use of org.opennms.core.utils.TimeoutTracker in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class AsteriskSIPPeerMonitor method poll.
* {@inheritDoc}
* <P>
* Run the service monitor and return the poll status
* </P>
public PollStatus poll(MonitoredService svc, Map<String, Object> parameters) {
//read configuration parameters
String sipPeer = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(parameters, "sip-peer", DEFAULT_SIPPEER);
if (sipPeer.equals(DEFAULT_SIPPEER)) {
LOG.error("AsteriskMonitor: No sip-peer parameter in poller configuration");
throw new RuntimeException("AsteriskMonitor: required parameter 'sip-peer' is not present in supplied properties.");
TimeoutTracker timeoutTracker = new TimeoutTracker(parameters, DEFAULT_RETRY, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
AmiPeerFactory amiPeerFactory = AmiPeerFactory.getInstance();
AmiAgentConfig amiConfig = amiPeerFactory.getAgentConfig(svc.getAddress());
//setting up AMI connection
LOG.debug("{}: Creating new AMI-Connection: {}:{}, {}/{}", svc.getSvcName(), svc.getIpAddr(), amiConfig.getPort(), amiConfig.getUsername(), amiConfig.getPassword());
ManagerConnectionFactory factory = new ManagerConnectionFactory(svc.getIpAddr(), amiConfig.getPort().orElse(null), amiConfig.getUsername().orElse(null), amiConfig.getPassword().orElse(null));
ManagerConnection managerConnection;
if (amiConfig.getUseTls().orElse(false)) {
managerConnection = factory.createSecureManagerConnection();
} else {
managerConnection = factory.createManagerConnection();
managerConnection.setSocketTimeout(new Long(timeoutTracker.getTimeoutInMillis()).intValue());
//start with polling
while (timeoutTracker.shouldRetry()) {
LOG.debug("{}: Attempt {}", svc.getSvcName(), timeoutTracker.getAttempt());
try {
LOG.debug("{}: AMI login", svc.getSvcName());
LOG.debug("{}: AMI sendAction SipShowPeer", svc.getSvcName());
ManagerResponse response = managerConnection.sendAction(new SipShowPeerAction(sipPeer));
if (response.getAttribute("Status") == null) {
LOG.debug("{}: service status down", svc.getSvcName());
return PollStatus.decode("Down", "State of SIP Peer is unknown, because it was not found on the Asterisk server");
LOG.debug("{}: Response: {}", svc.getSvcName(), response.getAttribute("Status"));
LOG.debug("{}: AMI logoff", svc.getSvcName());
if (response.getAttribute("Status").startsWith("OK")) {
LOG.debug("{}: service status up", svc.getSvcName());
return PollStatus.decode("Up", "OK");
} else {
LOG.debug("{}: service status down", svc.getSvcName());
return PollStatus.decode("Down", "State of SIP Peer is " + response.getAttribute("Status") + " and not OK");
} catch (AuthenticationFailedException e) {
LOG.debug("{}: AMI AuthenticationError.", svc.getSvcName(), e);
return PollStatus.decode("Down", "Could not get the state of SIP Peer: AMI AuthenticationError");
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
LOG.debug("{}: TimeOut reached.", svc.getSvcName(), e);
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
LOG.debug("{}: TimeOut reached.", svc.getSvcName(), e);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("{}: An Unknown Exception Occurred.", svc.getSvcName(), e);
return PollStatus.decode("Down", "Could not get the state of SIP Peer: " + e.toString());
//If none of the retries worked
return PollStatus.decode("Down", "Could not get the state of SIP Peer: Timeout exceeded");
use of org.opennms.core.utils.TimeoutTracker in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class JCifsMonitor method poll.
* This method queries the CIFS share.
