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Example 36 with Certificate

use of org.openmuc.jasn1.compiler.pkix1explicit88.Certificate in project xipki by xipki.

the class AbstractCaTest method test.

public void test() throws Exception {
    CaIdentifier caId = new CaIdentifier("http://localhost:" + port + "/scep/pkiclient.exe", null);
    CaCertValidator caCertValidator = new PreprovisionedCaCertValidator(ScepUtil.toX509Cert(scepServer.getCaCert()));
    ScepClient client = new ScepClient(caId, caCertValidator);
    CaCaps expCaCaps = getExpectedCaCaps();
    // CACaps
    CaCaps caCaps = client.getCaCaps();
    Assert.assertEquals("CACaps", expCaCaps, caCaps);
    // CA certificate
    Certificate expCaCert = scepServer.getCaCert();
    X509Certificate caCert = client.getAuthorityCertStore().getCaCert();
    if (!equals(expCaCert, caCert)) {"Configured and received CA certificate not the same");
    boolean withRa = isWithRa();
    // RA
    if (withRa) {
        Certificate expRaCert = scepServer.getRaCert();
        X509Certificate raSigCert = client.getAuthorityCertStore().getSignatureCert();
        X509Certificate raEncCert = client.getAuthorityCertStore().getEncryptionCert();
        Assert.assertEquals("RA certificate", raSigCert, raEncCert);
        if (!equals(expRaCert, raSigCert)) {
  "Configured and received RA certificate not the same");
    // getNextCA
    if (isWithNextCa()) {
        AuthorityCertStore nextCa = client.scepNextCaCert();
        Certificate expNextCaCert = scepServer.getNextCaCert();
        X509Certificate nextCaCert = nextCa.getCaCert();
        if (!equals(expNextCaCert, nextCaCert)) {
  "Configured and received next CA certificate not the same");
        if (withRa) {
            Certificate expNextRaCert = scepServer.getNextRaCert();
            X509Certificate nextRaSigCert = nextCa.getSignatureCert();
            X509Certificate nextRaEncCert = nextCa.getEncryptionCert();
            Assert.assertEquals("Next RA certificate", nextRaSigCert, nextRaEncCert);
            if (!equals(expNextRaCert, nextRaSigCert)) {
      "Configured and received next RA certificate not the same");
    // enroll
    CertificationRequest csr;
    X509Certificate selfSignedCert;
    X509Certificate enroledCert;
    X500Name issuerName = X500Name.getInstance(caCert.getSubjectX500Principal().getEncoded());
    PrivateKey privKey;
        KeyPairGenerator kpGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
        KeyPair keypair = kpGen.generateKeyPair();
        privKey = keypair.getPrivate();
        SubjectPublicKeyInfo subjectPublicKeyInfo = ScepUtil.createSubjectPublicKeyInfo(keypair.getPublic());
        X500Name subject = new X500Name("CN=EE1, OU=emulator,, C=DE");
        // first try without secret
        PKCS10CertificationRequest p10Req = ScepUtil.generateRequest(privKey, subjectPublicKeyInfo, subject, null, null);
        csr = p10Req.toASN1Structure();
        selfSignedCert = ScepUtil.generateSelfsignedCert(p10Req.toASN1Structure(), privKey);
        EnrolmentResponse enrolResp = client.scepPkcsReq(p10Req.toASN1Structure(), privKey, selfSignedCert);
        PkiStatus status = enrolResp.getPkcsRep().getPkiStatus();
        Assert.assertEquals("PkiStatus without secret", PkiStatus.FAILURE, status);
        // then try invalid secret
        p10Req = ScepUtil.generateRequest(privKey, subjectPublicKeyInfo, subject, "invalid-" + secret, null);
        csr = p10Req.toASN1Structure();
        selfSignedCert = ScepUtil.generateSelfsignedCert(p10Req.toASN1Structure(), privKey);
        enrolResp = client.scepPkcsReq(p10Req.toASN1Structure(), privKey, selfSignedCert);
