use of org.openkilda.messaging.command.yflow.YFlowRequest in project open-kilda by telstra.
the class RouterBolt method handleInput.
protected void handleInput(Tuple input) {
if (active) {
String key = input.getStringByField(FIELD_ID_KEY);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(key)) {
// TODO: the key must be unique, but the correlationId comes in from outside and we can't guarantee that.
// IMPORTANT: Storm may initiate reprocessing of the same tuple (e.g. in the case of timeout) and
// cause creating multiple FSMs for the same tuple. This must be avoided.
// As for now tuples are routed by the key field, and services can check FSM uniqueness.
key = getCommandContext().getCorrelationId();
CommandMessage message = (CommandMessage) input.getValueByField(FIELD_ID_PAYLOAD);
MessageData data = message.getData();
if (data instanceof FlowRequest) {
FlowRequest request = (FlowRequest) data;
log.debug("Received request {} with key {}", request, key);
Values values = new Values(key, request.getFlowId(), request);
switch(request.getType()) {
case CREATE:
emitWithContext(, input, values);
case UPDATE:
emitWithContext(, input, values);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(format("Flow operation %s is not supported", request.getType()));
} else if (data instanceof FlowRerouteRequest) {
FlowRerouteRequest rerouteRequest = (FlowRerouteRequest) data;
log.debug("Received a reroute request {}/{} with key {}. MessageId {}", rerouteRequest.getFlowId(), rerouteRequest.getAffectedIsl(), key, input.getMessageId());
Values values = new Values(key, rerouteRequest.getFlowId(), data);
emitWithContext(, input, values);
} else if (data instanceof FlowDeleteRequest) {
FlowDeleteRequest deleteRequest = (FlowDeleteRequest) data;
log.debug("Received a delete request {} with key {}. MessageId {}", deleteRequest.getFlowId(), key, input.getMessageId());
Values values = new Values(key, deleteRequest.getFlowId(), data);
emitWithContext(, input, values);
} else if (data instanceof FlowPathSwapRequest) {
FlowPathSwapRequest pathSwapRequest = (FlowPathSwapRequest) data;
log.debug("Received a path swap request {} with key {}. MessageId {}", pathSwapRequest.getFlowId(), key, input.getMessageId());
Values values = new Values(key, pathSwapRequest.getFlowId(), data);
emitWithContext(, input, values);
} else if (data instanceof SwapFlowEndpointRequest) {
log.debug("Received a swap flow endpoints request with key {}. MessageId {}", key, input.getMessageId());
emitWithContext(, input, new Values(key, data));
} else if (data instanceof CreateFlowLoopRequest) {
log.debug("Received a create flow loop request with key {}. MessageId {}", key, input.getMessageId());
CreateFlowLoopRequest request = (CreateFlowLoopRequest) data;
emitWithContext(, input, new Values(key, request.getFlowId(), data));
} else if (data instanceof DeleteFlowLoopRequest) {
log.debug("Received a delete flow loop request with key {}. MessageId {}", key, input.getMessageId());
DeleteFlowLoopRequest request = (DeleteFlowLoopRequest) data;
emitWithContext(, input, new Values(key, request.getFlowId(), data));
} else if (data instanceof FlowMirrorPointCreateRequest) {
log.debug("Received a flow mirror point create request with key {}. MessageId {}", key, input.getMessageId());
FlowMirrorPointCreateRequest request = (FlowMirrorPointCreateRequest) data;
emitWithContext(, input, new Values(key, request.getFlowId(), data));
} else if (data instanceof FlowMirrorPointDeleteRequest) {
log.debug("Received a flow mirror point delete request with key {}. MessageId {}", key, input.getMessageId());
FlowMirrorPointDeleteRequest request = (FlowMirrorPointDeleteRequest) data;
emitWithContext(, input, new Values(key, request.getFlowId(), data));
} else if (data instanceof FlowValidationRequest) {
log.debug("Received a flow validation request with key {}. MessageId {}", key, input.getMessageId());
FlowValidationRequest request = (FlowValidationRequest) data;
emitWithContext(, input, new Values(key, request.getFlowId(), data));
} else if (data instanceof YFlowRequest) {
YFlowRequest request = (YFlowRequest) data;
log.debug("Received request {} with key {}", request, key);
Values values = new Values(key, request.getYFlowId(), request);
switch(request.getType()) {
case CREATE:
emitWithContext(, input, values);
case UPDATE:
emitWithContext(, input, values);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(format("Y-flow operation %s is not supported", request.getType()));
} else if (data instanceof YFlowPartialUpdateRequest) {
YFlowPartialUpdateRequest request = (YFlowPartialUpdateRequest) data;
log.debug("Received a y-flow partial update request {} with key {}", request, key);
emitWithContext(, input, new Values(key, request.getYFlowId(), data));
} else if (data instanceof YFlowRerouteRequest) {
YFlowRerouteRequest request = (YFlowRerouteRequest) data;
log.debug("Received a y-flow reroute request {} with key {}", data, key);
emitWithContext(, input, new Values(key, request.getYFlowId(), data));
} else if (data instanceof YFlowDeleteRequest) {
YFlowDeleteRequest request = (YFlowDeleteRequest) data;
log.debug("Received a y-flow delete request {} with key {}", request, key);
emitWithContext(, input, new Values(key, request.getYFlowId(), data));
} else if (data instanceof YFlowsDumpRequest) {
log.debug("Received a y-flow dump request {} with key {}", data, key);
emitWithContext(, input, new Values(key, data));
} else if (data instanceof YFlowReadRequest) {
log.debug("Received a y-flow read request {} with key {}", data, key);
emitWithContext(, input, new Values(key, data));
} else if (data instanceof YFlowPathsReadRequest) {
log.debug("Received a y-flow read path request {} with key {}", data, key);
emitWithContext(, input, new Values(key, data));
} else if (data instanceof SubFlowsReadRequest) {
log.debug("Received a y-flow sub-flows request {} with key {}", data, key);
emitWithContext(, input, new Values(key, data));
} else if (data instanceof YFlowValidationRequest) {
YFlowValidationRequest request = (YFlowValidationRequest) data;
log.debug("Received a y-flow validation request {} with key {}", request, key);
emitWithContext(, input, new Values(key, request.getYFlowId(), data));
} else if (data instanceof YFlowSyncRequest) {
YFlowSyncRequest request = (YFlowSyncRequest) data;
log.debug("Received a y-flow synchronization request {} with key {}", request, key);
YFlowRerouteRequest rerouteRequest = new YFlowRerouteRequest(request.getYFlowId(), emptySet(), true, "initiated via synchronization request", false);
emitWithContext(, input, new Values(key, rerouteRequest.getYFlowId(), rerouteRequest));
} else {
use of org.openkilda.messaging.command.yflow.YFlowRequest in project open-kilda by telstra.
