[0] == 0x04 && params[1] == params.length - 2) {
ASN1OctetString oct = (ASN1OctetString) ASN1Primitive.fromByteArray(params);
params = oct.getOctets();
this.iv = Arrays.clone(params);
use of org.openecard.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1OctetString in project ddf by codice.
the class LoginFilter method validateHolderOfKeyConfirmation.
private void validateHolderOfKeyConfirmation(SamlAssertionWrapper assertion, X509Certificate[] x509Certs) throws SecurityServiceException {
List<String> confirmationMethods = assertion.getConfirmationMethods();
boolean hasHokMethod = false;
for (String method : confirmationMethods) {
if (OpenSAMLUtil.isMethodHolderOfKey(method)) {
hasHokMethod = true;
if (hasHokMethod) {
if (x509Certs != null && x509Certs.length > 0) {
List<SubjectConfirmation> subjectConfirmations = assertion.getSaml2().getSubject().getSubjectConfirmations();
for (SubjectConfirmation subjectConfirmation : subjectConfirmations) {
if (OpenSAMLUtil.isMethodHolderOfKey(subjectConfirmation.getMethod())) {
Element dom = subjectConfirmation.getSubjectConfirmationData().getDOM();
Node keyInfo = dom.getFirstChild();
Node x509Data = keyInfo.getFirstChild();
Node dataNode = x509Data.getFirstChild();
Node dataText = dataNode.getFirstChild();
X509Certificate tlsCertificate = x509Certs[0];
if (dataNode.getLocalName().equals("X509Certificate")) {
String textContent = dataText.getTextContent();
byte[] byteValue = Base64.getMimeDecoder().decode(textContent);
try {
CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(byteValue));
//check that the certificate is still valid
//if the certs aren't the same, verify
if (!tlsCertificate.equals(cert)) {
//verify that the cert was signed by the same private key as the TLS cert
} catch (CertificateException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeyException | SignatureException | NoSuchProviderException e) {
throw new SecurityServiceException("Unable to validate Holder of Key assertion with certificate.");
} else if (dataNode.getLocalName().equals("X509SubjectName")) {
String textContent = dataText.getTextContent();
//If, however, the relying party does not trust the certificate issuer to issue such a DN, the attesting entity is not confirmed and the relying party SHOULD disregard the assertion.
if (!tlsCertificate.getSubjectDN().getName().equals(textContent)) {
throw new SecurityServiceException("Unable to validate Holder of Key assertion with subject DN.");
} else if (dataNode.getLocalName().equals("X509IssuerSerial")) {
//we have no way to support this confirmation type so we have to throw an error
throw new SecurityServiceException("Unable to validate Holder of Key assertion with issuer serial. NOT SUPPORTED");
} else if (dataNode.getLocalName().equals("X509SKI")) {
String textContent = dataText.getTextContent();
byte[] tlsSKI = tlsCertificate.getExtensionValue("");
byte[] assertionSKI = Base64.getMimeDecoder().decode(textContent);
if (tlsSKI != null && tlsSKI.length > 0) {
ASN1OctetString tlsOs = ASN1OctetString.getInstance(tlsSKI);
ASN1OctetString assertionOs = ASN1OctetString.getInstance(assertionSKI);
SubjectKeyIdentifier tlsSubjectKeyIdentifier = SubjectKeyIdentifier.getInstance(tlsOs.getOctets());
SubjectKeyIdentifier assertSubjectKeyIdentifier = SubjectKeyIdentifier.getInstance(assertionOs.getOctets());
//the attesting entity is not confirmed and the relying party SHOULD disregard the assertion.
if (!Arrays.equals(tlsSubjectKeyIdentifier.getKeyIdentifier(), assertSubjectKeyIdentifier.getKeyIdentifier())) {
throw new SecurityServiceException("Unable to validate Holder of Key assertion with subject key identifier.");
} else {
throw new SecurityServiceException("Unable to validate Holder of Key assertion with subject key identifier.");
} else {
throw new SecurityServiceException("Holder of Key assertion, must be used with 2-way TLS.");
use of org.openecard.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1OctetString in project oxCore by GluuFederation.
the class LdapOperationsServiceImpl method scrollSimplePagedResultsControl.
private ASN1OctetString scrollSimplePagedResultsControl(LDAPConnection ldapConnection, String dn, Filter filter, SearchScope scope, Control[] controls, int startIndex) throws LDAPException, InvalidSimplePageControlException {
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest(dn, scope, filter, "dn");
int currentStartIndex = startIndex;
ASN1OctetString cookie = null;
do {
int pageSize = Math.min(currentStartIndex, 100);
searchRequest.setControls(new Control[] { new SimplePagedResultsControl(pageSize, cookie, true) });
setControls(searchRequest, controls);
SearchResult searchResult =;
currentStartIndex -= searchResult.getEntryCount();
try {
SimplePagedResultsControl c = SimplePagedResultsControl.get(searchResult);
if (c != null) {
cookie = c.getCookie();
} catch (LDAPException ex) {
LOG.error("Error while accessing cookie", ex);
throw new InvalidSimplePageControlException(ex.getResultCode(), "Error while accessing cookie");
} while ((cookie != null) && (cookie.getValueLength() > 0) && (currentStartIndex > 0));
return cookie;