        status = enrolResp.getPkcsRep().getPkiStatus();
        Assert.assertEquals("PkiStatus with invalid secret", PkiStatus.FAILURE, status);
        // try with valid secret
        p10Req = ScepUtil.generateRequest(privKey, subjectPublicKeyInfo, subject, secret, null);
        csr = p10Req.toASN1Structure();
        selfSignedCert = ScepUtil.generateSelfsignedCert(p10Req.toASN1Structure(), privKey);
        enrolResp = client.scepPkcsReq(p10Req.toASN1Structure(), privKey, selfSignedCert);
        List<X509Certificate> certs = enrolResp.getCertificates();
        Assert.assertTrue("number of received certificates", certs.size() > 0);
        X509Certificate cert = certs.get(0);
        Assert.assertNotNull("enroled certificate", cert);
        enroledCert = cert;
        // try :: self-signed certificate's subject different from the one of CSR
        p10Req = ScepUtil.generateRequest(privKey, subjectPublicKeyInfo, subject, secret, null);
        csr = p10Req.toASN1Structure();
        selfSignedCert = ScepUtil.generateSelfsignedCert(new X500Name("CN=dummy"), csr.getCertificationRequestInfo().getSubjectPublicKeyInfo(), privKey);
        enrolResp = client.scepPkcsReq(p10Req.toASN1Structure(), privKey, selfSignedCert);
        status = enrolResp.getPkcsRep().getPkiStatus();
        Assert.assertEquals("PkiStatus with invalid secret", PkiStatus.FAILURE, status);
    // certPoll
    EnrolmentResponse enrolResp = client.scepCertPoll(privKey, selfSignedCert, csr, issuerName);
    List<X509Certificate> certs = enrolResp.getCertificates();
    Assert.assertTrue("number of received certificates", certs.size() > 0);
    X509Certificate cert = certs.get(0);
    Assert.assertNotNull("enrolled certificate", cert);
    // getCert
    certs = client.scepGetCert(privKey, selfSignedCert, issuerName, enroledCert.getSerialNumber());
    Assert.assertTrue("number of received certificates", certs.size() > 0);
    cert = certs.get(0);
    Assert.assertNotNull("received certificate", cert);
    // getCRL
    X509CRL crl = client.scepGetCrl(privKey, enroledCert, issuerName, enroledCert.getSerialNumber());
    Assert.assertNotNull("received CRL", crl);
    // getNextCA
    AuthorityCertStore nextCa = client.scepNextCaCert();
    Assert.assertNotNull("nextCa", nextCa);
Also used : PKCS10CertificationRequest(org.bouncycastle.pkcs.PKCS10CertificationRequest) PkiStatus(org.xipki.scep.transaction.PkiStatus) KeyPair( PrivateKey( X509CRL( CaIdentifier(org.xipki.scep.client.CaIdentifier) ScepClient(org.xipki.scep.client.ScepClient) X500Name(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500Name) KeyPairGenerator( SubjectPublicKeyInfo(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.SubjectPublicKeyInfo) X509Certificate( CaCertValidator(org.xipki.scep.client.CaCertValidator) PreprovisionedCaCertValidator(org.xipki.scep.client.PreprovisionedCaCertValidator) CaCaps(org.xipki.scep.message.CaCaps) PreprovisionedCaCertValidator(org.xipki.scep.client.PreprovisionedCaCertValidator) EnrolmentResponse(org.xipki.scep.client.EnrolmentResponse) AuthorityCertStore(org.xipki.scep.message.AuthorityCertStore) List(java.util.List) PKCS10CertificationRequest(org.bouncycastle.pkcs.PKCS10CertificationRequest) CertificationRequest(org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.CertificationRequest) X509Certificate( Certificate(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Certificate) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 37 with Certificate

use of org.openmuc.jasn1.compiler.pkix1explicit88.Certificate in project xipki by xipki.

