use of org.opengrok.indexer.analysis.StreamSource in project OpenGrok by OpenGrok.
the class LineBreakerTest method shouldSplitEndingLFsIntoOneMoreLine.
public void shouldSplitEndingLFsIntoOneMoreLine() throws IOException {
StreamSource src = StreamSource.fromString("abc\ndef\n");
assertEquals(3, brkr.count(), "split count");
assertEquals(0, brkr.getOffset(0), "split offset");
assertEquals(4, brkr.getOffset(1), "split offset");
assertEquals(8, brkr.getOffset(2), "split offset");
use of org.opengrok.indexer.analysis.StreamSource in project OpenGrok by OpenGrok.
the class LineBreakerTest method shouldHandleInterspersedLineEndings.
public void shouldHandleInterspersedLineEndings() throws IOException {
// 0 0
// 0- -- -5 - -- - 1 - - - -5 -- - -2--
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
// 1
final String INPUT = "a\rb\nc\r\nd\r\r\r\n\re\n\rf\r\nghij";
StreamSource src = StreamSource.fromString(INPUT);
assertEquals(11, brkr.count(), "split count");
assertEquals(0, brkr.getOffset(0), "split offset");
assertEquals(2, brkr.getOffset(1), "split offset");
assertEquals(4, brkr.getOffset(2), "split offset");
assertEquals(7, brkr.getOffset(3), "split offset");
assertEquals(9, brkr.getOffset(4), "split offset");
assertEquals(10, brkr.getOffset(5), "split offset");
assertEquals(12, brkr.getOffset(6), "split offset");
assertEquals(13, brkr.getOffset(7), "split offset");
assertEquals(15, brkr.getOffset(8), "split offset");
assertEquals(16, brkr.getOffset(9), "split offset");
assertEquals(19, brkr.getOffset(10), "split offset");
assertEquals(23, brkr.getOffset(11), "split offset");
use of org.opengrok.indexer.analysis.StreamSource in project OpenGrok by OpenGrok.
the class LineBreakerTest method shouldHandleDocsOfLongerLength.
public void shouldHandleDocsOfLongerLength() throws IOException {
// 0 0
// 0-- - 5-- - -1--- - 5--- - 2-
final String INPUT = "ab\r\ncde\r\nefgh\r\nijk\r\nlm";
StreamSource src = StreamSource.fromString(INPUT);
assertEquals(5, brkr.count(), "split count");
assertEquals(0, brkr.getOffset(0), "split offset");
assertEquals(4, brkr.getOffset(1), "split offset");
assertEquals(9, brkr.getOffset(2), "split offset");
assertEquals(15, brkr.getOffset(3), "split offset");
assertEquals(20, brkr.getOffset(4), "split offset");
assertEquals(3, brkr.findLineIndex(19), "split find-index");
assertEquals(4, brkr.findLineIndex(20), "split find-index");
assertEquals(4, brkr.findLineIndex(21), "split find-index");
use of org.opengrok.indexer.analysis.StreamSource in project OpenGrok by OpenGrok.
the class SourceSplitterTest method shouldHandleInterspersedLineEndings.
public void shouldHandleInterspersedLineEndings() throws IOException {
// 0 0
// 0- -- -5 - -- - 1 - - - -5 -- - -2--
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
// 1
final String INPUT = "a\rb\nc\r\nd\r\r\r\n\re\n\rf\r\nghij";
StreamSource src = StreamSource.fromString(INPUT);
SourceSplitter splitter = new SourceSplitter();
assertEquals(11, splitter.count(), "split count");
assertEquals(0, splitter.getOffset(0), "split offset");
assertEquals(2, splitter.getOffset(1), "split offset");
assertEquals(4, splitter.getOffset(2), "split offset");
assertEquals(7, splitter.getOffset(3), "split offset");
assertEquals(9, splitter.getOffset(4), "split offset");
assertEquals(10, splitter.getOffset(5), "split offset");
assertEquals(12, splitter.getOffset(6), "split offset");
assertEquals(13, splitter.getOffset(7), "split offset");
assertEquals(15, splitter.getOffset(8), "split offset");
assertEquals(16, splitter.getOffset(9), "split offset");
assertEquals(19, splitter.getOffset(10), "split offset");
assertEquals(23, splitter.getOffset(11), "split offset");
use of org.opengrok.indexer.analysis.StreamSource in project OpenGrok by OpenGrok.
the class StreamUtils method readTagsFromResource.
public static Definitions readTagsFromResource(String tagsResourceName, String rawResourceName, int tabSize) throws IOException {
InputStream res = StreamUtils.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(tagsResourceName);
assertNotNull(res, tagsResourceName + " as resource");
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(res, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
CtagsReader rdr = new CtagsReader();
if (rawResourceName != null) {
rdr.setSplitterSupplier(() -> {
* This should return truly raw content, as the CtagsReader will
* expand tabs according to its setting.
SourceSplitter splitter = new SourceSplitter();
StreamSource src = sourceFromEmbedded(rawResourceName);
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
return null;
return splitter;
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
return rdr.getDefinitions();