* @param svc the monitored service
* @param parameters the parameter map
* @return the poll status for this system
public PollStatus poll(MonitoredService svc, Map<String, Object> parameters) {
final String domain = parameters.containsKey("domain") ? (String) parameters.get("domain") : "";
final String username = parameters.containsKey("username") ? (String) parameters.get("username") : "";
final String password = parameters.containsKey("password") ? (String) parameters.get("password") : "";
String mode = parameters.containsKey("mode") ? ((String) parameters.get("mode")).toUpperCase() : "PATH_EXIST";
String path = parameters.containsKey("path") ? (String) parameters.get("path") : "";
String smbHost = parameters.containsKey("smbHost") ? (String) parameters.get("smbHost") : "";
final String folderIgnoreFiles = parameters.containsKey("folderIgnoreFiles") ? (String) parameters.get("folderIgnoreFiles") : "";
// changing to Ip address of MonitoredService if no smbHost is given
if ("".equals(smbHost)) {
smbHost = svc.getIpAddr();
// Filename filter to give user the possibility to ignore specific files in folder for the folder check.
SmbFilenameFilter smbFilenameFilter = new SmbFilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(SmbFile smbFile, String s) throws SmbException {
return !s.matches(folderIgnoreFiles);
// Initialize mode with default as PATH_EXIST
Mode enumMode = Mode.PATH_EXIST;
try {
enumMode = Mode.valueOf(mode);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
logger.error("Mode '{}‘ does not exists. Valid candidates are {}", mode, modeCandidates);
return PollStatus.unknown("Mode " + mode + " does not exists. Valid candidates are " + modeCandidates);
// Checking path parameter
if (!path.startsWith("/")) {
path = "/" + path;
logger.debug("Added leading / to path.");
// Build authentication string for NtlmPasswordAuthentication: syntax: domain;username:password
String authString = "";
// Setting up authenticationString...
if (domain != null && !"".equals(domain)) {
authString += domain + ";";
authString += username + ":" + password;
// ... and path
String fullUrl = "smb://" + smbHost + path;
logger.debug("Domain: [{}], Username: [{}], Password: [{}], Mode: [{}], Path: [{}], Authentication: [{}], Full Url: [{}]", new Object[] { domain, username, password, mode, path, authString, fullUrl });
// Initializing TimeoutTracker with default values
TimeoutTracker tracker = new TimeoutTracker(parameters, DEFAULT_RETRY, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
// Setting default PollStatus
PollStatus serviceStatus = PollStatus.unknown();
for (tracker.reset(); tracker.shouldRetry() && !serviceStatus.isAvailable(); tracker.nextAttempt()) {
NtlmPasswordAuthentication ntlmPasswordAuthentication = new NtlmPasswordAuthentication(authString);
try {
// Creating SmbFile object
SmbFile smbFile = new SmbFile(fullUrl, ntlmPasswordAuthentication);
// Setting the defined timeout
// Does the file exists?
boolean smbFileExists = smbFile.exists();
switch(enumMode) {
if (smbFileExists) {
serviceStatus = PollStatus.up();
} else {
serviceStatus = PollStatus.down("File " + fullUrl + " should exists but doesn't!");
if (!smbFileExists) {
serviceStatus = PollStatus.up();
} else {
serviceStatus = PollStatus.down("File " + fullUrl + " should not exists but does!");
if (smbFileExists) {
if (smbFile.list(smbFilenameFilter).length == 0) {
serviceStatus = PollStatus.up();
} else {
serviceStatus = PollStatus.down("Directory " + fullUrl + " should be empty but isn't!");
} else {
serviceStatus = PollStatus.down("Directory " + fullUrl + " should exists but doesn't!");
if (smbFileExists) {
if (smbFile.list(smbFilenameFilter).length > 0) {
serviceStatus = PollStatus.up();
} else {
serviceStatus = PollStatus.down("Directory " + fullUrl + " should not be empty but is!");
