use of org.opengis.geometry.MismatchedDimensionException in project sis by apache.
the class ConcatenatedTransform method create.
* Concatenates the two given transforms.
* If the concatenation result works with two-dimensional input and output points,
* then the returned transform will implement {@link MathTransform2D}.
* Likewise if the concatenation result works with one-dimensional input and output points,
* then the returned transform will implement {@link MathTransform1D}.
* <div class="note"><b>Implementation note:</b>
* {@code ConcatenatedTransform} implementations are available in two versions: direct and non-direct.
* The "non-direct" versions use an intermediate buffer when performing transformations; they are slower
* and consume more memory. They are used only as a fallback when a "direct" version can not be created.</div>
* @param tr1 the first math transform.
* @param tr2 the second math transform.
* @param factory the factory which is (indirectly) invoking this method, or {@code null} if none.
* @return the concatenated transform.
* @see MathTransforms#concatenate(MathTransform, MathTransform)
public static MathTransform create(MathTransform tr1, MathTransform tr2, final MathTransformFactory factory) throws FactoryException, MismatchedDimensionException {
final int dim1 = tr1.getTargetDimensions();
final int dim2 = tr2.getSourceDimensions();
if (dim1 != dim2) {
throw new MismatchedDimensionException(Resources.format(Resources.Keys.CanNotConcatenateTransforms_2, getName(tr1), getName(tr2)) + ' ' + Errors.format(Errors.Keys.MismatchedDimension_2, dim1, dim2));
MathTransform mt = createOptimized(tr1, tr2, factory);
if (mt != null) {
return mt;
* If at least one math transform is an instance of ConcatenatedTransform and assuming
* that MathTransforms are associatives, tries the following arrangements and select
* the one with the fewest amount of steps:
* Assuming : tr1 = (A * B)
* tr2 = (C * D)
* Current : (A * B) * (C * D) Will be the selected one if nothing better.
* Try k=0 : A * (B * (C * D)) Implies A * ((B * C) * D) through recursivity.
* Try k=1 : ((A * B) * C) * D Implies (A * (B * C)) * D through recursivity.
* Try k=2 : Tried only if try k=1 changed something.
* TODO: The same combination may be computed more than once (e.g. (B * C) above).
* Should not be a big deal if there is not two many steps. In the even where
* it would appears a performance issue, we could maintain a Map of combinations
* already computed. The map would be local to a "create" method execution.
int stepCount = getStepCount(tr1) + getStepCount(tr2);
// Really 'true' because we want at least 2 iterations.
boolean tryAgain = true;
for (int k = 0; ; k++) {
MathTransform c1 = tr1;
MathTransform c2 = tr2;
final boolean first = (k & 1) == 0;
MathTransform candidate = first ? c1 : c2;
while (candidate instanceof ConcatenatedTransform) {
final ConcatenatedTransform ctr = (ConcatenatedTransform) candidate;
if (first) {
c1 = candidate = ctr.transform1;
c2 = create(ctr.transform2, c2, factory);
} else {
c1 = create(c1, ctr.transform1, factory);
c2 = candidate = ctr.transform2;
final int c = getStepCount(c1) + getStepCount(c2);
if (c < stepCount) {
tr1 = c1;
tr2 = c2;
stepCount = c;
tryAgain = true;
if (!tryAgain)
tryAgain = false;
* Tries again the check for optimized cases (identity, etc.), because a
* transform may have been simplified to identity as a result of the above.
mt = createOptimized(tr1, tr2, factory);
if (mt != null) {
return mt;
* Can not avoid the creation of a ConcatenatedTransform object.
* Check for the type to create (1D, 2D, general case...)
final int dimSource = tr1.getSourceDimensions();
final int dimTarget = tr2.getTargetDimensions();
if (dimSource == 1 && dimTarget == 1) {
* Result needs to be a MathTransform1D.
if (tr1 instanceof MathTransform1D && tr2 instanceof MathTransform1D) {
return new ConcatenatedTransformDirect1D((MathTransform1D) tr1, (MathTransform1D) tr2);
} else {
return new ConcatenatedTransform1D(tr1, tr2);
} else if (dimSource == 2 && dimTarget == 2) {
* Result needs to be a MathTransform2D.
if (tr1 instanceof MathTransform2D && tr2 instanceof MathTransform2D) {
return new ConcatenatedTransformDirect2D((MathTransform2D) tr1, (MathTransform2D) tr2);
} else {
return new ConcatenatedTransform2D(tr1, tr2);
} else if (// dim1 = tr1.getTargetDimensions() and
dimSource == tr1.getTargetDimensions() && // dim2 = tr2.getSourceDimensions() may not be true anymore.