the class ScepResponder method servicePkiOperation.

public ContentInfo servicePkiOperation(CMSSignedData requestContent, AuditEvent event) throws MessageDecodingException, CaException {
    ScepUtil.requireNonNull("requestContent", requestContent);
    PrivateKey recipientKey = (raEmulator != null) ? raEmulator.getRaKey() : caEmulator.getCaKey();
    Certificate recipientCert = (raEmulator != null) ? raEmulator.getRaCert() : caEmulator.getCaCert();
    X509Certificate recipientX509Obj;
    try {
        recipientX509Obj = ScepUtil.toX509Cert(recipientCert);
    } catch (CertificateException ex) {
        throw new MessageDecodingException("could not parse recipientCert " + recipientCert.getTBSCertificate().getSubject());
    EnvelopedDataDecryptorInstance decInstance = new EnvelopedDataDecryptorInstance(recipientX509Obj, recipientKey);
    EnvelopedDataDecryptor recipient = new EnvelopedDataDecryptor(decInstance);
    DecodedPkiMessage req = DecodedPkiMessage.decode(requestContent, recipient, null);
    PkiMessage rep = servicePkiOperation0(req, event);
    event.putEventData(ScepAuditConstants.NAME_pkiStatus, rep.getPkiStatus());
    if (rep.getPkiStatus() == PkiStatus.FAILURE) {
    if (rep.getFailInfo() != null) {
        event.putEventData(ScepAuditConstants.NAME_failInfo, rep.getFailInfo());
    String signatureAlgorithm = ScepUtil.getSignatureAlgorithm(getSigningKey(), ScepHashAlgo.forNameOrOid(req.getDigestAlgorithm().getId()));
    try {
        X509Certificate jceSignerCert = ScepUtil.toX509Cert(getSigningCert());
        X509Certificate[] certs = control.isSendSignerCert() ? new X509Certificate[] { jceSignerCert } : null;
        return rep.encode(getSigningKey(), signatureAlgorithm, jceSignerCert, certs, req.getSignatureCert(), req.getContentEncryptionAlgorithm());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new CaException(ex);
Also used : EnvelopedDataDecryptor(org.xipki.scep.message.EnvelopedDataDecryptor) PrivateKey( CertificateException( ASN1String(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1String) X509Certificate( CMSException(org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSException) MessageDecodingException(org.xipki.scep.exception.MessageDecodingException) CertificateException( MessageDecodingException(org.xipki.scep.exception.MessageDecodingException) EnvelopedDataDecryptorInstance(org.xipki.scep.message.EnvelopedDataDecryptorInstance) DecodedPkiMessage(org.xipki.scep.message.DecodedPkiMessage) PkiMessage(org.xipki.scep.message.PkiMessage) DecodedPkiMessage(org.xipki.scep.message.DecodedPkiMessage) X509Certificate( Certificate(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Certificate)

Example 38 with Certificate

use of org.openmuc.jasn1.compiler.pkix1explicit88.Certificate in project jasn1 by openmuc.

the class OtherSignedNotification method decode.

