use of org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject in project sis by apache.
the class IdentifiedObjectFinder method createFromNames.
* Creates an object equals (optionally ignoring metadata), to the specified object using only the
* {@linkplain AbstractIdentifiedObject#getName name} and {@linkplain AbstractIdentifiedObject#getAlias aliases}.
* If no such object is found, returns {@code null}.
* <p>This method may be used with some {@linkplain GeodeticAuthorityFactory authority factory}
* implementations like the one backed by the EPSG database, which are capable to find an object
* from its name when the identifier is unknown.</p>
* @param object the object looked up.
* @return the identified object, or {@code null} if not found.
* @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while creating an object.
* @see #createFromCodes(IdentifiedObject)
* @see #createFromIdentifiers(IdentifiedObject)
private IdentifiedObject createFromNames(final IdentifiedObject object) throws FactoryException {
String code = object.getName().getCode();
IdentifiedObject candidate;
try {
candidate = create(code);
} catch (FactoryException e) {
* The identifier was not recognized. We will continue later with aliases.
* Note: we catch a more generic exception than NoSuchAuthorityCodeException because
* this attempt may fail for various reasons (character string not supported
* by the underlying database for primary key, duplicated name found, etc.).
candidate = null;
if (match(candidate, object)) {
return candidate;
for (final GenericName id : object.getAlias()) {
code = id.toString();
try {
candidate = create(code);
} catch (FactoryException e) {
// The name was not recognized. No problem, let's go on.
if (match(candidate, object)) {
return candidate;
return null;
use of org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject in project sis by apache.
the class MetadataAssert method assertWktEquals.
* Asserts that the WKT of the given object according the given convention is equal to the expected one.
* This method expected the {@code “…”} quotation marks instead of {@code "…"} for easier readability of
* {@link String} constants in Java code.
* @param convention the WKT convention to use.
* @param expected the expected text, or {@code null} if {@code object} is expected to be null.
* @param object the object to format in <cite>Well Known Text</cite> format, or {@code null}.
public static void assertWktEquals(final Convention convention, final String expected, final Object object) {
if (expected == null) {
} else {
final String wkt;
synchronized (WKT_FORMAT) {
wkt = WKT_FORMAT.format(object);
assertMultilinesEquals((object instanceof IdentifiedObject) ? ((IdentifiedObject) object).getName().getCode() : object.getClass().getSimpleName(), expected, wkt);
use of org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject in project sis by apache.
the class GeodeticObjectParser method parseMetadataAndClose.
* Parses an <strong>optional</strong> metadata elements and close.
* This include elements like {@code "SCOPE"}, {@code "ID"} (WKT 2) or {@code "AUTHORITY"} (WKT 1).
* This WKT 1 element has the following pattern:
* {@preformat wkt
* AUTHORITY["<name>", "<code>"]
* }
* <div class="section">Fallback</div>
* The name is a mandatory property, but some invalid WKT with an empty string exist. In such case,
* we will use the name of the enclosed datum. Indeed, it is not uncommon to have the same name for
* a geographic CRS and its geodetic datum.
* @param parent the parent element.
* @param name the name of the parent object being parsed.
* @param fallback the fallback to use if {@code name} is empty.
* @return a properties map with the parent name and the optional authority code.
* @throws ParseException if an element can not be parsed.
private Map<String, Object> parseMetadataAndClose(final Element parent, final String name, final IdentifiedObject fallback) throws ParseException {
properties.put(IdentifiedObject.NAME_KEY, (name.isEmpty() && fallback != null) ? fallback.getName() : name);
Element element;
while ((element = parent.pullElement(OPTIONAL, ID_KEYWORDS)) != null) {
final String codeSpace = element.pullString("codeSpace");
// Accepts Integer as well as String.
final String code = element.pullObject("code").toString();
// Accepts Number as well as String.
final Object version = element.pullOptional(Object.class);
final Element citation = element.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.Citation);
final String authority;
if (citation != null) {
authority = citation.pullString("authority");
} else {
authority = codeSpace;
final Element uri = element.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.URI);
if (uri != null) {
// TODO: not yet stored, since often redundant with other informations.
* Note: we could be tempted to assign the authority to the name as well, like below:
* if (name instanceof String) {
* name = new NamedIdentifier(authority, (String) name);
* }
* properties.put(IdentifiedObject.NAME_KEY, name);
* However experience shows that it is often wrong in practice, because peoples often
* declare EPSG codes but still use WKT names much shorter than the EPSG names
* (for example "WGS84" for the datum instead than "World Geodetic System 1984"),
* so the name in WKT is often not compliant with the name actually defined by the authority.
final ImmutableIdentifier id = new ImmutableIdentifier(Citations.fromName(authority), codeSpace, code, (version != null) ? version.toString() : null, null);
final Object previous = properties.put(IdentifiedObject.IDENTIFIERS_KEY, id);
if (previous != null) {
Identifier[] identifiers;
if (previous instanceof Identifier) {
identifiers = new Identifier[] { (Identifier) previous, id };
} else {
identifiers = (Identifier[]) previous;
final int n = identifiers.length;
identifiers = Arrays.copyOf(identifiers, n + 1);
identifiers[n] = id;
properties.put(IdentifiedObject.IDENTIFIERS_KEY, identifiers);
// REMINDER: values associated to IDENTIFIERS_KEY shall be recognized by 'toIdentifier(Object)'.
* Other metadata (SCOPE, AREA, etc.). ISO 19162 said that at most one of each type shall be present,
* but our parser accepts an arbitrary amount of some kinds of metadata. They can be recognized by the
* 'while' loop.
