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Example 6 with Record

use of in project OpenMUC by isc-konstanz.

the class LogFileWriterTest method getGroup.

private static LogIntervalContainerGroup getGroup(long timeStamp, int i, boolean boolValue, byte byteValue, String testString) {
    LogIntervalContainerGroup group = new LogIntervalContainerGroup();
    LoggingRecord container1 = new LoggingRecord(ch01, new Record(new FloatValue(i * -7 - 0.555F), timeStamp));
    LoggingRecord container2 = new LoggingRecord(ch02, new Record(new DoubleValue(i * +7 - 0.555), timeStamp));
    LoggingRecord container3 = new LoggingRecord(ch03, new Record(new BooleanValue(boolValue), timeStamp));
    LoggingRecord container4 = new LoggingRecord(ch04, new Record(new ShortValue((short) i), timeStamp));
    LoggingRecord container5 = new LoggingRecord(ch05, new Record(new IntValue(i), timeStamp));
    LoggingRecord container6 = new LoggingRecord(ch06, new Record(new LongValue(i * 1000000), timeStamp));
    LoggingRecord container7 = new LoggingRecord(ch07, new Record(new ByteValue(byteValue), timeStamp));
    LoggingRecord container8 = new LoggingRecord(ch08, new Record(new StringValue(testString), timeStamp));
    LoggingRecord container9 = new LoggingRecord(ch09, new Record(new ByteArrayValue(testByteArray), timeStamp));
    return group;
Also used : ByteValue( ShortValue( DoubleValue( BooleanValue( LongValue( LogIntervalContainerGroup(org.openmuc.framework.datalogger.ascii.LogIntervalContainerGroup) Record( LoggingRecord(org.openmuc.framework.datalogger.spi.LoggingRecord) FloatValue( ByteArrayValue( StringValue( LoggingRecord(org.openmuc.framework.datalogger.spi.LoggingRecord) IntValue(

Example 7 with Record

use of in project OpenMUC by isc-konstanz.

the class LogFileWriterTest method tc301_check_file_fill_up_at_logging.