public int decode(InputStream is, boolean withTag) throws IOException {
    int codeLength = 0;
    int subCodeLength = 0;
    BerTag berTag = new BerTag();
    if (withTag) {
        codeLength += tag.decodeAndCheck(is);
    BerLength length = new BerLength();
    codeLength += length.decode(is);
    int totalLength = length.val;
    if (totalLength == -1) {
        subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        if (berTag.tagNumber == 0 && berTag.tagClass == 0 && berTag.primitive == 0) {
            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte != 0) {
                if (nextByte == -1) {
                    throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
                throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
            codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
            return codeLength;
        if (berTag.equals(NotificationMetadata.tag)) {
            tbsOtherNotification = new NotificationMetadata();
            subCodeLength += tbsOtherNotification.decode(is, false);
            subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        if (berTag.tagNumber == 0 && berTag.tagClass == 0 && berTag.primitive == 0) {
            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte != 0) {
                if (nextByte == -1) {
                    throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
                throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
            codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
            return codeLength;
        if (berTag.equals(BerTag.APPLICATION_CLASS, BerTag.PRIMITIVE, 55)) {
            euiccNotificationSignature = new BerOctetString();
            subCodeLength += euiccNotificationSignature.decode(is, false);
            subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        if (berTag.tagNumber == 0 && berTag.tagClass == 0 && berTag.primitive == 0) {
            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte != 0) {
                if (nextByte == -1) {
                    throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
                throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
            codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
            return codeLength;
        if (berTag.equals(Certificate.tag)) {
            euiccCertificate = new Certificate();
            subCodeLength += euiccCertificate.decode(is, false);
            subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        if (berTag.tagNumber == 0 && berTag.tagClass == 0 && berTag.primitive == 0) {
            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte != 0) {
                if (nextByte == -1) {
                    throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
                throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
            codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
            return codeLength;
        if (berTag.equals(Certificate.tag)) {
            eumCertificate = new Certificate();
            subCodeLength += eumCertificate.decode(is, false);
            subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        int nextByte =;
        if (berTag.tagNumber != 0 || berTag.tagClass != 0 || berTag.primitive != 0 || nextByte != 0) {
            if (nextByte == -1) {
                throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
            throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
        codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
        return codeLength;
    codeLength += totalLength;
    subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
    if (berTag.equals(NotificationMetadata.tag)) {
        tbsOtherNotification = new NotificationMetadata();
        subCodeLength += tbsOtherNotification.decode(is, false);
        subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Tag does not match the mandatory sequence element tag.");
    if (berTag.equals(BerTag.APPLICATION_CLASS, BerTag.PRIMITIVE, 55)) {
        euiccNotificationSignature = new BerOctetString();
        subCodeLength += euiccNotificationSignature.decode(is, false);
        subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Tag does not match the mandatory sequence element tag.");
    if (berTag.equals(Certificate.tag)) {
        euiccCertificate = new Certificate();
        subCodeLength += euiccCertificate.decode(is, false);
        subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Tag does not match the mandatory sequence element tag.");
    if (berTag.equals(Certificate.tag)) {
        eumCertificate = new Certificate();
        subCodeLength += eumCertificate.decode(is, false);
        if (subCodeLength == totalLength) {
            return codeLength;
    throw new IOException("Unexpected end of sequence, length tag: " + totalLength + ", actual sequence length: " + subCodeLength);
Also used : EOFException( IOException( Certificate(org.openmuc.jasn1.compiler.pkix1explicit88.Certificate)

Example 39 with Certificate

use of org.openmuc.jasn1.compiler.pkix1explicit88.Certificate in project jasn1 by openmuc.

the class PrepareDownloadRequest method decode.

