use of org.openecard.common.anytype.AuthDataResponse in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class PINStepAction method performPACEWithCAN.
private EstablishChannelResponse performPACEWithCAN(Map<String, ExecutionResults> oldResults) {
DIDAuthenticationDataType paceInput = new DIDAuthenticationDataType();
AuthDataMap tmp;
try {
tmp = new AuthDataMap(paceInput);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
LOG.error("Failed to read empty Protocol data.", ex);
return null;
AuthDataResponse paceInputMap = tmp.createResponse(paceInput);
if (capturePin) {
ExecutionResults executionResults = oldResults.get(getStepID());
PasswordField canField = (PasswordField) executionResults.getResult(PINStep.CAN_FIELD);
String canValue = new String(canField.getValue());
if (canValue.length() != 6) {
// let the user enter the can again, when input verification failed
return null;
} else {
paceInputMap.addElement(PACEInputType.PIN, canValue);
paceInputMap.addElement(PACEInputType.PIN_ID, PIN_ID_CAN);
// perform PACE by EstablishChannelCommand
EstablishChannel eChannel = createEstablishChannelStructure(paceInputMap);
return (EstablishChannelResponse) dispatcher.safeDeliver(eChannel);
use of org.openecard.common.anytype.AuthDataResponse in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class CANStepAction method perform.
public StepActionResult perform(Map<String, ExecutionResults> oldResults, StepResult result) {
if (result.isBack()) {
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.BACK);
if (!state.equals(RecognizedState.PIN_suspended)) {
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.NEXT);
DIDAuthenticationDataType paceInput = new DIDAuthenticationDataType();
AuthDataMap tmp;
try {
tmp = new AuthDataMap(paceInput);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
LOG.error("Failed to read empty Protocol data.", ex);
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.CANCEL);
AuthDataResponse paceInputMap = tmp.createResponse(paceInput);
if (capturePin) {
ExecutionResults executionResults = oldResults.get(getStepID());
if (!verifyUserInput(executionResults)) {
// let the user enter the can again, when input verification failed
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT, createReplacementStep(false, true));
} else {
paceInputMap.addElement(PACEInputType.PIN, can);
paceInputMap.addElement(PACEInputType.PIN_ID, PIN_ID_CAN);
// perform PACE by EstablishChannelCommand
EstablishChannel establishChannel = new EstablishChannel();
try {
EstablishChannelResponse ecr = (EstablishChannelResponse) dispatcher.safeDeliver(establishChannel);
// pace was successfully performed, so get to the next step
String title = lang.translationForKey(PINSTEP_TITLE);
int retryCounter = 1;
Step replacementStep = new ChangePINStep("pin-entry", title, capturePin, retryCounter, false, false);
StepAction pinAction = new PINStepAction(capturePin, conHandle, dispatcher, replacementStep, retryCounter);
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.NEXT, replacementStep);
} catch (WSException ex) {"Wrong CAN entered, trying again");
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT, createReplacementStep(true, false));
use of org.openecard.common.anytype.AuthDataResponse in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class GenericPINAction method performPACEWithPIN.
private EstablishChannelResponse performPACEWithPIN(Map<String, ExecutionResults> oldResults) throws ParserConfigurationException {
DIDAuthenticationDataType paceInput = new DIDAuthenticationDataType();
AuthDataMap tmp = new AuthDataMap(paceInput);
AuthDataResponse paceInputMap = tmp.createResponse(paceInput);
if (capturePin) {
ExecutionResults executionResults = oldResults.get(getStepID());
PasswordField oldPINField = (PasswordField) executionResults.getResult(GenericPINStep.OLD_PIN_FIELD);
char[] oldPINValue = oldPINField.getValue();
if (oldPINValue.length > 6 && oldPINValue.length < 5) {
// let the user enter the can again, when input verification failed
return null;
} else {
paceInputMap.addElement(PACEInputType.PIN, new String(oldPINValue));
paceInputMap.addElement(PACEInputType.PIN_ID, PIN_ID_PIN);
// perform PACE by EstablishChannelCommand
EstablishChannel eChannel = createEstablishChannelStructure(paceInputMap);
return (EstablishChannelResponse) dispatcher.safeDeliver(eChannel);
use of org.openecard.common.anytype.AuthDataResponse in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class PINStepAction method perform.