// @Test
// public void tc302_check_file_fill_up_at_logging_at_day_change() {
// // TODO:
// second_setup();
// System.out.println("### Begin test tc301_check_file_fill_up_at_logging_at_day_change");
// int valuesToWrite = 5;
// calendar.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, loggingInterval * valuesToWrite);
// LogIntervalContainerGroup group = getSecondGroup(calendar.getTimeInMillis(), 4);
// lfw.log(group, loggingInterval, loggingTimeOffset, calendar, logChannelList);
// LogChannelTestImpl ch1 = new LogChannelTestImpl(ch01, "dummy description", dummy, ValueType.FLOAT,
// loggingInterval, loggingTimeOffset);
// LogFileReader lfr = new LogFileReader(TestUtils.TESTFOLDERPATH, ch1);
// List<Record> recordList = lfr.getValues(calendar.getTimeInMillis() - loggingInterval * 5,
// calendar.getTimeInMillis());
// int receivedRecords = recordList.size();
// int numErrorFlags = 0;
// for (Record record : recordList) {
// if (record.getFlag().equals(Flag.DATA_LOGGING_NOT_ACTIVE)) {
// ++numErrorFlags;
// }
// }
// Boolean assertT;
// if (receivedRecords == valuesToWrite && numErrorFlags == valuesToWrite - 1) {
// assertT = true;
// }
// else {
// assertT = false;
// }
// System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName());
// System.out.println(" records = " + receivedRecords + " (" + valuesToWrite + " expected)");
// System.out
// .println(" records with error flag 32 = " + numErrorFlags + " (" + (valuesToWrite - 1) + " expected)");
// assertTrue(assertT);
// }
// private void second_setup() {
// System.out.println("### second_setup() LogFileWriterTest");
// TestSuite.createTestFolder();
// // 2 Kanaele im Stunden-Takt loggen von 12 Uhr bis 12 Uhr in den naechsten Tage hinein
// // --> Ergebnis muessten zwei Dateien sein die vom LogFileWriter erstellt wurden
// String filename1 = TestUtils.TESTFOLDERPATH + fileDate1 + "_" + loggingInterval + ext;
// String filename2 = TestUtils.TESTFOLDERPATH + fileDate2 + "_" + loggingInterval + ext;
// File file1 = new File(filename1);
// File file2 = new File(filename2);
// if (file1.exists()) {
// System.out.println("Delete File " + filename1);
// file1.delete();
// }
// if (file2.exists()) {
// System.out.println("Delete File " + filename2);
// file2.delete();
// }
// LogChannelTestImpl ch1 = new LogChannelTestImpl(ch01, "dummy description", dummy, ValueType.FLOAT,
// loggingInterval, loggingTimeOffset);
// logChannelList.put(ch01, ch1);
// long timeStamp = calendar.getTimeInMillis();
// // writes 24 records for 2 channels from 12 o'clock till 12 o'clock of the other day
// AsciiLogger.setLastLoggedLineTimeStamp(loggingInterval, loggingTimeOffset, 0); // Set to 0, for deleting
// // timestamp of previous test
// for (int i = 0; i < ((60 * 10) * (1000d / loggingInterval)); ++i) {
// LogFileWriter lfw = new LogFileWriter(TestUtils.TESTFOLDERPATH, true);
// LogIntervalContainerGroup group = getSecondGroup(timeStamp, i);
// lfw.log(group, loggingInterval, loggingTimeOffset, calendar, logChannelList);
// calendar.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, loggingInterval);
// }
// }
public void tc301_check_file_fill_up_at_logging() {
    System.out.println("### Begin test tc301_check_file_fill_up_at_logging");
    int valuesToWrite = 5;
    calendar.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, loggingInterval * valuesToWrite - 10);
    LogIntervalContainerGroup group = getGroup(calendar.getTimeInMillis(), 3, true, (byte) 0x11, "nope");
    lfw.log(group, loggingInterval, loggingTimeOffset, calendar, logChannelList);
    AsciiLogger.setLastLoggedLineTimeStamp(loggingInterval, loggingTimeOffset, calendar.getTimeInMillis());
    LogChannelTestImpl ch1 = new LogChannelTestImpl(ch01, "", "dummy description", dummy, ValueType.FLOAT, 0.0, 0.0, false, 1000, 0, "", loggingInterval, loggingTimeOffset, false, false);
    LogFileReader lfr = new LogFileReader(TestUtils.TESTFOLDERPATH, ch1);
    List<Record> recordList = lfr.getValues(calendar.getTimeInMillis() - loggingInterval * 5, calendar.getTimeInMillis()).get(ch01);
    int receivedRecords = recordList.size();
    int numErrorFlags = 0;
    for (Record record : recordList) {
        if (record.getFlag().equals(Flag.DATA_LOGGING_NOT_ACTIVE)) {
    Boolean assertT;
    if (receivedRecords == valuesToWrite && numErrorFlags == valuesToWrite - 1) {
        assertT = true;
    } else {
        assertT = false;
    System.out.println(" records = " + receivedRecords + " (" + valuesToWrite + " expected)");
    System.out.println(" records with error flag 32 = " + numErrorFlags + " (" + (valuesToWrite - 1) + " expected)");
Also used : LogFileReader(org.openmuc.framework.datalogger.ascii.LogFileReader) LogIntervalContainerGroup(org.openmuc.framework.datalogger.ascii.LogIntervalContainerGroup) Record( LoggingRecord(org.openmuc.framework.datalogger.spi.LoggingRecord) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 8 with Record

use of in project OpenMUC by isc-konstanz.

the class LoggerUtilsTest method tc_505_test_findLatestValue.

public void tc_505_test_findLatestValue() {
    Map<String, List<Record>> recordsMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
        List<Record> records = new LinkedList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            long timestamp = i;
            DoubleValue value = new DoubleValue(i + j);
            Record record = new Record(value, timestamp);
        recordsMap.put("channel" + j, records);
    Map<String, Record> latestValue = LoggerUtils.findLatestValue(recordsMap);
    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
        Double actual = latestValue.get("channel" + j).getValue().asDouble();
        Double expected = 19.0 + j;
        assertEquals(expected, actual);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) DoubleValue( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Record( LoggingRecord(org.openmuc.framework.datalogger.spi.LoggingRecord) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 9 with Record

use of in project OpenMUC by isc-konstanz.

the class LogFileReader method getRecordFromNonNumberValue.