public int decode(InputStream is, boolean withTag) throws IOException {
    int codeLength = 0;
    int subCodeLength = 0;
    BerTag berTag = new BerTag();
    if (withTag) {
        codeLength += tag.decodeAndCheck(is);
    BerLength length = new BerLength();
    codeLength += length.decode(is);
    int totalLength = length.val;
    if (totalLength == -1) {
        subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        if (berTag.tagNumber == 0 && berTag.tagClass == 0 && berTag.primitive == 0) {
            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte != 0) {
                if (nextByte == -1) {
                    throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
                throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
            codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
            return codeLength;
        if (berTag.equals(SmdpSigned2.tag)) {
            smdpSigned2 = new SmdpSigned2();
            subCodeLength += smdpSigned2.decode(is, false);
            subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        if (berTag.tagNumber == 0 && berTag.tagClass == 0 && berTag.primitive == 0) {
            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte != 0) {
                if (nextByte == -1) {
                    throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
                throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
            codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
            return codeLength;
        if (berTag.equals(BerTag.APPLICATION_CLASS, BerTag.PRIMITIVE, 55)) {
            smdpSignature2 = new BerOctetString();
            subCodeLength += smdpSignature2.decode(is, false);
            subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        if (berTag.tagNumber == 0 && berTag.tagClass == 0 && berTag.primitive == 0) {
            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte != 0) {
                if (nextByte == -1) {
                    throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
                throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
            codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
            return codeLength;
        if (berTag.equals(Octet32.tag)) {
            hashCc = new Octet32();
            subCodeLength += hashCc.decode(is, false);
            subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        if (berTag.tagNumber == 0 && berTag.tagClass == 0 && berTag.primitive == 0) {
            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte != 0) {
                if (nextByte == -1) {
                    throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
                throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
            codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
            return codeLength;
        if (berTag.equals(Certificate.tag)) {
            smdpCertificate = new Certificate();
            subCodeLength += smdpCertificate.decode(is, false);
            subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        int nextByte =;
        if (berTag.tagNumber != 0 || berTag.tagClass != 0 || berTag.primitive != 0 || nextByte != 0) {
            if (nextByte == -1) {
                throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
            throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
        codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
        return codeLength;
    codeLength += totalLength;
    subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
    if (berTag.equals(SmdpSigned2.tag)) {
        smdpSigned2 = new SmdpSigned2();
        subCodeLength += smdpSigned2.decode(is, false);
        subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Tag does not match the mandatory sequence element tag.");
    if (berTag.equals(BerTag.APPLICATION_CLASS, BerTag.PRIMITIVE, 55)) {
        smdpSignature2 = new BerOctetString();
        subCodeLength += smdpSignature2.decode(is, false);
        subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Tag does not match the mandatory sequence element tag.");
    if (berTag.equals(Octet32.tag)) {
        hashCc = new Octet32();
        subCodeLength += hashCc.decode(is, false);
        subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
    if (berTag.equals(Certificate.tag)) {
        smdpCertificate = new Certificate();
        subCodeLength += smdpCertificate.decode(is, false);
        if (subCodeLength == totalLength) {
            return codeLength;
    throw new IOException("Unexpected end of sequence, length tag: " + totalLength + ", actual sequence length: " + subCodeLength);
Also used : EOFException( IOException( Certificate(org.openmuc.jasn1.compiler.pkix1explicit88.Certificate)

Example 40 with Certificate

use of org.openmuc.jasn1.compiler.pkix1explicit88.Certificate in project jasn1 by openmuc.

the class InitiateAuthenticationOkEs9 method decode.