dimTarget == tr2.getSourceDimensions()) {
return new ConcatenatedTransformDirect(tr1, tr2);
} else {
return new ConcatenatedTransform(tr1, tr2);
use of org.opengis.geometry.MismatchedDimensionException in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.
the class PrecompSeaGenerator method runSeaGeneration.
public void runSeaGeneration() throws MismatchedDimensionException, TransformException, IOException, InterruptedException {
// get all tiles that need to be processed
List<> remainingTiles = getTiles();
// initialize the count down so that it is possible to get the
// information when all tiles are finished
CountDownLatch tilesCountdown = new CountDownLatch(remainingTiles.size());
// start a printer that outputs how many tiles still need to be
// processed
new ProgressPrinter(tilesCountdown).start();
// start the saver thread that stores the tiles to disc and creates
// the index file
PrecompSeaSaver precompSaver = new PrecompSeaSaver(outputDir, usePbfFormat);
new Thread(precompSaver, "SaveThread").start();
// requirements
while (remainingTiles.isEmpty() == false) {
// create a list with all tiles that are processed within this cycle
List<> tiles = new ArrayList<>();
tiles.addAll(remainingTiles.subList(0, Math.min(tilesPerCycle, remainingTiles.size())));
remainingTiles.subList(0, Math.min(tilesPerCycle, remainingTiles.size())).clear();
// create the mergers that merge the data of one tile
List<PrecompSeaMerger> mergers = createMergers(tiles, tilesCountdown, precompSaver.getQueue());
// create an overall area for a simple check if a polygon read from the
// shape file intersects one of the currently processed sea tiles
Area tileArea = new Area();
for (PrecompSeaMerger m : mergers) {
tileArea.add(new Area(m.getTileBounds()));
// start the mergers
int numPolygon = 0;
long lastInfo = System.currentTimeMillis();
// read all polygons from the shape file and add them to the queues of the
// merger threads
Geometry wgs84Poly = null;
while (shapeIterator.hasNext()) {
Feature feature =;
GeometryAttribute geom = feature.getDefaultGeometryProperty();
Geometry poly = (Geometry) geom.getValue();
if (poly == null) {
try {
wgs84Poly = transformToWGS84(poly);
} catch (Exception exp) {
if (wgs84Poly.getNumGeometries() != 1) {
// only simple polygons are supported by now
// maybe this could be changed in future?
System.err.println("Polygon from shapefile has " + wgs84Poly.getNumGeometries() + " geometries. Only one geometry is supported.");
System.err.println("Skip polygon.");
Geometry bounds = wgs84Poly.getEnvelope();
if (bounds.isEmpty()) {
System.err.println("Empty or non polygon: " + bounds);
} else {
Area polyBounds = convertToArea(bounds);
// currently processed
if (polyBounds.intersects(tileArea.getBounds2D())) {
// yes it touches at least one tile => convert it to
// a java.awt.geom.Area object
Area polyAsArea = convertToArea(wgs84Poly.getGeometryN(0));
// polygon to the queues of them
for (PrecompSeaMerger mThread : mergers) {
if (mThread.getTileBounds().intersects(polyAsArea.getBounds2D())) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException exp) {
if ((numPolygon) % 50000 == 0 || System.currentTimeMillis() - lastInfo > 30000) {
// print out the current number of polygons already processed
System.out.println("Worked out " + (numPolygon) + " polygons");
lastInfo = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Reading shapefile finished");
// signal all mergers that all polygons have been read
for (PrecompSeaMerger mThread : mergers) {
// may occurr
while (tilesCountdown.getCount() > remainingTiles.size() + 2 * tilesPerCycle) {
// wait until all tiles have been merged
// wait until the saver for the tiles is finished
// shutdown the executor service
use of org.opengis.geometry.MismatchedDimensionException in project hale by halestudio.
the class ReprojectGeometry method evaluate.