* Most WKT do not contain any of those metadata, so we perform an 'isEmpty()' check as an optimization
* for those common cases.
if (!parent.isEmpty()) {
* Example: SCOPE["Large scale topographic mapping and cadastre."]
element = parent.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.Scope);
if (element != null) {
// Other types like Datum use the same key.
properties.put(ReferenceSystem.SCOPE_KEY, element.pullString("scope"));
* Example: AREA["Netherlands offshore."]
DefaultExtent extent = null;
while ((element = parent.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.Area)) != null) {
final String area = element.pullString("area");
if (extent == null) {
extent = new DefaultExtent(area, null, null, null);
} else {
extent.getGeographicElements().add(new DefaultGeographicDescription(area));
* Example: BBOX[51.43, 2.54, 55.77, 6.40]
while ((element = parent.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.BBox)) != null) {
final double southBoundLatitude = element.pullDouble("southBoundLatitude");
final double westBoundLongitude = element.pullDouble("westBoundLongitude");
final double northBoundLatitude = element.pullDouble("northBoundLatitude");
final double eastBoundLongitude = element.pullDouble("eastBoundLongitude");
if (extent == null)
extent = new DefaultExtent();
extent.getGeographicElements().add(new DefaultGeographicBoundingBox(westBoundLongitude, eastBoundLongitude, southBoundLatitude, northBoundLatitude));
* Example: VERTICALEXTENT[-1000, 0, LENGTHUNIT[“metre”, 1]]
* Units are optional, default to metres (no "contextual units" here).
while ((element = parent.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.VerticalExtent)) != null) {
final double minimum = element.pullDouble("minimum");
final double maximum = element.pullDouble("maximum");
Unit<Length> unit = parseScaledUnit(element, WKTKeywords.LengthUnit, Units.METRE);
if (unit == null)
unit = Units.METRE;
if (extent == null)
extent = new DefaultExtent();
verticalElements = new VerticalInfo(verticalElements, extent, minimum, maximum, unit).resolve(verticalCRS);
* Example: TIMEEXTENT[2013-01-01, 2013-12-31]
* TODO: syntax like TIMEEXTENT[“Jurassic”, “Quaternary”] is not yet supported.
* See
* This operation requires the the sis-temporal module. If not available,
* we will report a warning and leave the temporal extent missing.
while ((element = parent.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.TimeExtent)) != null) {
if (element.peekValue() instanceof String) {
warning(parent, element, Errors.formatInternational(Errors.Keys.UnsupportedType_1, "TimeExtent[String,String]"), null);
} else {
final Date startTime = element.pullDate("startTime");
final Date endTime = element.pullDate("endTime");
try {
final DefaultTemporalExtent t = new DefaultTemporalExtent();
t.setBounds(startTime, endTime);
if (extent == null)
extent = new DefaultExtent();
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
warning(parent, element, null, e);
if (extent != null) {
properties.put(ReferenceSystem.DOMAIN_OF_VALIDITY_KEY, extent);
* Example: REMARK["Замечание на русском языке"]
element = parent.pullElement(OPTIONAL, WKTKeywords.Remark);
if (element != null) {
properties.put(IdentifiedObject.REMARKS_KEY, element.pullString("remarks"));
return properties;
use of org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject in project sis by apache.
the class IdentifiedObjectFormat method format.
* Formats the given object.
public StringBuffer format(final Object obj, final StringBuffer toAppendTo, final FieldPosition pos) {
final ReferenceIdentifier identifier = ((IdentifiedObject) obj).getName();
if (identifier == null) {
return toAppendTo.append(Vocabulary.getResources(locale).getString(Vocabulary.Keys.Unnamed));
if (identifier instanceof GenericName) {
// The toString() behavior is specified by the GenericName javadoc.
return toAppendTo.append(((GenericName) identifier).toInternationalString().toString(locale));
final String code = identifier.getCode();
String cs = identifier.getCodeSpace();
if (cs == null || cs.isEmpty()) {
cs = Citations.getIdentifier(identifier.getAuthority(), true);
if (cs != null) {
return toAppendTo.append(code);
use of org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject in project sis by apache.
the class ReferencingFunctions method getGeographicArea.
* Returns the domain of validity as a geographic bounding box for an identified object.
* This method returns a 2×2 matrix:
* the first row contains the latitude and longitude of upper left corner,
* and the second row contains the latitude and longitude of bottom right corner.
* Units are degrees.
* @param codeOrPath the code allocated by an authority, or the path to a file.
* @return the object bounding box.
public double[][] getGeographicArea(final String codeOrPath) {
final CacheKey<GeographicBoundingBox> key = new CacheKey<>(GeographicBoundingBox.class, codeOrPath, null, null);
GeographicBoundingBox area = key.peek();
if (area == null) {
final Cache.Handler<GeographicBoundingBox> handler = key.lock();
try {
area = handler.peek();
if (area == null)
try {
final IdentifiedObject object = getIdentifiedObject(codeOrPath, null);
final Object domain = IdentifiedObjects.getProperties(object).get(ReferenceSystem.DOMAIN_OF_VALIDITY_KEY);
if (domain instanceof Extent) {
area = Extents.getGeographicBoundingBox((Extent) domain);
} catch (Exception exception) {
reportException("getGeographicArea", exception);
} finally {
if (area == null) {
return new double[][] {};
return new double[][] { new double[] { area.getNorthBoundLatitude(), area.getWestBoundLongitude() }, new double[] { area.getSouthBoundLatitude(), area.getEastBoundLongitude() } };