} else {
serviceStatus = PollStatus.down("Directory " + fullUrl + " should exists but doesn't!");
logger.warn("There is no implementation for the specified mode '{}'", mode);
} catch (MalformedURLException exception) {
logger.error("Malformed URL on '{}' with error: '{}'", smbHost, exception.getMessage());
serviceStatus = PollStatus.down(exception.getMessage());
} catch (SmbException exception) {
logger.error("SMB error on '{}' with error: '{}'", smbHost, exception.getMessage());
serviceStatus = PollStatus.down(exception.getMessage());
return serviceStatus;
use of org.opennms.core.utils.TimeoutTracker in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class SshClient method connect.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void connect(final InetAddress address, final int port, final int timeout) throws Exception {
Map<String, ?> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap();
TimeoutTracker tracker = new TimeoutTracker(emptyMap, SshClient.DEFAULT_RETRY, timeout);
String banner = m_banner;
String match = m_match;
String clientBanner = m_clientBanner;
PollStatus ps = PollStatus.unavailable();
Ssh ssh = new Ssh(address, port, tracker.getConnectionTimeout());
Pattern regex = null;
if (match == null && (banner == null || banner.equals("*"))) {
regex = null;
} else if (match != null) {
regex = Pattern.compile(match);
} else if (banner != null) {
regex = Pattern.compile(banner);
for (tracker.reset(); tracker.shouldRetry() && !ps.isAvailable(); tracker.nextAttempt()) {
try {
ps = ssh.poll(tracker);
} catch (InsufficientParametersException e) {
LOG.error("Caught InsufficientParametersException: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
if (regex != null && ps.isAvailable()) {
String response = ssh.getServerBanner();
if (response == null) {
ps = PollStatus.unavailable("server closed connection before banner was recieved.");
if (!regex.matcher(response).find()) {
// Got a response but it didn't match... no need to attempt
// retries
LOG.debug("isServer: NON-matching response='{}'", response);
ps = PollStatus.unavailable("server responded, but banner did not match '" + banner + "'");
} else {
LOG.debug("isServer: matching response='{}'", response);
PollStatus result = ps;
m_isAvailable = result.isAvailable();
use of org.opennms.core.utils.TimeoutTracker in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class AbstractPoll method poll.
* <p>poll</p>
* @return a {@link org.opennms.netmgt.poller.PollStatus} object.
* @throws if any.
public PollStatus poll() throws InsufficientParametersException {
Map<String, ?> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap();
TimeoutTracker tracker = new TimeoutTracker(emptyMap, 1, getTimeout());
return poll(tracker);
use of org.opennms.core.utils.TimeoutTracker in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class WmiMonitor method poll.
* {@inheritDoc}
* Poll the specified address for service availability. During the poll an
* attempt is made to connect the WMI agent on the specified host. If the
* connection request is successful, the parameters are parsed and turned
* into <code>WmiParams</code> and a check is performed against the
* remote WMI service. If the <code>WmiManager</code> responds
* with a <code>WmiResult</code> containing a result code of
* <code>WmiResult.RES_STATE_OK</code> then we have determined that
* we are talking to a valid service and we set the service status to
public PollStatus poll(final MonitoredService svc, final Map<String, Object> parameters) {
// Holds the response reason.
String reason = null;
// Used to exit the retry loop early, if possible.
int serviceStatus = PollStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE;
// This will hold the data the server sends back.
WmiResult response = null;
// Used to track how long the request took.