 * Returns the record from a non number value read from the logfile. This is the case if the value is an error like
 * "e0" or a normal ByteArrayValue
 * @param strValue
 *            string value
 * @param timestamp
 *            time stamp
 * @return the value in a record.
private Record getRecordFromNonNumberValue(String strValue, long timestamp) {
    Record record = null;
    if (strValue.trim().startsWith(Const.ERROR)) {
        int errorSize = Const.ERROR.length();
        int stringLength = strValue.length();
        String errorFlag = strValue.substring(errorSize, errorSize + stringLength - errorSize);
        errorFlag = errorFlag.trim();
        if (isNumber(errorFlag)) {
            record = new Record(null, timestamp, Flag.newFlag(Integer.parseInt(errorFlag)));
        } else {
            record = new Record(null, timestamp, Flag.NO_VALUE_RECEIVED_YET);
    } else if (strValue.trim().startsWith(Const.HEXADECIMAL)) {
        record = new Record(new ByteArrayValue(strValue.trim().getBytes(Const.CHAR_SET)), timestamp, Flag.VALID);
    } else {
        record = new Record(new StringValue(strValue.trim()), timestamp, Flag.VALID);
    return record;
Also used : Record( ByteArrayValue( StringValue(

Example 10 with Record

use of in project OpenMUC by isc-konstanz.

the class AsciiLogger method getLatestLogRecord.

 * Get the latest logged Record for the given value. This is achieved by searching within a few times the
 * loggingInterval from the current time for any record and then selecting the one with the highest timestamp
 * @param channelId
 *            to be searched
 * @return latest Record
public Record getLatestLogRecord(String channelId) throws IOException {
    LogChannel logChannel = logChannelList.get(channelId);
    LogFileReader reader = null;
    if (logChannel == null) {
        throw new IOException("ChannelID (" + channelId + ") not available. It's not a logging Channel.");
    reader = new LogFileReader(loggerDirectory, logChannel);
    // attempt to find a record within the last day
    long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long startTime = endTime - MS_PER_DAY;
    Map<String, List<Record>> recordsMap = reader.getValues(startTime, endTime);
    Map<String, Record> latestRecordsMap = LoggerUtils.findLatestValue(recordsMap);
    Record record = latestRecordsMap.get(channelId);
    if (record != null) {
        return record;
    // Fallback: read all files and find the latest record within these
    List<File> files = LoggerUtils.getAllDataFiles(loggerDirectory);
    if (files == null) {
        return null;
    File file = LoggerUtils.getLatestFile(files);
    if (file == null) {
        return null;
    recordsMap = reader.getValues(file.getPath());
    latestRecordsMap = LoggerUtils.findLatestValue(recordsMap);
    record = latestRecordsMap.get(channelId);
    return record;
Also used : LogChannel(org.openmuc.framework.datalogger.spi.LogChannel) List(java.util.List) Record( LoggingRecord(org.openmuc.framework.datalogger.spi.LoggingRecord) IOException( RandomAccessFile( File(


Record ( DoubleValue ( LoggingRecord (org.openmuc.framework.datalogger.spi.LoggingRecord)34 Value ( ChannelRecordContainer (org.openmuc.framework.driver.spi.ChannelRecordContainer)24 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)21 StringValue ( BooleanValue ( ByteArrayValue ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 IntValue ( FloatValue ( LongValue ( ShortValue ( LogFileReader (org.openmuc.framework.datalogger.ascii.LogFileReader)12 ConnectionException (org.openmuc.framework.driver.spi.ConnectionException)12 ByteValue ( Flag ( IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)7