protected Object evaluate(String transformationIdentifier, TransformationEngine engine, ListMultimap<String, PropertyValue> variables, String resultName, PropertyEntityDefinition resultProperty, Map<String, String> executionParameters, TransformationLog log) throws TransformationException, NoResultException {
// Get input geometry
PropertyValue input = variables.get("source").get(0);
Object inputValue = input.getValue();
InstanceTraverser traverser = new DepthFirstInstanceTraverser(true);
GeometryFinder geoFind = new GeometryFinder(null);
traverser.traverse(inputValue, geoFind);
List<GeometryProperty<?>> geoms = geoFind.getGeometries();
Geometry sourceGeometry = geoms.get(0).getGeometry();
CRSDefinition crsDef = geoms.get(0).getCRSDefinition();
if (crsDef == null) {
throw new TransformationException("Geometry does not have an associated Coordinate Reference System");
CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = crsDef.getCRS();
Geometry resultGeometry = sourceGeometry;
CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = sourceCRS;
// Get input parameter
String srs = getParameterChecked(PARAMETER_REFERENCE_SYSTEM).as(String.class);
if (srs != null) {
try {
targetCRS = parseReferenceSystemParamter(srs);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new TransformationException("Error determining destination Cordinate Reference System.", e);
// Retrieve transformation from cell context, or create a new
// instance
Map<Object, Object> cellContext = getExecutionContext().getCellContext();
MathTransform transform = getOrCreateMathTransform(sourceCRS, targetCRS, cellContext);
// Apply transformation
try {
resultGeometry = JTS.transform(sourceGeometry, transform);
} catch (MismatchedDimensionException | TransformException e) {
throw new TransformationException("Problem on execute transformation from: " + sourceCRS + " to " + targetCRS, e);
return new DefaultGeometryProperty<Geometry>(new CodeDefinition(CRS.toSRS(targetCRS), targetCRS), resultGeometry);
use of org.opengis.geometry.MismatchedDimensionException in project jena by apache.
the class SearchEnvelope method build.
* @param geometryWrapper
* @param srsInfo
* @return Search envelope of the geometry in target SRS.
public static SearchEnvelope build(GeometryWrapper geometryWrapper, SRSInfo srsInfo) {
try {
// Get the envelope of the target GeometryWrapper and convert that to SRS URI, in case it is a complex polygon.
GeometryWrapper envelopeGeometryWrapper = geometryWrapper.envelope();
// Convert to SRS URI.
GeometryWrapper srsGeometryWrapper = envelopeGeometryWrapper.convertSRS(srsInfo.getSrsURI());
Envelope envelope = srsGeometryWrapper.getEnvelope();
SearchEnvelope searchEnvelope = new SearchEnvelope(envelope, srsInfo);
return searchEnvelope;
} catch (FactoryException | MismatchedDimensionException | TransformException ex) {
throw new ExprEvalException(ex.getMessage() + ": " + geometryWrapper.asLiteral(), ex);
use of org.opengis.geometry.MismatchedDimensionException in project jena by apache.
the class SearchEnvelope method build.
* Build search envelope in the indicated cardinal direction.<br>
* Geographic SRS will wrap for half world in East/West directions.<br>
* Other SRS will extend to the valid domain.
* @param geometryWrapper
* @param srsInfo
* @param direction
* @return Search envelope in cardinal direction.
public static SearchEnvelope build(GeometryWrapper geometryWrapper, SRSInfo srsInfo, CardinalDirection direction) {
try {
// Get the envelope of the target GeometryWrapper and convert to SRS URI, in case it is a complex polygon.
GeometryWrapper envelopeGeometryWrapper = geometryWrapper.envelope();
// Convert to SRS URI.
GeometryWrapper srsGeometryWrapper = envelopeGeometryWrapper.convertSRS(srsInfo.getSrsURI());
Envelope envelope = srsGeometryWrapper.getEnvelope();
Envelope domEnvelope = srsInfo.getDomainEnvelope();
double x1 = domEnvelope.getMinX();
double x2 = domEnvelope.getMaxX();
double y1 = domEnvelope.getMinY();
double y2 = domEnvelope.getMaxY();
// Exclusive search so anything within envelope of a LineString or Polygon is excluded.
switch(direction) {
case NORTH:
y1 = envelope.getMaxY();
case SOUTH:
y2 = envelope.getMinY();
case EAST:
x1 = envelope.getMaxX();
if (srsInfo.isGeographic()) {
// Extend to the Eastern half from the origin.
x2 = x1 + domEnvelope.getMaxX();
case WEST:
x2 = envelope.getMinX();
if (srsInfo.isGeographic()) {
// Extend to the West half from the origin.
x1 = x2 + domEnvelope.getMinX();
Envelope cardinalEnvelope = new Envelope(x1, x2, y1, y2);
return new SearchEnvelope(cardinalEnvelope, srsInfo);
} catch (FactoryException | MismatchedDimensionException | TransformException ex) {
throw new ExprEvalException(ex.getMessage() + ": " + geometryWrapper.asLiteral(), ex);