Double responseTime = null;
final InetAddress ipAddr = svc.getAddress();
final WmiAgentConfig agentConfig = WmiPeerFactory.getInstance().getAgentConfig(ipAddr);
String matchType = DEFAULT_WMI_MATCH_TYPE;
String compVal = DEFAULT_WMI_COMP_VAL;
String compOp = DEFAULT_WMI_COMP_OP;
String wmiClass = DEFAULT_WMI_CLASS;
String wmiObject = DEFAULT_WMI_OBJECT;
String wmiWqlStr = DEFAULT_WMI_WQL;
String wmiNamespace = DEFAULT_WMI_NAMESPACE;
if (parameters != null) {
if (parameters.get("timeout") != null) {
int timeout = ParameterMap.getKeyedInteger(parameters, "timeout", agentConfig.getTimeout());
if (parameters.get("retry") != null) {
int retries = ParameterMap.getKeyedInteger(parameters, "retry", agentConfig.getRetries());
if (parameters.get("username") != null) {
String user = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(parameters, "username", agentConfig.getUsername());
if (parameters.get("password") != null) {
String pass = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(parameters, "password", agentConfig.getPassword());
if (parameters.get("domain") != null) {
String domain = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(parameters, "domain", agentConfig.getDomain());
if (parameters.get("namespace") != null) {
wmiNamespace = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(parameters, "wmiNamespace", ParameterMap.getKeyedString(parameters, "namespace", DEFAULT_WMI_NAMESPACE));
matchType = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(parameters, "matchType", DEFAULT_WMI_MATCH_TYPE);
compVal = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(parameters, "compareValue", DEFAULT_WMI_COMP_VAL);
compOp = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(parameters, "compareOp", DEFAULT_WMI_COMP_OP);
wmiWqlStr = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(parameters, "wql", DEFAULT_WMI_WQL);
wmiClass = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(parameters, "wmiClass", DEFAULT_WMI_CLASS);
wmiObject = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(parameters, "wmiObject", DEFAULT_WMI_OBJECT);
final TimeoutTracker tracker = new TimeoutTracker(parameters, agentConfig.getRetries(), agentConfig.getTimeout());
final String hostAddress = InetAddressUtils.str(ipAddr);
LOG.debug("poll: address = {}, user = {}, {}", hostAddress, agentConfig.getUsername(), tracker);
WmiManager mgr = null;
for (tracker.reset(); tracker.shouldRetry() && serviceStatus != PollStatus.SERVICE_AVAILABLE; tracker.nextAttempt()) {
try {
LOG.debug("poll: creating WmiManager object.");
// Create a client, set up details and connect.
mgr = new WmiManager(hostAddress, agentConfig.getUsername(), agentConfig.getPassword(), agentConfig.getDomain(), matchType);
LOG.debug("Completed initializing WmiManager object.");
// We are connected, so upgrade status to unresponsive
serviceStatus = PollStatus.SERVICE_UNRESPONSIVE;
// Set up the parameters the client will use to validate the response.
// Note: We will check and see if we were provided with a WQL string.
WmiParams clientParams = null;
if (DEFAULT_WMI_WQL.equals(wmiWqlStr)) {
clientParams = new WmiParams(WmiParams.WMI_OPERATION_INSTANCEOF, compVal, compOp, wmiClass, wmiObject);
LOG.debug("Attempting to perform operation: \\\\{}\\{}", wmiClass, wmiObject);
} else {
// Create parameters to run a WQL query.
clientParams = new WmiParams(WmiParams.WMI_OPERATION_WQL, compVal, compOp, wmiWqlStr, wmiObject);
LOG.debug("Attempting to perform operation: {}", wmiWqlStr);
// Send the request to the server and receive the response..
response = mgr.performOp(clientParams);
LOG.debug("Received result: {}", response);
// Now save the time it took to process the check command.
responseTime = tracker.elapsedTimeInMillis();
if (response == null) {
final List<Object> wmiObjects = response.getResponse();
final StringBuffer reasonBuffer = new StringBuffer();
reasonBuffer.append("Constraint '").append(matchType).append(" ").append(clientParams.getCompareOperation()).append(" ").append(clientParams.getCompareValue()).append("' failed for value of ");
// If there's no WQL string then use the class\object name as the result message
if (DEFAULT_WMI_WQL.equals(wmiWqlStr)) {
} else {
// Otherwise, print the WQL statement in the result message
if (response.getResultCode() == WmiResult.RES_STATE_OK) {
serviceStatus = PollStatus.SERVICE_AVAILABLE;
reasonBuffer.append(": ").append(wmiObjects.get(0));
} else if (response.getResultCode() == WmiResult.RES_STATE_CRIT) {
serviceStatus = PollStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE;
// set this to null so we don't try to save data when the node is down
responseTime = null;
reason = reasonBuffer.toString();
} catch (final WmiException e) {
LOG.debug("WMI Poller received exception from client.", e);
reason = "WmiException: " + e.getMessage();
} finally {
if (mgr != null) {
try {
} catch (WmiException e) {
LOG.warn("An error occurred closing the WMI Manager.", e);
// end for(;;)
return PollStatus.get(serviceStatus, reason, responseTime);