public int decode(InputStream is, boolean withTag) throws IOException {
    int codeLength = 0;
    int subCodeLength = 0;
    BerTag berTag = new BerTag();
    if (withTag) {
        codeLength += tag.decodeAndCheck(is);
    BerLength length = new BerLength();
    codeLength += length.decode(is);
    int totalLength = length.val;
    if (totalLength == -1) {
        subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        if (berTag.tagNumber == 0 && berTag.tagClass == 0 && berTag.primitive == 0) {
            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte != 0) {
                if (nextByte == -1) {
                    throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
                throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
            codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
            return codeLength;
        if (berTag.equals(BerTag.CONTEXT_CLASS, BerTag.PRIMITIVE, 0)) {
            transactionId = new TransactionId();
            subCodeLength += transactionId.decode(is, false);
            subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        if (berTag.tagNumber == 0 && berTag.tagClass == 0 && berTag.primitive == 0) {
            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte != 0) {
                if (nextByte == -1) {
                    throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
                throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
            codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
            return codeLength;
        if (berTag.equals(ServerSigned1.tag)) {
            serverSigned1 = new ServerSigned1();
            subCodeLength += serverSigned1.decode(is, false);
            subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        if (berTag.tagNumber == 0 && berTag.tagClass == 0 && berTag.primitive == 0) {
            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte != 0) {
                if (nextByte == -1) {
                    throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
                throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
            codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
            return codeLength;
        if (berTag.equals(BerTag.APPLICATION_CLASS, BerTag.PRIMITIVE, 55)) {
            serverSignature1 = new BerOctetString();
            subCodeLength += serverSignature1.decode(is, false);
            subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        if (berTag.tagNumber == 0 && berTag.tagClass == 0 && berTag.primitive == 0) {
            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte != 0) {
                if (nextByte == -1) {
                    throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
                throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
            codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
            return codeLength;
        if (berTag.equals(SubjectKeyIdentifier.tag)) {
            euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed = new SubjectKeyIdentifier();
            subCodeLength += euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed.decode(is, false);
            subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        if (berTag.tagNumber == 0 && berTag.tagClass == 0 && berTag.primitive == 0) {
            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte != 0) {
                if (nextByte == -1) {
                    throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
                throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
            codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
            return codeLength;
        if (berTag.equals(Certificate.tag)) {
            serverCertificate = new Certificate();
            subCodeLength += serverCertificate.decode(is, false);
            subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        int nextByte =;
        if (berTag.tagNumber != 0 || berTag.tagClass != 0 || berTag.primitive != 0 || nextByte != 0) {
            if (nextByte == -1) {
                throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
            throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
        codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
        return codeLength;
    codeLength += totalLength;
    subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
    if (berTag.equals(BerTag.CONTEXT_CLASS, BerTag.PRIMITIVE, 0)) {
        transactionId = new TransactionId();
        subCodeLength += transactionId.decode(is, false);
        subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Tag does not match the mandatory sequence element tag.");
    if (berTag.equals(ServerSigned1.tag)) {
        serverSigned1 = new ServerSigned1();
        subCodeLength += serverSigned1.decode(is, false);
        subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Tag does not match the mandatory sequence element tag.");
    if (berTag.equals(BerTag.APPLICATION_CLASS, BerTag.PRIMITIVE, 55)) {
        serverSignature1 = new BerOctetString();
        subCodeLength += serverSignature1.decode(is, false);
        subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Tag does not match the mandatory sequence element tag.");
    if (berTag.equals(SubjectKeyIdentifier.tag)) {
        euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed = new SubjectKeyIdentifier();
        subCodeLength += euiccCiPKIdToBeUsed.decode(is, false);
        subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Tag does not match the mandatory sequence element tag.");
    if (berTag.equals(Certificate.tag)) {
        serverCertificate = new Certificate();
        subCodeLength += serverCertificate.decode(is, false);
        if (subCodeLength == totalLength) {
            return codeLength;
    throw new IOException("Unexpected end of sequence, length tag: " + totalLength + ", actual sequence length: " + subCodeLength);
Also used : EOFException( IOException( SubjectKeyIdentifier(org.openmuc.jasn1.compiler.pkix1implicit88.SubjectKeyIdentifier) Certificate(org.openmuc.jasn1.compiler.pkix1explicit88.Certificate)


Certificate (org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Certificate)31 X509Certificate ( IOException ( CertificateException ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)9 Date (java.util.Date)9 File ( ASN1Encodable (org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable)7 ASN1Sequence (org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence)7 X500Name (org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500Name)7 SubjectPublicKeyInfo (org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.SubjectPublicKeyInfo)6 TBSCertificate (org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.TBSCertificate)6 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)5 DEROctetString (org.bouncycastle.asn1.DEROctetString)5 X509v3CertificateBuilder (org.bouncycastle.cert.X509v3CertificateBuilder)5 NoIdleSignerException ( EOFException ( X509CRL ( ContentSigner (org.bouncycastle.operator.ContentSigner)4 OperatorCreationException (org.bouncycastle.operator.OperatorCreationException)4