public StepActionResult perform(Map<String, ExecutionResults> oldResults, StepResult result) {
if (result.isBack()) {
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.BACK);
DIDAuthenticationDataType paceInput = new DIDAuthenticationDataType();
AuthDataMap tmp;
try {
tmp = new AuthDataMap(paceInput);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
LOG.error("Failed to read empty Protocol data.", ex);
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.CANCEL);
AuthDataResponse paceInputMap = tmp.createResponse(paceInput);
if (capturePin) {
ExecutionResults executionResults = oldResults.get(getStepID());
if (!verifyUserInput(executionResults)) {
// let the user enter the pin again, when input verification failed
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT, createPINReplacementStep(false, true));
} else {
paceInputMap.addElement(PACEInputType.PIN, oldPIN);
paceInputMap.addElement(PACEInputType.PIN_ID, PIN_ID_PIN);
// perform PACE by EstablishChannel
EstablishChannel establishChannel = new EstablishChannel();
try {
EstablishChannelResponse establishChannelResponse = (EstablishChannelResponse) dispatcher.safeDeliver(establishChannel);
// PACE completed successfully, we now modify the pin
if (capturePin) {
} else {
// PIN modified successfully, proceed with next step
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.NEXT);
} catch (WSException ex) {
if (capturePin) {
retryCounter--;"Wrong PIN entered, trying again (remaining tries {}).", retryCounter);
if (retryCounter == 1) {
Step replacementStep = createCANReplacementStep();
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.BACK, replacementStep);
} else {
Step replacementStep = createPINReplacementStep(true, false);
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT, replacementStep);
} else {
LOG.warn("PIN not entered successfully in terminal.");
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.CANCEL);
} catch (APDUException ex) {
LOG.error("Failed to transmit Reset Retry Counter APDU.", ex);
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.CANCEL);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
LOG.error("Failed to transmit Reset Retry Counter APDU.", ex);
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.CANCEL);
} catch (IFDException ex) {
LOG.error("Failed to transmit Reset Retry Counter APDU.", ex);
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.CANCEL);
use of org.openecard.common.anytype.AuthDataResponse in project open-ecard by ecsec.
the class PUKStepAction method perform.
public StepActionResult perform(Map<String, ExecutionResults> oldResults, StepResult result) {
if (result.isBack()) {
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.BACK);
DIDAuthenticationDataType paceInput = new DIDAuthenticationDataType();
AuthDataMap tmp;
try {
tmp = new AuthDataMap(paceInput);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
LOG.error("Failed to read empty Protocol data.", ex);
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.CANCEL);
AuthDataResponse paceInputMap = tmp.createResponse(paceInput);
if (capturePin) {
ExecutionResults executionResults = oldResults.get(getStepID());
if (!verifyUserInput(executionResults)) {
// TODO inform user that something with his input is wrong
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT);
} else {
paceInputMap.addElement(PACEInputType.PIN, puk);
paceInputMap.addElement(PACEInputType.PIN_ID, PIN_ID_PUK);
// perform PACE by sending an EstablishChannel
EstablishChannel establishChannel = new EstablishChannel();
try {
EstablishChannelResponse establishChannelResponse = (EstablishChannelResponse) dispatcher.safeDeliver(establishChannel);
// pace was successfully performed, so get to the next step
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.NEXT);
} catch (WSException ex) {"Wrong PUK entered, trying again");
// TODO update the step to inform the user that he entered the puk wrong
return new StepActionResult(StepActionResultStatus.REPEAT);
} finally {
DestroyChannel destroyChannel = new DestroyChannel();