the class YFlowCreateHubBolt method onRequest.
protected void onRequest(Tuple input) throws PipelineException {
currentKey = pullKey(input);
YFlowRequest payload = pullValue(input, FIELD_ID_PAYLOAD, YFlowRequest.class);
try {
yFlowCreateService.handleRequest(currentKey, getCommandContext(), payload);
} catch (DuplicateKeyException e) {
log.error("Failed to handle a request with key {}. {}", currentKey, e.getMessage());
use of org.openkilda.messaging.command.yflow.YFlowRequest in project open-kilda by telstra.
the class YFlowUpdateHubBolt method onRequest.
protected void onRequest(Tuple input) throws PipelineException {
currentKey = pullKey(input);
CommandData payload = pullValue(input, FIELD_ID_PAYLOAD, CommandData.class);
try {
if (payload instanceof YFlowRequest) {
yflowUpdateService.handleRequest(currentKey, pullContext(input), (YFlowRequest) payload);
} else if (payload instanceof YFlowPartialUpdateRequest) {
yflowUpdateService.handlePartialUpdateRequest(currentKey, pullContext(input), (YFlowPartialUpdateRequest) payload);
} else {
} catch (DuplicateKeyException e) {
log.error("Failed to handle a request with key {}. {}", currentKey, e.getMessage());
} catch (FlowProcessingException e) {
ErrorData errorData = new ErrorData(e.getErrorType(), "Y-flow update error", e.getMessage());
CommandContext commandContext = getCommandContext();
ErrorMessage errorMessage = new ErrorMessage(errorData, commandContext.getCreateTime(), commandContext.getCorrelationId());
use of org.openkilda.messaging.command.yflow.YFlowRequest in project open-kilda by telstra.
the class YFlowRerouteServiceTest method shouldFailIfNoPathAvailableForSecondSubFlow.
public void shouldFailIfNoPathAvailableForSecondSubFlow() throws UnroutableFlowException, RecoverableException, DuplicateKeyException {
// given
YFlowRequest createYFlowRequest = createYFlow();
YFlowRerouteRequest request = new YFlowRerouteRequest(createYFlowRequest.getYFlowId(), "reason");
preparePathComputationForReroute("test_flow_1", buildFirstSubFlowPathPairWithNewTransit());
when(pathComputer.getPath(buildFlowIdArgumentMatch("test_flow_2"), any())).thenThrow(new UnroutableFlowException(injectedErrorMessage));
// when
processRerouteRequestAndSpeakerCommands(request, FlowStatus.IN_PROGRESS, FlowStatus.IN_PROGRESS, FlowStatus.UP);
verifyNorthboundErrorResponse(yFlowRerouteHubCarrier, ErrorType.NOT_FOUND);
verifyYFlowStatus(request.getYFlowId(), FlowStatus.DEGRADED, FlowStatus.UP, FlowStatus.DOWN);
verify(yFlowRerouteHubCarrier).sendYFlowRerouteResultStatus(eq(createYFlowRequest.getYFlowId()), eq(new RerouteError("Failed to reroute sub-flows [test_flow_2] of y-flow test_successful_yflow")), anyString());
use of org.openkilda.messaging.command.yflow.YFlowRequest in project open-kilda by telstra.
the class YFlowRerouteServiceTest method shouldRerouteFlowWithTransitSwitchesWithAffectedIsl.
public void shouldRerouteFlowWithTransitSwitchesWithAffectedIsl() throws UnroutableFlowException, RecoverableException, DuplicateKeyException {
// given
YFlowRequest createYFlowRequest = createYFlow();
YFlowRerouteRequest request = new YFlowRerouteRequest(createYFlowRequest.getYFlowId(), "reason");
request.setAffectedIsl(Collections.singleton(new IslEndpoint(SWITCH_TRANSIT, 25)));
preparePathComputationForReroute("test_flow_1", buildFirstSubFlowPathPairWithNewTransit());
preparePathComputationForReroute("test_flow_2", buildSecondSubFlowPathPairWithNewTransit());
// when
verifyNorthboundSuccessResponse(yFlowRerouteHubCarrier, YFlowRerouteResponse.class);
verifyYFlowStatus(request.getYFlowId(), FlowStatus.UP);
verify(yFlowRerouteHubCarrier).sendYFlowRerouteResultStatus(eq(createYFlowRequest.getYFlowId()), eq(null), anyString());